Terms and Conditions s13

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Terms and Conditions s13


1. The Agency/Service Provider (herein after called the Agency) should be registered with the Govt. of India/State Government as per the rules existing from time to time. A copy of registration certificate of the agency should be enclosed along with the quotation.

2. No additional charges will be paid over the above the quoted rates of the Agency and the department shall also not pay anything extra on account of Provident fund, Gratuity, Paid Holiday, Weekly Off, Relieving charges, Medical charges, Insurance charges etc. to the Agency or to the engaged person.

3. The rate quoted by the agency shall be inclusive of monthly Wages, Medical charges, Provident fund, Gratuity, Leave salary. Insurance, ESI, Bonus, Uniform allowance, Service Tax etc. and all other benefits of the agency.

4. Proportionate deduction would be made from the bill for the days of absence of the workers.

5. The Department requires the services of the Agency for providing (i) Contract workers for housekeeping, cleaning, sweeping, dusting etc. thereby ensuring cleanliness in the entire office. The Agency would also include the cleaning of garages and open space around the offices, wet cleaning, washing of towels / napkins of the officers etc.

6. The Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax, Coimbatore II division, Coimbatore-18 (herein after called the Department) will not be responsible for any injury sustained to the Agency worker, during the performance of his duties and also for any damage or compensation due to any dispute between the Agency and the worker so deployed. Any expenditure incurred by the department to face the situation arising out of any act of the worker will be made good by the Agency. The Agency will be responsible for making payment of compensation thereto. 7. In case it is noticed by the Department in charge that the work carried out by the Agency is not up to the mark/substandard, two days written notice will be given to the Agency, warning the inefficient state of work and asking thereto improve upon the standard with immediate effect. In the event of the Department finding that there is no improvement and work is not being carried out as per instructions, the contract shall be terminated by giving 24 hours notice.

8. The Agency would be responsible for the protection and security of Govt. property directly in access of their workers.

9. The Agency shall work under the control of the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, Coimbatore II division or his authorized representative.

10. The Agency shall be responsible for good conduct, behavior and the fidelity of the workers deployed.

11. The Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise reserves the right to extend/reduce the period of contract/to terminate it as per the existing conditions.

12. No worker shall be deployed continuously for more than 90 days and the Department shall have no involvement in claim submitted by the worker for permanent absorption in the Department on the plea of having worked on Govt. duty.

13. The Agency shall be solely responsible for correct payment of wages/salaries and other benefits and allowances to his workers that might become applicable under any Act or order of the Govt. The Department shall have no liability whatsoever in this regard and the Agency shall indemnify the Department against all claims, which may arise under the provisions of various acts, Govt. orders etc.

14. The Agency shall be responsible to ensure compliance of the provisions of all enactments, laws, rules and instruction in force and applicable thereto. The Agency shall be liable to ensure compliance of the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, the Minimum wages Act, Factories Act 1948, workers Compensation Act, 1933 and all other Enactments, Act, Rule etc, as may be applicable. The liability to contribute to the Provident Fund and Employees State Insurance under Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act and Employees State Insurance Act and any other statutory-benefits to the workers would be the entire responsibility of the Agency.

15. The Agency shall maintain an attendance register of its workers, which shall be subject to checks by the concerned Department. The workers will render services everyday including Saturday except on Sunday and National Holidays and any other holidays, which are mandatory under labour laws.

16. The Agency shall ensure that its workers maintain total discipline and pay the due respect and regards to the employees of the Department.

17. The Agency shall be directly responsible for any dispute arising between him and his workers and keep the Department indemnified against all action, losses, damages, expenses and claims etc. arising thereof.

18. In case the Department receives any complaint regarding non-payment of wages to the workers the amount payable to these workers shall be recovered from the Agency’s bill with interest as applicable and paid to such workers.

19. The Department shall have the absolute power to withhold such amount from the claim of the agency, which he finds suitable to compensate damages/risk caused by negligence of the Agency or its worker for any breach of conditions mentioned herein above.

20. The worker shall attend duties: (i) For House Keeping - from 7.30 AM. to 4.30 PM.

21. No other person except Agency’s authorized representative shall be allowed to enter the divisional campus. 22. Within the premises of the Division Campus the Agency’s personnel shall not do any private work other than their normal duties.

23. Agency shall be fully responsible for theft, burglary, fire or any mischievous deeds by his workers.

24. It is made clear that the engagement of the service provider does not in any way confer any right to the service provider or the persons that may be deployed by him in this office for claiming any regular or part time employment in this office or any other Govt. Office.

We agree to the above terms and conditions.

Signature with Date ______Name of the Firm ______Seal ______ANNEXURE-II Details of the Outsourcing Agency for award of contract for Housekeeping (unskilled works)

01 Name of the Organization/Firm 02 Name(s) of the Proprietors/Directors 03 Registered Address 04 Telephone No. Fax No. 05 Whether firm is registered & license hold under Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act. 06 Registration No. of the firm (copy to be enclosed) 07 Permanent Account No. of the firm (PAN) 08 Copy of Income Tax clearance Certificate (TTCC) to be attached 09 Provident fund number allotted by Regional Provident fund Office 10 EST Registration No. 11 Total staff/workers of the firm 12 Name(s) of Public Sector/Govt. Organization to whom similar services have been provided by the firm during last fives. (Please attach the job order/service certificate from Govt. Office/Public Sector).

Signature with Date: ______

Name with Date: ______

Seal: ______ANNEXURE-III Proforma for quoting rates

1 Description of payment Rate per month Total Rate 2 Wages per person as per the notification issued by Administration under the Minimum Wage Act 3 ESIC as per the rules, if any 4 EPF as per the rules, if any 5 Bonus as per the rules, if any 6 Uniforms (per month) 7 Leave salary as per the rules, if any 8 Cost of materials to be used in the process of Housekeeping (Unskilled workers) 9 Taxes, if any 10 Total 11 Administrative charges 12 Grand total (per month) 13 Grand total (per year)

Signature with Date: ______

Name of the Firm: ______


C.No.II/39/15/2009 Admn. Date: 11.05.2010


Separate sealed quotations superscribing on the envelope as quotation for providing contingent workers for the following services as per details, terms and conditions given below are invited on behalf of the President of India by this office from the reputed Agencies/Service Providers.

a) House Keeping of Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, Coimbatore II Division, 1237, Trichy Road, Elgi Building, Coimbatore 641018.

b) House Keeping of Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise, Range II A, 5th Floor, Singapore Plaza, Cross cut Road, Coimbatore.

c) House Keeping of Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise, Range II B, 5th Floor, Singapore Plaza, Cross cut Road, Coimbatore.

d) House Keeping of Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise, Range II C, 5th Floor, Singapore Plaza, Cross cut Road, Coimbatore.

e) House Keeping of Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise, Range II D, 5th Floor, Singapore Plaza, Cross cut Road, Coimbatore.

f) House Keeping of Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise, Range II E, 5th Floor, Singapore Plaza, Cross cut Road, Coimbatore.


1) Last date of receipt of Quotation : 13.05.2010

2) Date of opening quotations : 14.05.2010

3) Place of opening quotations : Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Central Excise II Division, 1237, Trichy Road, Elgi Building, Coimbatore 18.

Description of work No. of Workers Period of engagement i) Providing Contingent worker 3 Persons for the Office Maintenance (House Keeping) of Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, Cbe II Division ii) Providing Contingent worker for the Office Maintenance (House Keeping) of Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise, Range II-A Singapore plaza, Coimbatore ii) Providing Contingent worker for the Office Maintenance (House Keeping) of Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise, Range II-B One year from Singapore plaza, Coimbatore 2 persons 01.04.2010 ii) Providing Contingent worker for the Office Maintenance (House Keeping) of Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise, Range II-C Singapore plaza, Coimbatore ii) Providing Contingent worker for the Office Maintenance (House Keeping) of Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise, Range II-D Singapore plaza, Coimbatore ii) Providing Contingent worker for the Office Maintenance (House Keeping) of Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise, Range II-E Singapore plaza, Coimbatore

While submitting quotations, bidders must submit the proforma duly filled in and signed for having accepted the general terms and conditions (Annexure-I), details of the outsoaring Agency (Annexure-II) and financial bid (Annexure-III). All should be placed in the sealed covers superscribing it “Quotations/Rate for supply of unskilled works (Labour) on contract basis”. Further there is no scope for future increase in variable Dearness Allowance to be fixed by Labour Office for every six months i.e. April to September & October to March is available.

The Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, Coimbatore II Division reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason whatsoever.


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