Week One: Diagnostic Work, Writing Process: Prewriting
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8/22/10 Mary Stevenson EGL 1000 Fall 2010
Assignments: EGL 1000, Tuesday/Thursday
Readings will come from your textbooks: WW for Writer’s Workshop, third edition, and RW for Rules for Writers, sixth edition, updated. Note: “read” means to look over and study pages; “do” means to write out the exercises/activities in the textbook. We will also be reading Helene Cooper’s The House at Sugar Beach (HSB). I will give you a timetable and questions for this book later but buy and begin to read. After the word “Class” is a description of the content for that day. After the word “Homework” is the work to complete before the next class. Some homework assignments will be checked at the beginning of class and assigned points. Throughout the semester, I’ll also have unannounced checks for points on homework done in the textbook.
Week One: Diagnostic Work, Writing Process: Prewriting
8/31 Class: Introduction to EGL 100, writing sample, handouts Homework: Read WW 1-23
9/2 Class: Writing Process, Introductions Homework: Read WW 35-61 Write introduction of classmate
Week Two: Diagnostic Work; Writing Paragraphs
9/7 Class: Due introduction. Book Check. Using the textbook. Diagnostic grammar test Homework: Do WW 38-39, 39-40, 45-46, 51-52, 52-53, 56
9/9 Class: Finish diagnostic work. Using WW. Handout: plan for paragraph #1, begin prewriting Homework: Write, revise plan for paragraph # 1 Read WW 62-74, 507-520 Study examples 2, pages 67 and 144-145, and 146-147 Do WW 512-513, 515, 519-520
Week Three: Writing Process and Paragraph One; Sentence Parts
9/14 Class: Support/coherence. Sentence parts. Due plan paragraph #1; Second hour: write rough draft and final draft of paragraph #1 in class. Handout paragraph #2. . Homework: Write plan paragraph #2 Read WW 137-148, 520-524 Do WW 138-139, 139-140, 523, 523-524 9/16 Class: Due plan paragraph #2; work on rough draft in class. Catch up on grammar. Bring RW to class; using a handbook. Homework: Write, revise, edit, proof read final draft paragraph #2 Read WW 546-550 Do WW 140-142, 143, 548-549
Week Four: Using the Handbook, Fragments, Example papers
9/21 Class: Due final draft of paragraph #2. Handout on essay #1. Fragments. Homework: Write, prewriting, thesis, plan essay #1 Read WW 261-271, RW 148-154 Do WW 550-551, RW exercise page 155
9/23 Class: Due thesis and plan essay #1. Revise the plan. Bring RW to class. Fragments Homework: Write introduction essay #1 Read WW 271-296; review for the fragment test Do WW 277
Week Five: Introduction to the Essay, Fragments
Note: If you have not started HSB begin.
9/28 Class: Due introduction essay #1. Fragment Test. Homework: Write, finish the rough draft essay #1 Read WW 328-339, 541-543 Do WW 543-544, 544-546
9/30 Class: Due rough draft essay #1. Discuss run ons. Handout on HSB essay #4. Bring HSB to class. Review the editing pages WW 333-337. Homework: Write, revise, edit, proof read final draft of essay #1 Read WW 298-302, RW 156-163 Do RW 163 and 163-164
Week Six: Example essays, Run ons, Introduction to HSB
10/5 Class: Due essay #1. Bring RW; review run ons. Handout essay #2. Homework: Write prewriting and plan for essay #2 Read WW 186-210, 552-560; review run ons Do WW 189-190, 191, 192-193, 555, 555-556
10/7 Class: Due plan for essay #2. Revise thesis and plan. Test on run ons. Homework: Revise plan for essay #2 Read WW 196-210, 308-313; catch up HSB, 1-121. Do WW 557 (2 activities)
Week Seven: Midterm, Verbs
10/12 Class: Verbs. Quiz #1 on HSB, 1-121; bring HSB to class. Midterm— begin in class essay #2 second hour. Homework: Write, revise plan essay #2 Read RW 164-166, 203-217, begin HSB, 115-248 Do RW 215 10/14 Class: Finish final draft essay #2 in class. Homework: Read WW 234-259, 318-323; RW 406-410, 419 Do WW 236-237, 238-239
Week Eight: Finish Midterm, Verbs
10/19 Class: Verbs. Taking notes: quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing. Bring SYS to class. Homework: Begin note taking, 3 X 5 cards. Review RW 205-208; catch up HSB, 115-248 Do RW 208-9
10/21 Class: Quiz 2 on HSB part two. Handout essay #3, bring RW and HSB to class Homework: Write thesis and plan essay #3. Review standard and irregular verbs Read HSB, 248-345
Week Nine: Similarities and Differences, Irregular Verbs
10/26 Professional Development for Faculty: No classes
10/28 Class: Due plan essay #3. Test standard/irregular verbs. Bring RW to class. Homework: Write introduction essay #3 Read WW 450-459, RW 167-174 Do WW 453-454, RW 174, 175
Week Ten: Polishing Style, Subject/Verb Agreement
11/2 Class: Due introduction with hook essay #3. Bring RW to class Homework: Begin rest of rough draft essay #3 Read WW 460-476, 560-566, RW review 406-410; catch up on HSB 248-345 Do WW 561, 562, 564, 565 (24.8) 11/4 Class: Quiz #3 on HSB, 248-345. Review handout essay #4. Review verbs. Test on subject/verb agreement. Bring RW to class Homework: Finish rough draft, conclusion of essay #3. Read WW 531-539 Do WW 532, 534, 535-536, 538-539
Week Eleven: Notetaking, Coordination, Subordination, Parallelism
11/9 Class: Due complete rough draft of essay #3. Work on conclusion, revisions. Homework: Revise, edit, proof essay #3 Read WW 478-505, RW 415-419 Do WW 479-480, 482-483, 484-485,486-87,493
11/11 Class: Due final draft essay #3. Work on thesis essay #4. Documentation, bring RW and HSB to class Homework: Complete the notes for HSB Read WW 568-577, RW 418-426 Do WW 569-570, 572, 575, 576-7
Week Twelve: Writing from Sources, Documentation, Pronouns
11/16 Class: Due note taking exercise Homework: Write plan essay #4, include page numbers from HSB that you might use in your essay Read WW 610-616 Do WW 615-616
11/18 Class: Due plan essay #4; pronouns. Conferences begin on grades. Homework: Write introduction for essay #4 Read RW 84-87, 426-428 Do RW 87
11/19 Last Day to Withdraw from classes
Week Thirteen: Documentation continued, Modifiers
11/27 Class: Due introductory paragraph for essay #4. In text citations. Bring RW to class. Finish conferences. Homework: Write rough draft of body for essay #4 Read WW 586-597, RW 435-36 Do WW 589-590, 592, 593-594, 595
11/24-28 Thanksgiving Break Week Fourteen: Punctuation, Mechanics
11/30 Class: Due rough draft essay #4. Checking documentation, commas, bring RW to class Homework: Continue to revise, edit draft and correct documentation Read WW 598-604 Do WW 597, 602 Write revisions essay #4
12/2 Questions on documentation. Finish grammar. Bring RW to class .Homework: Check documentation, Proof essay #4.
Week Fifteen: Essay Four
12/7 Class: Due final draft essay #4. Bring RW to class. Homework: Review grammar, prepare for make up assignment
12/9 Class: Grammar Review. Check records. Homework: Prepare for the final and any make up writing
Final: 11-12:50, Thursday, 12/16, 11 - 1:30 Comprehensive grammar test and make up session