NYC Health + Hospitals

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NYC Health + Hospitals

NYC Health + Hospitals Social Work Instructions

Approved courses. Courses that have been approved by the Review Committee may be offered more than one time or in different locations without additional review or approval by the Committee. If there are significant changes in the course content and/or presenter, the revised course must be submitted for review by the Board.

A c c e ptable s u b j e c t s. The Commissioner’s Regulations define acceptable courses and educational activities that may be offered by an approved pro vider. These offerings must be within the practice of LMSW or LCSW, as defined in the law and regulations. Supervised prac tice of the profession is not an acceptable subject, as that term is defined in section 74.10(c)(2)(i)(a) through (j).

R e s t r i c ti o n s on c o m m e rc i al o f f e r i n g s . Please note that any continuing education designed for the sole purpose of personal development, marketing, business practices, and maximizing profits for the practice of a licensed master social worker or licensed clinical social worker shall not be considered by the department as acceptable continuing education.

C o n t a c t h o u r s . The Commissioner’s Regulations define a contact hour as no less than 50 minutes of instruction. Therefore, a program that is offered from 9 a.m. to 12 noon would account for 3 contact hours, including breaks. Contact hours are not awarded for lunch. Please ensure that course offerings and calculation of hours are consistent with these standards. Only contact hours are acceptable; please do not use other standards or measures (e.g., CEU).

C o u rse cre d it s. When you submit a multi-day or multi-part proposal, t he l e a r n e r m u s t comp l ete a ll p a r t s i n o r d er t o e a r n t he c e rt i f i c a t e f or co n t act h o u r s , in the same way that a student must complete a semester-long course to receive college credit. Y ou may not award partial credit for a program, even a one-day program, if the learner does not complete all requirements at that time. If you register each module of a multi-day program as a distinct and complete continuing education course, then credit may be assigned to each course in the sequence that is taken on or after January 1, 2015. A full program that starts prior to the entity’s approval to offer continuing education may not be counted toward the requirements under the law and regulations.

Advertising In advertising approved courses/educational activities and issuing certificates of completion, you must include the following language:

NYC Health + Hospitals SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0074.

The advertising and certificates for each course must include the Number of acceptable continuing education hours. Certifi ca te of c omp l e t io n . Each learner must receive a certificate of completion when the course requirements have been satisfied. Please ensure that the certificate includes the name of the course/program. The certificate must include the learner’s name and should include his/her professional license number as well, to facilitate the licensee’s reporting of continuing education activities.

N e w c our s es . Please remember that proposed courses/educational activities that have not been approved by the Review Committee must be submitted for review at least 15 days before the planned date of the event. Only information about the specific course or educational activity is required for the Committee’s review. Each proposed activity will be reviewed to determine if it meets the requirements in Standard 2, Question 7 and Standard 3, Question 13. To submit additional courses/educational activities, please forward the educational planning table, cv/resume, advertisement, conflict of interest form and/or any presentation materials.

Y ou can access the laws, rules and regulations that define the practice of social work and continuing education at: ht t p : / / ww w . o p . n y se d . g o v / pr o f/ s w / s w l a w . ht m .

Providers must offer courses/educational activities in the subject areas identified in section 74.10 (c)(2) of the Commissioner’s R egulations, including a program of self-study activities.

a. Submit a course/educational activity description or a copy of a course/educational activity outli ne/program/brochure for t he p l a n n e d acti v i t y that includes:

1. its exact title; 2. subject of the course/educational activity; 3. names and qualifications of the presenter(s) for each lecture or topic; 4. description of course/educational activity content; 5. location, date and time; 6. starting and ending times of each session or lecture; 7. a description of the teaching methods to be used; 8. the learning objectives of the course/educational activity; 9. costs, refunds, and cancell ation poli cies; and 10. the length of the course/educational activity in contact hours.

b. Provide a curriculum vitae or resume for each instructor that (1) demonstrates his or her qualifications to conduct the course(s)/education activities and (2) includes at least his or her: (a) name; (b) current employment title; (c) degree(s) earned, with name and location of institution, major, and date received; (d) li censure status (if appli cable); (e) teaching experience; and (f) previous professional positions.

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