Description of the purpose of the standard This standard is to complement ISPM Pub. No. 11: Pest Risk Analysis for quarantine pests. It will provide technical guidance specifically for the analysis of RNQP and the technical justification for measures for regulated non-quarantine pests (RNQP). It should be a stand- alone standard (similar to ISPM 11) but consistent with ISPM 11, and to the extent possible, ISPM 2 (Guidelines for Pest Risk Analysis), and ISPM 16 (Regulated non-quarantine pests: concept and application).

Scope This standard should address the full process of PRA for RNQP (not only the aspects unique to RNQP). Particular emphasis should be placed on pest categorization and the evaluation of consequences owing to the critical nature of these aspects of PRA for RNQP. Relevant approaches or methodologies should be described in particular as regards the evaluation of economic impacts and criteria to consider when determining the acceptable level of risk.

Tasks Review existing standard(s), draft standards, discussion and reference papers and other technical information available on RNQP. Formulate a standard that describes the full process of PRA for RNQP, including specific approaches and/or methodologies. Note for the Standards Committee any problems or concerns associated with the process of PRA for RNQP and any difficulties anticipated by application of the standard in practice.

Provision of resources Funded by the FAO Regular Programme for the IPPC Secretariat

Proposed work programme First Expert Working Group set for 9-13 September 2002 in Wageningen, Netherlands.

Steward Felipe Canale (Chair of the ICPM)

Collaborator EPPO and the Plant Protection Service of the Netherlands

Expertise 5-7 international phytosanitary experts, including experts having familiarity and interest in PRA and crop certification schemes, some of whom have been involved with previous discussions on the concept standard for RNQP.

Participants to be determined (including Bram de Hoope)

Approval First Session of the Standards Committee; May 2002.

References to be determined