Draft Minutes of Fourth Meeting Held at 7.00Pm

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Draft Minutes of Fourth Meeting Held at 7.00Pm

Brendon Commons Council

Draft Minutes of Fourth Meeting held at 7.00pm On 3rd March 2015 in Brendon Village Hall. Attendees: Council Members. Tom Burge, Ian South and; Ben Williams (Chairman) representing landowner. In attendance: Jeremy Holtom;. Secretary, Maria Floyd; Treasurer. 14 members of the public.

1) Apologies: Robin Thorne. It was agreed that in future the names of commoners giving apologies would be recorded.

2) Minutes of the Second Meeting: Minutes of the third meeting of 4th December 2014 were approved and signed

3) Matters Arising; With regard to Fell ponies see 7.2) it was noted that the reference to Fell ponies numbers should be 4 and not 3 as stated.

4) Financial Report: The Treasurer presented a financial statement for the period. The statement noted interim SPS payments due to the ongoing review of the Associations 2005-to date claims and the delayed HLS payment. Outstanding expenditure included professional fees and Village Hall fees .these invoices were approved for payment. It was noted that the Council’s bank account was now open and monies had been transferred. from the Association account. It was agreed that the interim SFP payments would be retained pending the larger payment expected due to the resolution of the dispute with RPA. The meeting heard of the re-scheduling of HLS payments and that a one-off payment would be received relating to the final year of the scheme. After discussion it was agreed that upon receipt the payment would be distributed to the then current commoners who had been commoners for the preceding year. 1) Possible changes to IMA The meeting discussed the possible amendment of the IMA to ensure dates, such as the requirement for pre-notification of grazing status changes, to reflect the change in AGM date due to the formation of the Council. It was agreed that a change of notification date from autumn to spring would benefit all concerned. Because this was a matter requiring a special majority it was agreed to place the proposed change of notification from 30th September to 31st March with commencement of grazing moving from May to January, and allied matters, on the AGM agenda.

4) Standing Orders The draft Standing Orders were approved. 5) Rules of the Council Appointment of Chairman: The 7th iteration of the Draft Rules were awaiting approval by DEFRA’s legal team prior to consultation and going forward for Secretary of State approval

6) Casual Vacancy

A casual vacancy had arisen due to the resignation of John Wyatt an active grazier representative. The active graziers pre-council meeting had put forward Liz Bradborn for appointment. The Secretary had on the Chairman’s instruction circulated the procedure for filling a casual vacancy. As a result a further nominee had been presented but without the requisite written request for a by-election. After discussion it was agreed that the nominee was in fact ineligible to stand and Liz Bradborn was duly appointed and took her seat.

It was agreed that all changes to the live register needed to be sent to the Secretary promptly and would be posted.

7) Appointment of Officers as from 1st April 2015.

The Secretary and Treasurer were unanimously appointed for the next ensuing period of 1 year

8) Stocking etc

a) Cattle Experiment 2014/15: Responses to the Cattle Experiment questionnaire and grazing activity maps had ben returned to NE the experiment had been successful and worthwhile and it was hoped it could be repeated. Feedback was awaited from NE b) Pony Grazing: Dr Ulf-Hansen had confirmed that he was happy with the current arrangements however his note referred to 3 rather than 4 Fell ponies and this would be followed up. c) Non-graziers proposal to commence grazing: It was reported that the requisite notice to commence grazing (in May 2016) had been received from Tanya Wyatt FBT tenant of South Stock Farm. Active graziers had raised various questions and these were discussed it was agreed that the Secretary contact the applicant and establish the intention in terms of stock etc and ask for a sight of the FBT in order to change the Live register. The applicant should also be made aware of the resolution of the Last meeting re first years payments:- but any future person transferring to active grazier status would be required to pay £120 per unit or the first annual payment as an active grazier should be forgone whichever is the larger. There would be no refund should the status to active grazier be reversed. d) Proposed project day with Dr Flemming Ulf –Hansen After discussion it was resolved that the project day and the AGM should be combined with the usual project day format of a site visit followed by discussion and the AGM afterwards. The Secretary was to contact Dr Ulf- Hansen and try and agree a meeting day in June or July. Once the date was set enquiries would be made with regard to other possible participants / speakers.

9) Updates on Current Issues 1) SPS: Members heard that the Exeter Meeting had led to a resolution that restored the whole area of the common and entitlements to the Association/Council had been reached but minor issues of inadvertent double claims were being dealt with before the adjusted payments could be made. 2) UELS/HLS Payments had been delayed because of re-mapping which affected points and options, there was also an issue of incompatible options that was currently being investigated by NE. 3) TB Control Plan Mapping stage completed in draft a fair copy to be produced and sent for approval. 4) Swaling Ray Floyd would carry out the burning in accordance with the agreed plan

12) AONB

1) It was reported that a gate on Blackhill was in need of replacement

2) The meeting was reminded that Landowners consent was required for events and people using the common for access for third parties. Any such event required prior approval.

3) It was heard that the neighbouring common had sought advice from DEFRA regarding the possibility of BCC being extended to include the common, and that DEFRA would not sanction an extension of the Council at this time.

4) Further enquiries upon the TB outbreak and Force Majeure Secretary asked to establish if there had been any other commons TB outbreaks while under an ES Scheme.

13) DONM It was agreed that the Fifth meeting would if possible be combined with the Summer Project Day.

The meeting closed at 20.44

Action Points: 1) Fell pony numbers 4 not 3 (Secretary) 2) Changes to IMA on AGM Agenda (Secretary) 3) Update Live Register. 4) TB Finalising and submission (Treasurer / Secretary) 5) Non-grazier proposal to start grazing Follow up (Secretary) 6) Force Majeure (Secretary) 7) Project Day/AGM Dr U-H availability (Secretary)

Signed by Chairman...... Date......

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