Bee Class Newsletter Autumn 2016

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Bee Class Newsletter Autumn 2016

Bee Class Newsletter Autumn 2016

Bee Class Rules

We will always try to

be kind to each other

listen carefully to our teacher

speak nicely to our friends

work quietly

tidy up when we need to

put our hand up when we wish to speak

tuck our chairs in

walk around the classroom

Dear Parents

Welcome back! We do hope that you had a relaxing and enjoyable Summer.

This term:

Please listen to your child read aloud at home, especially if they still find reading a challenge. The more you can support their reading the better it will get. Please also ensure you record your child’s reading in their reading record book when they have read either aloud to you or by themselves.

The children are also not too old to enjoy being read to, and whether it is a more grown up story, or an old favourite, this can still be a time to share together.

Reading books need to be brought into school every day, and we ask that books are carried to and from school in a separate book bag so they can be kept in good condition and stored easily.

Books will be changed on a Tuesday and Friday, and in between if children are keen readers. Children who are free readers can change their books as they finish them are encouraged to do this independently.

From time to time your child might bring a Guided Reading book home with instructions to read some of it at home. This can be done instead of your child’s reading book, but please record in the reading record books in the usual way.

Another way you can support your child to be successful in Bee Class is to help them practise maths skills. With our new Abacus Maths Scheme we have the provision to set interactive maths homework. You have already had information on this and please continue to use the same login details for your child. Each week your child will be allocated homework and they will be able to log on and do this as and when necessary.

The children will also be given spelling homework at the beginning of the week in the form of spellings to learn. They will be given between 5 and 10 words to put into sentences. Daily spelling lessons will support this homework.

If you have any concerns about the homework, please let us know. We are here to support both you and your child. We really do appreciate your help to progress your child through their learning journey, and supporting us by encouraging your child to engage in set work at home.

In Bee Class PE is now on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure all PE kits are in school, and taken home on a Friday for washing. Please label all items of kit.

Autumn 2016 Term Curriculum English Numeracy Fables: Reading a wide range of fables, Number and place value including Rosen's Aesop's Fables, we Addition and subtraction will explore dialogue through drama, Properties of shape debate moral messages and write Multiplication and division letters in role. We will write our own Money fables, hold a festival and try them out Time, bar charts and pictograms on a live audience. Will they win rave Fractions reviews?

Instructions and explanations: This creative unit uses art activities and the book The Usborne Complete Book of Art Ideas as a vehicle for instruction writing. We will practise using imperative verbs and pronouns. We will then learn about explanation writing.

Creating images: A picture is worth a thousand words? Not if you choose those words wisely! We will explore how simile and metaphor can be used to create powerful images, though reading and discussing poems. Photographs, collage and Window by Jeannie Baker will inspire our own image poetry.

Stories in Familiar Settings: We will explore familiar settings by meeting Horrid Henry and his friends (and enemies). In particular we will read Horrid Henry and Horrid Henry’s Birthday Party both by Francesca Simon. We will learn about and use adverbs, adverbials and prepositions. We will write a new Horrid Henry story.

Information texts: We will read, map out and learn by heart a text about drums. We will produce a shared text about the tabla drums and then use this as a model for our own report writing and an oral presentation about a chosen instrument.

Poetic form: Syllabic poems: We will read and study haikus, tankas and cinquains recognising the syllabic structure and use of powerful verbs and descriptive language. We will study the use of adverbs and adverbials to enhance the poetry. We will then write some in traditional style about seasons and nature. We will also use computers to manipulate images enhancing the poetry presentation.

Topics ICT Our topic this term is Light and Programming Electricity Multimedia To understand light we will: Technology in our lives i) recognise that we need light in order Links to other subjects: presentation of to see things and that dark is the work etc. absence of light ii) notice that light is reflected from surfaces iii) recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect our eyes iv) recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object v) find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change Art This term we will be looking at Colour To understand electricity we will: Theory and at the work of a range of historical and contemporary artists who i) identify common appliances that run used colour in a unique way to create on electricity artworks, including Matisse, Kandinsky, ii) construct a simple series electrical Klee and Lichtenstein. Art skills will circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, include observational drawing, the use switches and buzzers of watercolours and gouache paints iii) identify whether or not a lamp will and print making. light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery iv) recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit v) recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors PE RE Multiskills: Who is Jesus? Striking skills (football) What can we learn from the life and Throwing and catching skills teaching of Jesus? Invasion games Christmas Story Easter Story Gymnastics What does it mean to belong to a religion? Focus: Islam PSHE PSHE will be linked to our RE focus and School Values We strive to make school an exciting and interesting environment for your child, yet children also need to be happy and settled at school to fulfil their potential. Should you have any concerns or queries please come and talk to us. We are available either before or after school every day and appointments can be made at the school office if desired.

In Bee Class we look forward to another very busy term. We also look forward to working with you to ensure your child becomes the best they can be.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Sara Watkins, Mrs Leah Macey and Dave Snead

Bee Class Team

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