Charter School Corrective Action Plan Submission Action Item

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Charter School Corrective Action Plan Submission Action Item


Pursuant to Utah Statute 52-4-202, notice is hereby given to the members of the Utah Virtual Academy Governing Board members and to the general public that the Governing Board will hold a public meeting, open to the public as specified below. The Governing Board reserves the right to change the order of items on the agenda. One or more members of the Governing Body may participate in the meeting by telephonic communications.

Pursuant to Utah Statute 52-4-201, the Governing Body may vote to go into Executive Session, which will not be open to the public, for legal advice concerning any item on the agenda or to review, to discuss and consider records exempt by law from public inspection, including the receipt and discussion of information or testimony that is specifically required to be maintained as confidential by state or federal law.

Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation by contacting Stacey Hutchings at 801-262-4922. Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation.

DATED AND POSTED this 22nd day of June, 2012

By______Douglas Shaw, Board President

UTAH VIRTUAL ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL June 26th 2012 6:00 pm Via Conference call: 1-888-824-5783 code:74325098 then #

A. Roll Call

B. Call to the public - This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Governing Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing school staff to study the matter, respond to any criticism, or schedule the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date. 10 minutes.

School Update

A. Head of school Update School metrics – including current organizational chart, retention, Scantron, demographics, teacher hiring, and charter board performance measures including retention and academic progress.

Policy Session

A. Discussion and approval of March 27th and April 24th 2012 board meeting minutes (minutes follow, documents A and B)

B. Finance Committee Report – The board may review and accept the finance committee’s report from March 27th and April 24th 2012. (minutes for last meeting follow, documents C & D)

C. Parent Organization and Booster Updates – (reports follow; document E) D. Discussion and possible action regarding 2012-2013 Employment Agreements. (Document F)

E. Discussion and possible action regarding 2012-2013 Performance Pay Plans – (Document G)

F. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the UTVA 21st Century Grant Application. Grant moneys would provide for a drop in center at the Murray Boys & Girls Club for our secondary students. (Document H)

G. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Schoolwide Title Program Plan. Proposes that we change from a Targeted Title One School to a Schoolwide Title One School. (Document I)

H. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Internet Safety Policy. A new CIPA requirement due to our E-Rate discount. (Document J)

I.Discussion regarding Board attendance, Board membership, and Board meeting times, Board retreat and possible action.

Board Development Session

A. Board Training – Brian Carpenter Training #2 – “Dirty Walls” One simple question to distinguish governance from management responsibilities. (Document K)

B. Adjournment Document A

UTAH VIRTUAL ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL - MINUTES March 27, 2012 6:00 pm Via Conference call: 1-888-824-5783 code:74325098 then #

A. Roll Call – Doug Shaw, Michelle Smith, Wade Farraway, Stacey Hutchings, Kathy VanOrden, Amy Vance, Kayleen Marble, Mary Gifford, and Mary Rackliffe attended from the public. Bryan Maxwell joined.

B. Call to the public – Mary Rackliffe did not have any comment at this time.

School Update

B. Head of school Update School metrics –Stacey Hutchings reported that the State Charter Board denied our motion to expand our school by 500 seats. There were several indicators in their performance measures that showed were we need to improve and other items where we are ok.  Our Non-Profit status has been updated with the IRS; we are waiting for our paper work to go thru for our 501c(3).  Our accreditation visit was held on March 20, 2012. Amy Vance headed up the process. We were given the highest amount of accreditation time, 5 years.  The Close-Up program is something we are looking at for our students this next year.  The Trust-Lands Funds report has been submitted.  We are beginning the process of doing a “school-wide” assisted for Title 1.  The Charter Board conference will be held in June for anyone on the board wanting to attend.

Policy Session

J. Discussion and approval of February 28th and January 24, 2012 board meeting minutes (minutes follow, document A) ACTION: Wade Farraway motioned to approve the minutes. Michelle Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

K. Finance Committee Report – The board may review and accept the finance committee’s report from February 28, 2012. (minutes for last meeting follow, document B)

ACTION: Michelle Smith made a motion to approve the finance committee report. Wade Farraway seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

L. Parent Organization and Booster Updates – (reports follow; document C) – The PTO President submitted the report. The board would like the attorney to look at the possibility of having the PTO having some funds for different activities (after talking with the PTO to see if they need funds). Also, Mary Gifford suggested that the PTO come up with a different name since the National PTA/PTO has voted against Charter schools.

M. Work Time Software – Presentation and possible approval Stacey Hutchings explained the Work Time Software. This keeps track of the overall and computer work time. This monitors employee productivity, etc. This monitors productivity, not spying. We can pull reports to analyze various usages. This can be used to establish individual work habits and trends and self-analysis. We would like to add this to all our teachers computers for this next school year. The teachers will be told that this is going to be on their computers. Michelle Smith asked what will be the results of this software. The Policy needs to be transparent. Reports can be customized however we want them. ACTION: Bryan Maxwell made a motion to approve the adding the Work Time Software to the teachers work computers. Wade Farraway seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion and election of board officers – The board may nominate and vote on president, vice president, treasurer and secretary board officer positions. Descriptions of officer positions from the UTVA board bylaws are document D. –

ACTION: Bryan Maxwell nominated Doug Shaw as President. Wade Farraway seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Doug Shaw nominated Bryan Maxwell as Vice President. Wade Farraway seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Doug Shaw nominated Michelle Smith as Vice President. Bryan Maxwell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

N. Discussion and election of board members to Finance and Policy Committees – The board may nominate and vote on members of the finance and policy committees.

ACTION: Doug Shaw nominated Wade Farraway to be the Financial Chair. Wade Farraway would rather do policy than Finance. Wade Farraway knows of someone who is interested in the Financial Chair position. Wade Farraway gave Stacey Hutchings his information so he can fill out an application. The board would like to have another meeting to include all board members to discuss and vote on new board members. Stacey Hutchings will set up a phone conference in the next week or so.

The finance committee meets monthly to review financial statements, bids/procurement reports, revenue received and expenditures. The finance committee reviews annually board policies relating to business and finance. The finance committee participates in training on the monthly financial packet.

The policy committee reviews board policies and makes recommendations to the board for changes to existing policies or new policies. The policy committee meets semi-annually prior to a regularly-scheduled board meeting. The policy committee contributes to the planning of the annual board retreat.

Board Development Session

B. Board Training – Review of first section of Brian Carpenter’s board training series. “Where the Heck are We?” The board listened to Brian Carpenter’s audio presentation on “navigating the intersection of governance and management series”. This included board self-appraisal questions and recommendations. This was the first podcast in the series.

C. Adjournment –

ACTION: Wade Farraway motioned that we adjourn the meeting. Bryan Maxwell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. Document B

UTAH VIRTUAL ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL Special Board Meeting Minutes April 24, 2012 6:00 pm

A. Roll Call – Doug Shaw, Wade Farraway, Brian Maxwell – Board Kathy VanOrden, Stacey Hutchings – UTVA Mary Rackliffe; Linda Colangelo - public

B. Call to the public – C. Linda Colangelo – Had questions about her daughter being in concurrent enrollment classes next year. Stacey will contact Amy Vance to follow up with her questions.

New Business

A. Discussion and possible action regarding new UTVA board members – The board may meet with prospective board member – Mary Rackliff Board members took turns asking Mary Rackliffe questions from their questionnaire. The board discussed their impressions. Discussion regarding Mary Rackliffe’s application.

Board Business

ACTION: Wade made the motion to move to the next item on the agenda. Brian Maxwell seconded. Motion was passed unanimously.

A. Discussion and possible action to approve maturation curriculum. USOE requires school board review and approve 5th grade maturation curriculum annually before it is presented. Attached is the curriculum recommended by our school’s human sexuality instructional materials committee.

ACTION: Wade Faraway made a motion that UTVA adopt the maturation curriculum. Brian seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

B. Discussion and possible action to change regular board meeting time.

ACTION: Wade made a motion to table the discussion of moving board meeting times until we have more board members present. Brian Maxwell seconded. Motion unanimous

C. Adjournment

ACTION: Wade Farraway made the motion to adjourn at 6:53 pm. Brian Maxwell seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Document C

Utah Virtual Academy Finance Committee Minutes March 27, 2012 5:30 pm

310 E 4500 S Suite 290

Conference Call Number: (888) 824-5783 x74325098 then #


A. Roll Call - Doug Shaw, Michelle Smith, Stacey Hutchings, Kathy VanOrden, Amy Vance, Kayleen Marble, Abe Barela

B. Approval of February 28, 2012 finance committee minutes (below, Document A) – Michelle Smith moved to approved. Doug Shaw seconded the motion. Motion Passed Unanimously.

C. Financial statement review, including balance sheet, restricted fund expenditures, and budget-to-actual comparisons - Michelle Smith moved to approve. Doug Shaw seconded the motion. Motion Passed Unanimously.

D. Approval of payment register, bid tracking and bank reconciliation – Abe Barela asked for clarification on the bid tracking…all were multiple items so we are ok. Michelle Smith moved to approve the payment register, bid tracking and bank reconciliation. Doug Shaw seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

E. Acceptance of state revenue (deposit register) – Michelle Smith motioned to approve the state revenue. Doug Shaw seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

F. Approval of payments to K12 - Michelle Smith moved to approve payments to K12. Doug Shaw seconded the motion. Motion Passed Unanimously.

Invoice #200001502 - $416,932.22

Invoice #200001802 - $208,466.11

Invoice #200002423 - $155,722.92

Invoice #200004189 - $41,580.00

Invoice #200004231 - $135,807.50

Invoice #200004122 - $283,470.50 Michelle Smith asked what we are paying our attorney for. Stacey Hutching clarified what we are paying him for.

G. Adjournment – Finance Committee Meeting adjourned at 6pm.

Document D

Utah Virtual Academy Finance Committee Minutes April 24, 2012 5:30 pm

310 E 4500 S Suite 290

Conference Call Number: (888) 824-5783 x74325098 then #


A. Roll Call - Wade Farraway, Doug Shaw, Bryan Maxwell – from UTVA Board Abe Barela, Jason Jacksack, Stacey Hutchings, Kathy VanOrden – from K12

B. Approval of March 27, 2012 finance committee minutes (below, Document A) – Bryan Maxwell made a motion to approve the March 27th minutes. Wade Farraway seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

C. Financial statement review, including balance sheet, restricted fund expenditures– Doug Shaw asked for clarification on the Teacher Salary adjustment. This is from the legislature and will be added to the teacher’s salary at the end of the year. Wade Farraway made a motion to approve the balance sheet and restricted fund expenditures. Bryan Maxwell seconded the motion. Motion Passed Unanimously. Budget-to-Actual Comparisons - Abe Barela said there was an adjustment from the October 1 count. Stacey Hutchings clarified the performance pay: retention, academic achievement, school support & professional development. Bryan Maxwell made a motion to accept the budget to actual. Wade Farraway seconded the motion. Motion Passed Unanimously.

D. Approval of payment register, bid tracking and bank reconciliation – Bryan Maxwell made a motion to approve. Wade Farraway seconded the motion. Motion Passed Unanimously

E. Acceptance of state revenue (deposit register) – Bryan Maxwell made a motion to approve. Wade Farraway seconded the motion. Motion Passed Unanimously F. Approval of payments to K12

None at this time

G. Adjournment – Wade Farraway made a motion to adjourn. Bryan Maxwell seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 6:09 pm

Document E

PTO Report

The PTO has not had a formal meeting since March. PTO President, Teresa McNeil, had a baby on the day of the March meeting They will be electing new leadership for next year and will discuss PTO questions from the board regarding funding with the new leadership. PTO parents were very busy in April and May. 120 parents gave valuable support at the different testing sites throughout the state.

Document F

See Attached – Utah Employment Agreement 2012-13 Employment Agreement 2012-13 2012-13 UTVA Teacher_I Understand_Statements

Document G See Attached - 2012-2013 UTVA K-8 Performance Pay draft 12-13 2012-2013 UTVA HS Performance Pay 2012-2013 UTVA Spec Ed K-8 Performance Pay draft 12-13 2012-2013 UTVA Spec Ed HS Performance Pay

Document H See Attached - 21st Century PowerPoint Presentation Document I See Attached - Schoolwide Title One Templates

Document J See Attached - Internet Safety Policy

Document K See Attached - Dirty Walls

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