Meeting Location: East Theatre

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Meeting Location: East Theatre

South Lyon East High School E.P.O.P.S

E.P.O.P.S. Meeting: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Meeting Location: East Theatre Meeting called to order: 7:15 pm

Officers Present: Heidi Sanford, Ann Bizer, Pam Bagosy, Carrie Cadicamo, Jenny Alexander

Others Signed In: Thom Ayers, Michelle Brown, Kimberly Clark, Stacey Clement, Jen Colbert, Paul Dirkse, Kim Gall, Tom Hackbardt, Kristina House, Cathy, Lambi, Debbie Marchand, Richard Martin, Ann Musico, Harmonie Noble, Tim Sanford, Stacy Sant, Shellie Smirnoff, Pat Ward, Joe Wisniewski, Sheryl Yaldoo

I. Introductions – President Heidi Sanford introduced the EPOPS officers, Wendy and Jim

II. OFFICER REPORTS A. Director – Wendy Sielaff Wendy reported that she is so proud of the kids already! The cast is stellar and everyone came prepared. She wanted us to be prepared that this is not a little show and that what is happening onstage does not give the full story of all that is needed to prepare and all the activity going on behind the scenes, but it is such a fun show! We have an extensive crazy prop list, but we have been able to borrow some key pieces. She is keeping a master list backstage and is asking all cast/crew and parents to create or find whatever they can. The costumes are also intense and crazy, but we have been able to buy/rent/borrow some of these pieces as well. If you have any storybook character costumes that we can use, please send them in! Lots of kids have several rolls so there will be lots of costume changes. We also have a lot of the set pieces and many things will be rented out after the show to another production, so strike will be a bit different in that we won’t have to disassemble everything and we can recoup some money.

B. Managing Director – Jim Kroll 1. The new website!!! (Jim has been working hard on this new website and we encourage you to check it out!) Jim reported that he will be updating the site once per week on Sunday so if you have any information to include, please email him by Saturday. He has uploaded any and all forms you may need to the Students & Parents section under “The Stage Door.” He will also be posting costume and prop needs and hopefully the set building schedule. 2. Theatre Handbook – Every parent and student should read the handbook (in “The Stage Door” section of the website). This explains everything you need to know about participating in SLEHS theatre and the entities that make it up (EPOPS, Thespian Society, Theatre Staff). In it, we outline all policies and procedures and include contact information. The last page is a contract that must be signed and turned in now 3. Emergency Cards – These are also on the website and signed forms are due now 4. Pay-to-Participate Fee (to SLEHS) & Production Fee (to SLE Theatre) – Any student enrolled in SLEHS is required to pay the Pay-to-Participate fee once per year, this is not required for elementary students. This fee is for the district, not specific programs, to cover building use expenses; this is due now. The production fee is also due now and is for cast only; this fee covers the cost of costumes and make-up. Typically this fee is only assessed for bigger shows like Shrek where there are numerous or complicated/expensive costumes and make-up (Shrek requires prosthetics in addition to make-up). 5. Business Ads & Sponsorship Packages - DUE 2/26 – Jim asked each parent to pick up 5 of each handout, which are now up on the website. These ads are very important and help support the printing

1/14/14 EPOPS Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 of our playbill which costs several thousands of dollars, our goal is to raise $5000 as this show could potentially bring in 600 people a performance. We are asking that each family sell 5 business ads. The handouts include price categories, ad dimensions & examples, and submission guidelines for the business. Half of the back page serves as a receipt for the business and the other half gets turned in to Heidi with the ad. Please also check the website to see which businesses have already been contacted (we have several who purchased ads for both spring and fall) before approaching a business. Also, please email Heidi at [email protected] with a list of business that you have contacted so we can keep a running list for parents. If you have someone interested in the Sponsorship option, please let us know by February 1st and we can also include their name on our posters that will be displayed ALL over town. 6. Parent Ads – due 2/26 – These ads also help cover our costs, but they are also a great way for family and friends, even out of town relatives to wish their student good luck or let them know how proud of them they are. The students love these! This form is also online with examples and cost breakdown. 7. Student Profiles for program – due 2/24 – Any student participating in Shrek should submit a 50 word or less profile to Heidi ([email protected]) by 2/24 for inclusion in the program. Form and examples are online. 8. Parent Ticket orders – due 4/2 – Parents have the opportunity to buy tickets at a reduced rate in advance. For the first time, Jim has upped the number of tickets to 10 and the cost is $90 (which saves you $60 over the $15 regular adult ticket price). You may order more than 10 tickets, but you must pay the regular price ($15/adult, $10/senior (62 and above) & student (13-21), $7/youth 12 and under). These tickets are assigned and we will not be able to exchange them at the box office. He recommends checking with other families to see if they would buy/exchange tickets if you can no longer use the tickets you purchased. Tickets are sold on a first come, first serve basis. 9. Fundraisers – This is a big show and we need to fundraise! We have a microphone issue that needs to be addressed before the show opens which amounts to purchasing several thousand dollars worth of mics. We are looking for chair people to work with Jim (who is a full-time teacher in addition to Theatre Manager) with these fundraisers – it could be one person or one person per event. As of now we have planned a Pancake Breakfast at Applebee’s which would include photo ops with characters for around $5-6 per person, selling Shrek Ears at performances for $5, selling 50/50 drawing tickets at each performance. We would also love to hear any other suggestions you might have.

C. President – Heidi Sanford 1. Coordinators we have already: Set – Tim Sanford; Costumes – Jill Ostraff; Props – Sheri Rogge; Concessions – Jenny Alexander; Box Office – Stacy Sant; Website – Jim Kroll & Julie Diven; Publicity – Sheri Rogge, Julie Diven & Alisa Clark; Meals & Food – Ann Bizer & Carrie Cadicamo; Programs – Heidi Sanford; T-Shirts – Pam Bagosy & Heidi Sanford; Showcase & Headshots – Pam Bagosy; Stars – Erin Welch; House Manager – Julie Diven 2. Coordinators needed: a. Fundraising (to work with Jim Kroll – one each for specific projects) (see “Fundraisers” above) b. Co-chair for Props (to work with Sheri Rogge) – this is Sheri’s last year as her daughter is a senior and we would to have someone work with her to lighten the load, but also glean all of her amazing knowledge! c. Co-chair for Publicity (to work with Sheri Rogge and others) – again, this is Sheri’s last year and we would love to pass on her knowledge and also find great new ways to publicize the show d. Banquet – In May, we have a Thespian banquet to celebrate the year and give out awards and letters earned. We need someone to help with decorations etc. Please let any board member know or email Heidi if you are interested in any of these positions. 3. Volunteers needed – each family is expected to help a minimum 10 hours with this production this includes parents and students and amounts to less than an hour per week. It is a big production and we need to ensure we have enough help. No experience is necessary, there are plenty of easy tasks and it’s a great way to get to know other families. a. Set Building – there is a sign up on stage to be contacted by Tim, this is not a commitment b. Costumes – there is a sign up on stage to be contacted by Jill, this is not a commitment

1/14/14 EPOPS Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 c. Publicity – we need help with hanging posters around town – we have amazing lists detailing which businesses allow us to hang posters and where, sorted by area of town d. Performance week jobs – more volunteers needed during performances, not part of the 10 hours. We will need help at every performance at the box office, selling stars, selling concessions, selling shrek ears, selling 50/50 tickets, ushering, and backstage help with set and costumes (16-18 people per show for 8 shows)

D. Vice President – Ann Bizer 1. As part of your EPOPS fee, we provide meals for all cast, crew, pit and adults working during dress rehearsal week. We will send out an email requesting any allergies or dietary restrictions. We do try to make it healthy!

E. Treasurer – Pam Bagosy 1. EPOPS Booster Fee – due now, if you need time to pay the fees, please let Pam know so she can work with you 2. Shirt Orders (to EPOPS) – due now, this is great advertising with the show dates on them. She is placing the order Friday, so get your order in now. 3. Budget Report – We have approximately $3000 in our account; she has not deposited the checks yet, so this amount will go up. Pam’s goal is to start (and end) each show with that amount so we can get rolling on the current production, however, we do only have 6 working mics right now, so we really need to raise some funds to purchase new ones. If you have any questions about fees or forms, please let Pam know as everything goes through her first.

F. Co-Secretaries – Carrie Cadicamo and Jenny Alexander Nothing to report

III. COORDINATOR REPORTS A. Set Building – Tim Sanford – This is Tim’s 3rd year and he loves it – you get to use other people’s money and equipment to build something you’re going to destroy in a few weeks.  Our fall show was almost all student built and by girls and he loves to work with the students. They use screws so everything can be taken apart and parents do the cutting and give them specific instructions. Typically set building is M-TH from 5:30-8:30, however they have certain days that we cannot build due to the building not being available and he will let you know about this in advance. The set shouldn’t be too complex and no experience is necessary. There is a big need for artists and painters for sure. B. Costumes – Jill Ostraff – Jill was unable to attend so Heidi read her email report: The show is a bit different from past shows she has worked on in that there is a unique costume per character and a lot of these have been purchased already. She is in need of more fairy tale creature costumes though so if you have any, please let her know, specifically a white rabbit. She does need help and many of it is for non-sewing jobs: measuring, ironing, gluing etc. so while seamstresses are appreciated and needed, it is not necessary that you know how to sew to help with costumes. Costume help is generally needed from 2:30-5:30 when the students are there, however there are some jobs that can be taken home. Jill cannot make it to the school until 3:00 pm so she is looking for someone who can help starting at 2:30, specifically with measuring and trying on costumes. For this show, we also need someone to be a Make-Up Chairperson. They plan to have stations for prosthetics and make-up and have students/parents assigned to characters. This is a very make-up heavy show and the prosthetics are very expensive and we would like an adult in charge. There is a training for the make-up on Saturday, March 29th for anyone interested and the students. She will also need parent help for make-up at any student appearances: schools, pancake breakfast, business visits etc. C. Props & Publicity – Sheri Rogge – Sheri was unable to make it, but there was a list of props on stage and given to the students. We encourage you to help us find these items. We will take donations or you can lend it to us to use on stage and get it back at the end of the show. Sheri will email updates and/or post on the website. Some are items that need to be created like signs and an exploding bird.

IV. OLD BUSINESS No old business

1/14/14 EPOPS Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 V. NEW BUSINESS Questions asked throughout the meeting: a. Can businesses that buy a sponsorship raffle off their tickets? This is a question for Sheri [email protected], but we feel that they are their tickets to use as they wish. b. Is set building only at night and not on the weekends? Yes, we cannot get the building on the weekend. We may have some after school times, but we will email or post the schedule when it is finalized. c. What will the text alert be used for specifically? Directors will use this for emergencies like cancelled rehearsals. Facebook is the best and most instant resource for any other announcements or questions you may have. Heidi will also try to email this information as not everyone uses Facebook. The website is also a great resource, but will only be updated once a week. To join the facebook group go to SLEHS Drama and ask to be invited. One of the directors will approve you . d. Are elementary students expected to be there the whole time during dress rehearsal week/tech week? Yes, Monday and Tuesday will be longer nights, but we will be running the whole show with costumes and make-up and we will need them. They can still come right from school and we’ll start when they get there. It will be as organized as we can make it and we do have a high school student assigned as “kid wrangler” to keep them occupied when they are not on stage (probably in the choir room where they can play games/watch movies/play electronic games/read), however, they will be very busy during Act II with all the big group numbers. We will have dinner M-T and maybe Wed. The show starts Thursday and we still need them to come after school, please bring a dinner for them to eat here. e. Who do we contact about props? Sheri Rogge [email protected] f. Do we know which nights the little Fiona’s will be performing? Yes, Emily is performing the 1st weekend with Jordan and Jillian and Lizzie is performing the 2nd weekend with Alexis and Josie, but they are in all the shows even if they are not Fiona.

VI. Next EPOPS Meeting – Wednesday, February 26, at 7:00pm in the Theatre Future EPOPS Meeting dates: Wed. March 19 and Wed. April. 16 (possibly one additional meeting after that, in order to elect next year’s EPOPS board – date TBD)

Meeting adjourned: 8:15 pm

Respectfully submitted by Carrie Cadicamo

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