PSA Professional Growth Tuition Application Information and Procedures

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PSA Professional Growth Tuition Application Information and Procedures

Tuition Application Instructions I. AWARD ELIGIBILITY AND FUNDING

Click the appropriate employee group to review your eligibility and award funding: MAT PSA


Tuition reimbursement is provided at the college/university current rate per credit hour.


 Employees receiving funding from any source other than PG funds (excluding loans) such as tuition discounts, Pell Grant, scholarships and any other financial aid that an employee does not have to repay, must subtract the provided amount from the tuition cost. In no case may the total amount of the combined funding exceed the total tuition cost.  Do not include any fees (lab/technology, parking, school supplies, etc.)  PG Funds may not be used for travel expenses associated with college courses. IV. APPLICATION TIMELINE

1. Application must be submitted prior to the last day of class. (best to apply before class begins) NOTE: If the class crosses a Fiscal Year (July 1st), you must apply in the Fiscal Year of the start date of that course (i.e. if a class begins on or before June 30th, and ends July 1st or later, you must apply prior to the June application dead line, which is May 31st 11:59 pm ). OR Any application with a Start Date within the current Fiscal Year must be submitted no later than May 31st, 11:59 pm of the current Fiscal Year. 2. The application will be electronically date/time stamped, based on the submission time. 3. Applications are reviewed in a “first come first served” order based on the date/time stamp. The application must be submitted by 5 pm of the last day of the month in order to be reviewed in the following month. Example: Application submitted between August 1 and August 31 by 11:59 pm, will be reviewed in September. V. COMPLETE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM

A separate application is require for each class. Incomplete applications cannot be submitted, and you cannot save an application and come back to it later. Prepare all supporting documentation in advance and documentation must be attached at the time of submission. All required fields must be completed (they are marked with the red asterisk*). The form can be accessed @ Login information: Use internet Explorer Browser only User name: MCCCD-ORG\MEID (use your MEID, not the word MEID) Password: your e-mail/HRMS password

Last updated 7/25/2013. This document is a work in progress.Page 1 Click icon to open the form.

Employee Information

All employee information is auto-populated.

Tuition Information

Complete all fields. Make sure to enter the correct course Prefix and Title information according to on screen instructions: Ex. Course prefix: AMP34, title: Management Principles IMPORTANT: All tuition discounts, and financial aid that an employee does not have to repay such as a Pell Grant and scholarships must be subtracted from the tuition cost on the application form. Enter any applicable amount to the field provided. Example below:


You will need to prepare documentation that supports tuition cost such as: itemized school invoice, bill, and account statement. The documentation must include the following information: your name, term, itemized tuition cost, financial aid information if applicable. Note: If you are applying prior to the class start date of the class, and the Actual Tuition Charge document is not available, at the time of the application, please attach an estimate for the tuition cost, and No later than ten 10 days after the start date of the class, you will need to submit the itemized invoice/bill/account statement. If the itemized invoice, bill, or account statement is not submitted in the above time frame, the award will be canceled and the encumbered funds will be released. You will receive a reminder with a link to the form, where you will be able to submit the copy of this document. For PSA only, you will need to attach Program of Study and a copy of accreditation documentation for your institution for the first time you are applying for the class.


In a short statement, that would indicate/describe how participating in the above-mentioned course(s) will benefit your professional development, improve your performance at your present job, and help achievement of your long-range goals.


To save and submit the form, the check mark acknowledging the following information, is required:  All of the information is accurate and complete  I have read and understand the instructions for this application.  I am aware that by approving this request the Professional Growth committee only allocates funds for the tuition.  I am responsible to get an official Supervisor Approval if my class is during my normal work schedule.

Last updated 7/25/2013. This document is a work in progress.Page 2  I authorize MCCCD, the Professional Growth Committee, or its representatives to obtain official educational records for authentication purposes including, but not limited to official grades/transcripts, financial aid statements prior to any educational reimbursement


The Committee will send an e-mail regarding the decision and award amount to each applicant.


If class was cancelled, dropped, incomplete, or changed, a notice must be sent via online form @ immediately, so that the funds may be reallocated or used for another applicant. If required, a new award notification reflecting changes will be sent out. Click here for instructions


A.1. Reimbursement Requests must be made within 45 days after the completion of the course. A.1.a. If the grade is not posted within this time period, or the class completion date has been extended beyond the date that it was originally specified in the application, the extension will be granted, upon notification to the PG representative regarding the delay via online form. Click here for instructions. Include information about reason for the delay and the expected date of completion. A.1.b. IMPORTANT: To be reimbursed from the current fiscal year funds: all required reimbursement documentation must be submitted prior to June 30, unless the class ending date falls after June 30th or the grade is not posted. Funds for all courses that fall into this category will be accrued, and reimbursed according to the above 45 days timeline. A.2. You will receive EARR Reimbursement Reminder e-mail notification. In this e-mail the Link to Educational Assistance Reimbursement Request Form will be provided along with additional information regarding EARR process. Please save this email for the EARR reimbursement submission. A.3. Once you have your final grade in the course or a “passing” document, from the institution, for your exam, click the link in the provided e-mail and attach a copy of your documentation in the attachments area noted in red. After you are finished attaching all necessary documentation click Save and your PG Rep will be notified. Required Documentation: Note: Certification Exam and Book reimbursements information for MAT employee group only A.3.a. For Tuitions and Books - attach a copy of posted official grade report with a final passing grade of a “C”/”P” or better. If other letter grade, equivalent to passing the course, is posted attach a copy of your institution’s explanation of that letter grade in one document along with the grade. A.3.b. For Exams - attach proof of passing of certification exam. PLEASE NOTE: The course name on the grade report must match the course name on the record. Notifications of all course changes must occur prior to reimbursement submission, see VII. AWARD NOT USED/ALTERED section.

Last updated 7/25/2013. This document is a work in progress.Page 3

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