Presidency Chart – Andrew Johnson (17th) (1865 - 1869) Why he was put on the ticket in 1864? Opponents of Andrew Johnson: Thaddeus Stevens =

Charles Sumner =

Edwin Stanton =

Major Items during Johnson’s Presidency: Lincoln’s 10% Reconstruction Plan:

Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan:

- Adoption of Black Codes:

- Formation of the KKK:

1 Freedmen’s Bureau (1865, 1866):

13 th Amendment (1865):

14 th Amendment (1868):

Congressional Military Reconstruction: Radical Reconstruction Acts (1867):

2 Tenure of Office Act (1867):

Impeachment Trial (March-May, 1868):

Purchase of Alaska (1867):

Ex Parte Milligan (1866) = Supreme Court ruled that military trials of civilians were illegal unless the civil courts are inoperative or the region is under martial law.