Science Essay Rubric

Elements Weight 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 – 0 Points Total The thesis statement The thesis statement The thesis statement The thesis Minimal effort or the thesis provides a succinct, provides an accurate does not provide a statement does statement is not included in the accurate overview of the overview of the content completely accurate not provide an report. Thesis Statement content of the report. of the report. The thesis overview of the content of overview of the statement may not be the report. The thesis content of the succinct. statement is wordy and report. confusing. Clear and concise Clear description of the Adequate description of A brief description Minimal effort or facts description of the planets. Clear the planets and some of the planets is description missing. planets. Clear and description of the some important facts of the included that concise description of important facts of the planets. includes a Content multiple key facts. planets. description of one Thorough explanation of or more facts of each fact and why it is the planets important. without explanations as to the importance The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion paragraph The conclusion Minimal effort or the conclusion paragraph clearly and paragraph clearly states states several of the key paragraph does is not included in the report. concisely states all of the most of the key points points addressed in the not mention key points addressed in addressed in the report. report but lacks some several key points Conclusion the report. clarity. addressed in the report. The paragraph is overly wordy or confusing. Punctuation, grammar, Minor errors in Occasional errors in Major errors in The report contains significant usage, and spelling are punctuation, grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation, errors in punctuation, grammar, effectively used usage, and spelling are usage, and spelling are grammar, usage, usage, and spelling. Grammar throughout the report. evident, but they do not evident and interfere with and/or spelling interfere with the the readability of the interfere with the readability of the report. report. readability of the report. The report content has The report content has The report content has The report The report does not include been organized using been mostly organized been organized using a content is evidence of organization. the appropriate method. using a logical somewhat logical disorganized. The The required information sequence, but some sequence. The required Organization is easy to locate within flaws exist. The presentation is sometimes information is the report. required information is confusing. difficult to locate generally easy to locate within the report. within the report.

© 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Introduction to Engineering Design Activity 1.7 What Is It? Essay Rubric – Page 1 © 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Introduction to Engineering Design Activity 1.7 What Is It? Essay Rubric – Page 2