United States Army Soldier Support Institute Adjutant General School

Warrant Officer Basic Course

Demonstrate the Total Officer Personnel Management Information System (TOPMIS II)




OBJECTIVE: This Practical Exercise is designed to evaluate your ability to demonstrate the Total Officer Personnel Management Information System (TOPMIS II).

MATERIALS REQUIRED: Answer sheet Pencil/Pen Paper TOPMIS II Systems Training Manual


a. Ensure that your name, class number, and date are annotated on the answer sheet.

b. This practical exercise consists of six scenario based questions. You must correctly answer five of the six questions to receive a passing score. Check to see if you have all questions at this time. If you are missing any questions, obtain a new booklet from your instructor.

c. Each question has only one correct answer. Read each question carefully. Make all responses clearly and legibly on the answer sheet. Ensure that the question number in the booklet corresponds to the question number on the answer sheet. Read each question carefully but move on so that all questions may be answered in the allotted time. If you make a mistake or if you have to change an answer on the answer sheet, erase the incorrect answer completely and then mark the correct answer.

d. Upon completion of this practical exercise, turn in your booklet; answer sheet, and any scratch paper or other issued test materials to the instructor. You will then receive further instructions at that time.

e. Do not write on any portion of this Practical Exercise booklet.

f. You will have 1 hour to complete this practical exercise, after which we will review it together in class.

3 Demonstrate the Total Officer Personnel Management Information System (TOPMIS II) - Practical Exercise 2

SITUATION: You were recently assigned as the Brigade S-1 for 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division. The Brigade Commander and other staff personnel just requested several queries from the S-1.

1. MAJ Bailey, the Plans and Operations OIC, is requesting a security clearance roster for all Captains assigned to the brigade. He will be using the roster to fill a tasker from Division. At a minimum he needs the following information included on the roster:

 Permanent Grade  Name  SSN  Basic Branch  Unit Name  UIC  Personnel Security Status

2. MAJ Green, Executive Officer, needs a roster of all females officers assigned to the brigade. At a minimum she needs the following information included on the roster:

 Permanent Grade  Name  Unit Name

3. The Chaplain needs the religious preference for all officers assigned to the brigade. He will use your roster along with the other brigade’s rosters to determine the number of denomination services needed for Sunday service at the various post chapels. Create a perform count query with the following information:

 Religious Denomination

4 4. The last couple of months you notice officers coming in updating their current duty descriptions on their ORBs. The majority of the officers’ that your section serviced current duty description was still showing them as “incoming personnel”. Create a query which will show all officers with a current duty description of “incoming personnel”. At a minimum include the following information on the roster:

 Permanent Grade  Control Grade  Name  SSN  Assigned duty Title  Assign Current Unit  Date Reported Assignment-Current

5. The Brigade Commander is requesting a social roster for CPTs through LTCs. At a minimum he wants the following information included on the roster:

 Permanent Grade  Name  Unit Name  Address City Mail  Street Address Line 1  State  Zip Code  Marital Status  Email Address

6. You are updating your Officer Evaluation Roster and want to make sure that the timeliness rate stays at 100%. Create a query showing the “To Date” of last OER 2000115 or earlier. At a minimum include the following information on the roster:

 Control Grade  Name  SSN  “To Date” of Last OER  Current Assign Area From Date  Street Address Line 1  Unit Name  UIC  Assigned Duty Title