Governors Meeting Minutes

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Governors Meeting Minutes

Governors General Meeting Minutes Worthing High School

Wednesday 23rd March 2016 16:00, E13

Members: Tony Cohen – Chairman John Bull – Deputy Chairman Peter Hoibak Sue Lanz (apologies) Helena Hall Richard Cohen Carolyn Dickinson Peter Mott (apologies) Rhys Price Jacqui McHale Amanda Allibone Rachel Gordine (apologies) Mark Bideleux Peter Noone (apologies) Nicola Thompson Company Secretary & Clerk to Governors: Karen Hayler

Invited Guests Matt Hillier (Deputy Head) Jules Grindel (Leader of History)

1. Welcome The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies for Absence Apologies of absence were received from Sue Lanz, Peter Mott, Peter Noone and Rachel Gordine.

3. Notice and Quorum Due notice was served and the meeting was declared quorate.

4. Pecuniary Interests There were no pecuniary interests declared.

5. Resignations/Vacancies/Appointments to Governing Body Resignation received today from Rachel Gordine as Parent Governor due to work pressures. This has been noted and we will advertise the vacancy for Parent Governor next term.

Richard Cohen’s 4 year period expires at the end of the month. He wishes to continue as a Governor/Trustee. His re-appointment was proposed by Peter Hoibak and seconded by Rhys Price. All those present were in favour.

6. Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th February were approved, with a few typing errors which are to be corrected. Minutes were approved as a true record.

7. Matters Arising A Governor asked the Business Manager if there had been progress to arrange Academy Governor training in the local area. The Business Manager responded saying she has made contact with academies in the local area however there is not a call for Page 1 of 6 it at this current time. A Governor asked if there had been any progress in changing the Wisepay software to enable parents to be automatically warned when the catering balance is running low. The Business Manager has said the software provider has taken our feedback but will not be making any changes in the short term.

8. Student Voice Ella Bourne and Tom Parke were invited to share with the Governors the impact and actions of the Student Council. Tom Parke (Head Boy) discussed the success of the bakes sales he has organised with other Student Prefects during the academic year, including one for St Barnabus which raised in the region of £223.Tom would like to bring these organisation skills into his career and enjoys supporting charities which he would like to do more of in the future.

Ella Bourne (Head Girl) discussed the non-uniform days they have arranged over the year which have been very successful and have helped to raise a lot of money for charities.

Tom Parke feels the student council meetings, that are held regularly, have really had a positive impact on the school. He feels it is a fantastic way of getting different students from different year groups together, including the culture and ethos leaders.

Ella and Tom discussed the Student Council support in helping change the behaviour of students in the school. Tom explained how they really supported the Y8 students to understand the behaviour system as well as leading by example as student leaders.

The Headteacher (HT) reinforced to the Governors how Ella and Tom have been fantastic role models as Y11’s and have set a very strong example.

A Governor asked Ella and Tom what they feel has changed over the four years they have attended Worthing High School. Ella described how she felt the teachers have been very supportive which has helped her improve her confidence over the years. Tom felt the online homework system is very effective and explained how he checks that more than his planner. It is very useful when the teachers upload resources and it is easy to use. A Governor asked the HT how homework is monitored online. The HT explained how LLO monitors homework across subjects and year groups. Homework process is reviewed annually with Governors and it is regularly on the LT Development meeting agenda throughout the year. JGR also commented that as a Subject Leader, they also have access to their whole department and can monitor the homework set by their teams.

HT asked Tom and Ella of their future plans. Tom described how he is going on to study Maths, Physics and Graphics at College in the hope of becoming a Graphic Designer or Architect one day as his passion is creating things. Ella is going on to study History, Psychology and Dance. She would like to focus on becoming a Detective in the future. Ella also described her Cricket commitment as she has been playing for Sussex for 7 years and is in the England Development Squad as well.

9. Subject Leader Presentation – History The Subject Leader for History presented her annual report to Governors – a copy of her PowerPoint is available.

A Governor asked about the new department staffing. JGR explained how MRA will be back from his injury absence shortly, and a new member of staff is starting after Easter. The department will have three members of staff; who are all experienced teachers.

Page 2 of 6 A Governor asked if there were a larger cohort going into Y11 History in Sept 16. JGR explained she has 113 in current Y11 and 119 in current Y10.

A Teacher Governor asked if there will be more students taking History due to the EBACC change; which could reduce the higher student grade average. JGR explained that it could possibly happen, however we have already been guiding students to EBACC for a couple of years now so we do have high numbers anyway.

10. Headteacher’s End of Term Report to Governors

Financial Matters KHA The Business Manager explained how we are still projecting a break even including all the recruitment we have for unfilled posts we have planned. The Business Manager presented the budget virements requested which included: moving money into marketing to cover the student planner 16/17 and prospectus costs for 16/17. We have cut down on postage and stationery. Clerical staffing costs have been increased due to the Support Staff Review and there will be further implications if the LGPS employer pension contributions increase in April 16. Education support staff - slight saving and slight increase in Cover Supervisor salary costs due to maternity cover.

The Business Manager explained how we have slightly over spent on Support Staff training due to several new staff requiring training. We have sent fewer students to APC so the budget will be cut slightly this year.

Virements were approved by Governors.

A Governor asked if the student intake numbers are available for the next academic year yet. The Business Manager responded that the future numbers are shown in her budget report. The HT confirmed we are full for the next academic year and additionally, have been asked to take an extra 12 students. A Governor asked if we need to spend as much on Marketing if this is the case. The HT explained it is important we do as only 170 of those places were first choices.

The Business Manager went on to inform Governors on the options for Absence Insurance, which is due to be renewed on 1st April 16. The policy covers us for teaching staff if they are absent after twenty days and some support staff (3x) if they are off after twenty days. It also covers us for maternity and sickness pay. The renewal price is £26,500. The Business Manager referred to the claim history over the comparable twelve month period. In addition to insurance cover, the existing policy also provides medical assistance cover for our staff.

The Business Manager explained how ten staff have accessed the services over this past year; with 6 accessing Physiotherapy, 3 for stress counselling and 1 for weight management. All staff accessed these services for free. The Business Manager went on to explain how we market the medical cover in our advertising and recruitment and it is very beneficial for many of our staff, however it is an expensive policy. The Business Manager identified this is an issue that needs Governor discussion. If we do not renew our cover, any staff currently in receipt of medical assistance would be left without assistance.

The Business Manager explained those staff in receipt of stress counselling will be able to access the services through the contract we have with WSCC, named Atos; who will be able to take on these cases. However anyone who is currently having physiotherapy would have this ceased straight away.

A Governor asked if this insurance company are the only ones who provide this kind of service. The Business Manager explained how she has contacted another company and it was slightly cheaper. The Business Manager was asked to compare the two

Page 3 of 6 insurance quotes as £3000 is a significant amount of money and attempt to get a reduction from SAS. RCO offered to help compose an email to SAS asking for a more competitive price.

The Business Manager moved on to the budget for 2016/17. We expect to set a balance budget for next year as long as we have a surplus for around £180,000 this year. The April meeting of Governors is when the full budget detail will be discussed and approved. There will be options on how we can spend/save money and the Governors will be able to have input into this. The budget must show a break even budget – a deficit is not permissible.

There is a new financial health efficiency toolkit bought out by the EFA this year, of which the Business Manager attended the training course, this included a benchmarking report which the Business Manager will present at the April Governors meeting.

The Business Manager explained how we are due to review our auditors, which will be carried out in the summer term. She asked if any Governors would like to be present at the tender. JBU and RCO confirmed they would like to be involved. A Governor recommended placing an ad in the local paper.

The Business Manager advised here had been two holding responses from WSCC regarding the funding letter for 2015/16 settlement issues, following the Stone King letter sent on the 8th March. Latest WSCC email expressed how they are looking to prepare a full response shortly.

The Business Manager reported two new corporate sponsors for our sports kit.

Estate Management and Health and Safety The Business Manager asked if there are any questions relating to Facilities report. The Business Manager informed Governors that we are likely to hear back about our bid for the Science block rebuild in early May.

A Governor asked about our progress with mechanical quotes. The Business Manager explained that following our decision to leave the premises SLA in December we are unable to access some of the contract prices that have been established by WSCC framework agreements. However, RBE has negotiated contracts for all required services and we have saved money compared to the WSCC charges.

Marketing Strategy Interim Update The Business Manager took Governors through the updated plan. The news of our full roll in September 2016 and hopefully a positive Ofsted should create opportunities to market further in the summer.

A Governor asked if we could use Facebook as a means of customised marketing. The Business Manager agreed this is a worthy idea and will ask the DHT to push certain school events through social media.

Student Matters HT explained our numbers for September 16. Our pan is 210 and we have been asked to take an extra twelve students; totally 222. Further enquiries are also coming into the school. The numbers are good, but only 170 of the 222 are first choices.

A Governor asked why we have been asked to take a further twelve students. HT explained that across Worthing, some schools have been asked to take on extra students over pan.

Areas for development are improving attendance and reducing the number of exclusions. These are the two areas identified for development by Ofsted previously.

Page 4 of 6 HT explained how DHT has launched a new Attendance Initiative this last half term, which is beginning to show some dividends.

The second area of development has been exclusions for which we have seen an improvement. We were higher than we would like on both fixed term and permanent exclusions last year, however we have decreased these figures this year; moving from red against the national average to green against the national average.

A Governor asked why it is felt that behaviour has improved. HT went on to express how the new behaviour policy has been implemented well and a consistent approach with all students has made a significant impact.

Trips and Visits HT discussed the Russia and Berlin trips proposed for next year. The Russia trip is expensive at approximately £948 per student and we would need twenty students. We can only ask all students to pay board & lodgings and remaining balance is by voluntary contribution. The Berlin trip is a repeat of 2014 and 2015.

A Governor asked if enough money will be available for PP students. HT confirmed a discussion will be had with each individual family/student. HT sought permission for the trips and they were approved.

Staffing HT explained how TFL has recently been successful at securing the Deputy Headteacher role at Heathfield Community College and will be leaving Worthing High School at the end of the summer term. HDA has also been successful at securing a post within the leadership team at Sion. We have vacancies in the Science department plus two new members of staff begin after Easter and mid-July.

A replacement for TFL CAHT post will also be advertised. A Governor asked if there is a reason why we have four members of science staff leaving.

** Five members with WHS staffing contracts left the meeting room at 5:08pm (MHI, JMC, AAL, SAU and RPR)

The five members of staff returned to the meeting room at 5:19pm

HT explained there is a new member of staff starting in History and another new staff member will be joining the MFL department after Easter. A new Behaviour Team will be in place; Behaviour Support Manager and two Behaviour Support Assistants. A new Finance Manager will also be starting the beginning of May.

Teaching and Learning HT explained the person who was inadequate on Spring 1 is no longer with us.

Standards DHT presented the Standards section in the HT report.

Year 9 Subject Review Evening Feedback A Governor asked if we knew how many people attended the SRE. HT responded that CDI we would ensure the figure is included in the future. Complaint Log A Governor asked if we could include reference numbers in the complaint log – instead of complainant names, to ensure confidentiality of complaints logged. The KHA Business Manager confirmed it would be actioned.

School Calendar All staff school meeting on 19th April to be added. SAU

Page 5 of 6 11. Governor Action Plan and Clerking Matters The Business Manager reminded Governors that there was a request at the last meeting to ensure the Governors reports are more consistent. She has added more guidance notes to the Governors Visit Policy of which was shared amongst the Governors; additionally had been shared amongst the Heads of Departments.

A Governor asked if an example of a well written report could be shown to all Governors to evidence a good report. Business Manager will action. KHA

12. Governor Visit(s) Report(s)

No visit reports to discuss.

13. Policies for review

Sex and Relationship Policy Amendments suggested by JBU which are to be actioned. Policy to be bought back to SAU April Governors.

Staff Development Layout to be amended and bought back to April Governors. SAU

Management of Allegations Against Staff Policy adopted from WSCC policy. Layout and review required. Clerk to action and policy bought back to April Governors SAU

Inclusion Policy discussed and approved.

Mobile Device Policy Policy discussed and approved.

14. Chairmans Actions

Awaiting update on WSCC funding action – Governors were updated earlier in the meeting.

15. Any other business – notified to Chairman in advance of the meeting

DFE consultation for a reformed funding system to be sent back to April 17th. HT and Business Manager to action over Easter and circulate their response to KHA Governors.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 27th April 2016

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