Information Literacy Progression Rubric

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Information Literacy Progression Rubric

Information Literacy Progression Rubric Criteria Accomplished Competent Developing Understands that the information found is determined in part by Recognizes that information is needed. 1. Identify and articulate needs what is needed and what which require information is available. (WAAL) solutions. Develops a thesis statement and formulates Converts an information need into a researchable Knows how to focus and articulate a basic questions based on the question. information need into a question. information need. (WAAL) Can identify a wide variety Realizes that there are a wide variety of resources Recognizes that a variety of resources is of resources. (WAAL) available. available through the Library Identifies and understands the characteristics of types Recognizes some characteristics of a print and formats of journal article and a book. information resources. (WAAL Selects information Begins to select subject specific information resources appropriate for Often selects information resources appropriate resources over general ones when researching researching an for researching an information need. an information need. information need. (WAAL) Knows to seek research 2. Identify and select appropriate assistance from an Knows to seek research assistance from an information sources Seeks research assistance from non--‐ authoritative source such authoritative source such as a librarian or faculty authoritative sources such as family and as a librarian or faculty member but only does so after struggling on their friends. member and will do so own. immediately as necessary. Distinguishes the proper use of library resources Uses some library resources to conduct research Uses Internet search engines for majority of and Internet search but still relies on Internet search engines. research, but knows that Library exists. engines and chooses appropriately. Displays understanding that library resources are Understands there is a difference between the Begins to understand that not all resources are usually more reliable than reliability of library resources and web sites. equally reliable. free web sites. 3. Formulate and efficiently execute Understands that Knows about online search techniques such as use Knows little to nothing about different search search queries appropriate for the different information of Boolean. techniques, including use of Boolean. information resource resources and formats require different searching techniques, including browsing. (WAAL) Selects search strategies Sometimes selects search strategies appropriate to Begins to select search strategies appropriate appropriate to the topic the topic and resource. to the topic and resource. and resource. (WAAL) Understands that various resources may use different controlled vocabularies to refer to the same topic. (WAAL) Uses search language appropriate to the source, such as a controlled Uses search language appropriate to the source, vocabulary, key words, such as a controlled vocabulary, key words, natural natural language, author language, author and title searches to locate and title searches to relevant items in electronic resources locate relevant items in print and electronic resources. (WAAL) Identifies keywords, synonyms and related Often identifies keywords and synonyms for the Begins to identify keywords for the information terms for the information information needed. needed. needed. (ACRL) Uses online search techniques and tools (e. g., Boolean operators and symbols, limiters, and Uses correct online search techniques and tools (e. Uses incorrect or no online search techniques truncation) to locate g., Boolean operators and symbols, limiters, and and tools (e. g., Boolean operators and relevant citations and to truncation) but achieves less than satisfactory symbols, limiters, and truncation). further refine the search results. as needed to achieve satisfactory results. (WAAL revised) Seeks assistance as needed or on their own is Sometimes seeks assistance in coming up with Needs and occasionally seeks assistance coming able to come up with appropriate search terms to achieve desired up with appropriate search terms to achieve appropriate search terms results. desired results. to achieve desired results. Comprehends why they don’t get expected results Comprehends why they don’t get expected results Does not fully comprehend why they don’t get and is able to adjust their and tries to adjust their searches accordingly. expected results. searches accordingly. Assesses the number and relevance of sources cited Assesses the number of sources cited to to determine whether the determine whether the search strategy must be search strategy must be refined. refined. (WAAL) Recognizes the components of a citation and differentiates Recognizes some components of a citation and Starts to recognize the components of a between types of differentiates between types of resources cited, citation and differentiates between types of resources cited, such as a such as a book, periodical, or government resources cited, such as a book, periodical, or book, periodical, or document, as well as the format (e.g., electronic or government document, as well as the format government document, as physical). (e.g., electronic or physical). well as the format (e. g., electronic or physical). (WAAL) Uses the components of a citation (e. g., currency, 4. Interpret and analyze search reputation of author or Tries to use some of the components of a citation results and select relevant sources source, format, or (e.g., currency, reputation of author or source, elements of a URL) to format, or elements of a URL) to choose those choose those most most suitable for the information need. suitable for the information need. (WAAL) Readily perceives gaps in information retrieved and Sometimes perceives gaps in information retrieved determines whether the and determines whether the search should be search should be refined. refined. (WAAL revised) Consistently analyzes search results for topic Generally uses the first search results found as relevancy, and will Attempts to analyze search results for relevance to sources, regardless of relevance to topic. Does continue making search topic, to determine whether search strategy must not do further searching & does not understand refinements until be refined. why refining may be necessary. satisfactory results are found. (ACRL revised) 5. Locate and retrieve relevant Understands the sources in a variety of formats from organization of materials Understands the basic organization of materials in Knows how to use locally produced location the global information environment and uses locally produced libraries and uses locally produced location guides. guides to find materials. location guides. Understands how to use Understands how to use at least one classification Begins to learn the Library of Congress call classification systems. system. number classification system. (WAAL revised) Uses location information Knows how to use location information in Knows that different materials are located in in bibliographic record to bibliographic records to retrieve locally owned various collections in the Library, and that these retrieve locally owned resources. collections may be organized differently. resources. (WAAL) Understands that libraries have developed methods for locating and sharing resources not owned locally and can use Can use appropriate resource sharing system, such appropriate resource as interlibrary loan or Universal Borrowing, to sharing system, such as retrieve information. interlibrary loan or Universal Borrowing, to retrieve information. (WAAL revised) Uses call number for a Begins to learn how to use the call number and relevant item as a starting location of library materials in bibliographic point to look for books on records to retrieve those materials in the the same subject. Library. Uses various search Focuses on one or two search systems (like systems to locate and Expands number of search systems used to locate EbscoHost) to retrieve information. Does not retrieve information in a and retrieve information. understand that different systems retrieve variety of formats. (ACRL different formats. revised) 6. Critically evaluate the Uses a variety of criteria, information retrieved such as authors’ Understands that there are a variety of criteria, Recognizes that there are a variety of criteria, credentials and peer such as authors’ credentials and peer review, to such as peer review, to assess the authority of review, to assess the assess the authority of resources. resources. authority of resources. (WAAL) Assesses the relevancy of a source to an information Understands that the relevancy of a source to an need by examining information need can be determined by examining publication date, purpose, publication date, purpose, and intended audience. and intended audience. (WAAL) Recognizes and evaluates documentation for the information source, such Recognizes documentation for the information as research methodology, source, such as bibliography or footnotes. bibliography or footnotes. (WAAL) Distinguishes between Can distinguish between obvious primary and primary and secondary secondary sources in some disciplines, but more sources in different disciplines and evaluates their appropriateness to subtle distinctions escape them. the information need. (WAAL) Applies evaluation criteria to all information formats, Sometimes applies evaluation criteria to Rarely applies evaluation criteria beyond a e. g. web sites. (WAAL information formats. cursory level revised) Determines probable accuracy by questioning the source of the data, Begins to question the accuracy of information Rarely questions the accuray of the information the limitations of the found based on source and reasonableness of found. No matter where found, assumes information gathering conclusions. information Is correct. tools or strategies, and the reasonableness of the conclusions. (ACRL) 7. Organize, synthesize, integrate Uses appropriate Uses a single documentation style per paper or Attempts to use a single documentation style and apply the information documentation style to project to cite sources used. per paper or project to cite sources used. cite sources used. (WAAL) Summarizes the information retrieved (e. Knows that summarizing the information retrieved g., can write an abstract can have a purpose (e.g., can write an abstract or or construct an outline). construct an outline). (WAAL revised) Recognizes and accepts Prefers sources that state exactly what is the ambiguity of multiple wanted, without having to draw conclusions points of view. (WAAL) from various sources. Draws conclusions based Realizes that drawing a conclusion from a upon information multitude of sources is often necessary. gathered. (ACRL) Organizes the information in a logical and useful Organizes the information. manner. (WAAL) Synthesizes the ideas and concepts from the information sources Adds the ideas and concepts from the information collected into existing sources collected to the project. body of knowledge. (WAAL) Determines the extent to Increasingly determines the extent to which the Begins to determine the extent to which the which the information information found can be applied to the information found can be applied to the found can be applied to information need. information need. the information need. (WAAL) Creates a logical argument based on Creates an argument based on information Creates an argument and tries to find sources information retrieved. retrieved. to validate it. (WAAL) Displays complete understanding of Begins to learn the components of a citation Recognizes the components of a citation, but may citations, including their and begins to learn the difference between a not always distinguish the difference between components and the book & article citation, or between online or types of material being cited. types of material being print sources. cited. Understands that information--‐seeking consists of evolving, Knows that information--‐seeking consists of non--‐linear processes evolving processes that include making multiple that include making decisions and choices. multiple decisions and choices. (WAAL) Describes the criteria used to make decisions and choices at each step of the particular process used. (WAAL) 8. Self--‐assess the information--‐ Assesses effectiveness of each step of the process Refines the search process in order to make it Rarely refines the search process in an attempt and refines the search seeking processes used more effective. to find more results. process in order to make it more effective. (WAAL) Understands that many of the components of an information seeking Knows that some of the components of an Knows that a few of the components of an process are transferable information seeking process are transferable and, information seeking process are transferable and, therefore, are therefore, are applicable to a variety of and, therefore, are applicable to a variety of applicable to a variety of information needs. information needs. information needs. (WAAL) 9. Understand the structure of the Understands that the Knows the information structure (e.g., how Begins to learn general information structure information environment and the information structure (e. information is produced, organized, and (e.g., how information is produced, organized, process by which both scholarly g., how information is disseminated) in a discipline. and disseminated). and popular information is produced, organized, and produced, organized and disseminated) can vary disseminated from discipline to discipline. (WAAL revised)

Understands that the value of a particular type of information resource Knows the value of a particular type of information Begins to learn the value of a particular type of (e. g., book, article, resource (e.g., book, article, conference information resource (e.g., book, article, conference proceeding) proceeding) in a discipline. conference proceeding) in a discipline. may vary from discipline to discipline. (WAAL) Understands the ethics of information use, such as knowing to give credit to Is aware of the ethics of information use, such as others whose ideas are knowing to give credit to others whose ideas are Knows to cite sources in order to avoid used by appropriately used by appropriately citing sources in order to plagiarism. citing sources in order to avoid plagiarism. avoid plagiarism. (WAAL revised) Understands concepts and issues relating to censorship, intellectual Understands concepts and issues relating to 10.Understand public policy and freedom, and respect for respect for differing points of view. the ethical issues affecting the access and use of information differing points of view. (WAAL) Is aware of the social/ political issues affecting information, such as privacy, privatization and access to government information, electronic access to information, and equal access to information (WAAL revised)

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