Present: Cllrs Goldson (Chair of Meeting) Cheeseman, Scott Richardson, Pannell, Samms
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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 28th June 2016 at 7.00 pm at Skellingthorpe Village Office, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln
Present: Cllrs Goldson (Chair of meeting) Cheeseman, Scott Richardson, Pannell, Samms, Bennett, Hauton, Pepper County Cllr Reg Shore Clerks: L. Skinner, M. Rouston
1.Apologies for absence and reasons given. Cllr Shaw Work Commitments Cllr Jackman (Holiday) Hykeham Police
2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests. No Declarations at this time
3. To Inspect the Parish Council Insignia - Inspected
4. Approve Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 31st May 2016 as a true record of that meeting Cllr Cheeseman suggested two small alterations to the wording, after these alterations Cllr Cheeseman proposed and Cllr Scott seconded to accept the notes as the true minutes of the meeting. Motion carried all in Favour
5. Chairman’s Report Cllr Goldson welcomed all to the meeting, and advised he would report on the subjects throughout the meeting
6. Police Report A report was given by email, which was read out to the Councillors. There had been 4 crimes to report for the period 27th May to 27th June 2016. The main objectives for the police to be crime prevention to reducing burglaries from outbuildings.
7. Clerks Report. Clerk reported that she would report to the Council in the Correspondence section
8. District Councillors Report. Cllr Goldson reported on a Scrutiny Meeting that he had attended, which included discussions on the grass cutting situation for 2016 and the policy for 2017 on grass cutting by LCC. Cllr Goldson was concerned about the fact the cost for cutting the grass in 2017 will now be faced by the Parish Council, if the village is to be kept tidy. Cllr Reg Shore spoke about the Referendum, and the ongoing concerns, but the need to manage the situations following on must be uppermost. He felt there had been a victory in the policy of the reduction of street lights, and felt this victory was due to assistance from Skellingthorpe Parish Council He also felt that the lack of grass cutting in the area, could lead to a dangerous situation, and would continue to fight for this. 19/16 9.i Approve June Accounts. Cllr Cheeseman went through June accounts which are all in Budget. There was a large payment for Phase 2 of the play equipment (covered by Section 106 contribution from the Waterloo Lane planning development)) which Council had been advised of at the last meeting. Cllr Cheeseman proposed to accept the Accounts Cllr Scott Seconded All in Favour Motion Carried
9ii Financial Regulations The working party had reviewed the Financial Regulations, using NALC and LALC Model Financial Regulations. They felt that the majority of our regulations encompassed those set out by NALC and LALC and there was nothing controversial in Skellingthorpe regulations, and went through a few minor changes to be applied. Cllr Pannell Proposed to accept these seconded by Cllr Scott 7 in favour 2 abstentions Motion Carried
9iii Standing Orders The working party again used the NALC and LALC model, and again few minor changes. Clerks to retype Standing Orders with the changes and distribute to Councillors. Also there was not currently a policy on CCTV and IT, the working party are to bring these back to next month’s meeting. Cllr Pannell proposed to accept the changes to Standing Orders Cllr Scott seconded Motion Carried
9iv PC Domain Ownership Cllr Cheeseman went through Domain ownership with North Kesteven DC, and the reason Skellingthorpe took on own Domain and Data Protection It was agreed to bring this subject back to July meeting and possibly change the domain over to To be placed on July Agenda
9v Committee’s Cllr Cheeseman spoke about his commitments and wishes to come off the Planning and Events Committees. To be placed on July Agenda
9vi. Asset Register and Old Bus Shelter Cllr Cheeseman went through Asset Register and the market value of assets Discussion on The Old Bus shelter and the letter sent to occupants of Yew Tree Farm regarding placing this strip of land onto their Title Deeds Agreed to place this on Asset register, awaiting their reply. Cllr Pannell proposed to accept the Asset Register, Cllr Samms seconded Motion Carried
10. Ten Year Plan i. The Hub Cllr Goldson spoke on recent meeting on 20th June of Hub Working Party, and asked Cllr Pannell to give the Parish Council an overview of this meeting from her notes, which were not Clerks minutes. Cllr Pannell and Cllr Goldson also reported back on a meeting with Taylor Lindsey and Mark Willetts and also a meeting with Debbie Roberts of NKDC, regarding the best practice on moving forward. Cllr Pannell reported the need to be at a point of tendering by Oct 2016. Further discussions took place regarding the position of Section 106 monies from current and future developers and the importance of this to secure finance for infrastructure improvements in our agreed and adopted ten year plan following public consultation. 20/16 A long discussion took place on the way forward following the moving and seconding of the following propositions with regard to leases and the three options available to the Parish Council: Option one to abandon the project, option two to continue as at present (which would be subject to the agreed return of the leases as stipulated in the first proposition) and option three to progress with additional community facilities provided and managed solely by the Parish Council.
To send a formal letter to the Community Centre and Youth Hall Management Committees requesting that the leases on both buildings be surrendered to the Parish Council in time for its meeting at the end of July
Proposed Cllr Pannell seconded Cllr Hauton.8 in favour 1 abstention. Proposition carried
To further consider the three options available to the Parish Council at that meeting
Proposed Cllr Pannell seconded Cllr Scott. 7 in favour 1 against 1 abstention. Proposition carried. Clerks to send Letter
10ii Report on Health Centre Meeting Cllr Goldson asked firstly if any councillor wished to express an interest in this subject due to the fact they were patients of the Saxilby/Skellingthorpe Practice, Cllrs Pannell, Scott, Jackman, Richardson and Samms acknowledged they were members of the Glebe Practice Cllr Goldson advised of a good meeting, but unfortunately the Health Centre are finding it very difficult to recruit doctors, and are worried they would not be able to service any further new housing developments in the future. It was felt a letter should be sent expressing concerns, copying Karl McCartney into this letter. ii. CCTV Clerks had written to Lincoln Security regarding supplying work agreed to be done from April 2016, clerks were advised the costings of £650 agreed in April’s meeting was not correct. Cllr Scott advised that the earlier figure was for the cable installation only. Cllr Scott would contact Lincoln Security to Clarify iii Village Hall Cllr Cheeseman reported on the DVO and the valuation of the Village Hall Discussions took place on the way forward. It was felt that the Council could ask for Expressions of Interests in the land with sealed bids, which would be recorded and kept in the safe and opened all together at the Parish Council meeting. Cllr Cheeseman proposed to further write to the DVO for advice and Cllr Hauton seconded. All in favour Motion Carried
Cllr Goldson asked to move Standing Orders due to time constraints All Agreed
11. Parish Councillor Vacancies Clerks advised of correspondence from NKDC regarding the advertising of these vacancies. It was decided to place the details on Social Media, and to place a closing date of 25th July.
21/16 12. LALC Payscales
Cllr Scott went through the letter from LALC regarding new payscales, proposed by NALC with effect from April 2016. It was agreed to implement these change proposed by Cllr Pannell seconded by Cllr Samms All in favour
13 Appraisal Dates to be moved It was agreed that following on from August 2016 appraisals to move to Feb 2017 in line with LALC payscales All in favour
14. Strimming Course Paul to attend and will obtain City and Guilds Certification. Course on the 25th July 2016
15. ROSPA Play Inspection Course Clerk advised that there are no courses available until 2017
16. Grass Cutting LCC Letter/Complaints Discussion took place on the problems with the grass cutting situation and the inclement weather. Current Parish Council contractor provision will run until this seasons contract ends, and then reviewed, also in view of the advice from LCC that they will not be cutting grass in 2017 in the village. Aware of the difficulties and the need to discuss further. Letter noted
17.Quotation Sustrans Habitat work Cllr Cheeseman went through information and proposal of work given by Steve Grimes for the Habitat work along Sustrans. Cllr Bennett advocated on Steve Grimes work and he had good credentials. The work required has been budgeted for, and it was agreed that we take on the lease from the Railway Paths Partnership, so that Management costs can be monitored. Cllr Bennet proposed to accept quotation from Steve Grimes, and also that we should take on the lease Cllr Cheeseman seconded All in Favour Cllr Cheeseman to contact
18. Purchase of Lawnmower for Memorial Gardens Proposal to purchase a Lawnmower for Handyman to us on Memorial area and other areas if required to keep these neat. A budget to be set on the purchase Cllr Cheeseman proposed £200 Cllr Samms seconded All in Favour Clerks to Purchase for Handyman
19. Party in the Park request free use of field All agreed this request.
20. Picnic Table Vandalism – Letter Letter received from perpetrator of vandalism apologising Noted
21. Royal Birthday Party – Flyers Council was asked for volunteers to take out flyers to resident’s homes for this event This to be done after 8/7/2016 Cllr Pannell and Clerks to liase. Also to be mention this at Events meeting
22/16 22. Letter to Residents re Pollard work adjacent Footpath 15 Agreed to send letter, Cllr Bennett to draft for clerks to type.
23. Notice for No Tipping on Birds Holt Wood It was agreed for a new notice to be purchased, to alleviate Fly Tipping and waste tipping Clerks to Order
24. Chairmans Honour Board To place on next months Agenda
25. Correspondence Clerk advised of the invitation from RAF Battle of Britain memorial service at Lincoln Cathedral on Sunday 18th September. Cllr Goldson, Scott and Cheeseman expressed their interest. 6 to attend Clerk advised of the Railway Auction selling a Clock with Skellingthorpe engraved which was used on the old signal box it was estimated starting bid of £1,000 It was noted but felt too expensive
26. Local Plan Update No Report to be given
27. Broadband Update
Cllr Cheeseman went through Broadband Infinity options. It was decided to bring back onto next month’s agenda
Cllr Cheeseman also asked about Councillors availability to a meeting with Louise Eagan from L.C.C. regarding future Library provision to be held on Thursday 7th July morning Cllr Goldson and Scott along with Cllr Cheeseman will attend.
28. Approve admission to Chat Grass Cutting situation
29. Resolve meeting goes into closed session Not required
30. Closure of Meeting There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.40pm
Signed ……………………………………. Date………………………