The Big Timeline Of Pivotal Dates
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Cultural Atlas Portfolio Pre-AP Social Studies
The Modern Atlas Portfolio connects the past with the present. Through this on-going semester-long project, the students will investigate how the history of each ancient civilization has influenced the present cultural landscape of the corresponding modern countries. Students will complete maps, collect current articles, and write summaries for each unit studied. Students will analyze and write about the connection of the past to the present for all cultures studied.
Main standards addressed: SSWG1, SSWG2, also specific skills standards as referenced in the social studies skill matrix
Learning Goals: How do cultures change over time? How does the history of a place influence the culture of that same place today?
General requirements for the Modern Atlas: All components must be contained in a binder or a folder/brads Current regional political maps with all countries labeled and colored Ancient civilization area maps completed according to specified directions One hard copy of a current article about a modern country corresponding to each ancient culture studied. Current article must be a solid news story,( no sports, entertainment, etc) from the last year for each country that corresponds with the ancient civilizations. “one-pager” cone of light connection summary completed for each current article
Assessment: Maps will be provided as we study each unit. You have a detailed instruction sheet for map completion. We will typically have some time in class to work on maps, but students may have to finish at home. The 1 Pager Summaries and article collection should be completed outside of class. If students keep up with this project, it will be relatively easy to complete. Progress will be checked at a designated time during each unit.
You should begin NOW to look for current articles. You don’t have to wait until we are studying each unit. Teachers will post suggestions for specific, reliable, web sites on their blogs. If you have access to a newspaper or news magazine you can look for articles there. Current articles needed: – one from each unit of study, hard copy/title, date, source Nile River Valley - Egypt (present day countries include: Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia) Mesopotamia – Tigris/Euphrates River Valley (Present day countries include: Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon) Indus River Valley (Present day countries includeIndia, Pakistan) Yellow River Valley (Present day countries include China, Mongolia) Mesoamerica (Present day countries include Mexico, Belize, Guatemala) Andean South America (Present day countries include Peru, Bolivia, Colombia) Persia (Present day countries include Iran, Afghanistan) Greece (Present day countries include Greece, Cyprus) Hebrew Tribes (Israel) North America (article on any current Native American reservation/ culture within the USA)
Each student will maintain a comprehensive timeline throughout the semester. The timeline will be turned in at the end of the semester. Completion of this timeline is an important course requirement.
Instructions for setting up the timeline:
1. Use the large sheet of white paper provided by your teacher. Only one sheet per student will be provided. It would probably be a good idea to use pencil so you can erase mistakes. 2. Draw a straight line across the “equator” of the paper. 3. Divide the line into equal segments of 500 years. The beginning date for the left end of the line should be 3500BCE (before common era). The date at the right end of the timeline should be 1000CE (common era). You should use a ruler to measure the correct line segments. Label each segment. 4. Next draw four parallel lines above the center line. Again use a ruler to make these equal distance apart. 5. Then draw three parallel lines below the center line. 6. Now go back and trace over each line with a different color. The CENTER LINE should be BLACK. 7. Starting from the top label the lines as follows: (the center line is the reference point-it is not labeled) Nile River Valley (Egypt, archaic through New Kingdom and Alexander) Tigris-Euphrates River Valley (Mesopotamian empire, Persian empire including Alexander) Indus River Valley (Harappan civilization, Mauryan empire including Alexander) Yellow River Valley (archaic through Han dynasty) Early Mediterranean Cultures (Minoa, Mycenae, Phoenicia, Hebrew tribes) Late Mediterranean Cultures (Greece: archaic through Hellenistic) Ancient American Cultures: Mesoamerica (Olmec, Maya, Zapotec, Teotihuican, Aztec), Andean America (Chavin, Moche, Nazca, Inca)
Creation and maintenance of your timeline:
Add the timeline dates (minimum of 15 dates for each unit) on the appropriate line. Entries on the timeline must reflect what we have learned in class. In other words, you may not just copy another timeline. Illustrate the timeline with small drawings of culture markers and culture traits that represent each civilization. Keep the timeline up-to-date! You should keep it in your binder so you can refer to it during class as needed. Timeline checks within huddle groups will be done near the end of each unit. Take care when adding to your timeline. Neatness, readability, and color are very important in producing a useful and helpful timeline. CONE OF LIGHT… CONNECTING THE PAST TO THE PRESENT ONE PAGER
The goal of history is to try to explain the events of today by understanding what has happened in the past and to make connections that can make our world a better place. “You don’t know the past, you don’t know the future”. For each ancient civilization studied you will find a current news article from a modern day country that corresponds with the geographic location of the ancient civilization (see your atlas instructions for the specific list of modern countries and historic civilizations needed.
A current article is any SOLID news story (no sports, entertainment, etc) that has occurred within the last year.
Article must also be a page long., articles that are a few short paragraphs will not be counted. Use the resources on teacher blogs to find reputable international news sources.
Once you find your article, do the following: 1. Print it. 2. Read it and highlight important information as you read it. 3. Complete the template on the back of this handout for each article. You may either download the blank template from your teacher’s blog OR you can NEATLY recreate it on your own paper. Cone of Light for ______Civilization Title and date of article: Source of the article: Detailed summary of current event (explain it to someone who doesn’t know what is happening):
Two words/concepts that were new to you:
Symbol, picture, or political cartoon that summarizes story (student drawn/created):
Detailed Cone of Light connection… what connections can you make to what we learned in class Modern Atlas Portfolio Checklist Pre-AP Social Studies DUE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12TH The following is a checklist to help with organization of the materials. 1) Maps: (check your detailed instruction sheet) Ancient area maps – physical features, empires, important cities, etc., labeled & colored, create keys if necessary Southwest Asia – Egypt and Mesopotamia East Asia-China South Asia-India Central and South America-Mesoamerican & Andean America Middle East/Persian Empire Mediterranean Area Focus map on Greece Israel (show Kingdoms of David & Solomon on the modern map) North America 2) Corresponding modern maps – all countries labeled and colored 3) Current Event Articles – one from each unit of study, hard copy/title, date, source Egypt (Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia) Mesopotamia (Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon) Indus Valley (India, Pakistan) Yellow River Valley (China, Mongolia) Mesoamerica (Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras) Andean South America (Peru, Bolivia, Colombia) Persia (Iran, Afghanistan) Greece (Greece, Cyprus, Turkey) Israel North America (current Native American culture within the USA) 4) one pager summary complete for each article (see your explanation sheet) 5) “Cone of Light” paragraph for two articles of your choosing (see your explanation sheet) **Articles beyond the ten(10) required will be eligible for bonus points if the one pager and Cone of Light summary is completed. Up to two additional articles may be counted for bonus points. **You may also receive bonus points for additional “Cone of Light” paragraphs (up to two)
Please organize the atlas by unit. As follows: 1) Instruction sheets 2) Timeline 3) Maps, articles, summaries for Egypt & Mesopotamia 4) Maps, articles, summaries for India & China 5) Maps, articles, summaries for Mesoamerica/Andean America/Ancient North America 6) Ancient map of Persian Empire, article, summary 7) Maps, articles, summaries for Greece (Mediterranean area) 8) Map, article, summary for Israel REMEMBER: IF THE MODERN ATLAS IS NOT ORGANIZED, NEAT, EASY TO READ, AND CONTAINED IN ITS OWN FOLDER OR BINDER, it will not receive a competency grade.
Timeline reminders and suggestions: Each line should have its own color Illustrations/annotations of culture markers Minimum of 10 quality entries for each area (if you want an A, you need to go above and beyond!) Dates should line up with center line (as close as possible!) Include major people, events, technological advances, etc. What did we discuss in class? What was important in each civilization? Don’t write whole sentences and paragraphs—label and “bullet” important info—you don’t need lengthy explanations of entries Include religious information such as the founding of Buddhism Area Maps for each Ancient Civilization (maps will be provided- use your own colored pencils) You will be given a blank area map for each civilization/geographic area that we study. One side of the map will show physical features. This is the map that you will use to show the physical and cultural features of the ancient cultures. You will label and color each physical map as follows: (each region may not have all of the features listed). REMEMBER: YOUR PHYSICAL ANCIENT MAP MUST HAVE A KEY!!!!
SIDE ONE/PHYSICAL ANCIENT MAP: 1. Label physical features: mountains, plateaus rivers deserts seas/oceans lakes woodlands, forests prairies, flatlands 2. Show at least three agricultural/natural resources for each ancient civilization(think Jared Diamond/geographic determinism and why this is important)- these must also be listed in a key or shown by pictures on the map. Resources you may use: crops/domesticated animals mineral resources timber wildlife 3. Show all important human features – shown on map by symbol indicated in your key. Include all important: cities monuments/sacred places market areas 4. Show the growth and expansion of the civilization/empire – use blue for largest expansion, green for its intermediate growth, and red for its initial organization. Indicate these colors in your key as well.
SIDE TWO/ POLITICAL MODERN DAY MAP: On the opposite side of the physical map is a corresponding political map with the modern country boundaries show. On this side you will: identify and label each modern country in the entire area shown color each country a different color to show boundaries label all major cities. label oceans and main bodies of water shown.
Suggestions: After coloring lightly with colored pencils, label specific features as outlined above. Add the growth and expansion of civilization using colored lines to show the different areas. Be sure to include dates in your key for each color. Lastly, add a key which includes everything on the map and other information as well. Keep up with these maps as we go from one civilization to another. Helpful resources: textbook, interactive maps from textbook website, e-edition of textbook available in your classroom, additional atlases available on-line, in the Media Center, or in your classroom