Minutes of the Meeting s10
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The regular meeting of the Town Council of Bar Nunn was held on Tuesday, August 16, 2011, 7:00 P.M., at 4820 N. Wardwell Industrial Avenue, Bar Nunn, Wyoming. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jerry Petty. The roll was taken by Carol Pendley, Clerk Treasurer. Those present were, Bobby Martin, Paula Stewart, John Blase, and Mayor Petty. Josh Brown was excused. Mayor Petty led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Next item on the agenda was the minutes of the August 2, 2011 Council Meeting. Paula made a motion to accept the minutes. Bobby seconded the motion. Minutes were approved unanimously. Financial Reports for, July 2011 were next. John made a motion, seconded by Paula to accept the Financial Reports for July 2011. Motion was unanimous. Attorney’s Report was next. Attorney Chapin was not in attendance and there was no report. Next item on the agenda was Resolution #2011-13 “A RESOLUTION ADOPTING CITY OF CASPER 2011 ELECTRICAL CODE (CASPER ORD. #19-11) AS THE CURRENT EDITION OF BAR NUNN ELECTRICAL CODE.“ Paula made a motion, seconded by John to adopt Resolution #2011-13. Motion was unanimous. Next item on the agenda was Resolution # 2011-14 “A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2010 NATRONA COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN.” Paula made a motion, seconded by John to adopt Resolution #2011-14. Motion was unanimous. Resolution #2011-15 “A RESOLUTION REPEALING AND REPLACING IN TOTAL RESOLUTION #2011-10, AMENDING BUDGET INCOME AND EXPENSES TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH WYOMING STATE STATUTES #16-4-112 THRU #16-4-114” was next on the agenda. John made a motion, seconded by Bobby, to adopt Resolution #2011-15. Motion was unanimous. Engineer’s Report was next on the agenda. Bill Johnston, Engineer, reported being contacted by Josh Deifel-MPO regarding projected growth for the Town. Bill and the Mayor have talked to representatives of Granite Peak and Ponderosa developers and have discerned approximately 120 units per year will be constructed for the next few years. Bill reported Jared Rude has expressed interest in extending the sewer main on Palomino. Dan Elston, Central Mechanical, (Jared’s father) was in attendance and has put in an application for the extension. Bill provided information to Council regarding the process and Council responsibility. The extension would be from 263 to lot 257. Jared owns 261, 260, 259, and 258 (262 owned by Cline and 257 by Nunn). The extension proposal is for $2462, which is comparable with current construction prices. Bill recommends this be approved by Council contingent on work plan being approved by Chuck Johnson and Bill, and contract agreements being approved by the Town Attorney. Discussion with Dan Elston included determination there will be two new manholes and tie in to one existing. Dan had a question regarding the ‘uppermost lot (257)’ being assessed $2750 to be retained by the Town. Bill explained the owner of that lot will have to pay it to the Town and will not be part of the ‘recapture’ process. The Town will reimburse immediately for manhole costs, but recaptures are paid upon development of the lots and receipt of tap fees and recapture at time of development. The recapture would then be paid to Jared. Dan said Jared has house commitments for the lots so the recaptures will probably be recovered soon. Paula then moved to accept Bill’s recommendations for the sewer extension on Palomino including the contingencies. John seconded and motion was unanimous. Dan also relayed to Council he is the owner of Central Mechanical, has a list of projects for reference since 1996. He also reported he put in the original sewer lines in Bar Nunn for C & S Irrigation before there were houses in Bar Nunn. Parks and Recreation was next on the agenda. Marianne Magee, Chair reported only three people attended the last meeting and did not do any business. Marianne asked how much money Parks and Recreation is being allowed to spend for the playground equipment in Antelope Park. Tony is working on the project already. After discussion, it was determined $80,000 could be designated for new equipment. Paula made the motion seconded by Bobby. Motion was unanimous. Petitions and Public Comment were next on the agenda. Chuck Johnson reported going through the budget and getting equipment ready. There is striping to do (school opens Aug 24th); and he would like to order a ‘Gator’ budgeted for snow removal in mailbox area and for summer maintenance utilization. Chuck also wants a trailer mounted sprayer, in the budget, but for which there are no specs, and not included in the proposal for the Gator, to use for weeds in the spring. The Gator is $19,000. John made a motion to approve the purchase. Paula seconded and motion was unanimous. The unit will be street legal and equipped as required. Chuck has two quotes for a striper for streets. The preferred model is the 5900 Greco Sprayer from Sherwin Williams. Paula so moved to purchase, seconded by Bobby. Motion was unanimous. Chuck reported in order to get in on the State bidding process for a dump truck, the Town needs to proceed now. It is budgeted for $155,000 but he doesn’t know if it will be $150,000 or $170,000 or if the state will be able to put it together or not and what the additional cost would be if it has to go to private contractor to assemble. The state process allows the Town to purchase in conjunction with the State at a lesser cost. It would be equipped with the tanks to allow chemical for sand stabilizing. There was discussion whether the fluids would be able to be purchased or stored. Chuck was instructed to keep looking into this process. The next item Chuck requested was a new maintenance pickup, similarly equipped as his work truck. He was instructed to pursue putting together specs for the truck.The power is in in the Vista Hills area. The walk through on the generator at the lift station has been done; the walk through for the lift station itself has not been done. Mailbox unit light will be this week, and Vista Hills area lights are scheduled to be installed soon. Thistles have been sprayed at Romie Nunn Park and Chuck is waiting to see if the spray has worked before he tills up the weeks. He checked the playground equipment and everything appears to be ok. Marianne asked if he would order a replacement swing seat as there is a broken seat on one. Construction has been started on Lakota. Walls for Motor Power are scheduled to be raised beginning Monday. Council Miscellaneous was next on the agenda. a. Dallas has obtained both Wastewater Licenses I and II as required. He will receive a 24 cent per hour wage increase, effective August 15 payroll. b. Mountain West Telephone is pulling wire for the new system. They were delayed a couple of days while auditors were here. Next couple of weeks should see completion. c. Update regarding playground re-inspection – Mayor Petty reported Mr. Cole was out to inspect Romie Nunn Park playground equipment. He said the playground(s) equipment “does not meet current standards, but IS in compliance” and is usable. d. Review CATC annual request for contribution – Paula made a motion seconded by John to submit the $1000 contribution requested by CATC. Motion was unanimous. e. New signage to be installed on the recycle bins, complete with a ‘smart patch’ which can be accessed by your ‘smart phone’ to determine what can and can not be put in to recycle bins. f. Maintenance Position is still open. The job was offered but refused. Adecco is still doing the pre-screening and interviewing process. g. Annual Audit Review completed. Written report will be received toward the end of the year. h. John reported to Chuck about a tree needing trimmed on Bel Vista. Chuck said he will ask the resident to trim it. There is another instance on McMurry and Antelope that also needs to be addressed. Chuck also thinks the shrubbery on that corner is not in compliance, he will check. i. There was a complaint about stop sign violations on Trails End and Palomino. John will address. j. Bobby would like to see the Town provide some type of annual recognition for all volunteers in the town. He suggested a certificate, thanking them for their voluntary service on the Fire Department, Parks and Recreation, and Zoning and Planning. He believes it would be a good morale builder and encourage other people to volunteer.
There being no further business to come before the council at this time, Paula made a motion to adjourn. John seconded and motion was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 7:50 P.M., August 16, 2011. Minutes approved September 6, 2011 meeting.