
A New Nation Study Guide Test

Directions: Match the rights promised by the Constitutional amendments (1-7) with an example (A-G).

1. Freedom of Speech______A. you can attend the church of your choice

2. Freedom of the press_____ B. you don’t have to spend a long time in jail before the trial

3. Right to a speedy trial_____ C. you can go to meetings

4. Right to vote_____ D. a newspaper can publish people’s opinions

5. Right to assemble _____ E. you are allowed to choose your president

6. Freedom of religion____ F. you can criticize your government

7. Right of trial by jury_____ G. a group of people will decide what happens to you if you commit a crime

Directions: Put a check mark next to the items below that were causes of the War of 1812.

8. _____ American ships were being stopped at sea by the British.

9. _____The British were taking Americans off American ships.

10. _____ President Madison had wanted to go to war with England for years.

11._____ American suspected, or thought, that the British were helping the Native Americans.

12. ______British newspapers printed angry articles about the United States.

13. ______The War Hawks in Congress urged that war be declared. Name______Date______Class______

Articles of Confederation: True or False?

_____14. The Articles of Confederation had more weaknesses than strengths.

_____15. The Articles of Confederation were good in that they provided a written form of self-government for a new nation.

_____16. The Articles provided for a king-like leader.

_____18. Under the Articles, each state had one vote.

_____19. The national government had little power; states had more power.

_____20. Congress could not establish an army without permission from the states.

_____21. Some of the American Revolution’s leaders saw a need to change the Articles of Confederation to give the national government more power.

Choose the best answer.

_____22. The framers (leaders and writers) of the Constitution were

A. Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry B. Abraham Lincoln and John Adams C. James Madison and Benjamin Franklin D. Samuel Adams and James Monroe

_____23. What is a Federal System of government?

A. a balance between state and national government B. Has a king and a parliament C. States hold most of the power D. States have no power

_____24. Their were many debates and disagreements during the Constitutional Convention. However, the delegates were able to move forward because they were willing to

A. agree to disagree. B. let George Washington have the final say. B. compromise. C. amend the Articles of Confederation. Name______Date______Class______

_____25. What decision was made about the issue of slavery?

A. The practice would be abolished. B. Slaves would have the right to vote. C. A state’s total slave population would count towards its number of representatives in the House. D. the 3/5ths Compromise allowed for 3/5ths of a state’s slave population to count towards its number of representatives in the House.

_____26.The delegate from Connecticut proposed that Congress be split in 2 parts—the Senate and the House of Representatives. This satisfied both the large and small states because it made their roles in the national government more equal. It was included in the Constitution and is called

A. The Virginia plan. B. The Great Compromise. B. The Bill of Rights C. The 3//5ths Compromise.

_____27. Carrying out and enforcing laws made by Congress is the responsibility of the A. executive branch. B. courts. C. legislative branch. D. states.

_____28. The Supreme Court is the head of the ______which explains and applies the law of the land.

A. legislative branch B. judicial branch C. legislative branch D. military branch.

_____29. What are the duties of the legislative branch?

A. to collect taxes B. to explain and apply the law C. to protect the homeland and its interests around the world D. to create and pass laws

_____30. Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

A. to end slavery B. to explain the rights of the people and limit the power of the government C. to give the national government more power D. to include people of all races and backgrounds

_____31.Which amendment protects several of the most basic human rights and is considered one of the most important?


A. 1st B. 2nd C. 23rd D. 15th _____32. Many battles of the War of 1812 were fought near

A. Savannah, Ga. B. Lexington and Concord, Mass. C. the Great Lakes D. Chesapeake Bay

_____33. How did the British cause damage to Washington, D.C.?

A. by cutting off supply ships headed to nearby ports B. by bombarding the city with cannons for three days C. by setting the White House, the Capitol, and other buildings on fire D. by capturing the President and members of his Cabinet

_____34. Who was responsible for saving important papers and treasures from the White House?

A. George Washington B. Dolly Madison C. James Madison D. Martha Washington

_____35. What did Frances Scott Key do after he witnessed the fierce Battle of Baltimore at Ft. McHenry (War of 1812)?

A. He joined American forces and became a strong leader. B. He wrote a poem that later became the U.S. national anthem. C. He reported British secrets to the U.S. military. D. He provided medical assistance to the wounded of both sides.

3 Bonus Points

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