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Name: Period: Modified 8th Grade English Final /100 POINTS TOTAL
I. PROOFREADING PARAGRAPH (20 points, approx. 15 minutes):
Read the following title and paragraphs and fix any spelling errors (including the “i before e” rule, the double/single consonant rule, and homophones). You must also correct any mistakes in capitalization. There are 20 ERRORS for you to correct.
Excerpt from A Separate Piece
“I maid my way up on the beach and lay down. Finny came, ceremoniously took my pulse, and than went back into the ocean. he stayed in an hour, breakking off every few minutes to come back two me and talk. The sand was so hot from the all-day sunshine that i had to brush the top layer away in order to lie down on it and finny’s progress across the beach became a sereis of high, startled leaps.
The ocean, throwwing up foamming sun-sprays across some nearby rocks, was winter cold. This kind of sunshine and ocean, with the accumulating roar of the surf and the salty, adventurous, flirting wind from the sea, always intoxicated Phineas. He was everywhere, he enjoyed himself huggely, and he laughed out loud at pasing sea gulls. And he did everything he could think of four me.
We had diner at a hot dog stand, with our backs two the ocean and it’s now cooler wind, our faces toward the heat of the cooking range. Then we walked on toward the center of the beach, were their was a subdued New england strip of honky-tonks,” (p. 47).
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
II. Sentence Diagramming (20 points, approx. 20 minutes):
Use a straight edge to diagram the following sentences:
1. The tired old man walked quickly.
2. I write slowly.
3. The rusted red car swerved sharply.
4. The African tribe wandered forever.
5. The young toddler cried often.
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
III. COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY (40 points, approx. 60 minutes):
Write an essay comparing and contrasting the parenting styles in TWO of the texts that we’ve read. Explain and analyze the different parenting methods, parents’ motives, and outcomes of the parenting styles.
Choose TWO parenting styles from the following characters:
1. Reverend Brown in Inherit the Wind,
*2. Mr. Sedaris in “Cyclops,”
*3. Mr. Vowell in “Shooting Dad,”
*4. George and Lydia Hadley in “The Veldt,”
5. Stanley Ann Dunham from Dreams from My Father,
6. and the Devon School acting in loco parentis in A Separate Peace.
*You MUST write about TWO different texts, but you MAY NOT write about MORE THAN ONE of the short stories.
Your essay should include 3 body paragraphs that answer the following questions:
Body paragraph 1: For each selected text, define and compare the parenting styles and address the similarities in the family experiences, relationships, and outcomes. Address the reasons and motives for the parents’ actions.
Body paragraph 2: For each selected text, contrast the parenting styles and address the differences in the family experiences, relationships, and outcomes. Be sure to address the reasons and motives behind the parents’ actions.
Body paragraph 3: Discuss the strengths (pros) and weaknesses (cons) of each parenting style. Consider what circumstances made both methods of parenting effective and ineffective and how the styles of parenting impacted the children’s ability to succeed in life and why.
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
IV. VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT (10 POINTS): Within the body of your essay, use 10 vocabulary words in the proper part of speech. To get credit, you MUST CIRCLE the word in your essay and display knowledge of the word’s meaning in the sentence. By doing so, you will earn up to 10 POINTS.
elite obscure vindicate hysterics vigilant
solemn contempt maim ingratiate betrayal
remnant defendant copious adamant nomadic transcend benign spiteful blatant sedate evolution fervent illusion herald tacit creationism insinuate paranoia sagacious irresolutely
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
Advice and Reminders for Your Essay
Your essay should not use first or second person (Avoid I, me, you, we, us, our).
Your essay should be FIVE paragraphs long (with an introduction, three body paragraphs—one based on each of the bullet points above, and a conclusion).
Each body paragraph must include ONE direct quote from each text with analysis of how each example fits your overall argument. Don’t forget to provide an explanation of the quotes in your own words. Use the checklists provided on the next page to ensure that you have included each required component.
In the conclusion paragraph, you must explain which parenting style is superior and why. Be sure to properly structure your explanation as guidance or a lesson that the reader should take into consideration.
*****Don’t forget to incorporate 10 vocabulary words!
*****You should spend 60 minutes writing and proofreading your essay. You may use extra time if necessary. The grading rubric for the essay may be found on the last page of the exam.
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English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
QUOTE BANK: You must ONLY use the quotes from this bank in your essay. Be sure to integrate them properly and cite them in your essay in proper format. Inherit the Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee 1. Reverend Brown: “’My daughter will be pleased to answer any questions about Bertram Cates’” (p. 24). 2. Rachel Brown: “’I wanted to run to my father, and have him tell me I was safe, that everything was all right. But I was always more frightened of him than I was of falling. It’s the same way now’” (p. 55). 3. Reverend Brown: “’Lord, we call down the same curse on those who ask grace for this sinner-- though they be blood of my blood, and flesh of my flesh’” (p. 66) 4. Rachel Brown: “’I was always afraid of what I might think—so it seemed safer not to think at all’” (p. 124).
“Cyclops” by David Sedaris 1. David Sedaris: “Danger was everywhere and it was our father’s lifelong duty to warn us” (p. 47). 2. David Sedaris: “By the time he was finished, Tiffany couldn’t lift a dull crayon without breaking into tears. Her pretty, suntanned face assumed the characteristics of a wrinkled, grease-stained bag. Six years old and the girl was broken” (p. 47). 3. David Sedaris: “Regardless of the heat, I mowed the lawn wearing long pants, knee-high boots, a football helmet, and a pair of goggles” (p. 49).
“Shooting Dad” by Sarah Vowell 1. Sarah Vowell: “About the only thing my father and I agree on is the Constitution, though I’m partial to the First Amendment, while he’s always favored the Second” (p. 15). 2. Sarah Vowell: “While the kitchen and the living room were well within the DMZ, the respective work spaces governed by my father and me were jealously guarded totalitarian states in which each of us declared ourselves dictator” (p. 17). 3. Sarah Vowell: “And since this whole target practice outing was my idea, I was no longer his adversary. I was his accomplice. What’s worse, I was liking it” (p. 23).
“The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury 1. George Hadley: “’You know how difficult Peter is about that. When I punished him a month ago by locking the nursery for even a few hours – the tantrum he threw! And Wendy too. They live for the nursery’” (p. 10). 2. George Hadley: “’But I thought that’s why we bought this house, so we wouldn’t have to do anything?’” (p. 11). 3. Peter Hadley: “’I don’t think you’d better consider it any more, Father’” (p. 18).
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
Dreams from My Father by Barack H. Obama 1. Barack Obama: “Did my mother know about this? . . . I had a desperate urge to jump out of my seat, to show them what I had learned, to demand some explanation or assurance. But something held me back. As in a dream, I had no voice for my newfound fear” (p. 30). 2. Barack Obama and Stanley Ann Dunham: “I offered stiff resistance to this regimen, but in response to every strategy I concocted, whether unconvincing . . . or indisputably untrue . . . she would patiently repeat her most powerful defense: ‘This is no picnic for me either, buster’” (p. 48). 3. Stanley Ann Dunham: “’You have me to thank for your eyebrows . . . your father has these little wispy eyebrows that don’t amount to much. But your brains, your character, you got from him’” (p. 50). 4. Barack Obama: “To be black was to be the beneficiary of a great inheritance, a special destiny, glorious burdens that only we were strong enough to bear” (p. 51).
A Separate Peace by John Knowles 1. Gene Forrester: “The Devon faculty had never before experienced a student who combined a calm ignorance of the rules with a winning urge to be good, who seemed to love the school truly and deeply, and never more when he was breaking the regulations, a model boy who was most comfortable in the truant’s corner. The faculty threw up its hands over Phineas, and so loosened its grip on all of us” (p. 23). 2. Gene Forrester: “The beach was hours away by bicycle, forbidden, completely out of all bounds. Going there risked expulsion, destroyed the studying I was going to do for an important test the next morning, blasted the reasonable amount of order I wanted to maintain in my life, and it also involved the kind of long, labored bicycle ride I hated” (p. 46). 3. Gene Forrester: “No one cared, no one exercised any real discipline over us; we were on our own” (p. 55). 4. Mr. Ludsbury: “’I notice that everything went straight to seed during the summer and that none of you old boys who knew our standards so much as lifted a finger to help Mr. Prud’homme maintain order. As a substitute for the summer he couldn’t have been expected to know everything there was to be known at once. You old boys simply took advantage of the situation’” (p. 82).
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood :
8th Grade English Final—Compare and Contrast Essay Rubric Not Done Insufficient Good Excellent
You planned your essay in detail 0 3 4 5 before writing and directly addressed the questions. You have an introductory paragraph 0 6 8 10 with a lead sentence that directly relates to parenting styles, author names, titles, and background summaries of the selected texts, introduction to simple conflict, and a thesis sentence with three claims. In each body paragraph you used 0 6 8 10 ONE direct quote and one example to connect the parenting style in both texts and explained them in your own words. You analyzed the similarities and 0 6 8 10 differences between the two texts in terms of this parenting theme and identified the pros and cons of the parenting styles. In your conclusion, you explain which style was more effective and explain why. You offer advice about parenting dos and don’ts. You used complete sentences, 0 3 4 5 proper punctuation and capitalization, specific, non-vague vocabulary words, and correct spelling.
English Final 2013 Ms. Cunningham/Ms. Haywood