Lesson 9 GOD and MAN
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Lesson 9 GOD AND MAN
Lesson 10 – 25 WORD STUDIES
Words which pertain to The Big Picture of the Bible
To help our understanding of God’s Plan for the Salvation of Mankind
Lesson 26 SUMMARY
All quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible
Related Lessons: www.thewayoflife.org Special Studies The Big Picture of the Bible En 3001
En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Attributes of God - 1 Lesson 1
Introduction - The story of the Bible is the story of God and Man. While there are many areas for our consideration, we want to focus on The Big Picture of the Bible. First, we want to consider some of the attributes of God. By understanding some of these attributes, we should have a greater awareness of who God is, what He has done and why. Second, we want to look at some of the attributes of Mankind. By understanding some of these attributes, we should have a greater appreciation and be filled with thanksgiving for what God has done for Mankind and why these things were necessary. Then, we want to look at some of the words which are used in the Bible to discuss SIN and FORGIVENESS and SALVATION. While we may know what to do to be saved, a better understanding of the terminology will increase our awareness of God and His purpose and plan which He accomplished in Jesus Christ. What an amazing God! What a wonderful Savior! O How Great the Salvation in Jesus! Assignment Consider these four attributes. What do they mean? Why is each important in our understanding of God? What one overwhelming idea can we learn about God that is significantly important here? Give scriptures with examples of each attribute that helps our knowledge of meaning. Give synonyms. 1. Eternal [has always existed, exists now, will always exist; no beginning, no end] Ex 3:14 I am! ______2. Omnipresent [present everywhere] – Ps 139:7-12 Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? ______3. Omniscient [knows all things] – Col 2:1-4; Rom 11:33-36; John 21:17 … In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. ______4. Omnipotent [possesses all power/authority] – Mk 10:27 ... with God all things are possible. ______Synonyms: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 1 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Attributes of God - 2 Lesson 2
Introduction - The story of God’s relationship with Mankind is an important part of the story of the Bible. This attribute of God is significant to everything that God has done and is doing for mankind. What is our response to this HOLY GOD?
Assignment Consider this attribute carefully. The fact that this expresses who God is and helps us to define His character, shows the need to understand what this attribute means. How does the fact that GOD IS HOLY play into the overall scheme of God’s Plan for Redeeming Mankind? Why is it so important that each Christian also possess this attribute?
5. Holy [pure, clean, undefiled, set apart for a purpose; devoted; sanctified] – You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy. Lev 19:2 Be holy, for I am holy. 1 Pet 1:16
[As relates to God, the word HOLY expresses an attribute of a person who is absolutely flawless, has never made a mistake and who never has sinned — He possesses perfect knowledge, understanding and wisdom. This reality should be considered when discussing the holiness of God.] ______Synonyms of holy (as relates to God): ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 2 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Attributes of God - 3 Lesson 3
Introduction - A fundamental principle of God is that He is good and loving. Think about God as our Father and these principles as you think about these attributes of God.
Assignment What if God was evil instead of good: would you love Him and serve Him? Consider how important these attributes of God’s character are with respect to how you would respond to Him. Then think about how people do respond to God and why. Do you think that the thoughts and actions of Christians have anything to do with how people in the world respond to God? Consider the attributes of God in this lesson and answer the question: How should I respond to God? Give scriptures which will help us to understand these attributes of God and their importance to Mankind.
6. Provider [a person who provides, furnishes, supplies] Gen 22:8 … God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering. ______7. Giver [a person who gives; a donor] James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. ______8. Rewarder [a person who makes a return for something done] Heb 11:6 … He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. ______Synonyms of provide: ______Synonyms of give: ______Synonyms of reward: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 3 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Attributes of God - 4 Lesson 4
Introduction - Two very important attributes of God are stated in this lesson. Two ideas are suggested to put these into the realm of our thinking: a) What if you had no assurance that God would keep His promises — would you alter your life from how you presently live? [Is the work of the Holy Spirit important in salvation?] b) What if the text of the Bible was unreliable — would you change the way that you live? [Is the work of the Holy Spirit important in revelation?]
Assignment God made a promise to Abraham. Did He keep it? God has said that He will forgive us of all of our sins and remember them no more. Can I believe that God will do what He has said? God has promised eternal life in heaven. Do I have assurance that He will keep His promise? Is it important that God is a Promisor? Trustworthy? God’s promises are stated in what He has revealed by the Holy Spirit in the collection of books which we call “the Bible”. Does Mankind have confidence in the text of the Bible? If so, why do people continue to argue with it and try to change it? If the Bible reveals a truth, do we have the right to reject it? If the Bible does not reveal a particular activity of worship or a particular method for doing the Lord’s work as truth, do I have the right to demand that others follow it? Would God approve? To whom can we go to find The Truth? And where is it recorded? The real question for you is, Do you believe it? And, Do you obey it?
9. Promisor [A person who makes a promise (commits to do or to be something)] Heb 11:11; 6:13-20; 4:9; 8:6 … she judged Him faithful who had promised. ______10. Revealer [a person who makes something known (not known previously)] Eph 3:3; Jude 1:3; Rev 1:1-2; Rom 16:25-26; 1 Cor 2:12-13 … how that by revelation He made known to me … ______Synonyms of promise: ______Synonyms of reveal: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 4 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Attributes of God - 5 Lesson 5
Introduction - Two significant attributes of God are stated in this lesson. Two ideas are suggested to put these into the realm of our thinking: 1) What if God did not bless us — would your life be any different? [Does God really hear and answer our prayers? Some Christians say “No!” Why? Have we limited the power of God in our own minds? Are we denying what the Bible says because of what someone taught us about miracles? What is the reality of your personal relationship with God?] 2) A fundamental attribute of God is that He is holy. The overwhelming power of this idea is magnificent, especially with respect to our salvation. But wrapped up in this same concept is the fact that God Is Good! — does this have any impact on your life?
Assignment We see in the history recorded in the Old Testament that God blessed His people: at times, one person; at times, a family or a group; and at times the people of Israel, God’s chosen people. Does God bless us today? If so, how? Does He bless you? What is your response when God blesses you? A very powerful statement is made by Peter concerning Jesus Christ (Acts 10:38): … who went about doing good. God is good. God’s law is good. What God does is good. What God does for you is good. How do you respond to God’s goodness? 11. Blesser [A person who bestows a blessing] Eph 1:3; Num 6:22-27 … who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ … ______12. Good [Having the right qualities; excellent; right; such as should be approved] Mat 19:17 … No one is good but One, that is, God. ______Synonyms of bless: ______Synonyms of good: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 5 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Attributes of Man - 1 Lesson 6
Introduction - Mankind was created by God with a physical body. But God also gave Mankind a spirit which is like His own spirit. Men sometimes act like “brute beasts”. When we recognize the uniqueness of Mankind in God’s creation and why God made Mankind as He did, then we begin to realize the importance of knowing about God and knowing God. One word reigns supreme as we consider the attributes of Mankind — responsibility.
Assignment God gave Mankind a spirit which will continue to exist throughout eternity. God desires to have a spiritual relationship with the spirit beings He has created. The nature and quality of that relationship is seen throughout the Bible. The kind of spiritual relationship that we have with God while we live on the earth will determine the kind of relationship we will have with God throughout eternity. The challenge for Mankind is to provide for his physical wellbeing in an appropriate manner while maintaining an appropriate spiritual relationship with God. God also gave Mankind dominion. This is nothing small. The challenge for Mankind is to have dominion and, at the same time, submit to God, his neighbor, his brother in Christ, etc. [Love / Accepting God’s Order are the best answers to this problem.] Comment on these ideas and the idea of responsibility in connection with them.
1. Mankind was created in the Image of God – Gen 1:26; John 4:24; Zech 12:1 Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness … ______2. God gave man Dominion – [Dominion connotes authority and responsibility.] Gen 1:26; 9:2-3 … let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. ______Synonyms of image: ______Synonyms of dominion: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 6 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Attributes of Man - 2 Lesson 7
Introduction - Every human being has the responsibility to seek the Lord and find Him (Acts 17) …that they should seek the Lord … and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our own being, as also some of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring. What do you know about yourself? Why do you do the things that you do? What is the basis for your attitudes? Are you happy? If so, why? How do you use the dominion that God gave you?
Assignment God gave Mankind dominion; but He also gave him responsibility. There are many people who want to be the boss, but do not want the responsibility that goes with it. They work from 8 to 5 (maybe), but the boss has to work all of the time (be aware of what is happening all of the time) and respond to every kind of problem associated with the business. We are given dominion; but we must use it wisely and responsibly. We must not only accept the responsibility for ourselves — we must accept the responsibility that we have toward God and the responsibility that we have for others. Define Free Will as it relates to your spirit being and your moral consciousness. Find examples in the Bible to demonstrate this concept. Explain your responsibility to yourself, to God, to others. Give scriptures.
3. God gave mankind Free Will, the right to choose his own actions without force or coercion. [God did not give man the right to choose the consequences of his actions. Those consequences have already been established by God.] – ______4. God gave mankind responsibility for his own actions. 2 Cor 5:10; Ezek 18:20 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. ______Synonyms of Free Will: ______Synonyms of responsibility: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 7 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Attributes of Man - 3 Lesson 8
Introduction - LIFE is the essence of God’s creation. Life, the sustaining of life and the quality of life, the perpetuation of life and eternal life are of the utmost importance. Assignment God gave Mankind LIFE; but He also gave him the responsibility to provide for himself and protect and perpetuate life. He gave Mankind the responsibility to bear children and to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Give scriptures and discuss the concepts suggested in this lesson. What important things for human beings can we learn here?
5. God gave Mankind responsibility for Life – life in general, his own life, lives of others, reproduction (children). LIFE [the time of being a living being] a. Gen 9:1, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. ______b. Gen 9:4, But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. ______c. Gen 9:6, Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed. ______d. Gen 4:9, Am I my brother’s keeper? ______e. Matt 22:39, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 8 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS God and Man Lesson 9
The story of the Bible is the story of God and Mankind, the main point of which hinges on the relationship between God and Mankind. If we miss this point, then we have missed what God wants us to understand and be. In one sense, God is the Father of every human being — He gives us LIFE. But also, God is our Father in a spiritual sense. God has the same love, care, concern and continuing interest in each of His children as human fathers should have for their children: a father delights in protecting and providing for his children; a father is proud when a child achieves or succeeds. Think about the quality, beauty and meaning of this relationship. It is this relationship for eternity that is important to God our Father, and should be to us. Before creation, some of the angels sinned: they followed their leader, the devil (or Satan). Jude speaks of the angels who left their habitation1: they left their God-assigned place (rank, position, work function) to be involved in things for which they had no authority. God prepared for them a place for everlasting punishment (Hell).2 The angels who sinned were created in the same manner as all other angels. For whatever reason, the devil stirred up some of the angels to be against God. God created these spirit beings (angels) so that He could have a relationship with them. He wanted them to accept Him as God without question. Some of these spirit beings sinned — the close relationship was broken. God has reserved them for judgment.3 [The devil was in the garden of Eden soon after Creation. The Plan of God for the Salvation of Mankind was in place before the foundation of the earth.] God created some more spirit beings; but it seems that He wanted to test them before He granted them permission to be with Him in heaven for eternity. So He created a physical realm and human beings to dwell in it. A human being has a body, a soul and a spirit (3 parts woven together).4 The spirit/soul is tied to the physical body for the duration of physical life. When the soul leaves the body, the body is dead.5 The soul goes to a place which God prepared for spirits who have lived on the earth (Hades6), where they remain until the day of resurrection and judgment. Everyone who has lived on the earth will be resurrected and judged by the things done during his life on earth.7 Those who have done good will go to live with God in heaven forever — eternal life — where they will have a continuous relationship with God and Christ and the Holy Spirit and the holy angels and all of the saints of God who have ever lived. Those who have done evil will go to live with the devil and his angels in Hell — separated from God — everlasting punishment. The ongoing relationship that a person has with God day-by-day prepares him to be with God for eternity. What is the status of your relationship with God? If there is no relationship with God now, there will be none for eternity. All of these concepts are vitally important. But salvation, for example, is the means to an end: a personal spiritual relationship with God — sin is removed, a person is made holy and is then reconciled to a holy God. That is what it is all about.
1 Jude 1:6 2 Matt 25:41 3 2 Pet 2:4 4 1 Thess 5:23 5 Gen 35:18 6 Luke 16:19-31 7 John 5:28-29; 2 Cor 5:10
En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 9 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 10
Introduction - The words which we will consider are significant to the study of The Big Picture of the Bible. [The brief definitions given in this study are given in this context.] We often learn many things, the knowledge of which we retain, but too often, we do not understand the very terms that we use to describe what we know. Since God and everything that God is, has done, and will do, impacts on every human being, we should be as informed as possible, especially about those things which pertain to our salvation. Our salvation is necessary so that our spiritual relationship with our God and Savior may be effected. Our Spiritual Father wants to have an unending Father/child relationship with us in heaven. He loves us in this very special way.
Assignment Consider the information given. Answer questions. Give scriptures. 1. Sin [Doing what God says, “Do not do.” Failing to do what God says, “Do.”] 1 John 3:4 Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. a. Define lawlessness. ______b. Give some synonyms of sin. ______c. Give a simple definition of sin which might help you to avoid committing sin. ______d. Should we pray that God will keep us from sinning? ____ Jesus suggested that we should pray that God would lead us not into what (Matt 6:13)? ______Consider James 1:12-16 and explain the principle suggested by Jesus. ______e. Has God provided assistance for us when we are tempted (1 Cor 10:13)? ______Explain. ______f. WHY DOES MANKIND SIN? Why did Eve sin? ______Why did Adam sin? ______Why do you sin? Explain. ______g. Why did God commit them all to disobedience (Rom 11:32)? Explain. ______h. Since all have sinned (Rom 3:23), what does everyone need? Why? Explain. ______i. Name some ways we may sin. 1) Doing what is forbidden ______2) ______3) ______4) ______5) ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 10 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 11
Introduction - LIFE is the essential element of all that God has created and provided. DEATH is the opposite of Life. Physical Death takes away our ability to function on the earth or to influence the events on the earth. But the most significant death which we can ever experience is spiritual death because this involves SEPARATION FROM GOD. Eternal separation from God is called the “second death” and is what we will receive as the judicial price for sin if we fail to believe and obey God. LIFE or DEATH — the choice is yours!
Assignment - Explain each type of DEATH listed by giving examples from the Bible with your comments. Give some synonyms of death. [The primary idea of the word death is separation, e.g., John Doe dies a physical death: his spirit is separated from his body and his life is separated from the earth.] 2. Physical Death Heb 9:27; Gen 35:18 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the Judgment. ______3. Spiritual Death Isa 59:2; Eph 2:1-3; 1 John 1:5-10 But your iniquities have separated you from your God … ______4. Judicial Death Matt 25:41; Rev 20:15; Ezek 18:20 Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. ______
Give some synonyms of death. ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 11 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 12
Introduction - LIFE is the essential element of all that God created and provided. Physical Life permits us to function on the earth and influence events on the earth. But the most significant life which we can ever experience is Spiritual Life because it involves A PERSONAL SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. A close personal association with God our Father is called Eternal Life and is what we will receive because we love God — we believe and obey Him [God permits the Blood of the Lamb to pay the judicial price for sin: we are washed, sanctified and justified and we are reconciled to a holy God]. This Father/child spiritual relationship is what we now have in Jesus Christ. Each of us has the opportunity to choose LIFE.
Assignment - Explain each type of LIFE listed by giving examples from the Bible with your comments. Give some synonyms of life. [Life is the state of being alive - living, breathing, etc. - without regard to the quality of life.]
5. Physical Life Gen 1:26-28; 2:7; 9:7; Eccl 8:15-17; 9:9; Luke 16:25; James 4:13-17 So God created man in His own image … male and female He created them. ______6. Spiritual Life 2 Pet 1:1-4; John 5:24; 10:10; Rom 6:3-11; Eph 2:1-7,14-16; 2 Cor 6:18; Heb 7:10; 10:19-25; Ps 27:1; Eccl 12:13-14 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins … ______7. Eternal Life 1 John 5:11-13; Matt 7:13-14; John 5:24-29; 1 Cor 15:19-23; Rom 6:22-23 … God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. ______
Give some synonyms of life. ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 12 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 13
Introduction - The reality of Life is quickly understood. Many people are concerned about the quality of Life: in particular, the quality of their own lives. Food, houses, cars, fun, etc. often define what people are concerned about. But life experience shows us that the “inner man” seeks peace and a sense of achievement, fulfillment and meaning of life. As we examine what reflects a superior quality of life, these things are outstanding: love, grace and mercy.
Assignment - Explain each word listed by giving examples from the Bible with your comments. Give some synonyms. 8. Love [An attitude of genuine concern for the wellbeing of another which, in general, requires action to be considered as genuine.] 1 Cor 13:4-8; Rom 5:8; 1 John 4:7-11; Matt 22:37-40; Eph 5:25 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own … Love never fails. ______9. Grace [A benevolent action which gives something to the recipient which he has not earned or does not deserve to receive.] Eph 2:8-10; 3:1-7; Titus 2:11-14; Acts 13:43; Gal 2:21; 1 Pet 5:12 For by grace you have been saved through faith … ______10. Mercy [An expressed feeling of compassion which does not punish someone who deserves to be punished.] Ps 118:1-29; Luke 18:35-43; Rom 9:14-26; 11:29-32; Luke 10:37 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! Because His mercy endures forever. ______
Synonyms of love: ______Synonyms of grace: ______Synonyms of mercy: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 13 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 14
Introduction - Human beings were created with a sense of right and wrong. With no perversion of this innate sense, a human being will be aghast at a vicious attack on another human being and feel genuine compassion for someone whose wife died, whether or not he knows the person. These feelings and sense of moral consciousness are unique to human beings among all of God’s creatures. When applied to the treatment of others, there is a sense of what we call justice. The justice of God is quite remarkable. It demonstrates the fairness of God with respect to sin and sinners. The tremendous cost to God and Christ goes beyond any measure of magnanimity that is possible for us to even imagine. The blood of Jesus was the only remedy that God could accept as payment for sin and still consider Himself to be JUST. Justice says that I should die because I have sinned; but God has provided a way of escape by the blood of Jesus which we may choose.
Assignment - Explain each word listed by giving examples from the Bible with your comments. Give some synonyms.
11. Justice [A legal term which expresses the idea that a person receives the reward or penalty which is fair or just based on what he has done.] Gen 18:19; Ex 23:7; Job 36:6-26; Ps 89.14; Is 9:6-7; Heb 2:1-4; Rev 20:11-15 And they were judged, each one according to his works. ______
12. Blood [The blood represents the life (based on the principles we learn from the Old Testament animal sacrifices). The concept of a life for a life is seen in the Old Testament. Jesus shed His blood (gave His life) — He died the death that I deserve to die because I am a sinner — His life is substituted for my life, the life that I owe is redeemed by His life — God’s justice is satisfied.] Gen 9:4-6; Ex 30:10; Heb 9:16-28; 10:4,19-20; Rev 1:5-6 To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood … ______Synonyms of justice: ______Synonyms of blood: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 14 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 15
Introduction - What God gave up for Mankind is a statement of the remarkable love and grace of God. We speak of the sacrifice of Jesus often, but do not mention very often the sacrifice of God the Father (John 3:16; 1 John 3 & 4). We should consider the ideas of purpose, commitment, courage and emotions as we think about “sacrifice”. The things that we learn about the sacrifice of an innocent animal in order to have remission of sins (Heb. 9:22) from the Law of Moses should teach us how significant this concept is to God. Remember that the blood of Jesus is the only remedy that God would accept as payment for sin. How important is the sacrifice of Jesus?
Assignment - Explain each idea listed by giving examples from the Bible with Your comments. Give some ways that a person may “sacrifice” (be sure to include Heb. 13:15 and explain). Give a complete explanation of representative death and explain how the sacrifices for sin in the Law of Moses were fulfilled in and by the sacrifice of Christ. Give synonyms for these concepts. 13. Sacrifice [The giving up of one thing for another; something of value is given up, surrendered or destroyed for the sake of a higher claim. The act of offering an animal (blood) sacrifice to God.] 1 Sam 1:3; Num 28:1-8; Zeph 1:7-8; John 1:29; 3:16; 1 Cor 5:7; Heb 10:12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God. ______
14. Representative Death [The life of someone (who is innocent) is sacrificed for another (who is guilty and deserves to die). The life of the innocent person is accepted as payment of the judicial price for sin that is owed by the guilty person.] Ex 13:11-16; 2 Chron 25:4; John 1:29; Rom 5:6-8 … while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 15 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 16
Introduction - As we consider these words, we want to look at them in an absolute sense, with the understanding that, in application in our daily lives, the meanings may not be so clear and precise. But if we fail to understand these terms, we miss an essential part of what God wants us to understand and appreciate about who we are and the relationship that we have with God the Father as His children. I like to think of these three words as following each other: atonement – the cleansing sanctification – the dedication reconciliation – the uniting together which allows for a continuing relationship.
Assignment - Explain each word listed by considering its meaning in the context of the Old Testament; then explain its meaning in the New Testament, giving examples from the Bible with your comments. Give some synonyms.
15. Atonement [making amends for something: a wrong, a loss, an injury, sin.] Lev 1:4; 8:34; 17:11; 2 Chr 29:24; Ezek 45:15; Rom 5:11; Heb 10:1-4,9-23 … by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh … ______16. Sanctification [the act of dedicating; setting aside for holy uses; making holy] Ex 13:2; 19:10,14,22-23; 2 Chr 29:17-24; 2 Thess 2:13; 1 Pet 1:2; Heb 13:12 Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood … ______17. Reconciliation [the act of changing from enmity to friendship – results in union] Dan 9:24; Rom 5:8-11; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Eph 2:14-18 … God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ … ______
Synonyms of atonement: ______Synonyms of sanctification: ______Synonyms of reconciliation: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 16 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 17
Introduction - As we look at these words, we want to see them first of all in their very basic meaning. With that understanding, we will try to see what they mean in their use in our context. This is at the very heart of what Jesus did for us. What a great plan! What a marvelous sacrifice! We need to appreciate what God did for us and also what Jesus did for us. We are precious to God and to Jesus! PRECIOUS! [What was the price that was paid to buy us back? We are precious! God and Christ have shown us how precious we are to them — How precious is God and Christ to us?] God is our spiritual Father and Jesus is our big brother. Think about that relationship to help you to see why they were willing to do what they did — for us! I like to think of these three words as fitting together for a complete picture: redemption – the act of paying back ransom – the price paid justification – the result, we are declared to be clean, without guilt. Assignment - Explain each word listed by considering its meaning in the context of the Old Testament; then explain its meaning in the New Testament, giving examples from the Bible with your comments. Give some synonyms. 18. Redemption [to pay a ransom to buy back something previously owned] Ex 6:6; 34:19-20; Ps 49:5-9; 111:9; Jer 32:7-8; Eph 1:7,14; 4:30; Heb 9:11-15 He has sent redemption to His people; He has commanded His covenant forever ... ______19. Ransom [the price required to buy back something previously owned] Ex 21:30; 30:11-16; Isa 35:8-10; 43:1-7; Matt 20:28; 1 Tim 2:5-6 … the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all … ______20. Justification [the act of declaring a person to be righteous (according to law)] Luke 18:9-14; Isa 53:11; Acts 13:32-39; Rom 3:24-28; 4:25; 5:15-19; Titus 3:7 … that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. ______Synonyms of redemption: ______Synonyms of ransom: ______Synonyms of justification: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 17 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 18
Introduction - A great burden is on the hearts of people who have a sensitivity about their sins. A feeling of guilt is sometimes difficult to understand — why do I feel this way? Mankind was created with a conscience. If I sin and I know it, my conscience will continue to remind me, whether I want it to or not. FORGIVENESS – what a relief – what freedom results when the burden of sin is lifted. “Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin. The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.” Spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, we are better off without sin or the guilt of sin in our lives. What a blessing from God! Jesus is called The Prince of Peace. The gospel of Jesus Christ is called The Gospel of Peace. Peace with God / Peace in my heart. These words describe some aspect of the process of forgiveness: forgiveness – the act of pardoning washed – cleansing with water, figurative remission – the result: our debt is paid, we have no guilt. Assignment - Explain each word listed by considering its meaning in the context of the Old Testament; then explain its meaning in the New Testament, giving examples from the Bible with your comments. Give some synonyms.
21. Forgiveness [the act of forgiving; pardon; remission of a debt or penalty] Ps 86:5; Acts 5:29-32; 13:38; Rom 4:7; Eph 1:7; 4:32; Col 1:14; 1 John 2:12 … keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin … ______22. Washed [the act of applying water to cleanse someone or something; cleansed] Lev 14:9; 22:6-7; 1 Cor 6:11; Eph 5:26; Titus 3:5; Rev 1:5; 7:14; Heb 10:17-23 … let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water … ______23. Remission [a letting off from a debt or punishment; pardon; forgiveness] Matt 26:28; Luke 24:44-48; Acts 2:38; 10:43; Heb 9:22; 10:18 For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. ______Synonyms of forgiveness: ______Synonyms of washed: ______Synonyms of remission: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 18 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 19
Introduction - Salvation is a word which is used often among people who are religious. But, it should be noted that many religions offer a philosophy of religion and a way of life to go with it, but have no concept of salvation. This means that they have no fundamental understanding of Mankind and God’s relationship with Mankind throughout history. Since these people do not have the concept of salvation in their teachings, they have NO HOPE! There are different ways to look at salvation, even in our context. Salvation is a process that takes us away from something, provides something for us in the present tense, and provides something for us of an everlasting nature in the future. (See Assignment.)
Saved is a word which is also used often among religious people. We need to understand who is the Savior, what are the rules in order to be saved, who made the rules for what a person must do to be saved, and by what will we be judged as suitable to be saved. Are you saved? How do you know that you are saved? What does the Savior say about it?
Assignment – Explain what paragraph 2 of the Introduction is saying. Explain what these two words mean in the context of this study and give examples from the Bible with your comments. Give some synonyms.
24. Salvation [deliverance, preservation; the act of saving for eternal life in heaven] Ps 3:8; Ex 14:13; 15:1-10; Luke 3:6; 19:9-10; Acts 4:10-12; Rom 1:16; Phil 2:12 Salvation belongs to the Lord. ______
25. Saved [preserved from danger; delivered from sin and its consequences] 1 Sam 23:5; Matt 19:25; 27:42; Luke 13:23; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:47; Eph 2:4-5 But God … made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved) ______Synonyms of salvation: ______Synonyms of saved: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 19 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 20
Introduction - Propitiation is a word which is not used often among religious people; but it is a very important word to know and to understand. This word gets to the sense of what God’s whole idea is about. Simply stated, it is: What does God want me to do to please Him? The main idea of propitiation is pleasing God. Jesus is the propitiation for our sins — He is the sacrifice which pleases God. We may not understand the thinking of God; but we can understand what He said about this. For example, Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? (why He could not do this another way, etc.) My answer is, I do not know! I can make a lot of observations from the Bible on this subject and I can draw a conclusion; but the reality is, I cannot say, because I do not know! The Bible tells me that God required the sacrifice of this person for these purposes. I simply must accept the fact that what happened was necessary to please God. Romans 3:24-26 suggests what is involved in the propitiatory sacrifice of Jesus: (1) The grace of God (2) The redemption which is in Christ Jesus (3) The propitiatory sacrifice which God chose (Jesus) (4) The blood of Jesus (5) the personal faith of a person (7) the righteousness of God (8) the forbearance of God (He had passed over the sins that were previously committed) (9) the demonstration of God’s righteousness at the present time — that God might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. The main idea of The Lamb of God is that it immediately implies a sacrifice. It also implies that it is a sacrifice that God selected. The purpose for this sacrifice is stated in John 1:29: Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! All of the sacrifices of the Old Testament are fulfilled in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The text says that He was a LAMB. The Law of Moses prescribes different animals to be used for sin sacrifices. On the Day of Atonement, two goats were chosen: one was offered as a burnt offering while the other (figuratively) carried the sins of the people “outside the camp”. This sacrifice was chosen by God who says that this sacrifice is a lamb who takes away our sins. What else do we need to know? Assignment - Fully explain these terms. Give examples. Give some synonyms. 26. Propitiation [a means which pleases God by which sin is covered or remitted] 1 John 2:2; 4:10; Rom 3:21-26 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins ______27. The Lamb of God [the Lamb by whose sacrifice forgiveness was obtained] John 1:29,36; Rev 5:6 … stood a Lamb as though it had been slain … ______Synonyms of propitiation: ______Synonyms of Lamb of God: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 20 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 21
Introduction - The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a wonderful expression which is delightful to all believers. The term gospel means “good news”. As used in this context, it it has reference to the good news of Jesus Christ and the salvation for all Mankind which was made possible through Him. The gospel reminds us of prophecies which “foretold of these days” and gives some new prophecies. It tells us that Jesus fulfilled all of the prophecies concerning the Messiah and His kingdom. It tells us that Jesus lived a sinless life, during which He taught many things and performed many miracles. He was put to death on the basis of false accusations; He was buried; and He was resurrected from the dead. He returned to heaven to be with His heavenly Father. He began to reign as King. He has promised salvation to those who believe that He is the Christ and the Son of God and are baptized for the remission of sins. He has promised eternal life in heaven for all of those saved people who remain faithful throughout their lives on earth. Is the gospel “good news” to you? Are you saved?
Assignment – Explain The Gospel of Jesus Christ: What is it? What is its function? Of what benefit may it be for a person? How should I use it? What is its authority? Give examples from the Bible with your comments. Give some synonyms.
28. Gospel [the good news; the Christ-message; later, the entire New Testament] Mark 1:1-3; Matt 4:17,23; Luke 9:1-2; 10:1,8-9; Mark 16:15-16; 1 Cor 15:1-4 Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature ... ______Synonyms of gospel: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 21 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 22
Introduction - The acquisition of knowledge is something that is normal for human beings. We begin by breathing; then we learn to eat, walk, talk, play games, work, and in general, we acquire knowledge of many things. The most important knowledge that anyone can have is the knowledge of God and His Will for Mankind. Wisdom, based on this knowledge is also important. We can have knowledge of architecture, but fail to use wisdom in our design: we have a building that is too expensive, or perhaps, it just falls down. James says that we need wisdom and that we should pray for wisdom. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus tells a story about the importance of wisdom in spiritual things. Spiritual understanding involves both knowledge and wisdom. A reason for this study is gain a better understanding of the spiritual things revealed by God in the Bible concerning God’s Plan of Salvation for Mankind. Knowledge may be of little value unless it is used. Knowledge may be of little value if it is not understood. Paul prayed that we might be filled with knowledge, wisdom and spiritual understanding. Assignment - Explain each word listed by giving examples from the Bible with your comments. Explain how these fit together. Give some synonyms. 29. Knowledge [what a person knows about what God has revealed] Prov 1:7; Eph 1:17; Col 1:9-10; 2:1-3; 2 Pet 1:2; 2:20; 2 Cor 10:4-6; Is 11:9 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus … ______30. Wisdom [good judgment in the use of the knowledge which God has revealed] Prov 1:1-7; Eph 1:17; Col 1:9-10; 2:1-3; 1 Cor 2:1-16; Eph 3:8-12 To the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known … ______31. Spiritual Understanding [comprehension of the knowledge which is from God] Prov 2:1-9; Eph 1:18; Col 1:9-10; 2:1-3; Luke 24:44-48; 1 John 5:18-20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding … ______Synonyms of knowledge: ______Synonyms of wisdom: ______Synonyms of spiritual understanding: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 22 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 23
Introduction - A very personal reality sets in as a person is confronted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ: he has the revelation of God about Himself and His Purpose and His Plan for the Salvation of Mankind. The question is, will he believe God; will he believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; will he believe what God says about sin and salvation. If he has faith in God’s message, he will recognize that some action is required in response to God: repentance and confession are two things which are necessary.
Assignment - Explain each word listed by giving examples from the Bible with your comments. Explain how these fit together. Give some synonyms.
32. Repentance [A change of mind or purpose for the better – results in a change of action; a turning away from (sin) and turning to (God)] Acts 17:30-31; Matt 3:2; 4:17; Luke 3:8; 13:3; Acts 2:38; 5:31; 11:18 God … now commands all men everywhere to repent. ______33. Faith [dependance on the veracity of another; a firm belief in a person/doctrine] Eph 2:8-10; 3:1-7; Titus 2:11-14; Acts 13:43; Gal 2:21; 1 Pet 5:12 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. ______34. Confession [An open declaration of someone’s deep conviction] Matt 10:32-33; John 9:22; 12:42-43; Acts 8:26-39; 1 Tim 6:12; Titus 1:10-16 I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. ______Synonyms of repentance: ______Synonyms of faith: ______Synonyms of confession:______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 23 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 24
Introduction - These three qualities are measures of every Christian. Each of these is essential to being the kind of Christian that God would approve. Righteousness: a quality of being right and doing what is right according to what God has said. Faithfulness is doing what is right according to what God has said continuously, without fail. Holiness is an attribute of God which He wants us to have also. The principle idea is that we keep ourselves from evil practices and dedicate ourselves to God and to the service of God. Assignment - Explain each word listed by giving examples from the Bible with your comments. Explain how these fit together. Give some synonyms. 35. Righteousness [the quality of being right and doing of what is right according to what God has said] 1 John 3:7; Matt 5:6,10,20; 6:33; John 16:7-11; Eph 6:14; 2 Pet 2:18-22; 3:13 He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. ______36. Faithfulness [doing what is right on a continual basis, without fail] Gal 3:8-9; 3 John 1:5; Rev 2:10,13; 17:14; Matt 24:45; 1 Cor 15:58 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers. ______37. Holiness [the holiness of Mankind suggests to be set apart for a sacred use; he is set apart from the world/sin and consecrated to the service of God] 1 Pet 1:13-25; 1 Pet 2:4-5,9-10; 2 Pet 3:11; 1 Tim 2:8; 2 Tim 1:8-10; Titus 1:8 Be holy, for I am holy. ______Synonyms of righteousness: ______Synonyms of faithfulness: ______Synonyms of holiness: ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 24 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Lesson 25
Introduction - The Savior of the world was chosen by God to be the one who would come to earth to live as a man, to die as a sacrifice for sin, etc. This person is called The Messiah in the Old Testament and The Christ in the New Testament. The primary idea of this word is anointed. Prophets, Priests and Kings were anointed. Christians are also anointed. I am a son of God; but Jesus is THE Son of God. Many people have been High Priest according to the Law of Moses; but Jesus Christ is THE ONLY High Priest for Christians. In the same way, we can understand that THE CHRIST is THE ONLY PERSON ever to be chosen by God for the work which the Christ did.
The Son of God is the designation given to the member of the Godhead who humbled Himself to come to earth as a man, who showed that He was the Son of God by His sinless life, teaching and miracles. His death, burial and resurrection are significant evidence to this fact also. Assignment - Explain these terms as they are used in the Bible. Give examples with scriptures and your comments. Give some synonyms or other names. 38. The Christ (or Messiah) [The Anointed of God – expected King and Deliverer] Matt 16:16; John 1:41; 4:25-26; 7:25-32,45-46; Acts 2:22,36; Rom 5:6-11; 6:3-11 You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. ______
39. The Son of God [The Only-One-of-His-Kind Son of God] Heb 1:5-9; Luke 1:35; John 1:34,49; 3:16-18; 6:66-69; Matt 14:33; 27:54 You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. ______Synonyms of Christ (or Messiah):______Other names for the Son of God:______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 25 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS Summary Lesson 26
Introduction - The purpose of this lesson is to summarize the previous lessons. What stands out as a highlight, something important to remember, should be noted below.
Lesson 1 – 5 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD ______Lesson 6 – 8 ATTRIBUTES OF MAN ______Lesson 9 GOD AND MAN ______Lesson 10 – 25 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS ______En 801 W Biblical Concepts Ronald B. Roark Feb 2008 www.thewayoflife.org Word Studies 26