Report on Official Travel to Kopafo in Ungai Bena District, Eastern Highlands Province
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Report on Official Travel to Kopafo in Ungai Bena District, Eastern Highlands Province. Livestock component (Poultry) under the Western Pacific EU- ARD project.
1. Nam 1. Atmaleo Aguyanto (Livestock -Scientist), Isidora Ramita (Food Processing e: -Scientist), Wilfred Wau (Crop Protection -Cadet), Elly Solomon (Livestock- Cadet) and Walter (Driver) 2. Itine Left Labu for Goroka on Sunday 16th February. Conducted field activities on the rary : 17th-21st February and returned on Saturday 22nd February from Goroka to Labu. 3. Purp 1. To conduct training for new model and interested farmers ose 1.i.a. Baseline survey on the model farmers 1.i.b. Brief management training on broiler and village chicken 2. To do a follow up on the first group of model farmers. 2.i.a. Check Wendi Upia’s farm on her progress with the technology (layer concentrate). 2.i.b. Collect the result for the last week of the broiler trial from Peter Legefa. (Economically and food security) 2.i.c. Check with them on their continuation on the use of the technology. (constrains and strengths)
4. Peopl 1. First group of model farmers: Noma Loge’e (Broiler Model Farmer) Peter e met/ Legefa (Broiler Farmer) Wendy Upia (Layer Farmer) Barnabas Kriko (Broiler visits Model Farmer) 2. New interested farmers: Bethel Benjamin, Meck Amos, Amos Fred, Amos Uvi, Abufa Makame, Rose Jere, Can Tonny, Koko Safa, Linda Karu, Rachael Fato, Rebecca Kiriko, Albert Aukeke. 3. Other interested farmers and villages 5. Majo Poultry Feeding trial r events Gathered the community. A brief introduction was made and the purpose of our visit was let know to the community. General Training was conducted on the poultry work: Importance of village chicken (economically and food security). Good husbandry practices for broiler chicken to meet the genetic potential of the birds. (management) Brief introduction on the technology (broiler concentrate) Visited all the first group of model farmers and they reflected on their strengths and constrains: 1.i.a. Wendi Upia: she continues to raise her layer chicken (shaver brown) with the concentrate which she purchased from us. She had generated good income from the sales of eggs and her project has inspired other villagers to look into layer production for egg (village chicken). She is currently faced with two problems. She lost half of her flocks due to pecking and also her birds are aging (molting stage) with low egg production. Advised her to use the remaining birds (8 hens and 3 cockerels) for breeding. Secondly, to improve the housing of the birds. We will continue to assist her on these two issues. 1.i.b. Peter Legefa: Collected the last week results. He was greatly pleased with the technology and will continue to use it. Good income was generated from the sales of the chicken. He will start his second batch when his Sweet Potato is ready to harvest from his garden. 1.i.c. Docas Fred: she has continue raising two batches of broiler chicken after the trial (without using concentrate), while waiting for her Sweet Potato garden to be ready. 1.i.d. Norma Loege still continues to raise broiler chicken. Visited the next group of model farmers’ sites (12 sites) and conducted interviews using a survey questionnaire set. Out of the farmers interviewed 2 farmers will involved in both village and broiler chicken, 5 will involved in broiler and the remaining 5 will involved in village chicken. From these, 4 farmers are ready with chicken houses, SP available in the garden and enough number of village chickens to start while rest of the farmers will start building the shelters for the birds and get their SP and cassava garden ready.
Follo Poultry component: w-up 1. Supplying of materials and constructing of rooms and beds for 4 new actions model farmers. (Elly Solomon) required 2. Training and demonstration on broiler and layer concentrates. (All the model and interested farmers). (Elly Solomon) 3. Start the observation trials for the two broiler model farmers. (Elly Solomon) 4. Continue on conducting survey for new interested farmers. (Elly Solomon) Othe None of the model farmers that were nominated last year turned up. r However, there were other farmers who showed their interest (12 new Commen farmers). From these, 4 farmers are ready with house, SP available in the ts garden and enough number of village chickens and will start their observation trials within the next two months. Assistance required was for setting up raised floors and the rooms for the birds in each house. Rest of the farmers will start building their chicken houses and will get their SP and cassava gardens ready. From all the interviewees, most of the broiler farmers had experienced raising broiler but stopped due to several reasons: change of location; cultural related issues; feed cost was too high; lots of death due to poor management. Village chicken farmers: birds are raised either free range with or without night shelters; chickens are fed with kitchen waste and other vegetables; most of their chickens are lost due to killing by dogs and other animals and theft by human. The first group of model farmers has seen great difference in income generated and appreciated the technologies. Their only constrains is availability of Sweet Potato in their gardens. However, this was made clear to them that, in such situation they can only use the concentrate when and during abundance of Sweet Potato available in their garden or can buy SP from other farmers. The turnout was excellent compared to last year. The interest was built from single number to almost twenty this year for Poultry alone. Our closely interaction by staying at the village with the community was well accepted and appreciated by the community none like last year.
Date Component Activities 16/02/2014 1. Traveled to Kopafo and then to Goroka 2. Informed villagers 3. Prepare all materials 4. Fix Accommodation 17/02/2014 Livestock 1. Informed the farmers on our purpose of the work and explained to them on our (Poultry) plans. 2. Visited three sites of the first group of model farmers
3. collected names of the new interested farmers
18/02/2014 1. Conducted training for new interested farmers for both broiler and village chicken. Visited last model farmer’s site (Wendi Upia) 2. Visited the new model farmers site to identify the status of their chicken houses and availability of SP 3.conducted interview for the new model farmers
19/02/2014 1. Continue with new farmers interview and site visits 2. Assisted in Post Harvest (Taking pictures & other activities)
20/02/2014 1.Continued with new farmers interview and site visits 2.Assisted in silage demonstration (taking pictures & other activities) 21/02/2014 1. Confirmed number of farmers to work with and winding down on activities 2.Assisted in Post Harvest (taking pictures)