1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia
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1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
My Surname First Name Sex Age M Family Birthplace Father’s Mother’s Religion Occupation Ref. Birthplace Birthplace 1. Sullivan Jeremiah M 33 Son Ireland Ireland Catholic Miner Farmer Michael M 80 M Father Ireland Ireland Ireland “ Mary F 70 M Mother Ireland Ireland Ireland “ 2. Conley John M 40 M Ireland Scotland “ Miner Mary F 36 M Wife “ John M 13 Son “ Slath Man Thomas M 11 Son “ Pit Labour Celia F 8 Daught. “ William M 7 Son “ Mary F 4 Daught. “ Joseph M 2 Son “ 3. McDonald John M 50 M Scotland Scotland Presb Farmer Mary F 44 M Wife “ Donald M 19 ? Son “ Pit Driver Duncan M 17 Son “ Pit Labourer Margret F 15 Daught. “ Hugh M 13 Son “ Gen Labourer Sarah F 10 Daught “ Neil M 7 Son “ John M 5 Son “ 4. Phealen James M 43 M Catholic Miner Alice F ---- M Wife “ Cathrine F 10 Daught. “ Mary F 7 Daught. “ Marten M 4 Son “ 5. Diggan James M 44 M Ireland Ireland “ Miner Ellen F 32 M Wife Ireland Ireland “ Thomas M 17 Son “ Gen Labourer Margret F 15 Daught. “ Patrick M 12 Son “ Mary F 9 Daught “ Burnetta F 7 Daught “ Ellis F 6 Daught “ Ellen F 1 Daught. “ Alice F 4 Daught. “ Elizabeth F 2 Daught. “ 6 McDonald Alexander M 30 “ Miner Mary F 68 W Mother “ Vincent M 14 Nephew “ 7 Francis John M 27 W England “ Blacksmith Farmer 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
James M 13 Son “ Mary F 12 Daught “ Elizabeth F 11 Daught. “ Gertrude F 8 Daught “ Isabell F 80 W Mother “ 8 McRae Alexander M 60 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Blacksmith Easter F 45 M Wife “ Thomas M 20 Son “ Miner Lottie F 17 ? Daught “ Christianson Peter M 23? Lodger Denmark Denmark Denmark “ Miner 9 Melvin John M 54 M Baptist Overman Sarah F 40 M Wife Scotland Scotland Presb McIsaac Mary F 46 Sister Scotland Scotland “ Dressmaker 10 Boyd Alexander M 63 W Scotland Scotland Scotland “ H.Carpenter Mary F 23 Daught Scotland “ Susan F 18 Daught Scotland “ 11 McNeil John M 39 M Scotland Scotland Catholic Miner Margret F 36 M Wife “ Angus M 12 Son “ Mary F 10 Daught “ John M 8 Son “ Ambrose M 4 Son “ Elizabeth F 2 Daught. “ Alphonses M 8/12 Son “ 12 McDonald John M 24 Scotland Presb. Overman Elizabeth F 53 W Mother Scotland Scotland “ Margrat F 18 Sister “ James M 16 Brother “ Allan M 13 Brother “ 13 Francis George M 40 M England Catholic Shaft Man Mary F 34 M Wife “ John M 20 Son “ Gen Labourer Isabell F 18 Daught “ Margret F 16 Daught “ Laura F 14 Daught. “ Beatrice F 11 Daught. “ 14. Walker Alexander M 60? M Scotland “ Elizabeth F 57 M Wife “ Malinda F 25 Daught. “ George M 26? Son “ Blacksmith Laura F 22 Daught “ 15 Ferguson Malcomb M 22 Scotland Presb Miner 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Rodrick M 18 Brother Scotland “ Pit Driver Flora F 16 Sister Scotland “ Angus M 14 Brother Scotland “ Pit Driver 16 Oldson Elias M 43 M Sweden Sweden Sweden Catholic Miner Margret F 43 M Wife Scotland “ Mary F 15 Daught “ Sarah F 12 Daught “ Elizabeth F 10 Daught “ Laura F 8 Daught “ William M 6 Son “ Joseph M 3 Son “ 17 Gregg Alfred M 45 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Ironmoulder Mary F 39 M Wife Ireland Scotland “ Bertha F 14 Daught “ Cathrine F 10 Daught Scotland “ Ida F 2 Daught Scotland “ 18 Langwith John M 25 Ireland Scotland COE Salesman in Grocery Store Mary F 65 W Mother Scotland Scotland Scotland COE 19 McIntyre Angus M 45 M Catholic Engine Driver Bridget F 42 M Wife “ Thomas M 18 Son “ Maud F 16 Daught “ Mary F 14 Daught “ Stella F 12 Daught “ Winifred F 10 Daught “ Lenard M 6 Son “ 20 Jesso William M 40 M “ Miner Elizabeth F 35 M Wife “ Charlotte F 17 Daught “ Jane F 14 Daught “ Teressa F 12 Daught “ Leo M 9 Son “ Raymond M 6 Son “ Caroline F 4 Daught “ Lewis M 1 Son “ 21 McLillian Alexander M 46 M Presb Miner Cathrine F 42 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Alexander M 18 Son “ Christiana F 15 Daught “ Margret F 13 Daught “ Jane F 11 Daught “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
John M 9 Son “ Wilson M 7 Son “ Robert M 3 Son “ 22 Hall Michael M 39 M Catholic Miner Farmer Cathrine F 41 M Wife PEI “ Francis M 16 Son “ Vincent M 14 Son “ Leo M 11 Son “ Arthur M 9 Son “ Hugh M 7 Son “ William M 4 Son “ Joseph M 2 Son “ Ann F 20 Daughter “ Cathrine F 69 W Mother PEI “ 23 McDonald Angus M 69 M Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Maria F 46 M Wife Ireland Scotland “ James M 23 Son Scotland “ Miner Jane F 21 Daught Scotland “ Robert M 17 Son “ Miner Maria F 15 Daught “ Aenes M 12 Son “ Mary F 7 Daught “ Ann F 2 Daught “ 24 Clark Lewis M 33 Method. Farmer Elizabeth F 39 W S(ister)? “ Ada F 18 S(ister)? “ Alice F 31 S(ister)? “ Laura F 15 Niece “ Amy F 11 Niece “ Clara F 8 Niece “ James M 5 Nephew “ Elizabeth F 3 Niece “ Joseph M 6/12 Nephew “ 25 Dunlop William M 71 M Catholic Horse Driver Farmer Margret F 73 M Wife “ Isabell F 28 Daught “ Henritta F 26 Daught “ William M 21 Grandson “ Horse Driver Ann F 18 Grandaug. “ 26 Lamond Archibald M 54 M Presb. Farmer Ann F 47 M Wife “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Mary F 25 Daught. “ John M 23 Son “ Blacksmith Sarah F 20 Daught. “ Angus M 17 Son “ Donald M 15 Son “ William M 11 Son “ 27 McNeil Mary F 75 W Catholic 28 Buttlier William M 30 M “ Miner Ellen F 37 M Wife “ Jane F 17 Daught “ William M 10 Son “ Edward M 5 Son “ 29 McDonald Rodrick M 65 M “ Gen.Labourer Cathrine F 58 M Wife “ Michael M 25 Son “ Christina F 23 Daught “ Mary F 18 Daught “ Margret F 15 Daught “ Stella F 3 Daught “ 30 Merrit Thomas M 24 M “ Miner Ann F 26 M Wife “ Donald M 5/12 Son “ 31 McPhearson James M 27 “ Miner Christina F 22 S(ister?) “ John M 20 B(rother?) “ Miner Donald M 18 B(rother?) “ Clerk Grocery Store Sarah F 16 S(ister?) “ Ann F 58 W Mother “ 32 McDonald James M 30 M “ Miner Margret F 25 M Wife “ Margret F 2 Daught “ John M 4/12 Son “ 33 Vickers William M 40 M Method Miner/Farmer Elizabeth F 41 M Wife “ Minnie F 20 Daught “ Ann F 18 Daught “ George M 16 Son “ Gen Labourer Herbert M 14 Son “ Gen Labourer Addie F 11 Daught “ Gen Labourer Jane F 9 Daught “ Mathew M 6 Son “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Joseph M 3 Son “ 34 McNeil Stephen M 60 M Catholic General Carpenter 35 Mary F 50 M Wife “ Ann F 27 Daught “ School Teacher Mary F 23 Daught “ Elizabeth F 19 Daught “ John M 13 Son “ 36 Smith Donald M 21 Presb Miner Sarah F 23 S(ister?) “ Neil M 16 B(rother) “ Gen Labourer Norman M 13 B(rother) “ Flora F 11 S(ister) “ Cathrine F 9 S(ister) “ Murdock M 7 B(rother) “ Mary F 51 M Mother “ Margret F 4 Niece “ 37 Mahar Eliabeth F 80 W England Catholic Catherine F 50 S(ister)? England “ 38 McNeil Margaret F 44 W Scotland Scotland “ Alexander M 19 Son “ Gen Labourer Isabell F 15 Daught “ Michael M 13 Son “ Agnes F 11 Daught “ 39 Toomey Thomas M 24 M Presb Miner Lucy F 25 M Wife “ Christina F 16 S(ister) “ Ann F 68 W Mother Scotland Scotland “ 40 McDonald Kenneth M 48 M Scotland Scotland “ Carpenter Farmer Effie F 46 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Cathrine F 22 Daught “ Ann F 20 Daught “ Margaret F 18 Daught “ Jane F 16 Daught “ John M 14 Son “ 41 Haggerty John M 38 M Ireland Ireland Catholic Gen Labourer Margaret F 26 M Wife Ireland Jennette F 3 Daught “ Justen M 6/12 Son “ 42 Peetre Joseph M 39 M “ Gen.Labourer Mary F 37 M Wife “ Maud F 10 Daught “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Bridget F 8 Daught “ May F 6 Daught “ Joseph M 2 Son “ Ann F 1 Daught “ 43 Edward James M 50 M “ Miner Ann F 35 M Wife “ Mary F 17 Daught “ John M 15 Son “ Pit Labourer Isaac M 13 Son “ Margaret F 10 Daught “ Joseph M 7 Son “ William M 5 Son “ Sarah F 2 Daught “ Lewis M 8/12 Son “ 44 Mahar Ann F 45 M Wife Presb Thomas M 22 Son Catholic Gen labourer Daniel M 18 Son “ Pit Labourer Margaret F 16 Daught Presb. John M 14 Son “ 45 Wilson John M 61 M England Baptist Carpenter Sarah F 60 M Wife “ Howard M 19 Son “ Gen labourer Ellen F 22 Daught “ 46 McKinnon William M 37 M Presb. Miner /farmer Catherine F 31 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ 47 Butlier John M 44 M Catholic Miner/farmer Mary F 45 M Wife “ Thomas M 22 Son “ Minnie F 20? Daught “ John M 18 Son ” Charles M 18 Son “ Clerk in Grocery Store Tilly F 13 Daught “ Damian M 10? Son “ Mark M 9? Son “ Teressa F 5 Daught “ Laura F 2 Daught “ 48 McLean Philip M 40 M Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Catharine F 33 M Wife “ Angus M 3 Son “ Catherine F 2 Daught “ Margaret F 1 Daught “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
49 McLean Stephen M 60 M “ Gen Labourer Ann F 31 M Wife “ John M 22 Son “ Gen Labourer Alexander M 15 Son “ Gen Labourer Cathrine F 13 Daught “ Neil M 4 Son “ 50 McDonald Archibald M 56 M Scotland Catholic Pit Labourer Farmeer Isabell F 48 M Wife “ Margaret F 25 Daught “ Ann F 22 Daught “ Georgina F 20 Daught “ Neil M 17 Son “ David M 15 Son Scotland “ Gen Labourer Cathrine F 13 Daught “ Donald M 11 Son “ Alice F 9 Daught “ Hellen F 7 Daught “ 51 Snow William M 59 M England Presb Agnes F 46 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Thomas M 20 Son “ Miner Joseph M 15 Son “ Mary F 13 Daught “ Frances F 10 Son “ Sarah F 8 Daught “ George M 5 Son “ 52 McLillian Archibald M 42 M Scotland Scotland “ Miner Sarah F 37 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Maray F 14 Daught “ Donald M 8 Son “ John M 5 Son “ Mary F 70 W Mother Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 53 Madigan Richard M 54 M Ireland Catholic Carpenter Bridget F 49 M Wife Ireland Ireland “ John M 25 Son “ Butcher Margaret F 21 Daught “ Josphine F 19 Daught “ Anthony M 17 Son “ 54 McNeil Donald M 39 M “ Stone Mason Ann F 43 M Wife “ Hector M 11 Son “ Mary F 10 Daught “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
John M 8 Son “ Duncan M 6 Son “ James M 5 Son “ Ann F 3 Daught “ 55 Heart Charles M 48 M “ Miner/Farmer Sarah F 45 M Wife “ Thomas M 21 Son “ Miner Patrick M 19 Son “ Miner William M 15 Son “ Pit Driver Charles M 14 Son “ Labourer Ann F 13 Daught “ John M 12 Son “ Alexander M 10 Son “ Charlot F 8 Daught “ Elizabeth F 5 Daught “ 56 Steward Jessie F 42 W Presb Flora F 17 Daught “ Angus M 16 Son “ Pit Labourer Neil M 14 Son “ Pit Labourer Christin F 12 Daught “ Cathrine F 40 W S(ister?) “ 57 McLean Hugh M 58 M Scotland Scotland “ Pit Shiftman Rachael F 55 M Wife Scotland “ Cathrine F 25 Daught “ Charles M 18 Son “ Pit Labourer Wilson M 18 Son “ Pit Labourer Margaret F 30 M Daught “ 58 Divans James M 42 M Scotland Scotland Catholic Blacksmith Mary F 34 M Wife “ Honora F 17 Dom. “ Gen. Servant Margaret F 6 Daught “ Charles M 4 Son “ Record M 2 Son “ Margaret F 68 W Mother “ 59 Burchell Zacheria M 36 M “ Dep.Overman Sarah F 34 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Charles M 7 Son “ John M 6 Son “ Peter M 1 Son “ Sarah F 82 W Mother Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 60 McKeigan Lauchin M 51 M Scotland Scotland Presb Miner/Farmer Jessie F 51 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Cathrine F 24 Daught Scotland “ Angus M 22 Son Scotland “ Miner Ann F 16 Daught Scotland “ Malcomb M 14 Son Scotland “ Margaret F 12 Daught Scotland “ John M 7 Son Scotland “ Mary F 73 W Mother Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 61 McKenzie James M 70 M Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Gen Labourer Maray F 56 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ John M 22 Son Scotland Scotland “ Gen labourer Ann F 19 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Murdoch M 17 Son Scotland Scotland “ Gen Labourer Georgina F 15 Daught Scotland Scotland “ 62 McLean James M 29 M “ Miner/Farmer Mary F 3_? M Wife “ Hugh M 8 Son “ James M 4 Son “ William M 2 Son “ Donald M 5/12 Son “ 63 Kay Henrey M 24 M England England Method Machinist Susan F 18 M Wife “ 64 McLean John M 45 W Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Margaret F 24 Daught “ Alice F 22 Daught “ Phebe F 19 Daught “ Walter F 17 Son “ Pit Driver 65 Leason Alice F 51 W Ireland Catholic James M 23 Son “ Gen Labourer 66 Burchell Hadley M 27 M COE Pit Deputy Emma F 25 M Wife Scotland “ Blowers M 8 Son “ Alexander M 5 Son “ Robert M 3 Son “ Mary F 1 Daught “ 67 McCormick Malcomb M 22 Presb. Miner Alexander M 20 B(rother) “ Miner Cathrine F 18 S(ister) “ Ann F 50 Aunt “ Christiana F 49 W Mother “ 68 Baker Uriah M 52 M COE Engine Driver Farmer Elizabeth F 56 M Wife “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Margaret F 16 Daught “ Arthur M 12 Son “ 69 Young John M 24 M “ Miner Mary F 19 M Wife “ William M 2/12 Son “ 70 McLeod Angus M 23 M Presb Miner Emma F 23 M Wife “ 71 Burchell William M 61 M Ireland Ireland COE Horse Driver Farmer Matilda F 56 M Wife “ Charles M 21 Son “ Horse Driver Susan F 18 Daught “ Bessie F 12 Daught “ Telegraph Operator 72 Fortune Frances M 30 Catholic Miner Cathrin F 21 M Wife “ Joseph M 8/12 Son “ 73 Tuddy Daniel M 53 M England COE Feryman Cathrine F 58 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 74 Way William M 42 M “ Miner Mary F 39 M Wife “ Hanna F 20 Daught “ Alexander M 18 Son “ Pit Driver Sarah F 16 Daught “ Robert M 13 Son “ Pt Labourer Christina F 11 Daught “ Henrey M 9 Son “ William M 6 Son “ Daniel M 4 Son “ Henretta F 8/12 Daught “ 75 Evens James M 37 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Elizabeth F 37 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ John M 16 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Pit Labourer Henrey M 13 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Gen Labourer Mary F 9 Daught Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Jane F 5 Daught Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 76 Cahail Bridget F 32 Ireland Ireland Catholic Margaret F 25 S(ister) Ireland Ireland “ Cthrine F 27 S(ister) Ireland Ireland “ 77 Lewis James M 25 M Presb (blank) Isabell F 27 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Mary F 3 Daught “ 78 Burchell George M 36 M COE Bookkeeper 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Grocery Store 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Elizabeth F 25 Wife Scotland “ Mary F 6 Daught “ William M 4 Son “ John M 2 Son “ Alexander M 3/12 Son “ 79 McDonald Archibald M 55 M Scotland Scotland Presb Pit Deputy Farmer Sarah F 48 M Wife “ Margaret F 24 W Daught “ Roderick M 21 Son “ Miner Alexander M 20 Son “ Apprentice Carriage Mkr Cathrine F 19 Daught “ Colin M 17 Son “ Allan M 16 Son “ Donald M 14 Son “ Apprentice Carriage Mkr Wilson M 10 Son “ William M 8 Son “ Charles M 6 Son “ Mary F 4 Daught “ 80 McLillian John M 50 M Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Miner/Farmer Ann F 45 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Alexander M 22 Son Scotland “ Miner Jessie F 20 Daught Scotland “ Hugh M 18 Son Scotland “ Pit Driver Niel M 15 Son Scotland “ Pit Labourer Donald M 12 Son Scotland “ Thomas M 9 Son Scotland “ John M 6 Son Scotland “ Wilson M 3 Son Scotland “ Christina F 1 Daught Scotland “ 81 McDonald James M 60 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Pit Labourer Farmer Mary F 50 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ James M 28 Son Scotland Scotland “ Locomotive Engineer Cathrine F 25 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Mary F 23 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Sarah F 20 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Donald M 17 Son Scotland Scotland “ Gen Labourer Margaret F 15 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Sarah F 13 Daught Scotland Scotland “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Wilson M 9 Son Scotland Scotland “ Mary F 84 W Mother Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 82 McLeod James M 73 M Scotland Scotland “ Gen Labourer Margaret F 38 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Cathrine F 25 Daught “ Jessie F 20 Daught “ Malcomb M 20 Son “ Horse Driver Kenneth M 18 Son “ Stableman James M 14 Son “ 83 Carmichael John M 42 M Scotland Scotland “ Blacksmith Flora F 42 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ William M 12 Son “ Mary F 10 Daught “ John M 5 Son “ 84 Steel Angus M 49 W Scotland Scotland Catholic Miner Cathine F 18 Daughter “ 85 McDonald Mary M 53 W Scotland Scotland Presb Farmer Malcomb M 20 Son Scotland “ Miner Mary F 17 Daught Scotland “ 86 McAskill Allan M 65 M Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Gen Labourer Mary F 55 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Malcomb M 20 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Gen Labourer 87 McNiel Donald M 46 M Scotland Scotland Catholic Gen Labourer Ann F 38 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Rodreick M 17 Son “ Pt Labourer John M 14 Son “ Pit Labourer Archibald M 11 Son “ Alexander M 8 Son “ Joseph M 7 Son “ Christina F 5 Daught “ Sarah F 3 Daught “ Mary F 1 Daught “ 88 Clemans John M 63 M France France “ Pit Labourer Elizabeth F 54 M Wife France France “ 89 Butleer Joseph M 40 M “ Gen Labourer Barbara F 30 M Wife “ Andrew M 19 Son “ Gen Labourer Ann F 15 Daught “ James M 14 Son “ Vincent M 10 Son “ Emma F 7 Daught “ Henery M 5 Son “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
90 Norse William M 25 M Presb Miner Mary F 23 M Wife “ Mary F 65 W Mother “ 91 Heart James M 22? M Catholic Miner Margaret F 21 M Wife “ Mathew M 1 Son “ 92 Finlayson Duncan M 48 M Scotland “ Miner Luisa F 45 M Wife “ Celia F 25? Daught “ Margaret F 20? Daught “ Thomas M 18 Son “ Miner John M 16 Son “ Labourer Ann F 14 Daught “ Walter M 11 Son “ Bertha F 6 Daught “ 93 Ferguson Donald M 25 M Presb Miner Flora F 23 M Wife “ Ann F 1 Daught “ 94 Merrit Thomas M 56 M Ireland Ireland Catholic Dep.Overman Barbara F 60 M Wife “ Bridget F 21 Daught “ Morris M 19 Son “ Miner 95 Vickers Henery M 29 M Method Miner Mary F 28 M Wife “ Isobell F 6 Daught “ Alexander M 4 Son “ Purvis M 2 Son “ 96 Hall Edward M 30 M Catholic Miner/Farmer Agnes F 30 M Wife “ Mary F 4/12 Daught “ 97 Shinners John M 47 M Nfld Nfld Nfld COE Miner Ann F 43 M Wife Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Emma F 25 Daught Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Lyle M 23 Son Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Miner Mary F 19 Daught Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Alfrida F 17 Daught Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Moses M 12 Son Nfld Nfld Nfld “ George M 9 Son Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Celina F 7 Daught Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Thomas M 5 Son Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Charles M 3 Son Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Sarah F 4 Daught Nfld Nfld Nfld “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
98 Hix George M 25 M Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Miner Jane F 29 M Wife Nfld Nfld Nfld “ 99 McDougald Murdoch M 41 M Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Cathrine F 45 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Malcomb M 13 Son “ Mary F 8 Daught “ Ann F 3 Daught “ Angus M 29 B(rother) Scotland Scotland “ Miner Cathrine F 65 W Mother Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 100 O’Hanly Michael M 20 Catholic Miner Mary F 17 S(ister) “ Elizabeth F 50 W Mother “ Mary F 72 W GranMoth “ 101 McDonald John M 62 M Scotland Scotland Presb Pit Labourer Cathrine F 60 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Mary F 26 Daught “ Sarah F 23 Daught “ Margaret F 18 Daught “ Dougald M 16 Son “ Pit Driver Angus M 14 Son “ Pit Driver 102 McIntosh Roderick M 22 M Catholic Miner Margaret F 19? M Wife “ 103 Bowen Charles M 50 M “ Miner/Farmer Sarah F 46 M Wife “ Edward M 25 Son “ Miner Charles M 20 Son “ Miner Mary F 18 Daught “ Elizabeth F 16 Daught “ Ann F 14 Daught “ Isabell F 10 Daught “ Archibald M 8 Son “ 104 Steward Hugh M 56 M Presb Stn.Eng.Drivr Christina F 44 M Wife “ Angus M 22 Son “ Clk GMA ofc Malcomb M 21 Son “ Pit Driver Christina F 19 Daught “ Ann F 16 Daught “ Niel M 14 Son “ Walter M 12 Son “ Duncan M 9 Son “ Wilson M 7 Son “ 105 McDonald John M 47 M Scotland Scotland “ Gen Labourer 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Mary F 42 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Christina F 17 Daught “ Cathrine F 16 Daught “ John M 13 Son “ William M 11 Son “ Mary F 4 Daught “ Donald M 6/12 Son “ 105 Kenell William M 48 M Nfld Nfld Nfld Method Miner Mary F 46 M Wife Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Sarah F 22 Daught Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Martha F 19 Daught Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Philip M 16 Son Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Pit Driver Prescot M 15 Son Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Pit Labourer Thomas M 13 Son Nfld Nfld Nfld “ Pit Labourer Flora F 8 Daught Nfld Nfld Nfld “ John M 7 Son Nfld Nfld Nfld “ George M 4 Son Nfld Nfld Nfld “ 106 Way Robert M 46 M COE Miner Levia F 40 M Wife “ Henery M 19 Son “ Pit Driver Rachael F 18 Daught “ Thomas M 17 Son “ Pit Driver Dora F 16 Daught “ Emma F 14 Daught “ Cathrine F 13 Daught “ John M 11 Son “ Albert M 5 Son “ Robert M 3 Son “ James M 6/12 Son “ Phebe F 6/12 Daught “ 108 Way James M 32 “ Miner John M 23 M B(rother) “ Miner Ann F 25 M S(ister-in- “ law) ? Henery M 8/12 Nephew “ Hanah F 73 W Mother “ 109 Way John M 50 M “ Miner Sarah F 33 M Wife “ Henery M 15 Son “ Pit Driver Jessie F 14 Daught “ Mary F 12 Daught “ Robert M 9 Son “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Edward M 7 Son “ David M 2 Son “ 110 McInnis James M 32 M Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Elizabeth F 28 M Wife “ James M 8 Son “ Duncan M 7 Son “ Hanah F 3 Daught “ Ann F 1 Daught “ 111 Dorsay John M 26 England COE Dep Overman Farmer Thomas M 18 B(rother) England “ Pit Driver James M 16 B(rother) England “ Pit Driver Albert M 13 B(rother) England “ George M 10 B(rother) England “ Mary F 47? W Mother Ireland “ 112 McLean Hector M 47 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Pit Deputy Farmer Sarah M 40 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Cathrine F 15 Daught Scotland “ Niel M 13 Son Scotland “ Mathew M 11 Son Scotland “ Angus M 9 Son Scotland “ George M 1 Son Scotland “ Jessie F 73 Aunt Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 113 Cook William M 44 Catholic Pit Deputy Charles M 25 B(rother) “ Gen Labourer Luisa F 69 W Mother “ 114 Roberton John M 19 Presb. James M 14 B(rother) “ Chathrin F 12 S(ister) “ Christina F 9 S(ister) “ Wilson M 4 B(rother) “ Racheal F 47 W Mother Scotland Scotland “ 115 McKeigan John M 55 M Scotland Scotland “ Pit Deputy Margaret F 47 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Christina F 24 Daught “ Mary F 19 Daught “ Ann F 17 Daught “ Jane F 15 Daught “ 116 McTaggart Alexander M 50 Scotland Scotland “ Miner Jane F 46 W S(ister) Scotland Scotland “ Thomas M 20 Nephew Scotland Scotland ? “ Pit Driver Ann F 70 W Mother Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
117 Handley Alexander M 43 M Ireland Catholic Miner Ann F 37 M Wife “ John M 16 Son “ Gen Labourer Mary F 13 Daught “ George M 10 Son “ Alexander M 5 Son “ Edward M 1 Son “ 118 Edward William M 50 M Presb Pit Labourer Jessie F 37 M Wife “ Annabell F 14 Daught “ Mary F 12 Daught “ William M 11 Son “ Duncan M 8 Son “ Mary F 7 Son “ Charles M 5 Son “ Lucy F 4 Daught “ Henery M 3 Son “ William M 0 Son “ 119 McInnis Donald M 57 M Scotland Scotland “ Pit Deputy Farmer Margaret F 54 M Wife Scotland “ Christina F 15 Daught “ Mary F 13 Daught “ Margaret F 9 Daught “ 120 Queen John M 50 M Catholic Miner Margret F 44 M Wife “ Pius M 15 Son “ Pit Driver Florance F 12 Daught “ Cathrine F 10 Daught “ John M 7 Son “ Jane F 1 Daught “ 121 McKinnon John M 36 M Scotland Presb Miner Flora F 40 M Wife Scotland “ Ann F 13 Daught “ Rodrick M 9 Son “ John M 2 Son “ 122 Simson Alexander M 54 M Scotland Scotland Catholic Gen Labourer Elizabeth F 48 M Wife “ Margaret F 18 Daught “ Selina F 16 Daught “ Georgina F 12 Daught “ John M 10 Son “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Henritta F 8 Daught “ Mary F 6 Daught “ Elizabeth F 4 Daught “ 123 Sullivan Michael M 37 M Ireland Ireland Catholic Dep Overman Farmer Mary F 23 M Wife “ Mary F 1 Daught “ Thomas M 82 M Father Ireland Ireland “ Bridget F 76 M Mother Ireland Ireland “ 124 McNeil Hector M 40 M “ Miner Sarah F 40 M Wife “ Mary F 19 Daught “ Hector M 17 Son “ Cathrine F 15 Daught “ Margaret F 14 Daught “ Daniel M 12 Son “ Pit Labourer Angus M 9 Son “ Murdoch M 7 Son “ Ann F 3 Daught “ 125 Oram Ann F 50 W England England England COE William M 24 Son England “ Gen Labourer Frances M 22 Son England “ Bookkeeper Grocery Store Evea F 20 Daught England “ Mary F 18 Daught England “ George M 16 Son England “ Gen Labourer Isaac M 14 Son EnglandM “ 126 Phalen William M 50 M Ireland Ireland Catholic Engine Driver Farmer Cathrine F 48 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ John M 23 Son “ Gen Labourer Bridget F 21 Daught “ Michael M 17 Son “ Pit Labourer William M 17 Son “ Pit Labourer David M 13 Son “ Margaret F 12 Daught “ Cathrine F 9 Daught “ 127 McPhee John M 34 M Scotland “ Miner Cathrine F 32 Wife “ Norman M 13 Son “ Pit Labourer John M 11 Son “ Mary F 9 Daught “ Daniel M 7 Son “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Malcom M 3 Son “ Veronica F 1 Daught “ 128 Merrit William M 41 M Ireland Ireland “ Miner Mary F 30 M Wife “ Mary F 19 Daught “ Johanna F 18 Daught “ Maurice M 16 Son “ Pit Labourer Honora F 8 Daught “ Elizabeth F 5 Daught “ 129 Phalen James M 48 M Nfld. Ireland Ireland “ Miner Elizabeth F 47 M Wife “ Richard M 10 Son “ Henrey M 16 Son “ Pit Labourer John M 14 Nephew “ Pit Labourer 130 Bonner Henrey M 36 M “ Pit Labourer Hellen F 36 M Wife “ Agnes F 11 Daught “ Alexander M 10 Son “ William M 8 Son “ Rachael F 6 Daught “ Ann F 4 Daught “ 131 Ducett Thomas M 34 M “ Miner Rachael F 36 M Wife “ Jane F 7 Duahgt “ 132 Handrigan James M 25 M “ Miner Ann F 23 M Wife “ John M 1 Son “ 133 Dixon Hugh M 51 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Margaret F 50 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Jane F 26 Daught Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Robert M 20 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Miner Hugh M 15 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Pit Labourer John M 13 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Murdoch M 11 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Elizabeth F 9 Daught Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Isabell F 7 Daught Scotland Scotland Scotland “ James M 4 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 134 McMillian? John M 28 M Catholic Miner Jane F 28 M Wife Scotland “ Bridget F 9 Daught “ Hugh M 6 Son “ James M 5 Son “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Donald M 2 Son “ Burnet F 7/12 Daught “ 135 Forest Mathew M 29 M Scotland Presb Pit Labourer Mary F 25 M Wife “ Mary F 4 Daught “ James M 2 Son “ 136 McIntyre Allan M 49 M Catholic Miner Ann F 42 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Angus M 24 Son “ Miner Alexander M 21 Son “ Miner John M 19 Son “ Miner Norman M 17 Son “ Isabell F 15 Daught “ Cathrine F 9 Daught “ 137 Morrison Donald M 51 M Scotland Scotland Presb Pit Stableman Christina F 49 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Christina F 17 Daught “ Peter M 9 Son “ 138 McIsaac Alexander M 60 M Scotland Scotland Catholic Gen Labourer Ann F 60 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Jane F 38 Daught Scotland? Scotland? ” William M 18 Son Scotland? Scotland? “ Pit Labourer Christina F 15 Daught Scotland? Scotland? “ Alexander M 23 Son Scotland? Scotland? “ Miner Morrison John M 54 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Farmer Effie F 44 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Margaret F 56 S(ister) Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Sarah F 22 Daught Scotland “ John M 18 Son Scotland “ Clerk in D&G store Christina F 16 Daught Scotland “ Cathrine F 12 Daught Scotland “ Ann F 9 Daught Scotland “ Margaret F 5 Daught Scotland “ 139 Jesso Lamie M 41 M Catholic Miner Frances M 18 Son “ Miner Charles M 15 Son “ Miner Bridget F 14 Daught “ 140 Forgan Alexander M 54 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Mary F 50 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ James M 21 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Miner Daniel M 19 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Miner 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Alexander M 18 Son Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Pit Driver Margaret F 16 Daught Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 141 Jesso Cathrine F 68 W Catholic Elizabeth F 25 Daught “ Joseph M 21 Son “ Miner 142 Haley Thomas M 26 “ Miner Rebeca F 18 Daught “ Isaac M 15 B(rother) “ Pit Driver Caroline F 47 W Mother “ 143 Jesso John M 34 M “ Miner Christina F 34 M Wife “ John M 9 Son “ Cathrine F 6 Daught “ Patrick M 4 Son “ Elizabeth F 2 Daught “ 144 McCuish John M 32 M Scotland Scotland Presb Pit Deputy Mary F 22 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Cathrine F 2 Daught “ Elizabeth F 10/12 Daught “ 145 Gillis Angus M 27 M Scotland Scotland “ Miner Mary F 32 M Wife “ Mary F 5 Daught “ Alexander M 1 Son “ 146 Matheson Peter M 24 M Catholic Miner Cathrine F 24 M Wife “ William M 10/12 Son “ 147 Vickers Jacob M 20 M Method Miner Sarah F 18 M Wife “ 148 O’Hanley John M 32 M Catholic Miner Cathrine F 29 M Wife “ Mary F 4 Daught “ Angus M 2 Son “ 149 McIntosh John M 34 M “ Boilermaker Margaret F 31 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ John M 3 Son “ Alexander M 1 Son “ 150 Morrison Neil M 33 M Scotland “ Miner Sarah F 30 M Wife “ Mary F 1 Daught “ 151 McMillian Hector M 32 M “ Miner Ann F 27 M Wife “ 152 McKay John M 56 M Presb Gen Labourer 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Cathrin F 56 M Wife “ Allan M 24 Son “ Miner John M 18 Son “ Pit Driver Neil M 16 Son “ Pit Driver Johana F 20 Daught “ 153 Gillis Marten M 33 M Scotland Scotland Catholic Miner Catherine F 32 M Wife “ Daniel M 7 Son “ Margaret F 5 Daught “ Christina F 2/12 Daught “ 154 McMillian Donald M 66 M Scotland Scotland “ Pit Labourer Christina F 59 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Andrew M 22 Son “ Miner 155 McDonald Rodrick M 52 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Ann F 49 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Daniel M 20 Son Scotland “ Miner Archibald M 17 Son Scotland “ Pit Driver Allan M 15 Son Scotland “ Alexander M 12 Son Scotland “ Mary F 20 Daught Scotland “ Wilson M 8 Son Scotland “ William M 3 Son Scotland “ 156 Boyd Alexander M 30 M Scotland “ Miner Mary F 27 M Wife Scotland “ Alexander M 2 Son Scotland “ Rodrick M 6/12 Son Scotland “ 157 Kay Thomas M 31 M England England Method Blacksmith Ann F 26 M Wife Scotland “ 158 McIntyre Hector M 35 M Catholic Miner Sarah F 35 M Wife “ Effie F 11 Daught “ Mary F 9 Daught “ Rodrick M 5 Son “ Daniel M 3 Son “ 159 Butlier Cathrine F 52 M Wife Scotland “ William M 16 Son “ Pit Labourer Neil M 13 Son “ Pit Labourer Joseph M 9 Son “ Jane F 7 Daught “ 160 Boyd Ronald M 34 M Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Effie F 26 M Wife “ Ann F 8/12 Daught “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
161 Bonner James M 42 M Catholic Pit Labourer Mary F 40 M Wife “ Mary F 22 Daught “ Alexander M 18 Son “ Pit Labourer Daniel M 16 Son “ Pit Labourer Luisa F 15 Daught “ John M 12 Son “ Alfred M 10 Son “ William M 6 Son “ Martha F 4 Daught “ 162 Morrison John M 48 M Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Mary F 45 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Malcom M 17 Son “ Pit Labourer Cathrine F 16 Daught “ Archibald M 14 Son “ Pit Labourer Angus M 10 Son “ Kenneth M 5 Son “ 163 Beaton Alexander M 35 M Scotland Scotland Catholic Miner Cathrine F 38 M Wife Scotland “ John M 13 Son “ Mary F 11 Daught “ Joseph M 7 Son “ 164 McIntyre John M 37 M Scotland Scotland “ Miner Cathrine F 39 M Wife Scotland “ John M 14 Son “ Frances M 12 Son “ Jessie F 10 Daught “ Mary F 1 Daught “ 165 Ferguson William M 59 M Scotland Scotland Presb Miner Margaret F 54 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ John M 21 Son Scotland? Scotland? “ Miner William M 17 Son Scotland? Scotland? “ Pit Driver Ann F 13 Daught Scotland? Scotland “ Flora F 10 Daught Scotland? Scotland? “ Georgina F 9 Daught Scotland? Scotland? “ Wilson M 7 Son Scotland? Scotland? “ 166 Morison John M 76 M Scotland Scotland “ Pit Labourer Sarah F 60 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Ann F 26 Daught Scotland “ Philip M 31 Son Scotland “ Miner Malcom M 22 Son Scotland “ Miner Alexander M 20 Son Scotland “ Miner 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
167 Cook James M 37 M Catholic Pit Labourer Margaret F 31 M Wife “ Mary F 13 Daught “ Thomas M 7 Son “ Mary F 71 W Mother “ 168 Finlayson Murdock M 45 M Scotland Presb Gen Labourer Sarah F 41 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ George M 13 Son “ John M 9 Son “ Solomon M 7 Son “ Lily F 5 Daught “ Walter M 2/12 Son “ 169 Morison Philip M 53 M Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Pit Labourer Mary F 39 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ Archibald M 16 Son Scotland “ Pit Driver Mary F 7 Daught Scotland “ Rachael F 5 Daught Scotland “ Agnes F 3 Daught Scotland “ 170 Morison Angus M 59 M Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Rachael F 50 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Donald M 29 Son Scotland Scotland “ Miner John M 27 Son Scotland Scotland “ Pit Labourer Alexander M 23 Son Scotland Scotland “ Miner Mary F 18 Daught Scotland Scotland “ John M 16 Son Scotland Scotland “ Pit Driver Margaret F 13 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Cathrine F 11 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Peter M 8 Son Scotland Scotland “ 171 McIntosh Allan M 60 M Catholic Gen Labourer Mary F 45 M Wife “ Michael M 19 Son “ Pit Driver Donald M 17 Son “ Pit Driver Lauchlin M 15 Son “ Pit Driver Daniel M 13 Son “ John M 10 Son “ Mary F 7 Daught “ 172 Boyd John M 61 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Miner/Farmer Christina F 57 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Daniel M 31 Son Scotland Scotland “ Miner Malcom M 27 Son Scotland Scotland “ Miner Alexander M 22 Son Scotland Scotland “ Miner Donald M 18 Son Scotland Scotland “ Pit Driver 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Ann F 16 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Ellen F 13 Daught Scotland Scotland “ 173 Carberry Richard M 46 M Ireland Ireland Catholic Miner Elizabeth F 45 M Wife “ Mary F 16 Daught “ James M 15 Son “ Gen Labourer Ellen F 12 Daught “ Richard M 9 Son “ Edward M 6 Son “ Thomas M 4 Son “ Cathrine F 3 Daught “ 174 McInnis John M 68 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Gen Labourer Margaret F 65 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Mary F 14 Grand D. “ Cathrine F 12 Grand D. “ Christina F 7 Grand D. “ 175 McDonald John M 35 Scotland Scotland “ H.Carpenter Flora F 19 Niece “ 176 McNeil James M 46 W Scotland Scotland Catholic S. Mason Sarah F 22 Daught “ Ann F 21 Daught “ Hector M 19 Son “ Gen Labourer Mary M 17 Daught “ Margaret F 15 Daught “ Elizabeth F 11 Daught “ John M 7 Son “ 177 Steel Angus M 52 W Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Miner Mary F 20 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Flora F 17 Daught Scotland Scotland “ John M 13 Son Scotland Scotland “ Pit Labourer John M 11 Son Scotland Scotland “ George M 7 Son Scotland Scotland “ Michael M 4 Son Scotland Scotland “ 178 McKinnon Archibald M 25 M “ Gen Labourer Margaret F 23 M Wife “ Alexander M 5 Son “ Mary F 3 Daught “ Ann F 1 Daught “ 179 McKinnon Michael M 24 M “ Gen Labourer Susan F 31 M Wife “ Alexander M 5 Son “ Frances M 3 Son “ 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Michael M 2 Son “ Ann F 1 Daught “ Margaret F 1 Daught “ Stephen M 2/12 Son “ 180 McKinnon John M 22 “ Gen Labourer Elizabeth F 13 Niece “ Ann F 60 W Mother “ 181 McKinnon Stepen M 32 M “ Gen Labourer Sarah F 32 M Wife “ Ann F 8 Daught “ 182 Tutty William M 35 M “ Miner/Farmer Cathrine F 36 M Wife “ Ann F 13 Daught “ James M 11 Son “ Mary F 10 Daught “ Joseph M 8 Son “ Robert M 3 Son “ John M 9/12 Son “ 183 Confeent ? Joseph M 29 M France France France “ Miner Martha F 26 M Wife “ Frances M 1 Son “ 184 McGowan Mary F 47 W Ireland “ Sarah F 15 Daught “ Thomas M 13 Son “ Susan F 10 Daught “ Mary F 8 Daught “ Patrick M 5 Son “ 185 Young James M 49 M “ Miner Ellen M 49 M Wife Ireland Ireland “ Thomas M 22 Son “ Miner William M 20 Son “ Pit Driver Mary F 18 Daught “ Margaret F 15 Daught “ John M 13 Son “ Agnes F 11 Daught “ 186 Diggan William M 47 M Ireland Ireland “ Miner Thomas M 22 Son “ Miner Cathrine F 20 Daught “ Ellen F 18 Daught “ William M 15 Son “ 187 Beaton Alexander M 58? M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Gen Labourer Farmer 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Margaret F 56 M Wife Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Mary F 28 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Malcom M 26 Son Scotland Scotland “ Miner Isabell F 22 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Flora F 19? Daught Scotland Scotland “ John M 15 Son Scotland Scotland “ Gen Labourer Rachael F 15 Daught Scotland Scotland “ Joseph M 12 Son Scotland Scotland “ 188 Young Alexander M 43? M Catholic Miner/Farmer Ann F 44 M Wife “ Jane F 19 Daught “ Alexander M 16 Son “ Pit Driver Mary F 7 Daught “ Ann F 15 Daught “ Joseph M 5 Son “ Michael M 2 Son “ 189 Diggan Patrick M 43 M Ireland Ireland “ Miner/Farmer Ellen F 39 M Wife “ Mary F 18 Daught “ Bridget F 16 Daught “ Ann F 14 Daught “ Theressa F 11 Daught “ John M 8 Son “ Michael M 5 Son “ Cathrine F 2 Daught “ Thomas M 6/12 Son “ 190 Sullivan Timothy M 24 Ireland Ireland “ Miner/Farmer Mary F 68 W Mother Ireland Ireland Ireland “ 191 Sullivan Patrick M 45 M Ireland Ireland “ Miner Susan F 41 M Wife “ Ann F 12 Daught “ Celia F 10 Daught “ Johana F 6 Daught “ William M 4 Son “ Cathrine F 2 Daught “ 192 McNamara Mary F 68 W Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Farmer John M 33 Son PEI Scotland “ Pit Labourer Ada F 24 Daught PEI Scotland “ Allan M 31 W Son PEI Scotland “ Boilermaker Thomas M 6 Grandson “ William M 3 Grandson “ 193 McNeil Donald M 66 M Scotland Scotland Scotland “ Tailor 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Elizabeth F 57 M Wife Scotland Scotland “ 194 Robertson Robert M 65 M Scotland Scotland Scotland Presb Miner/Farmer Mary F 65 M Wife Ireland “ John M 24 Son Scotland “ Miner Mary F 19 Daught Scotland “ 195 Bushaur Ann F 39 W Catholic Samuel M 23 Son “ Miner James M 14 Son “ Pit Labourer John M 13 Son “ Pit Labourer Mary F 8 Daught “ 196 Vickers Robert M 22 M Method Miner Margaret F 24 M Wife “ John M 2 Son “ Charles M 1 Son “ 197 Cashen Michael M 38 M Ireland Catholic Miner/Farmer Margaret F 26 M Wife “ Ann F 4 Daught “ James M 3 Son “ Archibald M 6/12 Son “ 198 Lockman Richard M 53 M “ Coal Weigher Ellen F 51 M Wife Ireland Ireland “ Mary F 19 Daught “ Jeramiah M 17 Son “ Gen Labourer Ann F 16 Daught “ Eugine F 14 Daught “ 199 Edward Charles M 38 “ Gen Labourer Mary F 63 W Mother “ 200 McArthur Margaret F 70 W Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 201 McCormick John M 32 Scotland Scotland “ Store keeper Elizabeth F 30 S(ister) Scotland Scotland “ Agnes F 26 S(ister) Scotland Scotland “ Matilda F 24 S(ister) Scotland Scotland “ Alexander M 19 B(rother) Scotland Scotland “ Clerk D.Store Cathrine F 66 W Mother Scotland Scotland Scotland “ 202 Donhoue Corlelious M 56 M Ireland Ireland Ireland “ Store keeper Bridget F 55 M Wife Ireland Ireland Ireland “ 203 Toben Robert M 25 M “ Miner Elizabeth F 22 M Wife “ Eva F 8/12 Daught “ 204 Toben Robert M 52 M “ Miner/Farmer Jane F 55 M Wife “ David M 18 Son “ Miner 1891 Census Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia Part 1 Transcribed Dec.2001 Birthplace (self or parents) is Nova Scotia unless otherwise noted M/W refers to “married” or “widowed”
Pious M 15 Son “ Pit Driver Daniel M 13 Son “ Mary F 20 Daught “ Margaret F 8/12 G.Daught “ 205 McLeod Michael M 30 M “ Teamster Jane F 24 M Wife “ Margaret F 3 Daught “ John M 1 Son “ 206 Toben John M 20 M “ Miner Martha F 21 M Wife “ Jane F 1 Daught “ 207 Pushea Peter M 28 M France France France “ Gen Labourer Mary F 30 M Wife France France France “ Daniel M 10 Son France France “ Jane F 8 Daught France France “ Lena F 6 Daught France France “ Margaret F 4 Daught France France “ Mary F 66 W Mother France France France “ 208 Waugh Robert M 61 M PEI England PEI Presb Miner Margaret F 58 M Wife PEI PEI PEI “ William M 34? Son PEI PEI “ Wilson M 21 Son PEI PEI “ Miner Mary F 22 Daught PEI PEI “ Charles M 20 Son PEI PEI “ Miner John M 13 Son PEI PEI “ McSween Alexander M 23? L(odger) “ Bookkeeper G M office END