Grade Five Curriculum
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Grade Five Curriculum
Math Math (cont.) Place value to billions o Multiply decimals by Expanded/standard form whole numbers Rounding numbers o Multiply decimals by Multiply by 2 and 3 digit decimals whole numbers o Zeros in the product Division with 2 digit o Divide decimals by divisors and larger whole numbers dividends o Zeros in division Problem solving and Geometry critical thinking o Triangles Fractions o Quadrilaterals o Fraction sums Measurement o Adding 3 fractions o Customary units of o Adding mixed length, capacity, and numbers weight o Renaming mixed o Metric units of number sums length, capacity, and o Fraction differences mass o Multiply fractions by Measurement fractions o Areas of squares and o Multiply fractions rectangles and whole numbers o Cubic measure o Multiply fractions o Volume using the GCF Algebra o Multiply fractions o Algebraic and mixed numbers expressions and o Divide whole equations numbers by o Properties of fractions inequality o Divide fractions by o Functions and whole numbers coordinate graphs Decimals o Decimal place value o Add/subtract decimals Religion Religion (cont.) Sacraments of Christian o Lent- We prepare for Initiation the great celebration o Baptism- The of Easter foundation of o Triduum- We Christian Life celebrate the o Eucharist- We Paschal mystery celebrate and o Easter- We rejoice in receive Jesus the new life we have o Confirmation- Leads in Christ us from Baptism to Corporal/Spiritual Works Eucharist of Mercy The Sacraments of Healing The Four Marks of the o Penance- We are Church reconciled with God o Anointing of the Handwriting Sick- Jesus heals Develop proper form for The Sacraments at the cursive writing and use in Service of Communion all subject areas o Holy Matrimony- A promise of Spelling faithfulness and love Master the rules for o Holy Orders- The spelling to be able to spell church continues the words correctly in mission of the everyday writing across Apostles the curriculum Liturgical Year o Ordinary time- we Reading celebrate the life of Reading workshop model Christ Comprehension strategies o Advent- We o Cause and effect celebrate a season of o Compare/contrast joyful expectation o Story elements- o Christmas- We characters, setting, rejoice in the plot Incarnation o Inferences o Summarizing Reading genres Reading (cont.) English (cont.) Students are required to o Informative read at least one book a Forensics is an month extracurricular activity to Students’ personal reading emphasize public speaking goals are analyzed by the skills student and teacher in reading conferences Social Studies Reading response tasks Eight strands and topics include o Social studies skills o Connections- text to o Government self, text to text, text o History to world o Science, society, o Character analysis technology o Themes or lessons o Culture o Analyzing students’ o Economics personal o Citizenship comprehension o Geography U.S. Constitution English Veteran’s Day Conventions of standard First Americans English o Early cultures- o Sentences Olmec, Maya, Mound o Nouns, verbs, Builders, Anasazi, adjectives, adverbs, Aztec, Inca conjunctions, Native Americans prepositions o Southwest o Pronouns o Woodlands o Capitalization o Plains o Punctuation o Northwest o Spelling Early European Explorers Creative Writing o Polo, Prince Henry, o Express ideas Dias, De Gama, o Write sentences, Columbus, paragraphs, poems, Coronado, Hudson stories, essays Search for the Northwest o Revise and edit Passage o Narrative writing First American colonies o Opinion Colonial life Social Studies (cont.) Slavery European rivalries in North America Fight for Independence Declaration of Independence Revolutionary War
Science Life Science (includes hands-on, project based learning) o Classification of living things o Ecosystems o Human Body Systems and how they work together Physical Science (includes hands-on, project based learning) o Properties of matter o Physical / chemical changes in matter o Simple machines o Forms of energy Earth Science (includes hands-on, project based learning) o Cycles of the Earth and Moon o The Solar System o Identifying rocks and minerals o Protecting Earth’s resources o Weather /water cycle