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The Board of Directors of Coos Bay Public Schools met on June 11, 2007, in the Community Room at Milner Crest Education Center, 1255 Hemlock Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon, for their regular monthly meeting. Chairman Don Blom called the meeting to order at 7:10 .p.m. The Board and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board members present: Tom Bennett Kathy Murray Don Blom Donna Opitz David Ford Andy Post Wally Hazen
Board members absent: None
Others present included: Superintendent Karen Gray, Attorney David Dorsey, Rod Danielson, Duella Scott-Hull, Lisa DeSalvio, Mary Bjornerud, Joel Smallwood, Arlene Roblan, Nancy Tedder, Jennifer Haliski, Gael Berhow, Greg Mulkey, Chad Putman, Travis Howard, Linda Vickrey, Jodi O’Mara, Lynda Sanders, Ann Marineau, April Hoy, Shannon Weybright, Greg Stambaugh, Trevor Edd, Linda Smith, Sue Walberg, Paula Massie, Tim Watson-Williams, Sid Hall, Ellen Fields, Bob More, Randy Miles, Ingrid Tyson, Kathy Laird, Patty Bennett, Julie Entz, and Alexander Rich of The World.
Chairman Blom declared the Budget Hearing open for the next hour and welcomed public comments on the budget during this time.
There were no corrections to the Consent Agenda items; therefore, Chairman Blom declared the following items approved as submitted:
Minutes of the May 2, 2007 Budget Committee Meeting/Budget Message. Minutes of the May 8, 2007 Special Board Meeting and Executive Session. Minutes of the May 9, 2007 Budget Committee Meeting. Minutes of the May 14, 2007 Executive Board Session. Resignation submitted by licensed staff members Kelly Dotson. Retirement request submitted by licensed staff member Diane Nelson. New hires for 2007-08, including Julie Entz, Special Services Supervisor for the District; Jodine O’Mara, Assistant Principal for Blossom Gulch and Millicoma; and new teachers Lauren Chan, grade 4 at Blossom Gulch; Jennifer Easton, Title I Reading and Math at Blossom Gulch; Teresa Kinnaird, grade 2 at Blossom Gulch; REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING June 11, 2007 Page 2
Mindie Medina, ELL for the District; Chad Scriven, social studies at Marshfield; and Michael Seedborg, special education at Marshfield. Results for the May 15, 2007 Special District Election as set out in the Abstract provided by the Coos County Election Office.
CBEA Business: Lynda Sanders wished Dr. Gray good luck in her new position and thanked Tom Bennett for all his hard work for the district over the years. She also congratulated David Ford and Wally Hazen on their re-election to the Board and Randy Miles on being newly-elected to the Board.
OSEA Business: Greg Stambaugh thanked Supt. Gray for her leadership and said she surpassed his expectations. He also thanked Tom Bennett for his many years of effort. Greg reported on their recent elections. He was re-elected as president for another term; Andy Granstrom will be the vice-president; Diane Follansbee, treasurer; and Linda Smith, secretary. The local association awarded four scholarships to graduating seniors.
MHS Activities Report: Ellen Fields, ASB vice-president next year, gave a brief report on events and activities at the high school. She thanked the Board for sending the superintendent candidates to the high school so they, too, could meet them and ask questions. Ellen reported they had a great graduation ceremony and extended wishes for a nice, long summer.
Driftwood Reading Council: Ann Marineau explained that the Driftwood Reading Council, an affiliate of the Oregon Reading Association (ORA), promotes literacy in Coos and Curry Counties. They promote events for students that celebrate student success, many of them listed in the letter handed to Board members. April Hoy, the upcoming president of the Council, said it has grown tremendously. The Driftwood Council represents almost 22% of the ORA membership. April said that Ann Marineau was recently elected vice-president of the Oregon Reading Association. The annual ORA conference in Portland is held annually on the 2 nd Friday of February. On behalf of the Driftwood Council Board, she asked Board members to consider declaring that day a Professional Development Day in upcoming years.
School Based Health Center Report: Shannon Weybright, Ingrid Tyson, and Travis Howard provided a report on the SBHC, recently accredited for another two years. In May, they became eligible for a $50,000 grant. Now they are open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Through May, 687 students visited the SBHC this year. Shannon and Ingrid will be going to Washington D.C. to a school-based health center conference. The SBHC has had a waiver on their site in the Harding Learning Center, as it does not meet the requirements. They need to expand, and they are hoping the school board will dedicate a site on campus – possibly where the radio tower is now – for a building. Mr. Howard said it would cost $250,000 to renovate the current site and suggested putting that money into a new building more REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING June 11, 2007 Page 3
accessible and centrally located on campus. They are looking into a full-service, dental and medical, clinic that would be available to the public and high school students. They will be checking into available grants and will come to the Board in the future with a proposal for a new facility. They thanked the Board and the administration for their support.
Food Services Update: Tim Watson-Williams reported the Farm-to-Market event at Millicoma was very successful and was pleased to see good Board representation there. He said Food Services had a very good year. Tim announced that he’d accepted a promotion and would be moving to California to work in Merced High School. He added that he’d never felt so welcomed than he did in Coos Bay. Chairman Blom said Tim had been a fabulous food service provider and community member, and he would be truly missed.
Tennis Courts Update: Greg Mulkey and Aron Boesel provided an update on the tennis courts project since the last Board meeting. Since then, a couple called and committed to financing a good portion of the project if it were placed at the Boys & Girls Club. They will be meeting with the B&G Club trustees later this week. The plan includes tennis courts and three soccer fields as well. The issue of access remains, however. The City of Coos Bay kept their support at $50,000, which would not likely be available if the tennis courts were built at the B&G Club, since it would not be a public facility. Greg Mulkey said this would not take care of the District’s problem of not having a facility and does not want to give up on a “ball that is already rolling.” He would like to see CBSD have its own facility, and Aron would still be happy to continue working on this issue. Paula Massie shared her concerns about not having District tennis courts or enough publicly-accessible courts.
Chairman Blom took this opportunity to publicly recognize Tom Bennett for his service on the Board since 1990. Don noted that Tom was a mentor to him when he was a new board member. Don presented Tom with a plaque recognizing his service.
Tom said he was filled with respect and gratitude – an enormous respect for the teachers, who go way above and beyond in this tough situation we’re in; the tremendous administrative staff; the bargaining groups who do a marvelous job representing their people. Tom added that that he was very grateful to his wife Patty for her support of his community commitment. And Tom added his great respect for his fellow board members who go the distance, get along well, and appreciate one another. He has been proud to be a part of this Coos Bay School District Board.
Chairman Blom acknowledged that they were saying goodbye to Supt. Karen Fischer Gray, who would be moving to Parkrose School District where she will be close to family. Don recognized her many successful endeavors and said she would be sorely missed. He presented Dr. Gray with a plaque recognizing her 17 years of dedicated service. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING June 11, 2007 Page 4
Chairman Blom introduced their newest Board member, Randy Miles. The Board and audience gave him a warm welcome.
Individual Board members did not make reports. The chairman said they had all been busy taking part in year-end school activities – graduation, senior awards, scholarship awards, etc. They have also been deeply involved in the superintendent search process.
The Board will hold their annual Workshop on Saturday, August 11, at Donna Opitz’ home. They will start at 9:00 a.m. and adjourn at 3:00 p.m. Their focus will be on reviewing the current year goals and developing goals for the upcoming year.
Chairman Blom asked for any public comments on the budget prior to closing the Budget Hearing. There were none, so he declared the Budget Hearing closed at 8:15 p.m.
Resolution 2007-24, Adopting the Supplemental Budget and Adjusting Appropriations: Rod explained that this Resolution, Adopting the Supplemental Budget and Adjusting Appropriations, moves left-over money from the debt service fund to the capital bond fund, which pays off the GOB bond. There may still be a surplus – accruing interest, taxes received, etc. – which would then need to be transferred to another capital projects fund. Kathy Murray made a motion to adopt Resolution 2007-24. Donna Opitz seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Resolution 2007-25, Transferring Surplus from the Capital Projects Fund to the Debt Service Fund: Now that the budget had been amended by the previous resolution, this resolution authorizes the transfer of all surplus funds from Capital Projects GOB Series 1999 Fund 452 to the Debt Service Fund 301 to be used for the payment of the debts from that project. Tom Bennett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2007- 25, and Kathy Murray seconded his motion. The Board passed the motion unanimously.
Resolution 2007-26, Transferring Surplus from the Debt Service Fund to Capital Projects Fund: Rod explained that, when the final bond payment is made from the Debt Service Fund, any surplus will be transferred to the Capital Projects Fund. Any future payments received after Fund 301 is dissolved will be designated to the Capital Projects Fund. Andy Post made a motion to adopt Resolution 2007-26. Wally Hazen seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING June 11, 2007 Page 5
Resolution 2008-01, Amending the Approved Budget: Rod explained the changes from the approved budget, the biggest one being an additional $85,594 planned insurance expense. The budget was built on a planned 9% increase, and it will be closer to 18%, which is the guaranteed maximum. These changes reduce the Contingency fund by $106,719. Rod explained the adjustments in the Capital Projects Fund included in this resolution. Donna Opitz made a motion to adopt Resolution 2008-01, and Kathy Murray seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Rod advised the Board that they are checking on putting a modular unit at Bunker Hill to get more space there. They are particularly looking into a five- or 6-year lease-to-own modular unit.
Resolution 2008-02, Adopting the Budget, and Resolution 2008-03, Making Appropriations: Wally Hazen made a motion to adopt Resolution 2008-02, which adopts the budget for 2007-08 in the amount of $37,774,768 and appropriates the money to specific funds according to Resolution 2008-03. Tom Bennett seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Resolution 2008-04, Imposing and Categorizing Taxes: Kathy Murray made a motion to adopt Resolution 2008-04 imposing taxes at a rate of $4.5276 per $1,000 of assessed property value. David Ford seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Resolution 2008-05, Authorizing Interfund Loans: Rod explained that, since funds cannot have a negative balance, this resolution authorizes the loan of money from one fund, excluding the debt service fund, to another fund. Andy Post made a motion to adopt Resolution 2008-05, which was seconded by Donna Opitz. The motion passed unanimously.
Resolution 2008-06, Designating Depositories and Custodians of Funds: David Ford made a motion to adopt Resolution 2008-06, which designates the various district bank accounts and the custodians for each of those accounts. Andy Post seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. These changes go into effect July 1, 2007.
Resolution 2008-07, Approving School Lunch Price Change and Renewing Food Service Agreement with Sodexho America, LLC: Wally Hazen moved adoption of Resolution 2008-07 which increases the cost of student lunches 5¢ and renews the food service agreement with Sodexho for the 2007-08 school year. David Ford seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. Rod added that the reduced lunch price has not changed. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING June 11, 2007 Page 6
Lisa DeSalvio – Special Programs Director:
Responsible Development Program Update: Lisa explained that the RBD program serves our students with behavioral disorders who cannot survive in a regular classroom. They have made some changes to the program, and, over the past two years, they have become a very cohesive group. They have had great training opportunities. Lisa said they will be hiring a mental health specialist to work with our K-6 behavioral kids. The Mental Health Department will share in the cost over $40,000.
Rod Danielson – Business Manager:
Financial Report: Rod said the State still has not finalized the adjustment for the prior year, and any payments will not be made until after July 1. He anticipates a positive change in the amount the District will receive. He provided a statement of the General Fund as of May 31, 2007, which showed a balance of $4,411,933.
Joel Smallwood – Maintenance Manager:
Facilities Presentation: Joel showed a slide show of the many projects the maintenance department has done and will be working on during the summer months.
Karen Gray – Superintendent:
Administrative Staff Assignments: Supt. Gray introduced two new administrators – Jodine O’Mara, who will be the Assistant Principal at Blossom Gulch half time and Millicoma Intermediate School half time, and Julie Entz, who will be the Special Services Supervisor.
Revised Policy JECBA – Exchange Students: Supt. Gray explained that this policy was revised to set a maximum of 15 students from up a maximum of 3 exchange organizations at one time. Chairman Blom said it seemed a fair balance at the high school. Without requiring a second reading, Donna Opitz moved to adopt the changes in Policy JECBA. Kathy Murray seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Update on Superintendent’s Projects: Dr. Gray provided a list of the projects she’s been working on. She touched on those that impacted the school district most. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING June 11, 2007 Page 7
Chairman Blom brought attention to a letter he received from the OSBA Legal Assistance Trust Chair and a letter he received from a graduating senior regarding his good experience in Marshfield’s printing program “Pirate Graphics.” Copies of both were in the meeting packets.
There was no further business; therefore, Chairman Blom adjourned the regular meeting at 9:20 p.m. He announced that, after a short break, the Board would reconvene and continue the Executive Session started before the Regular Meeting.
______Don Blom Mary Bjornerud Board Chairman Board/Superintendent Secretary