Specific Migration Types

Seasonal Migration

The movement of people from their residence for a temporary period of time. (For employment or recreation) Eg. Retired Canadians relocating to Florida for the winter.

Voluntary(Free) Migration

Movement of people who have made the choice to relocate based on a variety of reasons, some negative. Eg. Ontario residents moving to B.C. for a perceived more relaxed way of life.

Forced Migration

Human migration flows when the movers are physically moved or pressured to move by another group. Eg. Slavery to fulfill European intents when settling areas such as the Caribbean.

Economic Migration

Migration based on the requirements of an employer. Eg. A head office returns to the US and the employee has a chance to move with the company.

Temporary Migration

A short-term movement of people reacting to a stressor in their lives. Eg. Hong Kong citizens leaving the country in 1999 prior to major political change.

Immigration The entrance into a country for the purpose of permanent residence.

Emigration The departure or exit from one’s native land to settle in another. Case Studies Identify which Migration Type(s) best suit the following cases/scenarios:

1. The Vasquez family moves from Venezuela to Mexico during a period of political unrest. They return 2 years later once the turmoil has settled.

2. Janine and Michael Bosch move from South Africa to Ontario for better job opportunities. Janine has a position with the travel company Flight Centre.

3. Mr. and Mrs. Wade go to Florida every winter for 2 months to avoid the cold and snow. They rent in an adult recreational mobile home park.

4. Jim Carrey moves from Canada to the USA and applies for US citizenship. Most of his work opportunities are on the west Coast.

5. Greg decides that he has had enough of the country life and moves to the big city of Toronto… after one month, he returns to the safety of his rural abode.

6. The Harrington family moves every year or so based on where Sgt. Harrington is posted for military duty.

7. The Steinberg family is collected from their home in Germany and re-located to a concentration camp in Poland.

8. New Orleans citizens move to Houston for 2 months while clean-up crews assess and manage the mess left by Hurricane Katrina. They return when it is safe to do so.

9. A young Japanese businessman, Ito Nakamura has the opportunity to manage the new Toyota plant being built in Kentucky. He moves to Kentucky for an indefinite period of time.

10. Mlle Dubois moves from The Cote D’Ivoire to Montreal to join her sister who left 6 months previous due to economic disparities.