7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANTI-COUNTERFEITING & ANTI-PIRACY Integrating efforts for Intellectual Property Protection: Together against Fakes 24-25 October 2013; Hotel Westin, Pune, Maharashtra Tentative Programme DAY – 1 (24 OCTOBER)



1110 – 1130 Hrs Tea / Coffee Break

1130 – 1330 Hrs Power Panel: “Creating synergies : Towards a robust IP Enforcement eco-system in the country - Role of Government”

Intellectual property (IP) rights are important and it provides for innovative industries to engage in resource- intensive research and development, which in turn spawns great technological innovations. However, IP rights are rendered virtually useless unless they are properly protected and enforced.

It is clear that the success of an innovation-dependent economy needs a lot more than just the possession of IP rights. An equal balance between enforcement and protection that address emerging threats domestically and abroad are utterly necessary to maintain and further the integrity of IP rights system.

The panel will seek to emphasize upon the need for administrative cooperation between the administrations responsible for protecting the various forms of IP and at the same time experiences of the enforcement bodies on the issues faced by them while enforcing the IP rights and the way forward.

Moderator Mr. N N Prasad Executive Director and Chief of Staff World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva

Keynote Address Mr. Ramesh Sippy* Film Director & Producer

Panelists Mr. Ashok Thakur* Secretary Ministry of Human Resource Development

Mr. Chaitanya Prasad

Partners / Sponsors Exhibitors

7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANTI-COUNTERFEITING & ANTI-PIRACY Integrating efforts for Intellectual Property Protection: Together against Fakes 24-25 October 2013; Hotel Westin, Pune, Maharashtra

Controller General Intellectual Property Office, India

Mrs. Pratibha Singh Managing Partner Singh & Singh

Mr. Sanjeev Dayal* Director General of Police Maharashtra

Mr. Bobby Bedi Founder Kaleidoscope

Dr. Swati A Piramal* Vice Chairperson Piramal Enterprises Limited

Shri C S Prasad* Chief Commissioner of Customs Mumbai Zone-II

Mr. T P Agarwal President Indian Motion Pictures Association

Mr Sandeep Kumar Rawal* Deputy Commissioner (Custom and EP) Central board of Excise & Customs

1330 – 1430 Hrs Networking Lunch

1430 – 1600 Hrs Plenary Session 1: Counterfeiting & Piracy: Socio - Economic Impact Like any other assets, brands are prone to various forms of attack. Counterfeiting, piracy, duplication, alteration,

Partners / Sponsors Exhibitors

7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANTI-COUNTERFEITING & ANTI-PIRACY Integrating efforts for Intellectual Property Protection: Together against Fakes 24-25 October 2013; Hotel Westin, Pune, Maharashtra

misuse, tampering, dilution or diversions are some of the various known and repeated forms of brand attack prevalent all over the world. When brand attack occurs, brand owners lose their revenue and market share that are legitimately theirs. More importantly, their reputation, image and finance suffer huge damage.

The aim of this session is to have discussions on the impact, scope of threat, challenges, sectoral concerns & aspirations

Mr. Ashank Desai* Founder & Former Chairman Session Chairman Mastek

Mr. Sanjay Tandon Speakers CEO, Music Composers Association of India & Singers Association of India

Mr. Savio D’Souza Secretary General The Indian Music Industry

Mr. Raj Kumar Executive Committee member Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Anurag Kashyap Partner - Fraud Investigation and Dispute Services Ernst & Young

Mr. Tabrez Anmad Secretary OPPI

1600 – 1630 Hrs Tea & Coffee Break

1630 – 1830 Hrs Plenary Session 2: Global measures and Success Stories - Lessons from Overseas

Though we are ranked 12th in Patent Filing destinations in the world, there are still many things that we need to

Partners / Sponsors Exhibitors

7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANTI-COUNTERFEITING & ANTI-PIRACY Integrating efforts for Intellectual Property Protection: Together against Fakes 24-25 October 2013; Hotel Westin, Pune, Maharashtra

learn from other countries, especially in the area of enforcement and effective collaboration between industry enforcement bodies. This session will bring partners from overseas to a single platform and share their respective startegies and experiences of Anti-counterfeit, Anti-pirated goods and discussion on tips for effective partnership between industry, Government and enforcement bodies.

Mr. C H Unnikrishnan Session Chairman Deputy Chief of Bureau Mint, Mumbai

Dr. Balázs Gargya Speakers First Secretary Delegation of the European Union to India

Mr. Arun Venkataraman Director,Central and South Asian Affairs Office of US Trade Representatives

Mr. Kenichi Osonoe Vice-president of JIPA & General Manager,Legal & IP Department Bandai Co. Ltd

Mr. Motoki KATO Assistant Manager Intellectual Property Group Hitachi, Ltd

Ms. Anshika Jha Senior Intellectual Property Liaison Officer UK Intellectual Property Office British High Commission

1900 Hrs End of the Day1

DAY – 2 (25 October) 0930– 1030 Hrs Registration & Tea/ Coffee

1030 – 1200 Hrs Challenges of Piracy

Partners / Sponsors Exhibitors

7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANTI-COUNTERFEITING & ANTI-PIRACY Integrating efforts for Intellectual Property Protection: Together against Fakes 24-25 October 2013; Hotel Westin, Pune, Maharashtra

Piracy continues to be a key challenge for the Indian film and music sector and has been a prime reason for decline of Home Video market in India. Accordingly, the government has approved a scheme under the 12th Five Year Plan for carrying out an anti-piracy initiative in the audio-visual sector. This new scheme of the Information & Broadcasting Ministry has an outlay of Rs 2 crores for the plan period of 2012-17.Considering the importance laid down by the government on curbing this piracy, its time to come together, strategies and finalize an action plan dedicated towards curbing this menace.

Piracy is not a problem which can be eradicated overnight. It needs persistent work and unity at the global level. The initiative taken by some of the state police like the Kerala state police and associations to educate the masses and the technologies can definitely help make improvements. Some of the discussion points would be:

1. Challenges faced by the film, music, IT, Publication sectors in the digital era. 2. Role of collecting societies in ensuring a balanced copyright system 3. Enforcement issues in the entertainment industry.

This session will have discussion on the Piracy threats, Sect oral Issues & Concerns & Aspiration and its Impact on domestic and International Business

Session Chairman Dr. Ganesh Natarajan Co-Chairman, CII National Committee on IP & Vice Chairman & CEO, Zensar Technologies


Regulatory Perspective : Mr. G R Raghavender Registrar of Copyrights & Director (BP&CR) Copyright Office ,Department of Higher Education,MHRD

Market Impact: A case study Film Industry

Mr. Uday Singh

Partners / Sponsors Exhibitors

7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANTI-COUNTERFEITING & ANTI-PIRACY Integrating efforts for Intellectual Property Protection: Together against Fakes 24-25 October 2013; Hotel Westin, Pune, Maharashtra

Managing Director MPAA

Broadcasting industry

Mr. Ritesh Khosla Vice President – Legal Multi Screen Media Private Limited Sony Entertainment Network

Publication Industry

Mr. Sachin Baweja Company Secretary & Counsel Elsevier India

Design Industry

Hardware & Software Industry

Legal perspective Ms. Gowree Gokhale Partner Nishith Desai Associates Legal & Tax Counseling Worldwide

1200 – 1230 Hrs Tea & Coffee Break

1230 – 1330 Hrs Challenges of Auto Sector: Road to future

The counterfeiting in auto parts especially spare parts not only infringes the Brands affecting their credibility, but also cheat the customer who gets a substandard part, which when fitted in the vehicle will not give proper service, besides creating safety hazard for the user. The government also loses precious revenue in terms of taxes.

The session will have a discussion on importance of a brand in market, importance of protecting a brand and

Partners / Sponsors Exhibitors

7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANTI-COUNTERFEITING & ANTI-PIRACY Integrating efforts for Intellectual Property Protection: Together against Fakes 24-25 October 2013; Hotel Westin, Pune, Maharashtra

impact of Counterfeiting–from the perspective of Industry. Some of the discussion points would be:  Brand Protection operations-Challenges for a successful brand protection strategy  Impact  Multiple risks to consumer safety  Best practices developed by a Company

The aim of this session will be to talk about some of the practices, strategies which took place in last few years and their impact on the Auto sector, scope of threat, sect oral concerns & Aspiration

Session Chairman Mr. Rajesh Bagga Vice President-Legal TATA Motors

Speakers Mr. Sameer Chugh Vice President-Legal & Secretarial & General Counsel, India ABO Cummins India Limited

Mr. Sanjoy Chatterjee Head of sells Mahindra First Choice Wheels Limited

Representative from ACMA

1330 – 1430 Hrs Lunch

1430 – 1530 Hrs Plenary Session 3: Legal and Technology interventions in combating Counterfeiting & Piracy

The incredible growth and globalization of the Indian economy has been accompanied by major advances in the visibility of power brands. The escalating economic pyramid and resulting expansion of the middle class had produced unparallel growth in virtually every product sector. The establishment of these brands in the market place has required significant and sustained investment on the part of their owners but the same advances in technology have led to growth of grey market products and tainted the image of many of these brands and reduced consumer’s confidence in their authenticity.

Partners / Sponsors Exhibitors

7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANTI-COUNTERFEITING & ANTI-PIRACY Integrating efforts for Intellectual Property Protection: Together against Fakes 24-25 October 2013; Hotel Westin, Pune, Maharashtra

The purpose of this session is to discuss the appropriate law & punishment those can be deterrent to such menace. The session will also discuss technology solutions those are available to companies and to come out with suggestive sound technologies for protecting brands through effective application of the same and with Government Support.


Mr SU Kamdar; Senior Advocate and former Judge Bombay High Court

Representatives technology Solution providers

1530 Hrs Close of the two days proceedings

Partners / Sponsors Exhibitors