The East of Fife Province of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club
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East of Fife Province of The Royal Caledonian Curling Club
CONSTITUTION (updated April 2012)
1. The Association shall be called “The East of Fife Province of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club” (hereinafter referred to as the Province). Its aims are to encourage curling in the East of Fife and to arrange matches between its member clubs, and with other clubs and Provinces.
Member Clubs
2. The Province consists of those curling clubs within the East of Fife area which are member clubs of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club (RCCC).
Honorary Presidents
3. Members of the Province may elect Honorary Presidents in recognition of their service to the Province and to curling. Honorary Presidents shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Province Committee
4. The business and affairs of the Province shall be run by “The Province Committee”. All members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
5. Membership of the Committee shall be:
Post Term of Office
President 1 year. The Vice-President for the season past shall normally be elected as President.
Vice-President 1 year. The Vice-President shall be nominated from each Club in the Province in rotation.
Immediate Past-President 1 year.
Secretary & Treasurer Elected annually. An Assistant Secretary & Treasurer may also be elected.
Committee Members x 4 May serve a maximum of four consecutive years. One year must elapse before he or she may be re-elected.
6. Any Province member elected to the Area 7 Committee of the RCCC shall also be eligible to sit on the Province Committee during their term of office (if not otherwise a Province Committee member).
7. The Province Committee may co-opt a member or members where required. Any such decision shall be ratified at the next Annual General Meeting.
Version: 5 April 2012 East of Fife Province of The Royal Caledonian Curling Club
8. Five Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the Province Committee.
Other posts
9. The following posts shall also be elected at the Annual General Meeting but are not members of the Province Committee. They may, however, be invited by the President to attend Committee meetings where there is relevant business.
Post Term of Office
Ice Marshall – for outdoor Elected annually. An Assistant Ice Marshall may bonspiels also be elected.
Examiner- for the Annual Elected annually. Accounts
Representative Members
10. Two people shall be elected at the AGM to represent the Province at any meetings the Province Committee may determine. Unless otherwise agreed at the AGM, this shall normally be the Province President and Province Secretary.
Annual General Meeting
11. The Annual General meeting of the Province shall be held prior to the Annual General Meeting of Area 7. All Province clubs shall be given a minimum of 28 days notice of the date of the AGM.
12. The business of the AGM shall include:
The election of Honorary Presidents, the Province Committee, other posts and representative members.
Consideration of the annual accounts (including any comments received from the Examiner).
Consideration of the level of Subscriptions, Entertainment Levy and Fines for the following season. Fines due for the season past shall also be agreed.
Consideration of any relevant correspondence received from member Clubs provided this has been received by the Province Secretary more than 14 days in advance of the date of the AGM.
A report on Competitions for the season past and any changes in format or rules proposed by the Committee for the following season.
Consideration of any proposed changes to the Province Constitution provided these have been notified to the Province Secretary more than 28 days in advance of the date of the AGM.
Version: 5 April 2012 East of Fife Province of The Royal Caledonian Curling Club
13. Ten individual members of Province clubs shall constitute a quorum at the AGM.
Version: 5 April 2012 East of Fife Province of The Royal Caledonian Curling Club
Special Meeting
14. The Province Secretary, on the written request of the President or a majority of Province clubs, shall convene a Special Meeting within 28 days of receiving such a request. All Province clubs shall be given a minimum of 14 days notice of the date and purpose of the meeting.
Voting Procedure
15. The President (or in his or her absence, Vice President) may put any matter discussed at a Committee meeting, Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting to a vote. The President will determine whether the vote should be by a show of hands or a ballot. In the event of a tied vote, the President will have both a deliberative and casting vote.
Annual Subscription and Entertainment Levy
16. The Province shall levy an annual subscription payable by member clubs. The annual subscription rate shall be decided at the AGM and levied in proportion to the number of ordinary members in each club, as recorded on the RCCC membership database.
17. The Province may also set an entertainment levy to support the costs incurred by Area 7 when hosting touring teams from overseas. The rate shall be decided at the AGM, and levied in proportion to the number of male members in each club, as recorded on the RCCC membership database.
18. The Province Committee shall hold competitions annually and, if possible, include the following trophies:
Province Competitions
Duncan Millar Trophy (The League) and Duncan Millar Handicap Trophy
Province Mixed League
Province Cup and RCCC Province Medal
Willie Lawson Trophy
Province Points Trophies (Carnegie and Cameron cups)
Graham Mixed Pairs trophies.
Zermatt Trophy (East of Fife Province v West of Fife Province)
Challenge Trophy (East of Fife Province v Cupar Province)
Province Bonspiel (outdoors)
Version: 5 April 2012 East of Fife Province of The Royal Caledonian Curling Club
East of Fife Province v Cupar Province (outdoors)
Other Competitions
National Province Championship (organised by the RCCC)
Waldie Griffith Trophy (organised by the RCCC)
Inter-Province Bonspiel (organised by Area 7)
Reid Trophy (organised by Dewar’s Centre, Perth)
19. Entries for competitions for the following season shall be lodged with the Province Secretary at or before the AGM in each year.
20. The Province Secretary shall make the draw for all Province competitions with the assistance of the Province Committee. A copy of the Province fixture list will then be circulated to the Secretary of each member club. Each club is responsible for ice charges in connection with the games allocated to them.
21. The Province Committee has the power to make rules covering play in any Province competition. All competitions shall be played under RCCC rules unless otherwise specified in the competition rules.
22. All curlers playing in Province competitions for their club must be ordinary members of that club as recorded on the RCCC membership database, unless otherwise stated in the competition rules. Curlers may play for only one club in each individual competition. They may, however, play for different clubs in different Province competitions provided they are members of all the clubs they play for or it is permitted under the competition rules.
23. In any Province competition, one score card shall be filled in correctly for each end, shall contain the names of all curlers participating in the match and shall be totalled and signed by both Skips.
24. If all four players in a rink are not present at the time fixed for start of play, the opposing rink shall add one shot to their score for each five minute delay up to thirty minutes and +6 shots. Where a rink has only 3 players present after 30 minutes, the match will continue and the result will stand (including the +6 shot penalty). Where a rink has only 2 or fewer players present after 30 minutes, the result shall be a win to the non-offending club unless otherwise stated in the competition rules. In the true spirit of curling it is expected that games shall be played wherever possible with ice charges shared but with the offending club making up the shortfall. Where a game is not played the defaulting club shall be responsible for all ice charges.
Version: 5 April 2012 East of Fife Province of The Royal Caledonian Curling Club
25. All matches between clubs within the Province must give precedence to the Province Bonspiel (outdoors) and the East of Fife versus Cupar Bonspiel (outdoors), which in turn must give precedence to the outdoor Bonspiel of the Fife and Kinross Curling Association. The Grand Match of the RCCC takes precedence over any other competition.
26. The Province Committee is the Court of Appeal on all objections or complaints arising from a Province competition. Objections and complaints must be in writing and must be received by the Province Secretary within seven days after the game. The Committee shall have the power to take evidence and adjudicate, and its decision shall be final.
Province Property and Assets
27. All trophies, bank accounts, monies and documents which are the property of the Province shall remain under the control of the Province Committee, who may at any time request that these be returned within a reasonable timescale.
28. The Province Secretary shall maintain detailed records of all financial transactions and shall ensure that the annual accounts are considered by the Examiner prior to the AGM. Any comments received from the Examiner must be reported to the AGM.
Changes to the Constitution
29. The foregoing Constitution and Rules may be altered by Resolution of two-thirds of the members present at any Annual General Meeting provided notice of any motion to alter has been given to the Province Secretary in writing twenty-eight days prior to the date of the meeting.
Version: 5 April 2012