HC Ele Curriculum Mapping s3

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HC Ele Curriculum Mapping s3

Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Harrison County Schools

Course/Subject Name: Social Studies Grade Level Targeted: P2/1 st grade Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments SS-EP-1.1.1 Students will Government and Civics Wear community helper hats http://www.drdaveand Students will identify • demonstrate (e.g., speak, draw, bills and role play dee.com/elbows.html the basic purposes of write) an understanding of the Experience visits from police bills of rights local government (to nature of government: and fire departments including establish order, o explain basic functions (to branches of government D.A.R.E. provide security and establish order, to provide citizenship Participate in D.A.R.E. See S.S. text accomplish common security and accomplish constitution Participate in Junior For open responses, goals); give examples common goals) councilmen Achievement visit: of services local of local government democracy Participate in Learn Not to http://teach.clarkschoo governments provide o explore and give examples of executive Burn (e.g., police and fire  ls.net/curriculumresour the services (e.g., police and fire government Discuss community issues that protection roads and protection, maintenance of may be on an election ballot ces/ governor snow removal, roads, snow removal, garbage Discuss reasons for Jefferson County Open garbage pick-up,) and pick-up) judicial landscaping and recycling laws Response Bank identify how they pay o investigate how the local services during a celebration of http://www.hud.gov/ki for these services government pays for services local “Earth Day”. (taxes). (by collecting taxes from people magistrate Use current events and daily ds/ who mayor life activities as a forum to discuss SS-EP-1.1.2 live there) national why community services exist. http://bensguide.gpo.g Students will identify o explain the reasons for rules in offices Help create and/or display ov/k- and the home and at school; and president charts of classroom 2/neighborhood/index. explain compare rules (e.g., home, and school rules. the school) and laws in the local representative Use current events and daily html purpos community roles of citizens life activities to discuss the e of o investigate the importance of senator purposes of specific laws. http://www.kizclub.co rules rules and laws and give state Discuss purposes of laws m/storytime/neighborh within examples of what life would be voting during culture studies. ood/neighborhood.htm organiz like Discuss civil rights and the ations without rules and laws (home, Students will understand Constitution as part of conflict l (e.g., school, community) that resolution lessons and historical school, • explore personal rights and • local governments are discussions http://www.kizclub.co clubs, responsibilities: formed to establish order, Help develop a classroom “Bill m/Sbody.html teams) o explain, demonstrate, give provide security and of Rights.” Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments and examples of ways to show good accomplish common goals. Perform classroom jobs/duties. http://pbskids.org/dem compar citizenship at school and in the • citizens of local Discuss school rules and ocracy/mygovt/school. e rules community (e.g., recycling, communities have certain consequences. with picking up trash) rights and responsibilities in Discuss the district discipline html laws. o describe the importance of a democratic society. policy. DOK 2 civic participation and locate • local communities Help create classroom rules. examples (e.g., donating canned promote the basic principles Discuss community and state SS-EP-1.2.1 food to a class food drive) in (e.g., liberty, justice, laws as they apply to the students Students will describe current events/news equality, rights, and as they come up in informal how their local • use a variety of print and non- responsibilities) of a discussions (ie. Crossing at the government is print sources (e.g., stories, democratic form of crosswalks, driving and voting at structured (e.g., books, interviews, observations) government. certain ages, recycling, etc.) mayor, city council, to Discuss current elections judge-executive, fiscal identify and describe basic Participate in mock elections court, local courts) and democratic ideas (e.g., liberty, Vote to make choices (ie. compare their local justice, equality, rights, naming the class pet, government to other responsibility) selecting a reward video, selecting community a team name, etc.). governments in Kentucky. DOK 1 – Students will name and SS-EP-1.3.1 describe three examples of Students will define services that local governments basic democratic ideas provide. (e.g., liberty, justice, (Ex. police, fire department, equality, rights, ambulance services) responsibility) and DOK 2 – Students will produce an explain why they are illustration that shows how school important today. rules and laws in their community are alike. SS-EP-1.3.2 DOK 3 – Students will compare Students will identify the roles of the city and county and give examples of government. Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments good citizenship at DOK 4 – Students will construct a home, at school and book about democratic terms that in the community represent the United States. (e.g., helping with chores, obeying rules, participating in community service projects such as recycling, conserving natural resources, donating food/supplies) and explain why civic engagement in the community is important. DOK 2 Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments Students will Culture and Society Learn information about “Holidays SS-EP-2.1.1 • develop an understanding of art Around the World” the nature of culture: Use news magazines that cover Students will beliefs describe cultural o explore and describe cultural current events (e.g., elements (e.g., beliefs, customs Scholastic News, Time for Kids, elements (e.g., dress beliefs, traditions, traditions, languages, skills, etc.) food languages, skills, literature, Use read-alouds, language arts, History literature, the arts). the arts) and informal discussions DOK 1 o investigate diverse cultures holidays to discuss the elements of culture using print and non-print sources language Learn origins of holidays as they (e.g., stories, books, interviews, music arise throughout the year. SS-EP-2.2.1 observations) religion Participate in cooperative groups Students will identify • investigate social institutions Understand classroom jobs and be stories social institutions (e.g., schools) in the community able to define their (government, • describe interactions (e.g., Society purpose in the classroom and economy, education, compromise, cooperation, family school religion, family) and conflict, competition) that occur school !Use manners and respect for explain how they help between clubs others the community. individuals/groups teams Learn from the book Teaching • describe and give examples of conflict resolution Students to Get Along: SS-EP-2.3.1 conflicts and conflict resolution competition Reducing conflict and increasing strategies cooperation in K-6 Students will disagree describe various classrooms by Lee Canter and argue forms of interactions Katia Peterson. (compromise, stereotypes Discuss prejudices during Martin cooperation, conflict, prejudice Luther Day activities. competition) that tools of compromise Role-play to practice listening occur between cooperation skills. individuals/ groups human needs Play “Following Directions” at home and at activities. school. DOK 2 Play listening games such as the Students will understand “Telephone Game.” that Role-play solutions to problems Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments • culture is a system of that show up during group beliefs, knowledge, work, lunch, specials, etc. institutions, Make giant peace banners using customs/traditions, the cooperation of all languages and skills students. shared by a group of people. Read news magazines and watch • cultures develop social National Geographic videos institutions (e.g., government, economy, education, religion, family) DOK 1 – Students will list and to describe personal family traditions. structure society, influence DOK 2 – Students will prepare a behavior, and respond to project reflecting a family human needs. tradition. (Ex. illustration, • interactions among sculpture, painting, drama, sketch, individuals and groups etc.) assume various forms (e.g., DOK 3 – Students will compare compromise, cooperation, using a Venn Diagram. (Ex. conflict, competition). fireman to policeman) • a variety of factors DOK 4 – Students will develop promote cultural diversity in ways to resolve conflicts within a community. the classroom using role-play. • an understanding and appreciation of the diverse complexity of cultures is essential to interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many diverse ethnic and cultural groups of today. Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments Students will Use token economy system. http://www.knowitall. SS-EP-3.1.1 • develop an understanding of Economics Use current trends to illustrate org/kidswork/ Students will define the nature of limited resources availability of goods how society is driven by and scarcity: what they can’t easily obtain. (e.g., basic economic barter http://www.earthforce. terms related to o investigate and give examples Pokémon, Beanie of resources consumer Babies, etc.) org/ scarcity (e.g., consumption opportunity cost, o explain why people cannot Use informal discussion as it distribution wants and needs, have all the goods and services relates to every day life. financial enterprise limited productive they want Participate in a food and resources-natural, o solve economic problems goods and services clothing drive and adopt a human, capital) and related to prioritizing resources, large and small systems family during the Seasonal explain that scarcity saving, loaning and spending opportunity costs Holidays. requires people to money production Use token economy system. o explore differences between Experience opportunity cost make economic profit limited natural resources and during daily choice making choices and incur scarcity limited human resources activities. opportunity supply and demand costs. DOK 2 • investigate banks in the Learn to choose between community and explain how wants and needs options. (e.g., selecting lunch they help people (e.g., loan checks and balances items, etc.) SS-EP-3.2.1 money, save Participate in a token economy Students will identify money) Students will understand where students are paid and give examples of • compare ways people in the that for their jobs. economic institutions past/present acquired what they • the basic economic Discuss current events and (banks) and explain needed, using basic economic problem confronting daily events. how they help people terms related to markets (e.g., individuals and groups in Understand why their parents deal with the problem goods, services, profit, our community today is work. of scarcity (e.g., loan consumer, producer, supply, scarcity; as a result of Interview their parents as to money, save money) demand, scarcity economic choices how they make economic in today’s market buyers, sellers, barter) and decisions must be decisions. economy. • describe and give examples of made. Have an opportunity to be both the production, distribution and • a variety of fundamental buyer and the seller in SS-EP-3.3.1 consumption of goods and economic concepts (e.g., a mock grocery store Students will define services in supply and demand, 1-3 Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments basic economic the community opportunity cost) impact Discuss current events and terms related to individuals, groups and daily events and discuss markets (e.g., market businesses in the interesting fads. economy, markets, community today. Understand that products are wants and needs, • economic institutions are made because so many goods and services, created to help individuals, people want them, and that not profit, consumer, groups and businesses in the many are produced once producer, supply and community the fad in over. demand, barter, accomplish common goals. Study bartering as it applies to money, trade, • markets enable buyers and individual cultures. advertising). DOK 2 sellers to exchange goods Identify examples of bartering and services. in folktales and other literature and SS-EP-3.4.1 • production, distribution in historical activities that arise Students will define and consumption of goods throughout basic economic and services in the the year. terms related to community have changed Participate in an activity in which production, over time. students are paid with packaging distribution and • individuals, groups and peanuts that must be kept in their consumption (e.g., businesses in the possession. goods and services, community demonstrate Discuss the difficulties of wants and needs, interdependence as they keeping so many peanuts and supply and demand, make decide why paper money is more specialization, economic decisions about efficient. entrepreneur) and the use of resources (e.g., Use token economy system. describe various natural, human, capital) in Read and discuss The Boxcar ways goods and the production, Children: Book One and services are distribution, and emphasize the economic decisions distributed (e.g., by consumption of goods and within. price, first-come- services. Use current and daily life first-served, sharing events to discuss why some people equally). DOK 2 own certain things that others do not. Compare the lives of children SS-EP-3.4.2 Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments Students will describe in our own community to that of how new knowledge, children in other communities as technology/tools, and well as children of celebrities. specialization Identify examples of situations increases productivity in which wealthy people choose to in our community, give their wealth to the needy or to state, nation and set world. examples with their own children (e.g., Name famous children actors whose parents put their money in savings and set up budgets and allowances to help them appreciate the value of money. Play board games that use the concepts of consumers and producers. Study family and community. Learn the difference between public and private goods and services such as private vs. public schools, store security vs. police officers, etc. Discuss prices of things they have bought and explain why they had to pay taxes on those items. Learn that taxes are paid for particular goods and services and those goods and services are used or discussed in class (e.g., textbooks, equipment, etc.). Discuss school tax levies when they arise. Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments

DOK 1 – Students will list products that they could buy at Wal-Mart. DOK 2 – Students will choose a product purchased from Wal-Mart and bring it in to class. Students will then organize the products into groups according to the use of the product. DOK 3 – “Class Yard Sale” Students will bring in products from home. They will select a cost per item. Students will survey the class to select prices. The items may be sold school wide or by classroom. Students will then classify the items together according to cost or distinguish the items into similar products before being purchased. DOK 4 – Students will design a classroom store. Students will purchase products using earned classroom money. Students will role-play merchants, clerks, etc. Next, students will determine availability of products, supply and demand, opportunity, costs, etc. Then students will evaluate the experiment. Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments SS-EP-4.1.1 Students will Geography Locate places on a map and/or http://www.arts.ufl.edu Students will use • develop an understanding of adapt/adaptation globe. /art/rt_room/sparkers/c patterns on the Earth’s surface Make a map of the classroom geographic tools (e.g., geography ommunity_map/map.h maps, globes, mental using a variety of geographic on a poster board and draw latitude maps, charts, graphs) tools themselves at their desk/table. tml to locate and describe (e.g., maps, globes, charts, longitude Watch teacher draw continents familiar places at graphs): maps (types and use) on a grapefruit, cut and flatten the http://www.carnegiem home, school and the o locate and describe familiar perspective on land use grapefruit to illustrate how a globe useums.org/cmag/bk_i community. places at school and the populations (gathering and is three- dimensional and a map is ssue/1998/julaug/dept3 community settlement) flat. o create maps that identify the Participate in the “Flat Stanley .htm SS-EP-4.1.2 regions (land and water) relative location of familiar Project” Students will use resources (human needs) places and objects (e.g., school, Use containers that fit one geographic tools to spatial factors and decisions neighborhood) inside the other to identify major physical features (landforms) o identify major landforms (e.g., represent city, state, country, and landforms (e.g., continents, mountain ranges) continent. continents, mountain and major bodies of water (e.g., Listen as the teach writes ranges), bodies of Students will understand oceans, rivers) words (continent, country, state, water (e.g., oceans, that • investigate the Earth’s surface city) one on top of the other in major rivers) and • the use of geographic tools using print and non-print sources pyramid form on the chalkboard natural resources on (e.g., maps, globes, charts, (e.g., books, magazines, films, and point out that the biggest word Earth’s surface and graphs) and mental maps Internet, geographic tools): is use relative location. help to locate o locate and describe places also the biggest piece of land and places, recognize patterns (e.g., local environments, so on. and identify geographic SS-EP-4.1.3 different habitats) using their Use Daily Oral Geography and features. Students will describe physical write or depict answers in teacher- • patterns emerge as humans how different factors characteristics (e.g., landforms, made geography journals. move, settle and interact on (e.g. rivers, bodies of water) Make a seven-continent mini- Earth’s surface and can be mountains) influence o identify and explain patterns of book to learn the continents. identified by where human human settlement in different Partition an 8 ½ by 11- inch paper examining the location of activities are located in places into 4 sections. Glue tiny pictures physical and human the community. • compare ways people and of four continents to the four boxes characteristics, how they are animals modify the physical on one side of the paper and the arranged and why Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments SS-EP-4.2.1 environment to meet their basic they are in particular other three continents, upside Students will describe needs locations. down on the other side. The eighth places on Earth’s (e.g., clearing land to build • people depend on, adapt box that is opposite the first box on surface by their homes versus building nests and to, and/or modify the the side with 4 continents, is physical burrows as shelters) environment to meet basic labeled with the title “The Seven characteristics (e.g., • recognize how technology needs. Human actions Continents.” Cut a slit between the climate, landforms, helps people move, settle, and modify the physical inner two boxes on the sheet. Fold bodies of water). interact in the world environment and in turn, the so that you end up with a tiny physical environment limits booklet with only the title shown. SS-EP-4.3.1 and/or promotes Underneath each picture of the Students will describe human activities. continent, leave space for the child patterns of human to rewrite the name of the settlement in places continent that is written with each and regions on the map. Earth’s surface. Memorize the names and locations of the fifty states and capitals for the purpose of SS-EP-4.3.2 recognizing names and Students will describe locations rather than rote how technology helps memorization us move, settle and Write to a pen pal. As interact in the modern responses are received, find world. and discuss their locations. Complete a report on a state SS-EP-4.4.1 and write it on paper shaped of the Students will state. Cut out the states and piece describe ways them together to make a large map. people adapt Discuss flooding of the to/modify the Licking River. physical Discuss and practice tornado environment to meet and fire drills. their basic needs Discuss informally holidays, (food, shelter, history, and current events when Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments clothing). DOK 1 reading literature. Discuss informally holidays, SS-EP-4.4.2 history, and current events when Students will describe reading literature. how the physical Use Felix to travel to famous environment can both places around the world. promote and restrict Participate in a transportation human activities. unit Discuss how resources influenced choice of settlement during culture studies. During current events, discuss studies of life science and geographical areas.

DOK 1 – Students will recognize Harrison County on a Kentucky map. They will list the counties that touch Harrison County. DOK 2 - Students will be given a map of the United States. They will choose a region and explain the landforms within the region. DOK 3 – Students will make a landform using play-doh and construction paper. It will include mountains, hills, a plain, a lake, a river, and an ocean. Then they will differentiate the landforms by labeling them. DOK 4 – Students will identify a location (ex. bedroom, classroom, Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments playground). They will design and label a map of their location. Then they will summarize their map in words. SS-EP-5.1.1 Students will clothing Discuss events during daily http://pbskids.org/biga Students will use a • develop an understanding of Communication calendar time pplehistory/parentsteac variety of primary and the nature of history using a cultures Identify labels on “Calendar secondary sources variety of tools (e.g., primary Day” – Yesterday/Past, hers/volunteerism.html education (e.g., artifacts, diaries, and Today/Present, Tomorrow/ Future timelines) to interpret secondary sources, family family organization Talk about events using http://www.wilmette39 the past. mementoes, artifacts, Internet, flags specific terms (e.g.,yesterday, last .org/virtualmuseum/m diaries, timelines, maps): food night, last week, etc.) useum01/Truman01/w SS-EP-5.2.1 o examine the past (of selves gender roles Discuss how things in the past ilmettedescr.html Students will identify and the community) innovations may have influenced significant patriotic o distinguish among past, Inventions what they are doing today and historical songs, present and future people, language Respond to Journal Prompts symbols, places, events “Today in History”-- On the monuments monuments/landmar o explain why people move and (day) of (month) in the (year) the ks (e.g., The Star- settle in different places; explore national flags (particular event) happened at Spangled Banner, the contributions of diverse nationalism (location). the Underground groups Native Americans Study dinosaurs using fossils Railroad, the Statue • use print and non-print sources patriotic (songs, poems, in rocks of Liberty) and (e.g., stories, folktales, legends, stories, legends, speeches) Visit Natural History Museum patriotic holidays films, magazines, Internet, oral Primary Source Research famous people and/or (e.g., Veteran’s Day, history): recreation events using a variety of resources Martin Luther King’s o investigate and give examples Use informal conversations, regional history birthday, Fourth of of factual and fictional accounts discussions of current July) and explain of historical events religion values events, studies of holidays, and their historical o explore and give examples of Secondary Source reading of nonfiction significance. DOK 2 change over time (e.g., shelter and historical fiction to help transportation, clothing, state students look at the reasons events SS-EP-5.2.3 communication, technology, tools occurred. Students will describe occupations) Use circle lap-sit activity to traditions Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments change over time in • investigate the significance of transportation lead discussion related to communication, patriotic symbols, patriotic how one event causes another to technology, songs, patriotic holidays and occur. transportation and landmarks Students will understand During culture studies and education in the (e.g., the flag of the United that informal discussions, community. States, the song “My Country, • history is an account of students will compare and contrast ‘Tis of Thee,” the Fourth of human activities that is cultures. SS-05-5.2.4 July, interpretive in nature. A Compare and contrast cultures Students will Veterans’ Day, the Statue of variety of tools (e.g., through a study of describe significant Liberty) primary and secondary “Holidays Around the World” historical events in sources) are needed to Listen to community workers each of the broad understand historical events. discuss their occupations. historical periods • history is a series of Participate in community field and eras in U.S. connected events shaped by trips (ie. Airport, fire history (Colonization multiple cause-effect department, police station, etc.) and Settlement, relationships, tying past to Study changes in transportation Revolution and a present. Conduct parent/grandparent New Nation, • history has been impacted surveys Expansion and by significant individuals Participate in informal Conflict, and groups. discussions Industrialization and Read and use of a variety of Immigration, literature including historical Twentieth Century to fiction, legends, and fantasy. Present) and explain Make a chart of facts and opinions cause and effect about a studied topic. relationships. DOK 3 Respond to a writing prompt by giving opinions about a given topic. Discuss facts and opinions about current events or historical topics. Recite “Pledge of Allegiance” daily. Yellow – 1st grading period pink – 2nd grading period green – 3rd grading period blue – 4th grading period red - 5th grading period violet - 6th grading period

Kentucky Student Outcomes Key/Common Activities Resources Core Content Vocabulary And Version 4.1 Assessments Create individual flags Discuss original flag by Betsy Ross using book Betsy Ross by Alexandra Wallner or other books of choice. Discuss the purpose and history of the pledge. Share songs and poems when discussing specific historical events and holidays. Create their own symbols, slogans, songs, or poems when studying a specific topic. Discuss symbols associated with holidays and current events.

DOK 1 – Students will correctly recite all parts of the Pledge of Allegiance. DOK 2 – Students will compile a classroom list of reasons why they may have more from one classmate from one place compared to another. DOK 3 – Students will distinguish and categorize historical forms of transportation to modern day transportation. DOK 4 – Students will choose a culture. The student will create and design a flag to represent that culture.

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