1. to Be Able to Discuss the Impact of Exploration and Discovery On

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1. to Be Able to Discuss the Impact of Exploration and Discovery On

Unit 3 manufacturing centers from the The rise of the Atlantic Economy and Mediterranean to the Northern Part of the Decline of Spain and the Rise of Europe England and the Dutch. Venice England and the Dutch could not adapt to the Atlantic trade Needs Rembrandt power point – routes and what was once the economic Documents from period to dissect first manufacturing a trade center of Europe real DBQ. Civil war map from Ap became little more than a backwater brown course book trade stop. At the same time the Ottoman Objectives: Empire had a shrinking population in 1. To be able to discuss the impact Europe Proper. While England and the of exploration and discovery on Dutch began to rise up as trade empires Europe the Spanish began a downward spiral 2. To be able to discuss the impact kept only alive in the 1500’s by the of European contact on native silver and gold it extracted from the New cultures World. 3. To understand the political, In both England and in the Dutch economic, and social aspects of Lands successful manufacturing and the colonial empires of Spain, trade centers were a direct result of France, England, and the improved agriculture – the reclaimed Netherlands 36,000 acres from the sea through the 4. To Identify and understand the use of dikes. England moved to Turkish Problem enclosure of smaller farms forcing a 5. To understand the causes and move in population- Food was the results of the conflict between the driving factor in economic success in a Stuart kings and the Parliament world now crossing the Atlantic. Russia 6. To understand thee form of wanting desperately to part of Europe government of the Netherlands spent all of its resources growing food to 7. To be able to trace the major gain a surplus to trade with Western trends in art and literature in the 17th Europe. and 18th centuries Banking became a key profession and to 1585-1604 Protestant England ant War end the carrying of bulky heavy gold and with Catholic Spain silver banks issued Bills of Exchange 1588 One event dramatically changed (paper promised money) and issued the seat of power from Spain to England credit on paper for transfer of funds. – The Defeat of the Spanish Armada. Trade with Asia and the Americas This victory gave rise to England’s brought new venues and products to international dominance –He who Europe and an outlet for factory controls the sea controls the trade production. controls the world. Monopolies were created best know Economic Expansion East India trading Co. Made money for By 1450 The European population had both the Dutch and English crown. rebounded from the plague but then collapsed again during the religious wars 1500-1600 increased population and an of continental Europe. The reduction on economic boom caused prices to rise and population helped cause a shift in inflation to take control of the economies of Europe- this damaged the trade in the Ferdinand married a niece of King Louis Mediterranean as did the 30 years war – XIII 9French) but the baby died. giving advantage to the English. 1516 Ferdinand died and the son of Joanna and Philip became Charles I of Spain King of Spain in 1519 he became 1469 the marriage of Ferdinand and Charles V Holy Roman Emperor. Not Isabella created a centralized monarchy popular with the nobles and people of for Spain. The language of Castile Spain for taxation and royal foreign became Spanish in 1492 after sending appointments the Comuneros (urban Columbus to America Granada in people) revolted in 1520. Charles southern Spain was liberated from the stopped the taxes and appointments and Muslim Ottomans. Throughout the then killed the leaders of the rebellion. reformation Spain remind Catholic with Charles than had his sights on England little to no problems. The Memory of the and married his son Phillip to Mary Spanish inquisition where Jews and Tudor in 1554 (remember he is a Muslims were converted or killed was Habsburg) still fresh in Spain. Common language 1558 Charles V gave up the throne common religion and the stripping and splitting the Habsburg Empire between adding of nobility unified Spain. his Brother Ferdinand I Holy Roman Economy from the new colonies in the Emperor and his son Phillip II King of Americas Spain only acquired 10% of its Spain- Netherlands and America. This annual income – however this income prevented a single Catholic monarch was used to finance more exploration from controlling all of Europe and conflicts – Mexican Gold at first funded further adventures were silver Phillip II was found in the mines of Potosi (Peru) Mary Tudor Queen of England died A new refining method allowed Spain to Elizabeth I became Queen Phillip tripe the value of this silver – it took 15 immediately asked to marry her (rejected days to bring it off the mountains to a and England became Protestant not port in northern Chile where it left by Catholic as Phillip had hoped – ended sea convoy. Ships then carried supplies Spanish English relations) and trade good back to the colonies and The Height of Spanish Power came Europe – wool textile was a under his reign. Made Madrid the capitol moneymaker for Castile and was and forced a command economy on the preferred by the crown, as sheep were city. Built the Escorial Palace he was easier than crops to count – as a result crippled by gout and rarely left the there was a food shortage. 85% of Spain palace. Opening him up for rumors and could not be farmed do to mountains. inability to rule. He had 4 wives who all And the land that could was used for died early in their marriage to him and sheep. multiple children. He was believed by The throne the people to have killed his eldest son 1496 The throne passed to the Don Carlos. In 1559 with peace Habsburgs thorough the marriage of temporally in Europe Phillip declared their daughter Princess Joanna to Phillip war on the Turks as the Turkish the Fair son the Holy roman Emperor. Ottomans had taken advantage of the Isabelle died in 1504 needing a son religious wars to grab land in Europe (Balkans and Cyprus) 1571 the pope 1512 declared war on France, which asked for a Holy League to regain land drained the royal funds, and forced Spain and Venice United to fight the taxation, which drove inflation. Turks. The war was fought mostly at Sea 1530 broke with Rome and divorced culminating with the battle of Lepanto Catherine this strengthened the power of and a Spanish victory. the English Crown and was supported by 1588 Spanish Armada Against England most of England. The Irish rebelled failed and gave rise to England (Catholics) and were cruised Henry VIII Under Phillip II Spain was overextended declared himself King of Ireland as well. from Colonial control in the Americas to Ireland cost a lot of funds to control. military ventures in Europe and the constant need to protect the Southern Scotland was also a problem for Henry Mediterranean coast from Moors – James IV king of the Scots had (Muslims) Spain was at its beak and married Henry VIII sister Margaret about to decline from Power in the wake Tudor 1513 James invaded England of the rising English and Dutch backed by the French. James was killed Empires. in battle replaced by James V who was loyal to France. 1542 James died in The Rise OF England battle against the English and his 6-day- At the conclusion of the war of the roses old daughter became Mary Stuart Queen (Lancaster v York) Henry VII became of Scotland Mary Queen of Scots. 1546 king of England the Tudor Monarchy War with France ended and the English was born. The archbishop of York captured Edinburgh. Thomas Wosely became the kings 1547 Henry VIII died leaving money for advisor and creator of the Star a Catholic mass to bury him. His son Chamber the highest court in the land. Edward VI became a boy king Duke of Henry created tariffs to protect English Somerset ruled for him. They declared industry specifically wool and textile – war on Catholic France and Scotland created royal system of weights and once again –Mary Stuart fled to France measurements and created laws against and married King Henry II – The earl of laziness by punishing beggars and Warwick overthrew Somerset and took vagabonds. Parliament granted Henry control of the kingdom. – he wanted VII writs of attainder, which gave the Lady Jane Gray (Henry VIII niece 3rd king the right to declare anyone of in line) to rule England and plotted treason. He also used 600 unpaid justices against Edward – Edward VI died The to enforce laws and collect taxes (most nobles would not allow Jane Gray to rule were well of nobles) and he created the Mary Tudor became Queen (Phillip II court of Assize to deal with felony cases. Wife Catholic) She punished Protestants And Kings law became common law and beheaded Warwick his sons and playing a factor in a new national unity. Lady Jane Gray hung there heads on pikes at the Tower of London. She lost 1509 Henry VIII became king and the last English holdings in France when married Catherine of Argon Ferdinand she and Phillip went to war against and Isabella’s daughter. France. The people of England called her Bloody Mary and hated her when she died no one grieved and Elizabeth I In 1520 2.5 million people by 1610 4.5 became queen of England. million – better food (enclosure) better more babies more jobs longer life. London was the second largest city in Elizabeth I the world 375,000 people only Tokyo 1558-1603 Anne Boleyn’s daughter (Edo) another island capitol was bigger Henry VIII queen at age 25 never 450,000 married had lots of suitors Increased farming – and an abundance of Not a religious person went to church natural resources favored a growing 1559 she had Parliament pass The economy – Iron ore – timber – and Uniformity Bill and the Act of newly found coal mines strengthened Supremacy. Creating the Church of England – Wool accounted for 80% of England and the power of the crown exports – Putting out system increased over the church. output and provided jobs. Would not be As Elizabeth had no heirs Mary Stuart replaced until the industrial revolution. (the Scot) returned to Scotland to rule – The textile trade was controlled by Sir British nobles feared she would become Thomas Gresham who convinced Queen and bring back the Catholic faith Elizabeth to explore the Americas as forced her to abdicate the Scottish throne Spain and France were already there. she fled to England and Elizabeth locked English colonialism began with the her in the tower of London for her own intent to make money and permanently safety. John Knox then brought settle new lands for the Empire – the Calvinism to Scotland first to go were British Pirates – Sir The Catholic Scots then invaded Frances Drake later Admiral in Royal England were crushed and 500 leaders Navy and Sir Walter Raleigh (Roanoke) executed by Elizabeth. The Pope England was on the rise. excommunicated her Elizabeth did not care. 1583 Spain and France plotted to The Tudor Period Society kill Elizabeth and put Mary on the 1557 the English society was divided Throne so Elizabeth cut off Mary’s head. into three classes nobles/ Gentlemen (gentry) Middling sorts and the poor. Economy You could move through this social England was broke when Elizabeth came ladder. Diner was also determined by to power- to win wars she impressed the status as in the number of courses you poor into service 100,000 soldiers would could be served at home or restaurants fight for her on the continent and in from 1 to 9 courses. Ireland. She also used force to control 1590 economic and social issues came to Wales the last of the free English – she a head – food was scarce do to weather created a national economy tying the and women began to riot for bread. Riots kingdom financially to itself. –By being broke out in cities and crime climbed – an island a common language – religion the crown responded. First by new laws – currency and a common law united the caring the death penalty for steeling and people under Elizabeth. Local the Poor laws were passed state welfare governments kept local tradition alive to those in need. but loyalty to the crown. To give the people entertainment in 1576 Expansion to theaters opened in London and the actor playwright Shakespeare burst unto plague, smallpox emigration and the scene. He became part owner of the starvation reduced the population. And Globe and the acting grouop military expenditures for the continent Chamberlains men. The theatre was a and the American colonies cost the place of entertainment and violence the empire is fortunes. Higher unplayable audiences cheered and booed and often taxes were instilled on the population killed or attacked actors that they failed – and them to unite the people the disliked. Theaters were moved to outside crown expelled all Moorish Muslims, the city walls do to rowdiness. which drained the brain and labor supply of Southern Spain. The crown then taxed Emerging trade grain-discouraging farming. The 1603 Elizabeth died but the Empire had colonies became less ruled and begun expansion to America started in financially independent from Spain by 1607 with Jamestown 1620 Plymouth. providing for themselves. Imperial Competition was the result. By Literature tried to give hope of a return 1730 a 1000 ships per year were trading to the past but only a false hope with America – England was beating out Cervantes Don Quixote The artist El the Spanish French and Dutch for Greco painted sarcasm by always having control of the American trade. (Salutary his figures look up to a starry sky of the Neglect allowed colonies to govern past while the ground beneath there feet themselves) fell apart. The Empire had spread to thin – a Spanish Decline bankrupt kingdom could not secure loans It all began with the Dutch – taxation within Spain could not be The Majority of the people were collected English and Dutch ship Calvinist and the Catholic Inquisition attacked all Spanish merchants from the and higher taxes enraged the Dutch. Led New World and the wars with France by William of Orange revolted after brought and end to Spanish power in several Dutch Calvinist nobles were Europe executed. The Spanish Duke of Alba 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees was sent to restore order and only established the present day border with festered the rebellion. He executed France – Spain lost territory. thousands from 1567 –73 in 1572 the By 1680 Spain was forced to recognize rebellion was on in force. A full scale Portugal by England and Spain’s power war insured the Dutch controlled the sea was gone. The Empire would last until and the Spanish army the land – in 1586 1898 When America finished her off in England sided with the Dutch In 1609 the Spanish American War temporary peace – 1621 Spain wanted Art was the only thing to flourish in the more control over the Netherlands an decline of Spain most of it glorified the war resumed. This war drained financial monarchy. drained the Spanish bank and ultimately gave the (1648) Dutch independence at England and the Dutch Republic the Treaty of Westphalia as well as These two nations are unique in that the Portugal . maintained a representative for of Economic Decline of Spain population government when the rest of Europe was dropped from 6 million to 5.2 war, moving toward absolute monarchy. They (money) but not for foreign policy were not without their problems. -costly wars with Spain had drained an already struggling English economy by the time James I took the throne. James wanted peace with Spain parliament did Stuart England not (Catholic Hapsburgs) In 1621 The rise of the English Civil war is to a Congress asserted its right to stop lesser extent a continuation of the funding any wars England was in thus religious wars of Europe only in England began England’s first Constitutional it was between Anglican and Parisian Crisis. James I attempted to marry his (extreme Calvins) as Catholicism hardly son Charles to the daughter of Phillip II existed in England. Conflicts between (Spanish throne) Parliament refused to the King and parliament over taxation allow the wedding to occur, as it would with religion playing and underlying be viewed as an attempt to place factor led to Civil War. England under the POPE. James sent Charles to marry but Philip II refused King James I took the throne after the him James then married Charles off to Death of Elizabeth I 1603 unifying Henry II and Maria Medici daughter of Scotland with England (mother Mary France Henrietta Maria –With the queen Scots and Catholic King James IV promise to Henry II that James would of Scotland “No Bishop, No King”) allow Catholics to Worship in England. James’s attitude toward being King of 1625 James I died. God on Earth and having to answer to no one put him at odds with Parliament Charles I immediately. But any ruler after Religious Division in 17th Century Elizabeth would have had a similar England – Anglican was the National problem ¾ of Parliament consisted of Religion and could work with Catholics Gentry the majority were Puritan just (3% of population were Catholic) – under noble status who were wanting to Puritans who knew more of what they be heard. He also surrounded himself did not believe in than what they with incompetent advisors that believed in extreme Calvinist did not parliament did not favor. The Duke of recognize bishops de-emphasized Buckingham was his favorite and sacraments – hated stain glass and art in convinced James to self off titles to raise church – anti Catholic -simple worship is money as well as any other privilege the what they wanted – about 10% of the King could come up with – Parliament population – Arminian – a type of then took on the roll of Protector of the Protestant that rejected Calvin and people of England no longer a self predestination free will brings salvation- serving body but a national protector. believed in royal authority over the church- and believed in church rituals Foreign Policy and the Economy -Charles I was one so were his advisors Foreign policy was a key factor in – maybe ½% of the population sending England into Economic crisis William Laud an Arminian was under Elizabeth foreign policy was the appointed Primate of London realm of the monarch not parliament – (archbishop of Canterbury) over the parliament however controlled the purse Church of England – he brought high elaborate rituals back to the church and on the condition that Parliament be warned Charles I that Catholics and called into session Parliament in 1640 Puritans posed a threat to the English the Protestant Parliament would not fund Church and the Crown. an army to crush Scottish Protestants. This intensified an already existing fear The Scots invaded Northern England – that the Crown would return England to the Catholics and the “Popeish Plot” The English Civil War 1642-1649 was always underfoot. Political, Economic and cultural crisis Charles I v. Parliament became a Civil War – Parliament mostly Charles had little funds to rule with and Puritan believed now in defending the Parliament would not let him raise taxes 1215 Magna Carta that there job was to without having a say so in how the taxes protect the fundamental liberties of the were spent. Charles forced a loan on Englishmen. They did not want landowners 76 refused to give and were sovereignty simple control of the Crown imprisoned. Charles went to parliament Parliament supporters believed the King and asked for taxes Parliament presented and Laudian had over stepped their him with a Petition of Right Charles privileges. Manipulated by the Pope – accepted so he could collect tax this taking away authority of the Justices – Petition defined the rights of martial law -royal courts- export taxes Parliament as inalienable and not following guild laws –war with condemned arbitrary arrest martial Scotland – Parliament had enough law and imposed taxes without the supporters of Parliament referred to consent of Parliament. themselves as “Country” those of the This petition in parliaments eyes took crown “Court” away the power of the Crown to raise The Civil War was called The Puritan taxes for foreign policy something Revolution even though it was not – Elizabeth I had created. In 1629 Charles John Pym of Parliament after the I angered by parliaments idea of Foreign English defet in Scotland – turned the policy disbanded Parliament and for war against the Kings advisors Pym 11 years ruled without one. accused the Crown and the Kings advisors for breaking English Law and Scotland 1637– Charles I was in debt executed Wentworth the earl of from wagging war and preparing for war Stratford and the leader of the mostly he needed more money so he went after Irish Catholic army that lost in Scotland. Scotland seizing land and collecting Pym passé the Grand Remonstrance taxes and at William Lauds suggestion demanding reform and documenting all imposing the Anglican Book of of the misdeeds of nobles and the crown Common Prayer on the Scottish – during the 11 years without parliament. Scotland hating the Union called a 1642 the king lead a coup into National Covenant which attacked the parliament to kill off the leaders but they Pope and the Prayer Book and swore to were gone. Fearing for his on safety he defend Protestantism and liberty to the fled to Nottingham and mobilized an death. And Rebellion occurred – 1639 army to go against parliament. Charles had no money to put it down thus he struck a deal with the city of London – London gave the king a loan Cromwell fearing the Presbyterians locked them out of parliament by use of force and purged parliament of any one Roundheads v. Cavaliers who disagreed with him. RUMP Parliament v Crown Parliament – Only 4 Major battles but the English This Parliament abolished the monarchy countryside would pay the price from and the House of Lords. Creating a looting – pillaging – and destruction. Puritan Republic and A This was more a war of words than of Commonwealth of England battles – 22,000 newspaper articles on it- 1639 placed Charles I on trial for Crown used noble money Parliament treason and publicly executed him on raised taxes - Parliament allied itself Jan 30 1640 with the Scots and won at the battle of 1649 Cromwell took over Ireland Marston Moor 45,000 fought in the 1651 he took over Scotland battle the Roundheads won lead by then fought the Dutch Republic and the Oliver Cromwell who would then lead Spanish Empire Parliament after the victory. 1653 Cromwell then dissolved the Rump He Combined the three armies of Parliament by force Parliament in to the NEW MODEL England was a military dictatorship ARMY improved wages and strict Cromwell then did what the Stuart kings discipline and payment to the citizens for did. Taxes taxes taxes war needs instead of stealing them as the Did not allow religious freedom to Crown did. Anglicans or Catholics did allow Jews to Parliament under Cromwell divided into return to England in limited capacities two groups – Presbyterians willing to Cromwell died and his son Richard took negotiate with the king and power Independents – more radical of the two. The English people also began to look to The upper class began to want a return other religions Baptists no baptism of of the Stuart kings – in a secret alliance children and Levellers called for new with Scottish General George Monck laws to protect poor and rich new found Charles the first son Charles in the constitution. Parliament and Cromwell Netherlands and asked if he would return feared to much radicalism to England under Parliamentary control 1645 Cromwell wins the last battle 1646 he agreed and a Scottish army sacked Charles I surrenders to the Scots not London in 1661 Charles II became Parliament – 1647 Scots leave England King of England and restored and give Charles I to Parliament. Parliament. Anglican Church was With a Parliament Roundhead victory – returned to power. Presbyterians in Parliament wanted to England now turned its focus on disband the New Model Army Mutiny Economic Empire during this reign of occurred Cromwell go the Army under peace. control but not before Charles I was able Economic Expansion to escape custody and flee to the Isle of 1660-1688 England doubled the tonnage Wight but was placed under guard upon of shipping trade between the American arrival. Cromwell had already decided colonies and India. Captured New that the King should be put to Death. Amsterdam from the Dutch-New York found tobacco sugar and a fur trade. William and Mary invade England with Created the British East India trading the help of Parliament 15,000 man army CO. a pure monopoly controlled by November 1688 in December James II parliament. Lloyds of London insurance fled to France in exile. became insuring ships and trade routes 1689 Parliament passed the Bill of in 1688. Foreign Policy was now Bights – William and Mary accepted dictated by commerce and trade routes this as law and became William III and CONTROL THE SEA. Queen Mary of England. What it did Reaffirmed the rights of parliament -the The Glorious Revolution right to own property -self government Charles II favored Catholics However -rights for the accused --Parliament had parliament passed the Clrendon Code financial authority over the crown laws punishing dissenters of the crown -Parliament controlled the army and faith – The Act of Corporation -William had the toleration law passed required all office holders to be Anglican allowing non-Anglicans to hold office. the Act of Uniformity all Ministers have But Catholics could not occupy the to use the Book of Common Prayer – throne. The Monarch could appoint to nonconformists had to swear on oath not the House of Lords while the house of to challenge the authority of the commons was elected. This new type of Anglican Church. The Quakers refused English rights would have a far reaching all were throne in jail to die. and altering affect on the American 1670 Charles II signed a secret treaty colonies with Louis XIV for money (as parliament would not give him any The Dutch Republic Charles promised to restore Catholicism The Netherlands (not Holland which is to England) its largest state) maintained a Whigs (Parliament) and Tories (supports representative form f government in the of the divine right of the crown) age of absolute rulers in Europe. 1683 Charles II died a Catholic his son The Dutch resisted efforts by the Orange James II took the throne he took on family to establish an absolute ruler. Catholic advisors against the law. One of Like England believed in rights and James’s daughters Mary (from a independence and not the control of the protestant maother and a previous pope or Catholic Empires. marriage) married the Dutchman The Dutch republic was made up of a William of Orange one of the most body of legislature made up of the 7 powerful families in the Dutch Republic. provinces controlled by wealthy With James II looking for a Catholic families who placed business above alliance with Louis XIV the Dutch say religion and politics. an opportunity so did Parliament – the Amsterdam population 200,000 1670 in Dutch a Protestant nation and a 1620 only 50,000 became a major trade religiously tolerant one thought it a good center for Europe prior to London – idea to have a protestant king on the Banks that issued credit were abundant – English throne to ease trade tension and organized warehouses – shipping conflicts in the new world and to stop industry using wind powered sawmills France from dominating Europe. built over 2500 ships between 1600- 1630 – fishing industry sold 200 million herring a year for grain wine and other commodities of Europe. Controlled the Dutch East India trading company, which competed heavily with England. Religious tolerant to most religions Jews and Gypsies had strict laws. The Dutch had the highest standard of living in Europe most ate meat bread cheese fruits and vegetables year round – (reason no one left to colonize for the Dutch). Amsterdam had over 200 breweries. The people enjoyed freedom of religion speech and press and artist like Rembrandt flourished most household had art in them unlike the rest of Europe where only the elite did. Paintings reflected everyday life a shift from reformation and Renaissance art So why England and not the Dutch Dutch to farm had to reclaim land from the sea dredged and built dikes most people feared floods 1421 flood killed 100,000. NO natural resources and life was to good to expand. Wars with Spain and France were Costly when having to face trade wars with England. The Dutch saw themselves as to well off to defend the Netherlands and relied on Mercenaries.

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