Barbara Allen Co-Editor

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Barbara Allen Co-Editor

CARE-SHARE TRAVELER A Caring Church With Ministries  Changing Lives  Connecting People  Creating Friendship and Favor With God and Man MT. TRAVELER MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 15160 LEE ROAD 188, P.O. BOX 69 WAVERLY, ALABAMA 36879 REV. DR. BENJAMIN C. DATIRI, PASTOR Sheree Lockhart, Editor Barbara Allen Co-Editor Volume 4, Issue No. 3 March 2008 Spring Revival Page 4 I want to thank all of you who have Thanks Page 4 committed to Sunday Church In This Issue: Tribute Sister Langley Page 3 School since after our revisit of the From the Pastor’s Desk Page 1 Youth Ministry Page 5 membership class. Your response Bible Trivia Page 6 to Bible Study is also greatly appre- Birthdays Page 4 ciated. We appeal to those who Choirs Page 5 have not been regular at our teach- Church Meeting Page 6 FROM THE ing forums (Church School and Drama Page 5 Bible School) to endeavor to attend Easter Sunday Page 3 PASTOR’S as you are missing out a lot on what God is teaching us as a Church DESK family. Further we are encouraging every member of Mt Traveler to get Beloved Church Family: involve in at least one ministry that best fit your giftedness and use This year, Easter celebrations are in your gift(s) to God’s glory. This March. In another week, we cele- requires commitment because if brate Easter. At Mt Traveler, we you don’t commit, you will not shall have our Morning Worship at make the time. It is usually amaz- sunrise, 6:00 Am on March 23, ing how we can quickly make time 2008 in celebrating the resurrection for things we desire for self but of the Risen Savior. The drama when it comes to our duties and re- and puppetry as well as the youth sponsibilities to the Lord and His ministries will participate with spe- Church we scarcely make the time. cial presentations during this sun- Alternatively, we make all excuses rise worship after which we shall to avoid such duties and responsi- have breakfast and then go home to bilities; forgetting that life is very enjoy families. In the interim, to brief and it will soon pass. I en- focus on the real meaning of Easter courage you to get excited about Ebenezer District Page 5 our sermon series for this month your Church and get involved. The Family Page 4 are on “The Purpose of Christ’s more you are excited about your From the Editor Page 6 & 7 Death and Resurrection” with a fo- Church and your faith, the easier it Men’s Day Page 3 cus on different subtopics each is for you to share Christ with oth- National Congress Page 6 week. We hope that you have been ers and invite them to the Church. Puppet Ministry Page 2 gleaning some key lessons that God Otherwise, you will never share SouthEast Convention Page 4 intends Mt Traveler Church family your faith with anyone neither will to learn from this sermon series. Page 1 you have the guts to invite anyone We encourage members to invite to your Church. their unsaved relatives, friends, as- sociates and neighbors. Let me seize this opportu- nity to thank all Church members The Theme – Be my witnesses who participated in the recent con- (Acts 1:8). cluded Ebenezer District’s Chris- tian Education seminar focused on The Dates – April 23-25, 2008 The puppet ministry the family. I strongly believe that Nightly beginning 6:30 PM with needs to practice regularly so those who attended enjoyed it and Rev. George McCulloh, Pastor and that it can get back into the found it worthwhile because sever- Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist swing of things. Practice has al things hit home. I must also say Church; Opelika as our Guests. been scheduled for Saturday I was impressed with the represen- March 22, 2008 and you will be tation from Mt Traveler. However, Finally I request that Co- how I wish all members of Mt duly informed of the time. ordinators and members of the We have been invited to Traveler could have attended and newly initiated Tutorial and Nurs- glean the same lessons at once to St. John Missionary Baptist ery Ministries get to work immedi- Church Youth Department in help our Church family. Thanks to ately and advice me on their needs Notasulga AL at 2:30 pm April all who have indicated their interest and progress. Continue to pray for in attending the Congress on Chris- me and for each other as we en- 6, 2008 and also to Bethel #2 tian Education at Kentucky, June gage in ministry to please God at Baptist Church Youth Depart- 2008. Please pray and select cour- His local body called Mt Traveler. ment April 26, 2008 in Opelika ses that will benefit the ministries Likewise, pray for our evangelism AL at 6:00 pm that have also re- that you are involve in such that class, which is to begin this month. quested me to come to the clos- you can bring such knowledge back Those who have signed up and ing ceremony on April 27, 2008 home to improve our ministries. those interested are requested to be if the church can not come. at an inaugural meeting on March I have asked God for Men’s Day is today, 17, 2008 at 7:00 PM prompt. Re- ten years to bless us with a March 16, 2008 at 2:00 PM. We main blessed! appreciate all men participating in stage and now I have one; GOD, I thank you! We have the program and ask every member to endeavor to stay for the program been taking the PVC pipes for after our Morning Worship experi- the first ten years but now the ence. Our very own Rev. Monte In His service, long awaited change has come Maddox, Pastor and New Jerusalem our way. We now have a new Baptist Church, Auburn will be our Rev. B. C. Datiri, PhD stage and we will get back into guests. The Theme is “Men of In- practicing. Puppeteers please tegrity that fear God more than Pastor know that I love you and I want most men do” (Neh. 7:2; NIV). all of you to do well. When we Pastor Datiri and Mt Traveler have been invited to be speaker and come to practice, please come guests at Rev. Torbert’s Pastoral prepared to practice as the only Anniversary and Appreciation at goal on your mind and bring New Popular Spring Baptist none of the house playing with Church on April 6, 2008 at 2:00 you. PM; Mass Choir is to sing. Our The puppet ministry is Spring Revival will hold for three asking for any new members days. Information concerning the that would be interested in Spring Revival is as follows: joining us. We have learned and continue to learn a lot, all i. Three days of prayer during the of which is gospels. week prior to the revival: Wednes-

day April 16, 2008 – Deacons ANNUAL MEN’S DAY Leading; Thursday April 18, 2008 PUPPETRY CELEBRATION – Youth Ministry & Praise Team Leading; and Friday April 19, 2008 MINISTRY – Music Ministry By: Diane P. Rufus

Page 2 the island; however, the College of the Virgin Islands was approved shortly after.

Sister Vivian Langley Sunday, March 16, 2008 at (Missionary), a native of Camp 2:00 P.M. Guest Speaker will be Hill, Alabama, has served 45 years our very own Rev. Monta Maddox, in the Caribbean, particularly in the Rev. Maddox is the pastor of the Virgin Islands of the West Indies New Jerusalem Baptist Church, and 3 years in Nigeria, West Auburn, Alabama. Guest Choir – Africa. New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church Choir. She committed her life to Missions We appreciate all men par- at the age of 13 in a Mission Ser- The next year, Sister Langley was ticipating in the program and ask vice by responding to the invitation invited to teach working men and every member to endeavor to stay publicly. ladies at night. This developed into for the program after our Morning a bible school named Virgin Islands Worship experience today. She went from college to the Semi- Bible Institute. With this school, The Theme is “Men of In- nary in Texas, and in 1946, applied she served the next 30 years as oth- tegrity that fear God more than for service in Africa. Baptists had er teachers came and departed from most men do” (Neh. 7:2; NIV) entered Nigeria in 1850 and she the institution. was assigned to live with a nurse some 200 miles from Logos, the Her involvement at present is port city. EASTER through the local church and assist-

ing pastors with bibles, hymnals, SUNDAY During the first year, she studied and biblical literature on other is- March 23, 2008 – 6:00 AM the Yoruba languages under Pastor lands—including Dominica, St. Ladipo and engaged in visiting Vincent, Guyana, and South Amer- churches on the weekends after oth- ica. er activities on the compound dur- ing the week; riding her bicycle Sister Langley is most grateful to throughout the village. Mt. Traveler Missionary Baptist Church for providing many bibles For two years, she taught in a girls’ and commentaries. She further ex- school in Shaki (Shockee) further tends a “thank you” to Mt. Traveler inland; three years in Africa was a for the recent shipment of 85 bibles term of service before furlough. and a special gift of $200 towards missions in the West Indies. Morning Worship Service will be held at 6:00 AM on March 23, Sister Langley states that through 2008 in celebrating the resurrection the leadership of Deacon Archie of the Risen Savior. The Youth Simpson, before his home going, Ministries along with the Drama the Ebenezer District Missionary and Puppetry Ministries will partic- Association was challenged to par- ipate with presentations during this ticipate in the foreign outreach for Sunrise Services. Following this which she is most grateful. service we shall have Sunday School and breakfast. It was God’s direction to enter the TRIBUTE TO SISTER VI- Caribbean rather than return to Finally, Sister Langley says it her Africa. In 1963, Sister Langley be- prayer that others may answer VIAN LANGLEY gan teaching in Bluewater Bible God’s call to go throughout the College, which had just been ap- world proclaiming the Good News proved by the Department of Edu- of Jesus Christ, which begins in our cation. It was the first college of homes. Page 3 Pastor Datiri Roseline Datiri 21 Zoyanna Frazier 22 Cynthia L. Montgomery 24 Amos Lockhart 29 FAMILY


Thanks Sister Langley for your un- tiring spirit of caring, loving, and the spreading of the word of God to our people. SPRING REVIVAL

Reported by: Ruth Trimble Our Spring Revival will hold for three days., April 23-25, 2008 Nightly beginning at 6:30 PM with Rev. George McCulloh, Pastor and THANKS!! Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church , Opelika, Al as our guest.

This is to Dea. Timothy Theme: Be my witnesses (Acts 1:8) Lockhart in the death of your mother, Sister Ada There will be three days of prayer during the week prior to the re- Lockhart from all of us at Mt vival: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 – Traveler. Deacons Leading; Thursday, April 18, 2008 – Youth Ministry and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Praise Team Leading and Friday, April 19, 2008 – Music Ministry.

Thanks to all the members who We encourage members to invite participated in the Membership their unsaved relatives, friends, as- Class during the month of January sociates and neighbors and February 2008. Your response to Sunday School and Bible Study SOUTHEAST is greatly appreciated since our re- visit of the membership class. By DISTRICT STATE not attending Sunday School and CONVENTION Bible Class, you are missing out a lot on what God is teaching us as a March Church family. Teyei Datiri 2 Jimmy L. Johnson II 9 ****** Mary S. Trimble 13 Ruth Trimble 22 To all of Mt. Traveler members Kitzi J-Reid 22 who participated in the recent con- Sonya Shaver 23 cluded Ebenezer District’s Con- Mary Lee Lockhart 28 gress of Christian Education semi- Lula Gullatte 28 nar focused on the family-Thank Sandra Slaughter 31 You. Mt. Traveler was well repre- sented each night with a total of Greater Peace Baptist Church, 14 in attendance. I wish that all April Opelika, Alabama will host the th members of Mt. Traveler could Annie Lockhart 8 95 Annual Session of the have attended and glean the same Charlotte Trimble 12 Southeast District State Con- lessons at once to help our Church Michelle C. Harris 18 vention May 12-15, 2008. Start family. Patricia Lockhart 18 making plans to attend this con- Page 4 vention. There will be much teaching and training. YOUTH Dr. C. P. Noble, President MINISTRY The First Annual Women’s Con- DRAMA ference will be held March 22, 2008 from, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 MINISTRY p.m. Pleasant Shade Missionary Baptist, Enterprise, Al. Rev. C. A. Hammond, Jr., Pastor Registration Fee: $20.00 Please bring Bible, Pencil and Sunday, March 23, 2008 Notepad. Sponsored by the Southeast District State Wom- en’s Convention. Keynote The Youth Ministries will Speaker: Dr. Gertie Lowe, Pres- participate on our Easter Pro- ident Alabama Baptist State gram during sunrise worship Women’s Auxiliary. at 6:00 a.m. The Drama Ministry will be mak- * * * * ing a special presentation on our Southeast District 44th Annual Easter Program during Sunrise Ser- Youth Rally will be Saturday, Rehearsal Schedule vice on March 23, 2008. We will May 3, 2008 beginning at 8:00 Monday, March 17, 2008 look forward to seeing our Youth in am. This event will be held at Saturday, March 22, 2008 performance at this event.. Sartain Hall, Troy University, Time: TBA Thanks in advance to the coordina- Troy, Alabama. Host: Depart- tors, youth and adults who will take ment of Christian Education the time to rehearse and make a Youth from Mt. Traveler: For Music Notes wonderful presentation to the more information see Sis. Church family. Gwendolyn Wilson. * * * * * April 5, 2008 – 10:00 A.M. EBENEZER Southeast District Dept. of The Mt. DISTRICT CALEN- Christian Education. First Bap- Trav- eler tist Church, Union Springs, Al- Mass DAR abama. Rev. Gary Lewis, Pastor Choir will * * * * * sing at the Anniversary and April 19, 2008 10:00 A.M. Southeast District Women’s Auxiliary Youth Department Pro- Appreciation Program for Rev. grams-Greater St. Mark Baptist Lindsey Torbert, pastor of the Church, Tuskegee, Al. Dr. C. P. New Popular Spring Baptist Noble, Pastor Church, Dadeville, Alabama on MARCH All Sunbeams, Red Circle and Crusaders are asked to please Sunday, April 6, 2008 at 2:00 Ebenezer District Youth Rally will attend. The Youth does not par- P.M. be held Saturday, March 22, 2008 ticipate at the SE District Con- at 8:00 AM vention in May at Greater Peace The Mass Choir will rehearse Sunbeams, Red Circle and Cru- because of school in session. on Saturday, April 5, 2008 at saders are invited along with par- Parents and Youth Coordinator, ents and pastor. Church is in please take your youth to this 4:00 P.M. All members of all Saturday, March 22 – Ebenezer meeting. the choirs are asked to at- District Annual Laymen Program. tend. Speaker-Dea. Willie F. Black. Mt. Traveler will be hosting the Congress of Christian Education July 23, 24, 2008.


Page 5 April 12- 2nd Sat. Board Meeting Answer: ______9:00 AM April 10 – District Laywomen 8. He wrote to all the Jews in the Meeting Time: TBA provinces nearby, telling them to Bible Trivia celebrate the Feast of Purim by giv- Church ing gifts to each other, and also to the poor. Quarterly Answer: ______Meeting 9. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the child Jesus FROM ME…..TO Answer: ______YOU! 10: He gave David the town of Zik- All of the following involve gifts. lag Match the correct person with the Answer:______description of what they gave or re- ceived. Here are your people: Caleb Jeremiah Joseph Peter Job Abigail Sunday, May 11, 2008 Answers The prodigal son Mordecai immediately following From Me …….To You Morning Worship. All Wise men from the east 1. Caleb (Judges 1:13-15) members are asked to 1. His daughter asked for “springs please stay. 2. Jeremiah (Jer. 40:5) of water” as a gift, and he complied 3. Joseph (Gen. 45:21) with her wishes. 4. Peter (Acts 3:6-8) NATIONAL Answer:______5. Job (Job 42:10 6. Abigail (1 Sam. 25:18, 27) BAPTIST 2. He was released by Neb- 7. the prodigal son (Luke 15:22) CONGRESS OF uzaradan, captain of the Babylonian 8. Mordecai (Esther 9:20-22) guard, who gave him “provisions 9. Wise men from the east (Matt. CHRISTIAN and a present” in parting. 2:1-11) Answer: ______10. Achish, King of Gath (1 Sam. EDUCATION 27:5-6) 3. With Pharaoh’s approval, he _ gave his brothers carts, provisions, garments, and more. Answer: ______What to Give Up 4. He said to a lame man, “silver or gold I do not have, but what I do for Lent have, I give you.” Then he healed the man’s infirmity. Answer: ______Give up watching television one evening a week. Visit some lonely Many members have expressed in- 5. The Lord gave him twice as or sick person instead. terest in attending the National much as he originally had. Congress of Christian Education in Answer: ______Give up looking at other people’s Louisville, Kentucky in June, 2008. worst points. Concentrate on their Please pray and select courses that 6. She gave a gift of much bread, strong points and positive at- will benefit the ministries that you wine, dressed sheep (as opposed to tributes. are involve in such that you can “undressed sheep”), grain, raisins, bring such knowledge back home and figs to David and his men-then Give up speaking unkindly. Let to improve our ministries. became David’s wife. your speech be generous and under- Answer: ______standing. Start preparing by praying and pay- ing. 7. He was given a robe, sandals, and a ring Page 6 Give up your worries. Trust God Then there are others like footballs: with your problems and frustra- you can’t tell which way they will tions. bounce. Give Us More Give up hatred or dislikes of any- But praise the Lord, many Chris- one. Learn to love instead. Pocket-Watch tians are like good pocket watches: with open faces and busy hands, Give up fear which prevents Chris- Christians they are well-regulated and full of tian witness. Seek courage to speak good works. Christians like this are about your faith to others. the backbone of every church. Editor Give up spending so much time with newspapers and magazines. Use some of that time to study your Bible.

Give up grumbling. Learn to give thanks in everything.

Give up ten to fifteen minutes each day. Use that time in prayer. Many Christians are like wheelbar- Give up buying anything but essen- rows: no good unless pushed tials for yourself. Give that money to God’s work or someone in need. Others are like canoes: they need to be paddled. Give up judging by appearance and by the standards of the world. Some are like kites: if you don’t Learn to give up yourself to God. keep a string on them, hey fly away. Editor Still others are like balloons: full of wind and just waiting for a chance to explode.

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