American History 1

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American History 1

Public Schools of Robeson County AH1 Unit 1 American History 1 INSTRUCTIONAL ALIGNMENT Essential Standard:

AH1.1 Apply the four interconnected dimensions of historical thinking to United States History Essential Standards in order to understand the creation and development of the United States over time. AH1.H.2 Analyze key political, economic and social turning points in United States History using historical thinking AH1.H.3 Understand the factors that led to exploration, settlement, movement and expansion and their impact on the United States development over time. AH1.H.5 Understand how tensions between freedom, equality and power have shaped the political, economic and social development of the United States. AH1.H.8: Analyze the relationship between progress, crisis and the “American Dream” within the United States Clarifying Objective(s): Essential Question(s):

AH1.H.1.1 (Use Chronological thinking) 1. How did religious conflict and persecution in Europe impact the settlement of North AH1.H.1.2 (Use Historical Comprehension) America? AH1.H.1.3 (Use Historical Analysis and Interpretation) 2. Why did economic practices and the desire to improve economic standing in the AH1.H.1.4 (Historical Research) world market impact settlement of North America? AH1.H.2.1 Analyze key political, economic and social 3. Why did revolutionary thought and movements in Europe promote exploration? turning points from colonization through Reconstruction 4. What role did environmental factors play in the settlement and development of North in terms of causes and effects America? AH1.H.2.2 Evaluate key turning points from colonization 5. How does the culture of the people settling in an area impact its development? through Reconstruction in terms of their lasting impact 6. How did European colonization impact the indigenous peoples of North America? AH1.H.3.1 Analyze how economic, political, social, military and religious factors influenced European exploration and American colonial settlement AH AH1.H.3.4 Analyze voluntary and involuntary immigration trends through Reconstruction in terms of causes, regions of origin and destination, cultural contributions and public governmental response (Puritans, Pilgrims, American Indians, Quakers, Scot-Irish, Chinese, Africans, indentured servants, slavery, Middle Passage, farming, ideas of the Enlightenment) AH1.H.5.1 Summarize how the philosophical, ideological and/or religious views on freedom and equality contributed to the development of American political and economic systems through Reconstruction AH1.H.8.1: Analyze the relationship between innovation, economic development, progress and various perceptions of the “American Dream” through Reconstruction. AH1.H.8.4: Analyze multiple perceptions of the “American Dream” in times of prosperity and crisis through Reconstruction Pacing Guide: 10 Days

Unit of Major Concepts I Essential Instructional Resources Sample Assessment study n Vocabulary Prompt s t r u c t i o n a l T a s k Migration, settlement, conflict, D Exploration equality, turning points e Pre: Public Schools of Robeson County AH1 and f Crusades Text Resources: “Geography, geology Colonization i Renaissance and environment are n Scientific Prentice Hall: United States History, 2008. among the e Revolution fundamental building Columbus “Mayflower Compact” p. 1041 blocks of human c Conquistadores history.” Explain the u Northwest meaning of this r Passage Digital Resources: statement, and r illustrate it with as e Mayflower Compact: many specific examples n Current: from pre-exploration t period as possible. Middle Passage The Fundamental Orders: v Columbian Compare and contrast o Exchange the development and http// c Age of later decline of each of a Exploration these major Indian b Puritans cultures: Hohokam, and u William Bradford Anasazi; Adena, l John Winthrop Literary Connections: Hopewell, and a Pilgrims Mississippian. r Mayflower "The Scarlet Letter": Nathaniel Hawthorne. Signet y Compact Classic, USA 1999. Because the Indian Anne Hutchinson peoples of the present- D Roger Williams "Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community and day United States had i John Smith War": Nathaniel Philbrick. Penguin Group 2006. not developed written s William Penn languages before the c Quakers coming of Europeans, u Lord Baltimore how have historians s Duke of York attempted to s New England, reconstruct Native Middle, and American history? c Southern o Colonies Discuss the concept of n Separation of social reciprocity. How c church and state did it operate in Native e House of American, West p Burgesses African, and traditional t The European societies? In s Enlightenment in what way was it America breaking down in f Navigation Acts Western Europe by the o First Great sixteenth and r Awakening seventeenth centuries? Jonathan t Edwards Discuss the religious h Salem Witch and political conflicts e Trials and the economic French and conditions in sixteenth u Indian War, and seventeenth- n 1754-1763 century England that i made the English t Introductory: interested in exploration and o Exploration colonization in the f Colonization Western Hemisphere. Indigenous s Tolerance Compare and contrast t Persecution the founding and early u development of d Virginia and Plymouth. y Since both were English . colonies, how do you account for their E differences? x Public Schools of Robeson County AH1 a “In the course of the m seventeenth century, i New England evolved n from a highly religious, e community-oriented society to a region a characterized by rising n worldliness, d individualism and competitiveness.” e Discuss how and why x this evolution took p place. l a Discuss the evolution i and spread of slavery in n the Chesapeake colonies in t the seventeenth h century. Why did e African slavery develop there? How did the i gradual shift from a m plantation labor force p of indentured servants a to one of African slaves c affect life in Virginia t and Maryland?

o In what ways was New f England Congregationalism e different from c Anglicanism? How did o these differences affect n life in Massachusetts? o How much equality, m liberty and self- i government existed in c the American colonies , in the period 1700- p 1750? Back up your o assessment with l specific facts. i t i c a l a n d s o c i a l p o l i c i Public Schools of Robeson County AH1 e s

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e x p l o r a t i o n

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A n a l y z e r e a s o n s f o r a n d i m p a c t Public Schools of Robeson County AH1

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e x p l o r a t i o n

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c o l o n i z a t i o n . C o m p a r e a n d c o n t r a s t t a c t i c s a n d Public Schools of Robeson County AH1

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v y i n g f o r e m p i r e .

E x p l a i n t h e i m p a c t

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p r o g r e s s a n d t h e

“ A m e r i c a n

D r e a m ” .

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