All India Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers’ Association

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All India Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers’ Association

ALL INDIA KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION (Reg. No. 10296) DEJURE RECOGNISED BY Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Ministry of HRD, Govt.of India

A S Mazumdar B-81(SF) ,Southend Floors PRESIDENT Sohna Road,Gurgaon -122018 TEL: 09871767491


Dedicated service rendered by KV Teachers bring laurels to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan year after year. KV Teachers serve in Very Hard stations including NE Region,JK Region, Andaman Nicober Area and other remote areas where services people are on deployment but they do not have facilities available to Services personnel. KV Teachers are highly qualified and they pass through a rigorous recruitment process. They suffer from all India transfer liability, they are hard pressed by KVS administration to give quality result (refer written reply given by Hon’ble Minister HRD in Lok Sabha on 3rd Agust 2011 in response to questions raised by Hon’ble M.Ps Sh Manohar Tirkey and Sh.DV Sadanand Gowda) in spite of unmanageable class strength. But they remain neglected in matters of welfare and other incentives even in comparison to the localized teachers of NCT Delhi who are also governed by same UT rules and regulations as is KVS. Such is the indifference of KVS management/Ministry of HRD that KV Teachers have no other option but to rely on agitation recourse to press for the acceptance of their genuine demands. The All India Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers Association (AIKVTA), the only recognized Association of KV Teachers have served notice to KVS in this regard vide letter dtd.25/7/2011, copy enclosed. Briefs on each demand is given below which may further unfold the justification of this agitation decision. 1. Grant of MACPS to KV Teachers including Principals and Vice Principals: 6th CPC recommended Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS)with provision for financial up gradation in the next higher grade pay when ever an employee completed 12 years of continuous service in the same grade. Government considered and accepted the same with further modification to grant three financial up gradations after completion of 10, 20 and 30 years of continuous regular service. Government (GOI) decision to implement MACPS was in supersession of earlier provision of ACPS, thus delinking MACPS to ACPS (para 3 of Office Memo No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dtd.19th May,2009 of DOPT, Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievances and Pensions, GOI). Apart from all employees under various Ministries of GOI, the non-teaching staff of KVS and teachers working in NCT Delhi Vidyalayas have been granted the benefit of MACPS. However KV Teachers have not been granted this benefit and are still continuing with the Three Tier Scheme i.e. Senior and Selection Scale scheme where by they get only two financial up-gradations after completion of 12 years of regular continuous service in each grade with additional riders like the requirement of higher qualification and undergoing in-service training course etc. This has left out a section of highly disciplined and dedicated work force, the KV Teachers, from the financial benefits granted by GOI under MACPS albeit with obvious demoralizing impact on them. KVS is an autonomous organization fully financed by GOI and its budget grants come from consolidated funds of India. The Minister, HRD heads this organization as the Chairman. KVS Board of Governors have already approved the proposal for grant of MACPS to the teaching Cadre and the Administrative Ministry i.e.MHRD has also concurred with the proposal taking into consideration the financial implications vis-a-vis the existing budget grants. However the matter is kept pending by MHRD since KV Teachers were not granted ACPS earlier by GOI, vide letter No.12-10/2001UT- I, Department of Secondary and Higher Education, GOI,dtd.30/9/2004. KV Teachers deserve grant of MACPS and it should not be denied to them under the alibi of non implementation of ACPS which perpetuates the injustice done earlier. 2. Restoration of AIKVTA representation on KVS BOG: After persistent struggle for years, AIKVTA was represented on KVS BOG in the 80s but subsequently it was withdrawn during early 90s.Similarly AIKVTA representation on KVS granted in 2003 was again withdrawn in 2004. HRD standing committee, ( DEPARTMENT-RELATED PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT,HUNDRED SIXTY – SECOND REPORT ON FUNCTIONING OF KENDRIYA VIDYALAYAS) (PRESENTED TO THE RAJYA SABHA ON 28TH APRIL, 2005) recommended for representation of Teachers Association on KVS BOG for better functioning of KVS which is yet to be implemented. AIKVTA is the only recognised Association representing KV Teachers, hence deserves representation on KVS Board Of Governors. 3. Enhancement of super- annuation retirement age of KV Teachers to be at par with retirement age of University teachers. The super-annauation retirement age of University teachers have been enhanced to 65 years and that of the teachers working under NCT Delhi Administration have been enhanced to 62 years. The demand for enhanced super-annuation age of KV teachers was approved by the KVS BOG albeit along with such proposal for employees of KVS as a whole. MHRD did not approve the proposal forwarded by KVS. KVS thus tricked the KV Teachers by forwarding the approval of BOG for enhancement of superannuation age of all employees of KVS(not specifically for KV teachers) which has no precedence for age enhancement in any other department under GOI. KVs are struggling for filling the vacancies of teachers and quality teachers with vast experience may immensely benefit KV students simultaneously as KVS may gain financially if good number of teachers who are due for retirement in coming two years are retained. Retirement age of KV Teachers should be enhanced to 65 years as has been done for University teachers. 4. Review and formulation of a reasonably lasting Transfer policy that conform to GOI guide lines. KVS transfer policy changed about four times during last ten years. This it self shows that there is no policy guiding the transfer of personnel in KVS. That apart KVS often ignores the DOPT guide lines on transfer policies. Teachers including ladies and other spouse cases are worst victims of the existing transfer policy along with the teachers serving in Hard/Very Hard stations who could not be transferred to their choice stations in spite of completion of defined tenure in hard stations. Even in fixing the tenure in hard stations and very stations KVS ignored the criteria fixed by DOPT (GOI). There have been scores of instances where ladies including spouse cases have been transferred to NE Region and Naxal infested areas without any concern for their safety and difficulty. The transfer policy is corollary to recruitment policy.KVS should take the leaf out of recruitment policy of NVS where attempts have been made recruit teachers on state/region basis, thus minimizing the requirement of inter-region transfers. The letter from NVS that streamlined the recruitment policy which in turn reduced the transferability of teachers is given below.

NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI A-28, KAILASH COLONY NEW DELHI - 110 048 F.No. 1-11/2006-NVS(Estt.) June 21, 2006

ORDER With a view to minimize transfer of teachers, it has been decided that future recruitment of teachers in the Samiti should be state-specific and not as a part of all-India cadre of teachers. It has also been decided that pending exercise for splitting of cadres by giving options to teachers to choose a particular cadre, the ongoing recruitment should be done on state-specific basis and corrective action may be taken by asking he prospective candidates to indicate the cadres for which they are applying and preparing cadre-wise merit list of candidates.

Detailed modalities for creation of cadres as above are being worked out and would be intimated to all concerned shortly.

(O. Nabakishore Singh) Commissioner

1. All Officers at NVS (Hqrs) 2. All Regional Offices of NVS 3. All Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas

Copy to: Joint Secretary (SE), Deptt. Of Secondary & Higher Education w.r.t. his letter No. F. 17-34/2006-UT-1 dated 20th June, 2006. AIKVTA demands for a reasonably lasting transfer policy that conform to DOPT guide lines.

5. Option for KVS appointees prior to 1.1.1996 to switch over from CPF scheme to GPF scheme as has been granted to many PSU/Autonomous/other Govt. deptts. There are about 1900 KVS employees those who joined KVS prior to 1.1.1996 and still continuing with CPF scheme in stead of GPF. The last option for changing over from CPF to GPF was given to KVS employees in 1988 vide KVS Memo No.152-1/79- 80/KVS/Budget/Part-II dated 1-9-1988. However the matter of giving another option to said KVS employees for changing over from CPF to GPF was placed before the Finance Committee of KVS for approval but the finance Committee held on 16/3/2011 deferred the matter. It is pertinent to state that the similarly placed employee of various PSUs, Autonomous Organisations and GOI departments have already given another option to their employees after 5th Central Pay Commission to switch over from CPF to GPF. The list of some of such beneficiaries are given below. 1. COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH – Letter No.17(197)/90- E.II DATED.25/1/1999 2. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICALS- GOI, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Letter No.A.11018/15/2001-DFQC Dated.25th February 2009 3. PUNJAB AGRICULTURAL UNIVERISITY- No.CAU.Pen.1.98/4156 Dated. Ludhina the :26.3.98 4. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, BANGALORE- Letter No.R(VB)CPF- GPF/98-99 dtd.July30,1998 5. UNIVERSITY OF DELHI (PENSION CELL) - No.Fin/Pen.Cell/Notif./98/Delhi, dtd.the 9th Jan1998 6. SYNDICATE BANK- Circular No.242-2010-BC-PD-53-SWD date.16-09-2010 KV employees demand for another option to switchover from CPF to GPF is not unreasonable and should immediately be considered in the light of decisions of the above given Organisations to allow such switch over for their employees.

6. Restoration of 10 days Earned leave along with 20 days half pay leave for teachers. GOI has restored the provision of 20 days Half Pay Leave p.a for Teachers (who are vacational staff) as per recommendations of 6th CPC. However simultaneously the earlier provision of 10 days Earned Leave p.a have been withdrawn. This has terminated a facility granted to Teachers after long struggle. 10 days E.L should be granted to KV teachers along with 20 days HPL as per recommendations of 6th CPC or at least it should be restored as was earlier to 6th CPC. 7. Introduction of 5days week in KVs. 5 days week should also be implemented KVs which may give space for students to pursue self learning as per their aptitude and interest. Keeping them bound to school routine six days a week is detrimental to their natural growth of talent in various fields. While western system of Education is quoted and applauded in ways, this important aspect of giving autonomy to students to pursue their hobbies and interests away from Vidyalaya bindings is overlooked. In the interest of over burdened KV teachers also 5 day week should be introduced in Vidyalayas as has been in force for KVS HQ and Regional Offices. 8. Review of departmental promotion policy for teaching cadre, with AIKVTA representation on any such review committee. Departmental promotion for teachers in KVS is a myth, not available to senior teachers even with 15 to 20 years of experience in the grade. The reason being the introduction of selection promotion policy in place of non-selection promotion policy which was in force earlier. We do not have problem with selection promotion policy as long as the tests conducted to evaluate the suitability of teachers in the higher post is limited to a qualifying cut mark rather than a as per merit list position. Written test may serve the limited purpose of evaluating the content knowledge of the examinees but cannot evaluate the teaching techniques and effectiveness of teaching in a class room situation. Senior teachers by virtue of their experience prove to be better techers than “more informed on content” teachers. Hence promotion policy should be modified to accommodate both the experience and content knowledge by fixing a suitable cut mark in the tests so that those who clear that cut mark may get promotion as per seniority. Even if KVS might have undertaken some review of promotion policy, but AIKVTA was not invited to put forth its views before it. Hence KVS should reconsider review of promotion policy in the light of AIKVTA view points & with AIKVTA participation in any such endeavour. 9. Immediate constitution and meeting of JCM. Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) is an effective tool of consultation between the Management and the employees. JCM in KVS is defunct over last several years. AIKVTA has persistently requested the Vice Chairman, KVS who is also the Chairman, JCM to constitute and convene JCM so that many issues relating to service conditions of employees could be taken up by the consultative body. How ever all our requests on the matter submitted more in a sense of appeal have gone into deaf ears. KVS, vide minutes of meeting of AIKVTA representatives with the Commissioner KVS held on 10/3/2011,F.11084-14/2010-KVSHQ(Admn.I)Part 1-527 Dtd.19/26-04/2011, categorically assured, quote “the President AIKVTA requested the Commissioner KVS to constitute the Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) at Central and Regional level so that the matters of staff welfare may be discussed at appropriate level and decisions can be taken accordingly. The Commissioner KVS apprised the status position to the members of Association intimating that the membership of Kendriya Vidyalaya Non Teaching staff Association (KEVINTSA)was in process of verification. Now the same has been completed and as such the process of formation of JCM at central and regional level will be initiated shortly.” Unquote. Five months have elapsed since and JCM could not be constituted by KVS. This reflects how much importance KVS attaches to employees welfare. AIKVTA has also been made to wait indefinitely for a meeting with the Vice Chairman KVS in spite of submitting agenda items for the meeting as directed by KVS. 10. Promotional avenues for TGTs ( WET/PET/Art/Sans) & Librarian by introducing additional subjects in +2 classes and TGT grade to Music Teachers.

TGTs (W.E.T, P.E.T,ART) and Librarians do not have any promotional avenue and KVS should introduce additional elective subjects at plus to level in those subjects to facilitate creation of PGT posts and facilitate promotion of those teachers. Music Teachers are the most neglected of the staff serving the Kendrya Vidyalayas. The essential qualification prescribed for recruitment to the post of Music teacher corresponds to TGTs, but they are given PRT post. They train secondary and higher secondary students for all sorts of cultural functions held in the Vidyalaya, for Social Science exhibitions, annual day celebration, to welcome and entertain VIPs visiting the Vidyalayas apart from taking regular period in Primary classes.In NCT Delhi Schools and many other Govt. School they are given TGT grade but KVS put them in Primary Scale. It is not exaggeration of facts if we say the Music Teachers in in KVS are illegally exploited; they draw the salary of PRT grade and are compeled to to work with Secondary and Higher secondary students. KVS should reconsider the matter for grant of TGT scale to Music teachers. 11. Grant of higher Pay scale and providing other incentives to KV teachers as per decisions taken in 80th meeting of BOG & Grant of Higher Grade Pay, 46oo/ to PRTs at stage I and so on. The 80th BOG discussed and unanimously decided to grant Higher pay scale and other incentives to KV Teachers who are highly qualified and talented. A committee was also set under the Chairman ship of Vice Chairman KVS to examine the proposal for granting higher pay scale and other incentives to KV Teachers. This meeting was held on 26/7/2008 and since then no action has been taken to implement the decision to grant higher pay scale and other incentives to KV Teachers. The Primary teachers in KVs have been denied 4600/ grade pay at stage-I though many other categories of employees were granted higher grade pay of 4600/ . GOI ,MOF, Deptt. of Expenditure, New Delhi, vide Memo F.No.-1/1/2008/1cdated 13 Nov.2009 granted higher grade pay of 4600/ to employees in pay scale of 6500-200-10500 who were granted grade pay of 4200/ earlier. Accordingly KVS vide letter no.F-11081- 04/2008-KVSHQ(Admn-1)962 dtd.27/07/2010 and letter no. same reference 1102 dtd.27/8/2010 granted higher grade pay of 4600/to Superintendent merged/upgraded to section officer in same pay scale of 6500/. However similarly placed PRTs are denied the benefit of higher grade pay. This is nothing but injustice with our Primary Teachers and KVS should immediately consider the matter of higher grade pay to PRTs similarly as has been granted to other employees in the pay scale of 6500-200-10500. 12. Extension of CGHS facilities to KV Teachers similarly as being extended to KVS (HQ) and KVS(RO) staff. . KV Teachers should also be granted CGHS facility as is being provided to KVS HQ and Regional Office Staff.

A S Mazumdar

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