Actions from Previous Call

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Actions from Previous Call

Date: 28/08/2008

Attendees: RMDS – Colm Gaffney, Mark Keenan MRSO – Frank Leetch Meter Operator – Mary Mulcahy

Eirgrid - Sonia Twohig, Michael Callan

ESBIE – Bernadette Jennings

ESBCS – Bridget Finnegan

BGES – Fatima Ben Ahmed



1. Actions from previous call

2. Update on Market issues

3. MRSO Update

4. Meter Operator Update

5. Market Design Update (incl. Clarifications / learning points) 6. Notice board Planned Maintenance, Reminders from IGG, etc. 7. AOB.

1. Actions from Previous Call 339 RMDS to investigate if the report run to identify QH conversion candidates allows and customers to transfer based on estimate consumptions. 340 RMDS to check with the support centre, when the new AUF is calculated is there any benefit in identifying exceptions at this stage.

C. Gaffney commented that the actions from the previous call were being dealt with by Oonagh Delaney who is on leave at the moment.

C. Gaffney asked does anybody else have any questions on these action items.

Participants had no questions.

C. Gaffney suggested carrying these actions forward to the next conference call. 2. Update on Market issues C. Gaffney commented that there is no market issues update. 3. MRSO Update 1. Actions from Previous Call 339 RMDS to investigate if the report run to identify QH conversion candidates allows and customers to transfer based on estimate consumptions. 340 RMDS to check with the support centre, when the new AUF is calculated is there any benefit in identifying exceptions at this stage.

C. Gaffney commented that the actions from the previous call were being dealt with by Oonagh Delaney who is on leave at the moment.

C. Gaffney asked does anybody else have any questions on these action items.

Participants had no questions.

C. Gaffney suggested carrying these actions forward to the next conference call. 2. Update on Market issues F. Leetch stated that there was no MRSO update. He asked if anyone had any queries.

C. Gaffney asked was the Agreement document ready for distribution.

F. Leetch confirmed that the Agreement document still has to be issued and it will be about a month before he gets it back from his legal people. He has the discussion document nearly drafted but he commented that there wouldn’t be much point issuing the Discussion document without the Draft Agreement.

4. Meter Operator Update

There was no update from the Meter Operator. M. Mulcahy asked if participants had any questions.

There were no questions from participants.

5. Market Design Update

C. Gaffney commented that he had to through quite a few DRs and supplier queries. He mentioned that suppliers were asked for feedback on a number of IGG Action Items that have been outstanding for some time.

Action item 298- Suppliers to give feedback on any issues they might have with the current unmetered lighting process to CER. This Action has been outstanding since April 11th. C. Gaffney commented that they received no feedback and asked participants could this action be closed. Suppliers had no objections and the action was closed.

Action item 326 - Suppliers to review the prioritisation list of revised outstanding MCRs. C. Gaffney pointed out that there is now a new IGG action covering this issue. He proposed closing the old action (326) as it now being tracked though the new Action Item 389 (Suppliers to prioritise the outstanding MCRs by the September 25th IGG).

Action item 333 – Market participants to give feedback on the proposed Generator screen layouts. Feedback was due by May 29th. Some feedback had been received and this action is now being progressed through MCR 166 (previously DR 0158). C. Gaffney proposed closing this action. Participants agreed.

Action items 335 – Market participants to provide feedback on the working practice 13, duplicate MPRNs. The due date for feedback on this was the 29th of May. C. Gaffney 5. Market Design Update

commented that this working practice has completed and he proposed closing this action. Participants agreed.

Action item 350 – Participants to give feedback on the outage dates. These dates were the 3rd 17th and 31st of August, 5th of October and another planned for April 2009. C. Gaffney commented that two of these dates have passed and another one is very near so he suggested this action could be closed.

F. Leech asked were these dates at the weekends.

C. Gaffney confirmed they were.

B. Finnegan asked did a notice of this outage go out to the market.

C. Gaffney stated that an outage notification was sent out on the 19th of August. He then gave a quick update on the outage scheduled for August 31st. As part of the Networks ISU upgrade, there will be a site switch on the 31st of August. This will result in an outage between 08:00 and 14:00. C. Gaffney said RMDS will send out another outage notification just to back up the notification they have already sent out. Participants agreed to close this action

New Action Item - RMDS to send out another outage notice for August 31st.

Action item 368 – Suppliers to give feedback on the address customer actions presented at the last IGG. C. Gaffney commented that there were 15 actions presented at the August 14th IGG and suppliers were given two weeks to give feed back on these actions. He asked were these actions ok and could the actions be closed. Suppliers had no queries with these actions and the actions were closed.

Action item 386 - Participants to give feedback on MCR 073- Making the First Name mandatory. C. Gaffney commented that this is a new action from the August 14 th IGG. MCR 73 is an old MCR that supports the requirement for making the First Name mandatory. General feedback at the IGG was to go with the existing market design (Last Name mandatory only) and shelve the MCR 073. C. Gaffney asked participants for feedback on MCR 073. There was no feedback. C. Gaffney suggested that they carry forward this IGG action.

DR 0159 - Addition of 331MM to notify of QH meter removal during QH de-energisation with meter removal process Version 2.0. This was released last week prior to the conference call. It had a minor change (a couple of words in a sentence) and he asked if this DR could is now progress to MCR.

APPROVED Participants agreed that DR 0159 could progress to MCR.

New Action Item - RMDS to progress DR 0159 - Addition of 331MM to notify of QH meter removal during QH de-energisation with meter removal process to MCR.

DR 0160- Delivery of 106D message to EirGrid v1.0. This was released to market last week prior to the conference call. C. Gaffney commented that if suppliers agree with this DR then it can move to MCR.

F. Leech commented that this DR probably only affects MRSO, and MRSO supports progressing this DR to MCR.

C. Gaffney asked if there was agreement from suppliers to progress this DR to MCR. 5. Market Design Update

Suppliers agreed.

C. Gaffney reminded suppliers that can give feedback on the subsequent MCR if they had any issues.

New Action Item - RMDS to progress DR 0160- Delivery of 106D message to EirGrid to MCR.

APPROVED Participants agreed that DR 0160 could progress to MCR.

MCR 0166 – Addition of Addition of Generator Unit ID and Export arrangement ID to Extranet v1.0. This was previously DR 158 and it has been moved to go to MCR 166. Participants were asked to review this MCR and feedback any comments.

B. Jennings commented that her colleagues had a look at it and said it seems worthwhile so they would be anxious to move the MCR forward.

C. Gaffney commented that they would leave this decision until the next IGG or conference call.

MCR 164 –Including the Meter Multiplier on the Extranet. Suppliers to provide feedback on whether or not the QH Meter Multiplier Value should be displayed (Action Item 378). C. Gaffney mentioned this was discussed at the last IGG and the general consensus was that this value wasn’t really needed.

B. Jennings commented that it was considered that this was not a major system change and that it is just a change on the screen.

C. Gaffney commented that the QH Meter Multiplier field didn’t appear to be adding any value. The QH readings would have been multiplied using MV90 prior to the data being displayed on the screen. He mentioned that it is no problem displaying the QH Multiplier field but he questioned whether it was of any value to suppliers. Participants decided to review this action further and to carry it forward to the next IGG Conference Call.

MCR 165 – Recalculation of Consumption Estimates. C. Gaffney gave the following update on this. Testing for the changes being implemented for the Recalculation of Estimates is proving to be very time consuming so the target implementation date of 29th August is unlikely to be met. This is due to the fact that the re-estimation procedure occurs in many Data Processing areas for NQH reads and delays have been experienced due to the fact that the testing environment needed to be rebuilt for the upcoming SAP Upgrade. The new proposed date for the recalculation of estimates is Monday the 15 th of September. C. Gaffney stated that the RMDS would send out an email regarding this.

New Action Item - RMDS to send out an email advising participants of the proposed date for the recalculation of estimates.

DR 157- Addition of Vulnerable Customer data deletion flag on 102. The Data Protection Commission has indicated that this data can be published if we notify all life/non life customers informing them of our intention to display this data to suppliers. C. Gaffney mentioned that M. Mulcahy is currently working out the communication mechanism with the vulnerable customers. 5. Market Design Update

M. Mulcahy added that they hope to have this done by early next week.

C. Gaffney asked the following questions relating to DR 157.

A suggestion was made that the vulnerable attribute "medical institution" should also be included on the 102 message as is the plan for the life/non life support values. It’s a value that already exists on the market design and RMDS want to know if this additional value should be included. The concern is that larger customers may have life/non life support machinery in existence but it would be under the guise of a medical institution and not marked as life/non life. He asked participants if the medical institution value should be included.

B. Jennings asked for a bit more background.

C. Gaffney stated that currently on the medical equipment attribute there are three values. There’s a life support value, a non-life support value and the third value known as medical institution. Currently the DR covers the life support and the non life support but doesn’t cover the medical institution in which there may be life support equipment.

F. Ben Ahmed asked what a medical institution referred to. Was it a nursing home? She was of the opinion that the medical institution value should be flagged.

C. Gaffney asked participants would they be in favour of including Medical Institution value in the DR?

Participants were in favour of including Medical Institution value in the DR

C. Gaffney replied that they would amend the DR to reflect this.

C. Gaffney then asked should the 102P (change of Supplier provisional acceptance) which is issued before a 102 include the flag as well. The opinion of RMDS was that it would be neater to amend the 102 as a considerable amount of work is required to amend both the 102 and 102P market messages.

F. Ben Ahmed was in favour of just amending the 102 market message.

C. Gaffney commented that he would leave this issue with the participants and he would summarise it in an email and send it out to participants.

New Action Item - RMDS to send out email summarising the proposed changes to DR 157 to participants.

CCR 002 – The addition of 16 new code Smart Metering values to be included with the existing Meter Category codes. This CCR was circulated to suppliers prior to the August 14th IGG. New descriptions were added and the latest version of this CCR will be circulated in the next few days.

New Action Items – RMDS to reissue CCR 002 – The addition of 16 new Smart Metering codes. 6. CER Update:

No CER update. 7. Notice board: Planned Maintenance, Reminders from IGG etc

Outage Notification. Sunday 31st of August between 08:00 and 14:00. Discussed earlier.

8. AOB

Billing and Archiving. C. Gaffney mentioned there was an issue with this and there will be an update in the next day or two

New Action Item – RMDS to issue a Billing and Archiving update.

Recalculation of Estimates Update. This was discussed earlier.

C. Gaffney asked did participants have any other questions.

S. Twohig asked what the next step with DR 160 was.

C. Gaffney replied that as previously agreed DR 160 could now progress to MCR. The next steps are to approve the MCR and after this approval step CER would then have to give their final approval. C. Gaffney commented that getting the DR approved is normally the hardest step as there are generally very few amendments made to the MCR. The approval process post DR approval is generally quite fast. He also mentioned there will be a prioritisation meeting at the next IGG on September 25th, so participants can have a say in which MCRs they want prioritised. C. Gaffney clarified this and added that some of the DRs might even be part of the prioritisation. In the past DRs have been added to the prioritisation list even though they do not have full market approval.

S. Twohig asked was there any documentation that explained the prioritisation process.

C. Gaffney stated there is a process diagram that shows how the prioritisation works, but the actual prioritisation is down to discussion and debate at the IGG.

S. Twohig asked for the process to be sent to EirGrid.

C. Gaffney agreed to forward her a copy of the Schema Release process.

New Action Item - RMDS to forward a copy of the Schema Release process to EirGrid.

C. Gaffney asked participants were there any other questions.

There were no further questions from participants.

Action Items

Description Assigned to Due Date

Actions Carried Forward: Description Assigned to Due Date

RMDS to investigate if the report run to identify QH conversion RMDS 339 candidates allows customers to transfer based on estimate consumptions. RMDS to check with the support centre, when the new AUF is RMDS 340 calculated is there any benefit in identifying exceptions at this stage. RMDS to raise with CER the query regarding customer 342 queries/complaints before the next IGG. RMDS New Action Items:

390 RMDS to send out another outage notice for August 31st. RMDS RMDS to progress DR 0159 (Addition of 331MM to notify of QH 391 meter removal during QH de-energisation with meter removal process) to MCR. RMDS RMDS to progress DR 0160- Delivery of 106D message to 392 EirGrid to MCR. RMDS RMDS to send out an email advising participants of the 393 proposed date for the recalculation of estimates. RMDS RMDS to send out email summarising the proposed changes to 394 DR 157 to participants. RMDS RMDS to reissue CCR 002 – The addition of 16 new Smart 395 Metering codes. RMDS 396 RMDS to issue a Billing and Archiving update RMDS RMDS to forward a copy of the Schema Release process to 397 EirGrid. RMDS

Next Conference Call:

Proposed Date Thursday 11th September 2008 @ 3.00pm Tel: 01 6647602 PIN: 77640 (Now booked to end of 2008). (Note: contingency number: 01-6647777 PIN: 80490 Use this number if you repeatedly get the message: ‘You have entered an incorrect PIN Code.’ when entering the main number and PIN.)

Next IGG Meeting:

Thursday 18th September, @ 10:30am, at CER offices, Belgard Square, Tallaght.

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