Flour Baby Requirements

1. The student must turn in this requirement sheet, signed by the student and their parent.

2. The student must show responsibility by exhibiting appropriate behavior and parenting skills at all times.

3. Babies must be within arm’s reach of the parent at all times, unless they are in a nursery setting.

 The students must follow (without argument) the directions of the classroom teacher. If instructed by a teacher to put the baby in a “nursery” there should be NO discussion.

 Babies are NEVER to be left in the locker, cars, or carried in a school backpack.

4. This is a 3 day assignment and abuse can be reported at any time for a grade deduction.

5. These babies are to be treated like “real” babies.

 For example – if you should not shake a real baby, then you should not shake a flour baby.

6. If you do not have your supplies on time you will be required to do a research paper. I understand the Flour Baby requirements and agree to follow them. I realize that my flour baby can be taken up at any time by the teacher and I will be required to write the research paper.

Parent Signature______Student Signature______


Flour baby supplies are due on: ______.

If you do not have your supplies on time you will be required to do a research paper.

Supplies: (you may bring materials to class starting tomorrow)

 1 outfit newborn (the ones with feet work best)

This is a 3 day project, only one outfit is required. The grade is not based on the clothes the baby wears so please go to Goodwill or any Dollar Store for the outfit or, even better, borrow one.

 2 pair of sheer knee high hose that match your skin color and 1 (5 lb.) sack of flour completely covered in duct tape OR

 a realistic sized baby doll and 5 lbs of rice or beans

 1 pacifier (nipple cut off) Plastic, not the silicone kind – they do not stick.  Carrier for the baby. (Example: doll carrier, shoe box, wicker or plastic basket) Strollers are NOT allowed at school.

If there is a reason you are unable to get the necessary supplies, please contact me before the due date.

Mrs. Lucas [email protected]
