Outdoor Activity Verbs Animals/Places/Plants Animal Parts

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Outdoor Activity Verbs Animals/Places/Plants Animal Parts

El medio ambiente

Environment Verbs Environment Nouns Affect Afectar Cause La causa Avoid Evitar Change El cambio Be in danger Estar en peligro Chemicals Las quimicas Be affected by Estar afectado por Climate change Cambio climatico Build Construir Climate El clima Cause Causar Conservation La conservación Consume Consumir Consumption El consume Contaminate Contaminar Damage/harm El daño Clean Limpiar Danger El peligro Cut down Talar Defense La defensa Defend Defender Deforestation La desforestación Deforest Deforestar Destruction La destrucción Destroy Destruir Diversity La diversidad Emit/let off Emitir Earth/soil/dirt La Tierra Forbid Prohibir Environmentalist Conservacionista Get used up Agotarse Effect El efecto Go extinct/die out Extingirse Ecology La ecologia Harm/hurt Dañar Ecosystem El ecosistema Improve Mejorar Energy La energía Increase Incrementar Environment El medio ambiente Kill Matar Environmentalist El ecologista Limit Limitar Factory La fábrica Neglect Descuidar Government El gobierno Plant Plantar Habitat El habitat Pollute Contaminar Increase El incremento Preserve Preservar Killing La matanza produce Producir Law La ley Protect Proteger Land La tierra Replace Reponer Nature La naturaleza Recycle Reciclar Oil/gas El petroleo Reduce Reducir Overpopulation La sobrepoblacion Replant Replantar Pesticides Las Pesticidas Reuse Reusar Planet El planeta Ruin Arruinar Pollution/contamination La contaminación Save/conserve Salvar Production La producción Solve/resolve Resolver(o to ue in Protection La protección present) Recycling El reciclaje Take care of Cuidar Reduction La reducción Throw away Tirar Resources Los recursos Use Usar Reuse El reuso Use up Agotar Season La estacion

1 Waste Derrochar Species Los especies Use El uso Weather EL tiempo

Outdoor Activity Verbs Animals/Places/Plants Animal Parts Build a fire hacer fogata Ant Hormiga Beak pico Camp acampar Bay Bahia Claw garra Bear Oso Canoeing navegar en canoa Bee Abeja Fangs colmillo Climb trepar Bird Pájaro Fur Pelaje Climb escalar montañas Bug Bicho Feathers Plumas mountains ir de camping Bush Arbusto Horns Cuerno Go camping tener un picnic Cat Gato Shell Casco Chicken Gallina Have a picnic hacer caminata City La cuidad scales escamas Hike cazar Cow Vaca Tail cola Hunt hacer rafting Coyote Coyote Trunk Tronco Rafting montar bicicletas Countryside campo Tusks Colmillo Ride bikes montar a creek Arroyo Wings Alas Deer Venado Ride horses caballos Desert Desierto whiskers bigotes Scuba dive bucear Dog Perro Ski esquiar Elephant El elefante Snorkel esnorkear Fish Pez Animal Snow board hacer snowboarding Flower La flor Verbs tomar el sol Fly Mosca Sunbathe Frog Rana Bite Morder Surf surfear Giraffe Jirafa Fly Volar Survive sobrevivir Goat Cabra Jump Brincar Swim nadar Grass Cesped Scratch Arañar Water ski esquiar en agua Hill Colina Sting Picar Horse Caballo jungle Jungla/selva Lake Lago Leaves Hojas Lion El león Monkey Mono

2 Mountain Montaña Mouse Ratón Nature Naturaleza Ocean Oceano Pig Cerdo Plant Planta Pond El estanque Rabbit Conejo Reef El arrecife Rat Rata River Río Rocks/stones Rocas Sand Arena Sea La mar Sheep Oveja Sky/heaven cielo Snake Serpiente Storm Tormenta Swamp Patano Tiger El tigre Tree El árbol Turtle tortuga Wolf El lobo Worm Gusano Whale ballena Zebra cebra

Weather Verbs Weather/Season Nouns It is bad Hace mal tiempo Climate El clima It is cloudy Está nublado Clouds Las nubes Dirt La tierra It is cold Hace frio Earth La tierra It is cool Hace fresco Fall El otoño It is foggy Hay neblina Ground El suelo/el piso It is hot Hace calor Rain La lluvia It is nice Hace buen tiempo Season La estación Sky El cielo It is raining Llueve(llover) Snow La nieve It is snowing Nieva(nevar) Spring La primavera It is stormy Hay tormentas Stars Las estrellas It is sunny Hace sol Summer El verano It is windy Hace viento Sun El sol Thunder El trueno There is lightening Hay relámpagos Weather El tiempo There is thunder Hay truenos Wind El viento To hail granizar Winter El invierno

3 Key Connecting Vocabulary For Year

Although Aunque After Después de (que) Again Otra vez or De nuevo Already Ya As a result Como cosecuencia Anymore Ya no As long as/provided that/on the condition that En tanto que/siempre que As soon as Tan pronto como Before Antes de (que) Both Ambos/ambas Both x and y Tanto x como y Besides Además de or aparte de Because of that Por eso Compared to En comparación con During Durante Even Aun or hasta Except Excepto Even though Aunque Instead of En vez de In order to Para Like(as in for example) Como Like this/like that Asi Maybe Tal vez or Quizás So that Para que So Asi que She didn’t like it so I returned it. So + adjective Tan Ex: She is so nice. Such as Tal(es) como add the (es) if more than 1 item While Mientras que Since a period of time Desde que I have known her since I was 5. Since Ya que Since you don’t like beans, I don’t make them. What/which Lo que Not for use in questions! Use “qué/cuál” for questions. Ex: What I like is that you..Lo que me gusta es que.. Still/yet Todavia Unless A menos que That/who Que With Con Without Sin

4 1) Present Perfect(haber + ado/ido)=have done/eaten/seen/visited

Yo he Tú has +ado(ar verbs)/ ido(er/ir verbs) Él/Ella/Usted ha Nosotros hemos Ellos/Ustedes han

Ex: I have eaten=Yo he comido You have visited=tú has visitado a) Direct objects(me, te, lo/la, nos, los/las) , reflexives (me, te, se, nos, se) and indirect objects (me, te, le, nos, les) MUST go before the “he, has, ha, hemos, han”..they CANNOT be in the middle or at the end.

Example: I have washed my hands(lavarse)==yo me he lavado las manos.—reflexive example They have given you money=Ellos te han dado dinero.---indirect object example You cannot choose to put them on the end like other two verb back to back structures. Irregulars in the “ado/ido” position abrir abierto opened cubrir cubierto closed, shut decir dicho said, told devolve devuelt returned, given r o back escribir escrito written hacer hecho done, made morir muerto died, dead poner puesto put, placed, set romper roto broken, torn ver visto seen volver vuelto Returned

Example: I have opened the door=Yo he abierto la puerta. They have written the letter=Ellos han escrito la carta. She has seen the movie=Ella ha visto la película.

5 2) Present Perfect Progressive(have been ing)

Yo he Tú has Él/Ella/Usted ha +estado(been) + ando/iendo(ing) Nosotros hemos Ellos/Ustedes han a) In the above examples, you are taking (estar + ando/iendo) and putting it in the “ado/ido” position.

Ex: I have been eating=Yo he estado comiendo They have been listening=Ellos han estado escuchando

3) Demonstratives(this/that/these/those)

Using “this, that, these, those” tells the listener how close/far something is considered from the speaker. Ex: This book=it is close. That book=it is far.

Useful Phrase for remembering: “This and These” have the “t”. “That and Those”, the “t” goes.

This These That Those Masculine este estos ese esos Feminine esta estas esa esas

Notice that there is a “t” in “this and these”, but not in “that and those”.

So, you have to pay attention to the word after “this/that/these/those” and whether the word is “masculine..ending in “o”, generally” or “feminine..ending in “a”, generally.

Ex: This book…..el libro…ends in “o” so is masculine..so you use “este”. This chair…la silla….ends in “a” so is feminine…so you use “esta. Ex: This book=este libro. This girl=esta chica. These books=estos libros. These girls=estas chicas. Notice how the gender of the word following "this/that/these/those" matches the "this that these those" piece.

6 4) Indirect Objects(to someone, for someone)

a) The indirect object answers the question "To whom?" or "For whom?" the action of the verb is performed. The idea of "TO SOMEONE/FOR SOMEONE" is embedded . me (me)………………….…..a mi te (you-familiar)……………..a ti le (him, her, you-formal)…….a él/ella nos (us)………………………a nosotros les (them, you-all-formal)……a ellos/ustedes Ex: They give the money to me. “to me” is the indirect object.=Ellos me dan el dinero (a mi) I give the money to her.=Yo le doy el dinero (a ella). Notice that you always conjugate the verb for the person doing the action. The indirect object is the person who receives an object(direct object) The "a mi, a ti...a él..a nosotros...a ellos" part is OPTIONAL. It is used to clarify and make clear that they are different from a direct object (me, te, nos) part. You only need to learn the required part.

B) WHERE DO 'DIRECT OBJECTS, INDIRECT OBJECTS" AND REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS GO IN A SENTENCE? Depends on how many verbs there are in a sentence and if there is a preposition present.

1 verb (to the left of the verb) Yo te digo la verdad=I tell you the truth

2 verbs back to back(either b4 1st or Yo tengo que decirte la verdad=I have to tell attached to the 2nd) you ... Yo te tengo que decir la verdad

Preposition + verb + indirect/direct/reflexive Without telling you the truth...=sin decirte la (attached on the end of the verb) verdad

5) Double Objects(combining Reflexives and directs, indirects with directs)

7 1) What happens when you need to combine direct objects(me, te, lo/la, nos, los/las) with an indirect object(me, te, le, nos, les)? Here are some examples that have them both together. Ex: She gives them(direct) to us(indirect) Ex: I tell it(direct) to you(indirect)

a) The indirect objects always come first, then the direct objects. (RID)

Ex: Ella nos los da.= she gives them to us. Ex: Yo te lo digo= I tell it to you. b) You can’t “le/lo/la/los/las” or “les/lo/la/los/las” in Spanish. What does this mean?

You cannot have this combination “le + lo/la/los/las” OR “Les + lo/la/los/las” So, If you cannot have that combination, what happens? c) You have to change the “le” that you normally would use for “to him/for him, to her/for her” and the “les” for the “to them/for them” into “se”

Ex: I give it(direct) to them(indirect)= “Yo les lo doy a ellos” changes to “Yo se lo doy (a ellos)” Ex: They give them to us=Ellos nos los dan. Ex: I tell it(direct) to him(indirect).=”Yo le lo digo (a él)” changes to “Yo se lo digo (a él)” Combination Possibilities Me + lo/la/los/las Te + lo/la/los/las Le +lo/la/los/las--not possible so change “le” to “se” Nos + lo/la/los/las Les + lo/la/los/las-not possible so “les” becomes “se”

6) Usted Commands(formal commands, for someone you don’t know well) step 1) conjugate the verb for “yo” in the present tense. Ex: Yo juego, yo pongo, yo tengo, yo como step 2) take off the “o”. Ex juego, pong, teng, com step 3) if the verb was an “er/ir”, add an “a” to step 2. If the verb was an “ar”, add an “e” to step 2. Ex: Eat!=coma Ex: Talk!=hable Ex: Have a good day!=tenga buen dia Ex: Don’t listen!=no escuche “ Its right to be positive, not right to be negative”—This phrase tells you where RID goes in ALL COMMANDS

8 Positive Commands 1) All direct objects/reflexives are attached on the right. Ex: Wake up!=¡despiértese! Ex: Tell me!=¡dígame! 2) add accent to the vowel just before were the “er/ir/ar” would be. Negative Commands 1) All direct objects/reflexives are on the left in a negative command. Commands with “don’t” in them. Ex: Don’t wake up!=No se despierta Ex: Don’t tell me! =No me diga

Irregulars for “usted” and “ustedes” commands DISES Dar IR Saber Estar SER dé vaya sepa éste sea

Car Gar Zar Verbs que gue ce

7) Tú Commands---used with friends/family

Positive commands----- a) conjugate a verb for “he/she” in the present Example: ¡Habla! Ejemplo: ¡Come!

Negative commands---“don’t” a) Usted Command + “s” Ejemplo: hablar-- ¡No me hables! Ejemplo: Comer--¡No lo comas!

RID---- a) Same location as for “usted/ustedes” commands


Positive Irregulars for Tú

9 “Vin Diesel Has Ten Weapons” Ven Di Sal Haz Ten Ve Pon Se venir decir salir hacer tener ir poner ser


Sentences X Verb xVerb verbx Commands Positive Verbx Negative No x verb

Direct Indirect Reflexive Direct after preps

(a, sin, de, por, para, en, Con, sobre) Me me To/for me “se” me me mi me verbs You(tú) te To/for te “se” te You(tú) ti You verbs Him/it lo To/for le “se” se Him/it él Him verbs Her/it la To/for le “se” se Her/it ella Her verbs Us nos To/for nos “se” nos Us nosotros us verbs

10 Them Los To/for les “se” se Them ellos you all las Them verbs You All You all

9) Comparisons

a) er than= Más x que . He is taller than I am. El es mas alto que yo. b) Less x than= Menos x que=. She is less active than he is. Ella es menos active que el c) As x as=tan x como x. We are as tall as they are. Somos tan altos como ellos. d) As much/many x as=tanto/a/os/as x como x. They have as many friends as I have. Ellos tienen tantos amigos como yo.

Make sure the ending matches the word next to it.

10) Will/might

a) Unlike other conjugations were you take off “ar/er/ir” from the verb, then add the ending, using will/might requires that you DON’T DO THIS. YOU LEAVE THE VERB IN THE UNCONJUGATED FORM, THEN ADD THE ENDING.


Ex: I will eat= comer + é=comeré You will eat=comer + ás=comerás

b) There are irregulars, of course.

a) Poder(will be able to) = podr- b) Querer(will want) = querr- c) Saber(will know) = sabr- d) ADD "D" TO INFINITIVE: e) Poner(will put) =pondr- f) Salir(will leave) = saldr- g) Tener(will have)= tendr- h) Venir(will come) = vendr- i) DROP MORE LETTERS FROM INFINITIVE:

11 j) Decir(will say/tell) = dir- k) Hacer(will make/do) = har-


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