Instructor: Antonieta Toni Reyes Email

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Instructor: Antonieta Toni Reyes Email

Instructor: Antonieta “Toni” Reyes Email: [email protected] Office Hours: MWF 10:00–12:00 Work: (850) 645-2946 And by appointment Mobile: (803) 727-6318 4120K Building C, University Center Skype: antonieta305

Course Overview Welcome to Hispanic Marketing Communication. This is a unique course part of an interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate Program and also an Undergraduate Minor at FSU. It is also part of a larger effort called “The FSU Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication,” the only of its kind in the US.

It should be clear that your proactive participation in this course will determine the extent to which you will benefit from the knowledge and practice that the course offers. This course is designed for active participation. The assignments, discussion board posts, and exams will prepare you to the final paper in which you will have the choice to create a Hispanic marketing communication campaign or report on the state of Hispanic marketing communication across an industry vertical of your choice. You should expect something due every week for the following 13 weeks.

The "Course Library" on Blackboard will be used to make many class materials available. Students are strongly encouraged to become familiar with materials in the library as early in the semester as possible.

Course Objectives At the end of this course, students should be able to: . Define and apply knowledge of the following key concepts:  Cultural marketing • Objective and Subjective culture • Reference Groups  Enculturation, Acculturation, and Assimilation • Positioning • Cultural Archetypes & Dimensions  Qualitative and Quantitative research .Describe the demographic and socio-economic picture of the Hispanic market in the US. .Explain how marketing communication decisions are influenced by:  The minority-majority population trend in the US • The education level of US Hispanics.  The language preferences and proficiencies of US Hispanics.  The cultural identity of US Hispanics. • The level of acculturation of US Hispanics. . Identify when qualitative and/or quantitative research is more appropriate based on the nature of the research question proposed. . Describe the current Hispanic marketing communication and Spanish-language media industry. . Recognize the presence of US Hispanics in the digital landscape and its implications for marketing.

Text Book Requirement Hispanic Marketing: Connecting with the New Latino Consumer 2nd Edition Felipe Korzenny and Betty Ann Korzenny ISBN: 978-1-85617-794-8 Textbook is available at FSU Bookstore and at online stores. Follow Dr. Korzenny’s Blog a Evaluation Each week, students will check the course website for the topic to be covered, the learning objectives to be achieved, and the homework assignment along with instructors’ notes about the assigned reading. Any assignments or questions that are part of an assignment will be posted at least one week before due date. All assignments are due on Friday by midnight E.T. Written assignments and papers should be submitted via the appropriate link on blackboard or discussion board thread and should NOT be sent to the instructor as email attachments.

Full description of requirements can be found under the Assignments tab on BlackBoard.

1.First- Day Attendance and Introduction (5%) The first-day attendance assignment is mandatory. Failing to submit this assignment on time will result in being dropped from the class. Additionally, introduce yourself to the class via the discussion board. . Complete first-day attendance assignment by Wednesday, 05/16. . Introduce yourself to the class on the Discussion Board by Friday, 05/18.

2.Assignments (30%) There will be a total of three (3) assignments. They are intended to increase your proficiency by applying key concepts. Assignments will usually take the form of short written papers or power point presentations. Each assignment is worth 100 points.

3.Discussion Board (25%) There will be a total of five (5%) discussion board posts. Usually, a week on which no assignment is due will require your participation on the Discussion Board. If you are required to post on the discussion board, it will be clearly indicated in that week's assignment. You must post at least twice to each discussion board unless otherwise indicated in the assignment description. One post should be your response to the questions posed in the discussion board. The other post should be a thoughtful response to another student’s post. . In order to receive credit, you must post your response to the posted discussion board by Wednesday at midnight ET. In addition, you must post a response to another student’s post by Friday at midnight ET. . Each discussion board assignment is worth 100 points. However, in order to receive full credit for these posts, you must fulfill some basic requirements: o Posts should be a minimum of 200 words o Posts should be relevant to the topic being discussed, but should also attempt to introduce a new point of view or piece of information or otherwise further the discussion. o Posts should use correct grammar, punctuation and vocabulary appropriate for a university-level course. o Misuse of the discussion boards will not be tolerated

4.Midterm (15%) An online exam will be available on Week 9 (July 9-13). This exam will cover key concepts and facts from chapters 1-7. The exam will have a total of 100 questions: a combination of multiple choice, true/false, and matching items. You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam. Once you start, you must finish, and you will not be able to pause or retake different parts of the test at different times. The exam is worth 100 points.

5.Final Paper (25% = 20% for the paper and 5% for the first draft) Students will have two options to choose from (final paper is worth 100 points) . A Hispanic Marketing Communication Strategy: Students may choose a brand, product, or service, real or imagined, and create a complete marketing communication campaign targeting a segment of the Hispanic market. . A Vertical Market Report: Students may choose to write a report on the state of the Hispanic Marketing efforts of a specific industry vertical. An industry vertical is made up of a group of similar businesses, brands, products, or services that target a similar consumer group based on their common needs (e.g. a fast food industry vertical would be composed by McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy’s).

Due dates are clearly indicated in the syllabus and on BlackBoard under the Assignments Tab. Assignments are due, electronically via Blackboard. Assignments turned in after due date will be penalized according to the following criteria: . Assignments turned in a week late (the following Friday) will receive a 10% reduction. . No assignments will be accepted after one week unless the student was prevented from completing the assignment due to excused university reasons.

All assignments must go beyond the readings. Assignments are designed for students to explore a topic in further depth than the reading materials. Students must add their thinking and further research to each assignment and not simply summarize the readings. Assignments that simply summarize assigned readings will receive little or no credit. Papers will generally be in Microsoft Word, and group presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint, unless otherwise arranged with the instructor.

Syllabus Change Policy "Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice.”

Supplemental Materials you should check out (Available at Strozier Library) . Juan Faura, Hispanic Marketing Grows Up: Exploring Perceptions and Facing Realities and The Whole Enchilada: Hispanic Marketing 101 . M. Isabel Valdes, Marketing to American Latinos: A Guide to the In-Culture Approach, Part I & II . Chiqui Cartagena, Latino Boom!: Everything You Need to Know to Grow Your Business in the U.S. Hispanic Market . Elena Del Valle, Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations: Understanding And Targeting America's Largest Minority . Lousi E. V. Nevaer, The Rise of the Hispanic Market in the United States: Challenges, Dilemmas, and Opportunities for Corporate Management . Arlene Dávila, Latinos, Inc.: The Marketing and Making of a People (and e-book) Websites and Blogs You are encouraged to follow these blogs to keep up with the latest trends. . The Pew Hispanic Center is a nonpartisan research organization that seeks to improve understanding of the U.S. Hispanic population and Latinos' impact on the nation. . AHAA represents the best minds and resources dedicated to Hispanic- specialized marketing. . provides news and information, including photos and data from the USA, Latin America and the Caribbean. Also check out HispanicAd El Blog. . Ad, as a part of The Ad Age Group, is an online magazine delivering news, analysis and data on marketing and media. AdAge includes a section dedicated exclusively to Hispanic Marketing. . is one of the leading Latino marketing and advertising blogs. . Multicultural PR veterans Manny Ruiz and Angela Sustaita-Ruiz are the co-publishers of The Hispanic PR Blog, a division of Hispanic Media Trainers. . ThinkMulticultural covers the multicultural marketing and advertising world through the transformative lenses of the digital media. . Hispanic Marketing Blog is an initiative of Target Latino, a multicultural marketing consulting firm with a Latino / Hispanic twist.

The Department of Communication is committed to reducing grade inflation in its courses. To that end, a department-wide grading standard has been adopted to insure that an "A" is reserved for outstanding performance. "A" and "A -" grades represent work whose superior quality indicates a full mastery of the subject. An "A" represents work of extraordinary distinction. The percentage of points required to receive various letter grades is as follows:

A 94-100 A- 90-93 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62 F <60

Other Information E-mail: All students are expected to have/obtain an e-mail account. New students please note that you can register online for a free e-mail account from ACNS (Academic Computing and Network Services). Log on to the internet and enter the following address: Academic Honor Policy The Florida State University Academic Honor Policy outlines the University’s expectations for the integrity of students’ academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty members throughout the process. Students are responsible for reading the Academic Honor Policy and for living up to their pledge to “. . . be honest and truthful and . . . [to] strive for personal and institutional integrity at Florida State University.” (Florida State University Academic Honor Policy, found at

Free Tutoring from FSU: For tutoring and writing help in any course at Florida State University, visit the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) Tutoring Services’ comprehensive list of tutoring options – see or contact [email protected] for more information. High-quality tutoring is available by appointment and on a walk-in basis. These services are offered by tutors trained to encourage the highest level of individual academic success while upholding personal academic integrity. Students are expected to uphold the Academic Honor Code published in The Florida State University Bulletin and the Student Handbook.

Americans with Disabilities Act Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should: (1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center; (2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This should be done during the first week of class. For more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the Student Disability Resource Center Dean of Students Department 08 Kellum Hall Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-4400 (850) 644-9566 (voice) (850) 644-8504 (TDD) [email protected]

Sexual Harassment Policy 1. Policy Statement. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination based on a person’s gender. Sexual harassment is contrary to the University’s values and moral standards, which recognize the dignity and worth of each person, as well as a violation of federal and state laws and University rules and policies. Sexual harassment cannot and will not be tolerated by The Florida State University, whether by faculty, students, or staff or by others while on property owned by or under the control of the University. 2. Office of Audit Services. The Office of Audit Services (OAS) is charged with receiving and investigating sexual harassment complaints as set forth in this policy and shall maintain the records pertaining thereto. Within the OAS, the Coordinator of Sexual Harassment Resolutions has primary responsibility for leading these investigations. 3. Definition. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed at an employee or student by another when: 4. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment, academic status, receipt of University services, participation in University activities and programs, or affects the measure of a student’s academic performance; or, 5. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for a decision affecting employment, academic status, receipt of services, participation in University activities and programs, or the measure of a student’s academic performance; or, 6. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with employment opportunities, work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or educational environment.

Course Schedule, Topics, and Assignments

Week 1 May 14-18, 2012  DUE: First-day Attendance Assignment – Wed 05/16  DUE: Discussion Board Introductions – Fri 05/18 In an attempt to get everyone one the same page, an introductory PPT will provide you with some key marketing concepts and a brief explanation about what this class will be about. ______Week 2 May 21-25, 2012

Chapter 1 – Cultural Marketing: A New Understanding The Role of Culture in Marketing Communication  DUE: Discussion Board 1 (first post due WED 05/23 and response to student on FRI 05/25) . What is culture? . What are some examples of subjective and objective culture? . What is the role of culture in Hispanic marketing communication? ______Week 3 May 28 – June 01, 2012

Chapter 2 – The Composition of the Hispanic Market The factors that make the Hispanic Market relatively homogenous and distinct  DUE: Assignment 1 (due FRI 06/01) . Profile the US Hispanic population of one of the top DMAs. (use Power Point) ______Week 4 June 04-08, 2012 Chapter 3 – The Latino Essence of Hispanics Understanding what makes Hispanics “Hispanic”  DUE: Discussion Board 2 (first post due WED 06/06 and response to student on FRI 06/08) . What… ______Week 5 June 11-15, 2012

Chapter 4 – Language Considerations in Marketing to US Hispanics Chapter 9 – The Digital World of US Latinos Understanding the relationship between language and culture and the role of the digital world on such relationship.  DUE: Assignment 2 (due FRI 06/15) . Interview Report ______Week 6 June 18-22, 2012

Chapter 5 – Enculturation, Acculturation, and Assimilation: A Bicultural Horizon Understanding the effects of ‘the immigrant story’ on US Hispanics  DUE: Discussion Board 3 (first post due WED 06/20 and response to student on FRI 06/22) . Find and article or short report that mentions acculturation in any way. Upon reading it, write a small critique on the Discussion Board along with a link to the article. Consider, o How is acculturation defined and/or measured? o Do you agree with the way acculturation is used? ______Week 7 June 25-29, 2012

Chapter 6 – Latino Subjective Culture: Insights for Positioning Identifying insightful and effective marketing communication strategies  DUE: Assignment 3 (due FRI 06/29) . Final Paper Proposal ______Week 8 July 2-6, 2012

Chapter 7 – Culturally Informed Research Among Latinos Understanding how to successfully research US Hispanics  DUE: Discussion Board 4 (first post due WED 07/04 and response to student on FRI 07/06) . Each of you should have somewhat of an idea of what you will be doing for your final paper. Some of you may even be considering doing some primary research. In any case, whether real or imagined, propose a research question, research approach, method, and target audience that would aid your understanding of your topic of choice. o Propose a research question o Choose a research approach: emic or etic (explain) o Choose a method (or methods): surveys, focus group, ethnography, etc. (explain) o Choose a target market (justify, why this group and not other). Be clear, this should go beyond an ethnicity, age group, and/or gender. ______Week 9 July 09-13, 2012

 DUE: MIDTERM (exam will be available from July 09 at 8 am ET to July 13 at 6 pm ET) . The exam will be completely online. Make sure you have a good connection and that you will not be disturbed for the entire duration (90 minutes). . You will not be able to pause the exam or retake it later. If you are interrupted by an emergency, let your mentor/instructor know immediately. . The exam will be completely conceptual covering the key concepts and facts included in chapters 1-7. . The exam will include 100 questions; a combination of multiple choice, true/false statements, and matching items. ______Week 10 July 16-20, 2012

Chapter 8 – The US Hispanic Marketing Industry Chapter 10 – Latino Consumers and the Future of US Marketing Understanding the impact of US Hispanics in the marketing industry.  DUE: Discussion Board 5 (first post due WED 07/18 and response to student on FRI 07/20) . Find and article or short report predicting the state of the US Hispanic market or mentioning the impact of Hispanics in the marketing industry. Upon reading it, write a small critique on the Discussion Board along with a link to the article. Consider, o Do you agree with the prediction? (explain your response) ______Week 11 July 23-27, 2012

 DUE: Final Paper Draft (due FRI 07/27) You should have at least a third of your paper ready at this point. Parts you should have ready: Hispanic Marketing Strategy Hispanic Vertical Industry . Definition of the Marketing Problem . Introduction and importance of the vertical . Statement of the Marketing Objectives . Company Analysis . Target Segment and Justification . Tentative subtitles of main trends and findings ______Week 12 July 30 – August 03, 2012

 FREEBIE: WORK ON FINAL PAPER ______Week 13 August 6-10, 2012

 FINAL PAPER DUE Friday, August 10, 2012 by 11:59 pm via BlackBoard


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