CHEMISTRY AND IMMUNOASSAY ANALYZERS JULY 2018 | CAP TODAY 49 Part 1 of 15 Arlington Scientific Arlington Scientific Beckman Coulter Mike LaDow
[email protected] Mike LaDow
[email protected] Wendy Rodriguez
[email protected] FOR MID– AND HIGH–VOLUME Springville, UT Springville, UT Brea, CA LABORATORIES 801-489-8911 801-489-8911 714-961-6679 Name of instrument ASI Evolution Automated RPR Analyzer ASI Infinity EIA Analyzer DxC 700 AU Type of instrument immunoassay immunoassay chemistry Operational type/Model type batch/benchtop batch/benchtop continuous random access/floor standing List price/First year sold in U.S. $44,995/2018 $44,995/1998 —/2016 Targeted hospital bed size/Targeted daily test volume ≥20/>100 ≥20/20 —/300–2,250 samples Company manufactures instrument yes (also sold by Fisher Scientific, VWR) yes (also sold by Fisher Scientific, VWR) yes (also sold by Henry Schein, McKesson, Medline) Other models in this family of analyzers — — AU 480, AU 5800 No. of units in clinical use in U.S./Outside U.S. (countries) 4/— 80/4,350 58/100 Dimensions (H × W × D)/Instrument footprint (square feet) 19 × 36 × 22 in./6 sq. ft. 19 × 36 × 22 in./6 sq. ft. 51 × 78 × 41 in./40.1 sq. ft. Weight empty/Weight fully loaded 78 lbs./80 lbs. 78 lbs./80 lbs. 1,046 lbs./— Tests available on analyzer in U.S. ASI automated rapid plasma reagin test for syphilis for ASI infectious disease tests: VZV, EBV-VCA, rubella, CMV, complete general chemistry, proteins/serology, thyroid, diagnostic and blood donor screening EBV-NA, HSV, toxoplasma, measles, mumps; open tests esoterics, TDM, DAT panels, more from other manufacturers Tests not available in U.S.