
Night Worksheet #1– Literary Terms

DETERMINATION: Is Madam Schachter as madwomen, a prophet or a witness? (Chapter 2)

How does Elie Wiesel use literary terms such as metaphor, irony, simile, and foreshadowing in his book Night to show how the Jews of Sighet were terrorized by the Nazis?

Write the correct literary term in the blank for each quote. Underline the context clue.

1.______The Hungarian lieutenant went among us with a basket and collected the last possessions from those who no longer wished to taste the bitterness of terror.

2. ______The world was a cattle wagon hermetically sealed.

3. ______Standing in the middle of the wagon, in the pale light from the windows, she looked like a withered tree in a corn field.

4. ______“Jews, listen to me. I have seen fire! There are huge flames! It is a furnace!"

5. ______Our terror was about to burst the sides of the train.

6. ______They struck her several times on the head--blows that might have killed her.

7. ______The heat, the thirst, the pestilential stench, the suffocating lack of air--these were as nothing compared with these screams which tore us to shreds. A few more and we should all have started to scream.

8. ______And as the train stopped, we saw this time that flames were gushing out of a tall chimney into the black sky.

Madam Schachter was silent herself. Once more she had become dumb, indifferent, absent and had gone back to her corner. Night Worksheet #2 – Literary Terms

DETERMINATION: How does Elie Wiesel use literary terms such as symbol, metaphor, irony, simile, and imagery, in his book Night to show how the Jews of Sighet were being stripped of their humanity and identity and how Elie lost his belief in God? (Chapter 3)

Write the correct literary term in the blank for each quote. Underline the context clue.

1.______The cherished objects we have brought with us thus far were left behind in the train, and with them, at last, our illusions.

2. ______"You must never lose faith, even when the sword hangs over your head. That's the teaching of our sages. . . .".

3. ______Babies! Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. . . . Those children in the flames. (Is it surprising that I could not sleep after that/ Sleep had fled from my eyes.)

4. ______But I told him that I didn't believe that they could burn people in our age, that humanity would never tolerate it. . . . .

5. ______I do not know if it has ever happened before in the long history of the Jews, that people have ever recited the prayer for the dead for themselves.

6. ______We marched slowly on, as though following a hears at our own funeral. . . . .There it was now in front of us, the pit and its flames.

7. ______Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night.. . . . Never shall I forget the faces of the little children whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky.

8.______Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever. 9. ______Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust.