Minutes of a Meeting of Pitsford Parish Council

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Minutes of a Meeting of Pitsford Parish Council

Maureen Holliday, Clerk and RFO to Pitsford Parish Council Chairman, Martin Flanagan

Minutes of a Meeting of Pitsford Parish Council

Held on Monday, 12th September, 2016 in the Village Institute, Pitsford at 7.30 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Present: Cllrs Martin Flanagan (Chair), Alastair Kimbell, Edward Rogers, Stephen Trott, (4 members) In attendance: Ms Sarah Bentley Maureen Holliday, Clerk and RFO

051/16 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - apologies received from Councillors not in attendance. Cllr Jaffrey vacation, Cllr Arnold vacation, Cllr Isaacs vacation, Cllr Holmes work commitments.

052/16 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST/DISPENSATION REQUESTS Councillors are reminded that if they have either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or other Interest in any of the agenda items then they should declare the interest and withdraw from the debate or meeting as appropriate.

Cllr Rogers declared an interest in item 061/16 being a member of the Sportsfield Trust Cllr Flanagan declared an interest in item 061/16 being a member of the Sportsfield Management Committee

053/16 PUBLIC SESSION: a) District Councillor Barry Frenchman: i. Introduction to Neighbourhood Planning ii. To Receive District Councillor’s Report Cllr Frenchman was unavoidably detained. Council resolved to defer the above matters to the next meeting.

b) Following submission of an application Ms Sarah Bentley provided a brief introduction and outlined her reasons for wishing to join the Parish Council.

054/16 RESOLUTION TO SIGN & APPROVE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 4th July 2016 The Minutes were approved and signed as a correct record.

055/16 RECEIVE CHANGES TO REGISTRABLE INTERESTS (if any) Update of Registrable Interests Forms Cllr Trott and Cllr Arnold updated their Registrable Interests forms.

056/16 CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLOR – A letter of resignation has been received from Councillor J Morgan. Notification has been sent to DDC and the Casual Vacancy has been advertised on the web site and the notice board. The members of the Parish Council resolved to record a vote of thanks to Jayne Morgan for her work as Councillor over the years since her appointment.

057/16 RESOURCES a) Bank Balances – Parish Council resolution to approve. Nat West Bank: 1 Sept 2016 Current Account: £50.00 Business Reserve Account £23,877.21 Total: £23,927.21 Council resolved to approve the bank statements as presented. 1of 5 b) Income received – to report Came and Co. Refund £77.38 following revaluation of fixed assets insured Bank Interest received: £2.13 Council resolved to approve the income received as listed above.

c) Receipts and Payments Summary, Bank Reconciliation and Budget Forecast to Year End RFO circulated – Parish Council to discuss recommendations and make resolution. Council resolved to approve the Financial Statements which were signed by the Chairman as an accurate record.

d) Payment of invoices (see below), and any additional payments Parish Council resolution to approve Cheques signed between meetings Hayeswood Landscapes 970 582 NCALC 971 78 DDC 972 83 BDO 973 120 M Holliday – Council expenses 974 114 . 977.00 Cheques signed at the meeting Hayeswood Landscapes 975 540.00 NCALC – Planning Training 976 102.00 M Holliday – Council printing/ newsletter expenses Sept 977 90.76 Total 732.76 Council resolved to approve the cheque payments as listed.

e) Audit Report: Audit report from NCALC Internal Auditor Mr D Linnell - report tabled Mr D J Linnell attended to carry out the Internal Audit on 23 May, 2016. No issues were disclosed.

Audit Report from External Auditor – BDO – report tabled The external auditor reported two minor issues: 1) ‘Boxes 7 and 8 on the Annual Return do not agree by £1’ However, both boxes show identical values £21,125. 2) ‘The Accounting Statements (Section 2) had been approved before the Ann Governance Statement’ (Section 1) A notation point as the meeting minutes show approval in the correct order.

Council resolved to approve both Audit Reports.

058/16 PLANNING a) Applications and responses Application No: DA/2016/0751 Description: Remove tree within a conservation area Location: Annes House, Moulton Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AU Case Officer Mr M Venton on 01327 302594 or email [email protected] Following consultation Parish Council defers to the decision of the Landscape Officer

Application No: DA/2016/0696 Description: Renewal of Change of use and alterations to stable to form dwelling Location: The Drummonds, Moulton Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AU Case Officer Mr D Jordan on 01327 302591 or email [email protected] Parish Council made no observations.

Application No: DA/2016/0675 Description: Work to trees within a Conservation Area Location: Orchard House, Manor Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AR Case Officer M Venton on 01327 302594 or email [email protected] Following consultation Parish Council defers to the decision of the Landscape Officer

Application No: DA/2016/0600

2of 5 Description: Change of use of agricultural land to extend existing site for additional timber storage, plant nursery and sale including siting of polytunnel and portacabin. Location: Hassett Fencing Ltd, The Old Quarry Field, Harborough Road, Pitsford, NN6 9RU Case Officer: G Perks on 01327 302563 or email [email protected] Parish Council made no observations.

Application No: DA/2016/0504 Description: Construction of single storey rear extension to replace existing flat roofed extension Location: 16, High Street, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AD Case Officer K Thursfield on 01327 302576 or email [email protected] Decision: Approved 8 July 2016 Parish Council made no observations.

Application No: DA/2016/0479 Description: Remove tree subject of Tree Preservation Order DA 70 Location: Darwin Lodge 1, Stable Lane, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9NG Case Officer: By 9th June 2016 M Venton on 01327 302594 [email protected] Following consultation Parish Council defers to the decision of the Landscape Officer

Application No: DA/2016/0402 Description: Replacement BBQ enclosure and new timber shelters/huts with seating and decking area Location: Brampton Halt, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton, Northamptonshire, Case Officer: By 20 May 2016. D Wishart on 01327 302587 [email protected] Decision: Approved 30 June, 2016 Parish Council attended the Planning Meeting to register concerns about noise and insufficient parking making the entrance hazardous, for a traffic survey to be carried out and for early consideration of application DA/2015/0670 (overflow car park).

Application No: DA/2016/0389 Description: Outline application for residential development comprising starter omes/self build and bungalows Location: Land Adjoining The Drummonds, Moulton Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AU Case Officer K Daniels on 01327 302598 or email [email protected] IG Estates made formal objection on behalf of the Parish Council in June 2016. Ongoing. DDC Landscape Officer has placed a Preservation Order DA/486 2016 on all trees on the site

Application No: DA/2015/0670 Description: Change of use to car park (retrospective) Location: Land Opposite Brampton Halt, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton Case Officer: B Allen on 01327 302575 or email [email protected] Parish Council has asked for this application to be given early consideration to alleviate the traffic and parking problems.

059/16 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - to discuss 053/16 and resolution to approve the way forward. Council resolved to call an extraordinary meeting for Setember 29th, 2016 to discuss further.

060/16 HIGHWAYS, MOWING AND MAINTENANCE a) Moulton Road/Grange Lane Footpath – Clerk to report action to date. Clerk is continuing to collate documentation and obtain letters of support. – ongoing.

b) Bus Shelter – Review of quotations and alternatives and resolution to approve the way forward. Council resolved that it will not be financially possible to align the new bus shelter with the bus stop sign due to the cost of creating a new base, underground utilities, limited width of the verge etc., Therefore a new bus shelter should be sited on the old base. The nearby trees will be removed to allow clear vision by passengers and bus driver – subject to permission of the Sportsfield Trustees. The request for a second shelter on the north side of the A508 is more complicated and the decision should be postponed until the next budget year. Council resolved to submit an application for a Clifton Roadside shelter at a cost of £3,561 on the south side of the A508 and postpone decision on the second shelter on the north side. Action: Clerk to submit an application to the Planning Office and Highways.

c) Street Lighting Electricity charging quotations. Parish Council to review quotations and resolution to approve any change to supplier. 3of 5 Clerk reported that 4 quotations had been received and a 5th was awaited. Once received the quotations will be reviewed together. The figures provided are under review daily and the supplier contracts are coming up for renewal during September. Final figures will be presented at a future meeting. Council resolved delegation to the Clerk to accept the best option. Action: Clerk to obtain 5th quotation and carry out final review.

d) Street Lighting – Ref: 046/16 report following review of quotations and alternatives and resolution to approve action. Cllr Arnold had evaluated the different types of LED light suggested. At the previous meeting a quotation presented by Aylesbury Mains presented several options and offered a talk and demonstration of the different types of lights as they have done for several councils. Council resolved to invite Aylesbury Mains to a meeting to give a presentation on the types of lighting suggested in order to gain full understanding of the options.

e) Street Lighting – fault reports and quotations for work to be carried out on Stable Lane 35 & 36, High Street 7 and Broadlands 26. EoN were instructed 4 weeks ago to repair the lights and have been reminded to do the job. Action: Clerk to remind EoN again.

f) Zebra crossing – Clerk to provide information on issues for discussion and resolution to approve action. The consultation responses have all been presented to Highways. The engineering works will be carried out by Highways in conjunction with resurfacing of the road from the Primary School through to Moulton Road. This is estimate to done be towards the year end. Hopefully the final works to complete the Zebra crossing will follow closely behind.

g) Millennium Spinney: Clearing of overgrown shrubs and repair of bench. Councillors have inspected the Spinney. The trees are protected so no reduction in the size of the trees can be carried out without permission. Volunteers have offered to refurbish the bench. There is no budget to replace the bench in this financial year. It was questioned whether it was worth replacing the bench if it is not used. Council resolved to clear the overgrown shrubs around the bases of the trees and then review the Spinney again. Action: Cllrs Flanagan and Kimbell to organise a working party.

h) New Bench placement position in High Street. Village residents reported that the bus shelter in High Street is still in use by children waiting for the school bus. Council resolved that the new bench be sited in High Street at the top of The Square. Action: Clerk to obtain prices and examples of benches.

061/16 PARKING AT THE SPORTSFIELD Parking in Home Farm Lane: Chairman to provide an update for discussion and resolution to approve action. Residents of Home Farm have reported two recent incidents of parking within the lane making it difficult for residents to pass. The Chairman reported that the matter of extending the car park was brought up at the recent Sportsfield Management Committee meeting and it was agreed to ask permission of the Trustees. Council resolved to ask the Trustees to consider allowing the extension of the car parking area at the sports field.

062/16 POLICE: For discussion and resolution to approve action. a) Pitsford – ASB 18 Jun: Quarry – report of male riding motorbike across public footpaths. Officer attended. b) Pitsford – crime. 27-28 Aug: Brampton Valley Way – chain to gate cut through. c) September - Force for Good. Funding opportunity for communities to apply for a defibrillator. Council resolved approval of a joint application with Harlestone Parish Council.

063/16 NCALC TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES – resolution on attendance. List of relevant courses to be circulated. Off to a Flying Start (14 September 2016) – no requirement was recorded.

064/16 CORRESPONDENCES (previously circulated): To discuss and agree action, if any a) Housing Implementation Strategy - Consultation Draft July 2016 Cllr Flanagan and Cllr Arnold had read the document and felt that all issues had been covered. b) NCALC: Notice of Annual General Meeting - 8 October 2016 – Chairman will attend with one member (tbc). c) CPRE: Autumn Road Show 2016 – Oct 27th Gt Houghton. Awaiting responses from Cllrs. d) NCC: Northampton Northern Orbital Route (NNOR) & Cabinet Agenda Council awaits the minutes of the Cabinet meeting. e) DDC: Without Prejudice comments on planning applications. Cllr Steve Osborne recommends that whenever there is a planning application for development S106 considerations should be requested whether or not the application is destined to be allowed or refused. 4of 5 f) Government response - neighbourhood planning chapter of technical consultation. Noted g) NCC: Minerals and Waste Local Plan Update - Final Draft Plan Consultation. No mention of changes at Pitsford.

065/16 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED Items received of interest to parishioners will be displayed on the Noticeboard or Social media where relevant.

066/16 URGENT MATTERS FOR REPORT ONLY (Notified to the Chairman before the meeting)

067/16 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 14th November , 2016 7.30 pm, Village Institute, Pitsford Meeting closed at 21:09

Signed………………………………………………………………………… Date: 29 September, 2016 Chairman

Pitsford Farmhouse, Church Lane, Pitsford, NN6 9AJ 01604 880395 clerk@pitsford parish council.org.uk

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