Summary of the Article, Insect Cyborg Development Delivering Promising Results 2

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Summary of the Article, Insect Cyborg Development Delivering Promising Results 2

Do-Yup Lim Lim 1 Grade 11 ITGS Risks

I. AI – “area of computer science focusing on creating machines that can engage on behaviors that humans consider intelligent1.”

Sub-topic Cyborgs: an organism that has certain physiological processes aided or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices.

Summary of the article, “Insect Cyborg Development Delivering Promising Results2”:

This article presents the current effort of researchers to create “cybugs” or miniature robots that can be used as spies. Tiny cameras can be attached to the “cybug” without being detected by anyone. However, the problem is that it needs a type of source that is low weight and high powered. The procedure involves the surgical implantation of microchips directly into the insects as they grow. The article mentions that the military and spy world will more than welcome the development of these miniature insect spies that can be controlled by the user. There has also been some success in controlling the flight of a moth.

Ethical and Social Issues:

Privacy & Anonymity: If these cyborgs were to develop in the future, they could be used to invade the privacy of others by spying on them without them noticing its presence. Also, the “cybugs” concern anonymity because one cannot know who has sent this “cybug” to spy on them. This could, for example, help conceal the people who spread out secret or confidential information to the public.

Equality of access: Once “cybugs” are born, not everyone will have access to them because of the main purpose it serves – to spy. It may become a product only to be given permission for the use of by the government. However, if the “cybugs” spread illegally, it may cause a big problem and become accessible to people who may misuse them. Also, the cost may become a barrier for the access of this new technology.


There could be policies and standards made for the use of “cybugs” in order to prevent them falling under the wrong hands. These rules should govern the use of the “cybugs”. Without a justified reason to or the acceptance of an authority such as the government, the use of “cybugs” should be prohibited.

1 Think Quest. "Artificial Intelligence." n. pag. Web. 5 Oct 2009. . 2 Mog, Tech. "Insect Cyborg Development Delivering Promising Results." (2009): n. pag. Web. 8 Oct 2009. . Do-Yup Lim Lim 2 Grade 11 ITGS

Areas of impact:

Government & Politics

Cyborgs will inevitably be an interest of the military. For example, the “cybugs” will become a great advantage for the military because they can spy on their enemies without them noticing that they are being spied. This development is likely to be supported by the government in order to win a war or be ahead of their enemies. However, this may lead to a mass production of cyborgs for a struggle for power.

Business & Employment

Cyborgs can impact business and employment in several ways. Firstly, cyborgs for example can replace pilots, leading to the reduction in employment. However, there will need to be workers to build and investigate further in cyborgs, thus creating more jobs. Flight businesses are impacted because autopilots can be implemented with all coordinates programmed. Transportation systems such as traffic safety systems could use In a broader sense, cyborgs could replace workers, but allow businesses to become more productive and efficient in their work.

II. Licensure – “A system whereby the government prohibits individuals from engaging in particular activities without specific approval3.”

Summary of the article, “License For Customer Use of NVIDIA Software4”:

Customers should not violate copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. Actions of violation could be copying the software on several computers or renting the software to someone else.

Ethical and Social Issues:

Reliability – The license states that there is no liability for consequential damages. However, if the software contained viruses and were sold, data on the user’s computer may be deleted or changed. In this case, the user should be able to blame the company, but the license says that the company holds no responsibility.


3 "Ethics Vocabulary." The Foundation of Clinical Practice. Flash Vortex, 2006. Web. . 4 NVIDIA. "License For Customer Use of NVIDIA Software." 2009. Web. . Do-Yup Lim Lim 3 Grade 11 ITGS

Companies selling software or hardware should always check their products before selling them to consumers. Viruses checks should be made experts should run the software beforehand.

Areas of impact:

Business & Employment

Companies that sell software or hardware products use licensure to protect their products via copyright laws, patents and trademarks. They protect their intellectual property. However, duplications of software can still be made, thus undermining the presence of those protections.

III. Computer models –

Summary of the article, “Computer modeling5”:

The article explores both the dangers and benefits of using computer models. Primarily, he comments on how the computer allows humans to try large number of variations in a computer model, whereas actually building the thing many times is impractical. However, the article mentions that when using computer models, vital elements could often be omitted by accident – an example being the Millennium Bridge in London. The reason computer models are viewed as dangerous tools is that large models require extra attention to details. If one small change is made in the input variable, very large changes will occur in the output variable. Also, very simple processes have the potential to amplify errors.

Ethical and Social Issues:

Reliability: One issue of computer modeling would be reliability because if data is unreliable, it can have a dramatic consequence. If a small change was accidentally made or data was entered incorrectly, it could make a bridge fall down or a building collapse. Thus, the data has to be accurate or reliable in order for the computer model to be useful.


A solution to this issue could be the verification of data inputted in order to reduce chances of error. Validation checks could be made as well. For example, they could set boundaries for the weight or height of the bridge. If the number inputted does not fall into the criteria, it should send a message telling the user that the number inputted is invalid. Verification of data would

5 Numberwatch. "Computer Modelling." 1. Web. 7 Oct 2009. . Do-Yup Lim Lim 4 Grade 11 ITGS be useful to check if measurements are inputted correctly. These methods could help increase the reliability of data.

Areas of impact:

Business & Employment:

Businesses that involve architecture would certainly benefit from computer modeling because it saves them both time and money by not having to build the actual building. However, relying too much on computer modeling may have a negative impact in cases of small errors that could lead to disastrous results. Computer modeling can have impact on employment because companies would look for workers that can use computers and are familiar with computer modeling.

IV. Nanotechnology –This refers to the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale.

V. Reliability – refers to the operation of hardware, the design of software, and the accuracy of data.


E-Voting: E-voting is an election system that allows a voter to record his or her secure and secret ballot electronically6.

Summary of the article, “Security Considerations for Remote Electronic Voting over the Internet7”:

As it has become the Internet era, businesses are moving online and human interaction online is rapidly growing. Not many organizations can now survive in the old ways. This technological development has even touched upon the government. As a result, elections can now be made online via e-voting. Citizens can vote electronically usually using web browsers, without having to go to the poll station. However, due to the rise in electronic-use for voting, it is bound to have risks and threats. For example, malicious payloads can change the voters vote without anyone noticing it. In addition, so-called “vote-selling” could occur. This involves the voter selling their vote. If this were to happen, votes could become unfair and devalue the accuracy of data. There are cases of physical installation of codes in order to spread viruses that could allow future access to the system. This article presents the problems associated with e-voting and how it can not be a trusted system for election.

6 Whatis. "e-voting." Web. .

7 Rubin, Avi. "Security Considerations for Remote Electronic Voting over the Internet." Web. . Do-Yup Lim Lim 5 Grade 11 ITGS

Ethical and Social Issues:

Security: E-voting concerns security because unauthorized access to the election system could become disastrous. The protection of hardware and networks is necessary in order to prevent hacking, viruses, and payloads that could interfere with the election server.

Integrity: The integrity of the votes is a major issue because people can use payloads to change the votes made by citizens. This would jeopardize the election and become a serious problem to the nation. This could undermine the integrity of the votes.

Authenticity: Authenticity is of a great issue particularly because voting is a legal matter and decides somewhat the future of a country. Hackers can change the vote of a voter without anyone noticing, which undermines the use of user login onto a network.

Solution: Cryptography - The study and practice of encoding data so that specific users can only decode it. Systems of encoding and decoding are called ciphers.

Cryptography can be used to protect the communication between the user’s browser and the elections server. This technology is mature and can be relied upon to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the network traffic. In order to make this electing system reliable, there is a need to support a path that can be trusted between the user and election server. Also, the election system should ask the user for a specific code or key in order to change their votes, and verify with the user of the change. Thus, this could prevent the tampering of data without the voters noticing.

Areas of impact:

Government & Politics

Governments would highly rely on e-voting, whether it is electing a president, politician, or any leader, for it is cheaper, reduces risk of human error thus increasing accuracy, and improves accessibility. However, as they are more inclined to use e-voting, risks become higher in the sense that votes could be tampered with or deleted through hacking, viruses, backdoors and payloads. Thus, e-voting could impact the government both positively and negatively. Do-Yup Lim Lim 6 Grade 11 ITGS

VI. Robotics - Robotics is the science and technology of robots, and their design, manufacture, and application. It is the area of AI concerned with the practical use of robots.


The article presents the advantages and disadvantages of surgical robots – robots that operate surgeries in hospitals. It states that people have a great advantage in their ability to use intelligence and precision for co-ordination via they eye-hand system. However, people have limits such as the disability to perceive structures of small size, weariness slimming precision of performances and surgeon's attention, especially by long-lasting surgical interventions. In this case, surgical robots are more efficient to use. Robots have geometric precision and can work much longer than humans can without a break. In addition, robots are immune to infections and radiation, unlike humans. However, disadvantages are that robots are limited in evaluating immediate situations. Lastly, they are expensive.

Ethical and Social Issues:

People and Machines

As robots become more present in hospitals, the interaction of people and machines increases. However, as this interaction increases, we should ask ourselves, “is the design safe and effective?” Surgical robots handle the lives of people, thus should be designed thoroughly in order to be efficient. In addition, if surgical robots were to develop more, they may replace many doctors in the future, leading to unemployment.


Surgical robots should be tested numerous times before they are allowed to be used in hospitals. To reduce unemployment, hospitals can re-train staff so that they can supervise the robots and provide jobs for them.

Areas of impact:

Business and Employment

The development of surgical robots impact hospitals in several ways. It can initially be costly but the desire of many hospitals. Furthermore, roles of

8 Gentowa, . "Advantages and disadvantages of surgical robots." n. pag. Web. 7 Oct 2009. . Do-Yup Lim Lim 7 Grade 11 ITGS doctors may change in the sense that they will supervise the robots, but not do the surgery themselves.


Through the surgical robots, the health of patients may be decided. Also, the monitoring of the patient’s health may be done by robots in the future.

VII. Safety


Automotive – of or relating to motor vehicles.

Summary of article, “Top 10 High-Tech Car Safety Technologies9”:

The high-technology features of cars are presented in this article. For example, cars have collision-warning systems that use sensors to detect something nearby the car. They have rearview cameras that prevent accidental back-overs and help parking. There are many automated systems implemented in high-tech cars that enhance the safety of the driver and people inside. However, many of these features require sensors to obtain data. However, a problem could be caused if the sensors broke or took readings that were not true in the situation. An example of this could be the sensor detecting an object that can be hit, while it is just a plastic bag.

Ethical and Social Issues:


People who have high-tech cars are inclined to rely on the operation of the sensors and accuracy of data. Thus, the sensors can not have any fault in them, otherwise an accident might occur, leading to death in its most unfortunate case.


Further research into future cars can reduce the chance of errors, thus enhancing safety. Computer models can be used to test these cars.

Areas of impact:

Government & Politics

9 Tellem, Tori. "Top 10 High-Tech Car Safety Technologies." (2009): n. pag. Web. 7 Oct 2009. Do-Yup Lim Lim 8 Grade 11 ITGS

If cars no longer needed drivers to drive the car and was automated, governments would have to alter safety regulations. Also, the idea of automated cars has to be accepted by the government because many citizens use cars globally. This could impact their lives in different ways. For example, long distances can be traveled without any difficulty.

Business & Employment

Car companies will focus on the development of auto-driven cars. However, once they make them, it may be to expensive for middle-class people to purchase them.

VIII. Security


Firewall – a security system consisting of a combination of hardware and software that limits the exposure of a computer or computer network to attack from crackers; commonly used on local area networks that are connected to the Internet.

Summary of the article, “Firewall Limitations10”:

Although organizations, homes, and schools are using firewalls universally, there are limitations and vulnerabilities. For example, not all firewalls have full protection against computer viruses.

Ethical and Social Issues:


The firewall serves as a security system against unauthorized access. However, if there are ways to acquire user ids and related passwords, hackers may be able to access an organization’s network.

Policies and Standards

Policies and standards made by organizations may be violated by crackers if the firewall is weak enough to penetrate through. They could have access to software and information. This could ultimately affect the work of the company.

Solution: Security Vulnerability Assessments in order to help manage risks of hackers accessing your network. Firewalls should undergo frequent updates in order

10 "Firewall Limitations." n. pag. Web. 7 Oct 2009. . Do-Yup Lim Lim 9 Grade 11 ITGS to keep the system up to date. Use formalized procedures and tools to protect your confidential documents and electronic communications.

Areas of impact:

Business & Employment

Unauthorized access to business networks by crackers could cause major problems for the organization. Firewalls are essential for the protection of its network. Thus, businesses have to rely heavily on firewalls. Firewalls ultimately impact the work of the business and security of it.

Government & Politics

Like businesses, governments also have to rely on firewalls to prevent crackers gaining access to their network and information. This is vital for governments because the network might contain confidential information.

IX. VR – Virtual Reality is a hypothetical three-dimensional visual world created by a computer.

Summary of the article, “How Virtual Reality Works11”:

This article explains how virtual reality can be used in games. Scientists are exploring the possibility of developing biosensors for VR use. A biosensor can detect and interpret nerve and muscle activity. However, the article presents the concerns for VR. Concerns of some psychologists are that the virtual environment can affect people psychologically – violence, addiction, criminal acts.

Ethical and Social Issues:

People & Machines

If virtual reality games rise in popularity, people will interact more with machines. Changing entertainment into a form of a 3-d world will affect many people especially the young youths. This interaction between them and machines could help familiarize them with the latest technology. However, the problem with this is the effect of this rise in interaction. We should question the safety of the design because it may reach a wide audience. Electrocution may be a problem when using biosensors.


11 Strickland, Jonathan. "How Virtual Reality Works." n. pag. Web. 7 Oct 2009. . Do-Yup Lim Lim 10 Grade 11 ITGS

The developers of virtual reality games should test the products and check for any safety issues related to them. The companies who sell these products should create instructions that warn the users of safety issues.

Areas of impact:


Virtual reality games could lead to addiction, violence, and criminal acts. These all relate to the health of the users. VR could have a negatives impact of the people’s mind, thus becoming an unhealthy tool. If users engage physical and emotional reactions to the virtual environment, they might feel stress more frequently while playing the game. This can also damage their health. Their engagement in violent situations could lead to desensitization as well. Desensitization is the process of reducing sensitivity.

Arts, Entertainment & Leisure

Entertainment will be presented in the virtual world in the future, and thus change the trend of entertainment. Young people in particular will feel this change in entertainment because they are the most likely victims of feeling physical and emotional reactions to the virtual environment. Games will become more active for the user and provide more entertainment through its imitation of reality. Some programmers even predict the Internet to develop into a 3-dimensional virtual space, where you can navigate through virtual landscapes to access entertainment.

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