Audit Options for Sedgefield Borough Council

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Audit Options for Sedgefield Borough Council

RTF5914A Prepare Reports

Assignment 1 Create a report template. Kurri Kurri Tafe

Prepared for: John Atkins

Hughes Tree Solutions Consulting Arboriculturalist

18 Moore Road Phone- 0403 935 419

Harbord, NSW 2096 E Mail- [email protected]

May 2008 Advanced Certificate in Urban Horticulture 1995 Credit

Tree Surgery Certificate (Cert.3 equiv.) 1999 Ungraded

Certificate 5 Diploma of Horticlture (Arboriculture) Currently undertaking J o h n ’ s C o m m e n t s

Chantalle, if this is all your own work, then I am very impressed! If you have poached someone else’s format for a report then be careful about submitting it as your won work without acknowledgement. The properties of this document say it was prepared by Audit Commission and the title is “Audit Options for Sedgefield Borough Council” so I am assuming so I am assuming you have scooped this off the web and modified it to suit your

I have nothing against this and I don’t think Sedgefield Borough Council would give a toss either. Your font siz for normal text should be greater than 10 point as well.

My only other comment on your format would be that you have the tree survey plan and inspection schedule as an appendix. My view on this is that appendices are for general information whereas the bulk of the information for a council officer that should be relevant to them such as where the trees actually are should be closer to the front. When the reader gets to section 3 you start a discussion of the trees yet there is no clear section as to where the trees are.

This seems a bit difficult to use.

That’s it, Nice Logo, good use of gratuitous humour to amuse a teacher and rather pleasant colour scheme all round. I suggest you see what it looks like in B & w as well as this is how a client may get it after copying or scanning. Some colours fade distinctly.

Consulting Arboriculturalist

Phone- 0403 935 419

E Mail- [email protected]

Advanced Certificate in Urban Horticulture 1995 Credit

Tree Surgery Certificate (Cert.3 equiv.) 1999 Ungraded

Certificate 5 Diploma of Horticlture (Arboriculture) Currently undertaking Prepare Reports Assignment 1

There is no disclaimer and you should have this and a methodology statement with a few blanks in it as a guide

Hughes Tree Solutions May 2008 Page 3 of 10 Prepare Reports Assignment 1

2 C o n t e n t s

P a g e 2

 1 Summary

P a g e 3

 2 Contents

P a g e 4

 3 Discussion 3.1 Tree 1 3.2 Tree 2 3.2.1 Subsection

P a g e 5

 4 Recommendations

P a g e 6

 5 References 5.1 Bibliography 5.2 Website References 5.3 Acknowledgements

A p p e n d i c e s

 Appendix A  Appendix B  Appendix C

Hughes Tree Solutions May 2008 Page 4 of 10 Prepare Reports Assignment 1

3 D i s c u s s i o n

3 . 1 T r e e O n e –

This Farkleberry

3 . 2 T r e e T w o –

3.2.1 Subsection A 3.2.2 Subsection B

3 . 3 T r e e T h r e e -

This Sparkleberry…

3 . 4 T r e e F o u r –

Hughes Tree Solutions May 2008 Page 5 of 10 audit 2000/2001 SUMMARY REPORT 1. Summary

4 R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s

Any pictures can be easily inserted into the report, or diagrams such as with figure 1 shown here on the right.

Figure 1

Error! No text of specified style in document. – Error! No text of Annual Audit Letter (Error! Style not defined.) – Page 6 of 11 specified style in document. audit 2000/2001 SUMMARY REPORT 1. Summary

5 R e f e r e n c e s -

5 . 1 B i b l i o g r a p h y

5 . 2 W e b s i t e R e f e r e n c e s

5 . 3 A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s

The origin of the picture on the cover page of my report is from

Error! No text of specified style in document. – Error! No text of Annual Audit Letter (Error! Style not defined.) – Page 7 of 11 specified style in document. Prepare Reports Appendices

A P P E N D I X A Site Location Map

Hughes Tree Solutions May 2008 Appendix A Prepare Reports Appendices

A P P E N D I X B Schedule Of Surveyed Trees

Kurri Kurri Tafe. 9 May, 2008

Crown Priority Tree No. Species and Height DBH Ag Health Condition Comments TPZ spread Rating Common (m) (mm) e (m) Name (m)

N S E W 1 Sparkleberry 5 2 4 3 1 750 M Good Fair Crown decline. Significant 10 deadwood. Epicormics. Very Sparkely Berry

2 Farkleberry 18 360 OM Fair Fair Branch failures. Epicormics 6 in lower scaffolds. Somewhat Farkley Berry

3 11

4 8

Hughes Tree Solutions May 2008 Appendix B Assess Trees Appendices

Indicates High priority of action

Indicates reasonable priority of action

Indicates low priority of action

Indicates no action required at this time

DESCRIPTION OF TERMS USED IN TREE SCHEDULE Age Class Immature Semi-mature Mature Late mature Condition Crown Spread Health Height DBH TPZ

Hughes Tree Solutions May 2008 Appendix B Assess Trees Appendices

A P P E N D I X C Terms and Definitions

Suitable definitions etc. would be placed here.

Hughes Tree Solutions May 2008 Appendix C

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