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COURSE INSTRUCTORS: LECTURE: LAB: Pam Moyers, CDA, BHS Pam Moyers, CDA, BHS [email protected] [email protected] 839 – 1062 839 - 1062
Shawna Collins, DMD [email protected]
Office Hours: Office Hours: Tuesday: 8:30 – 9:30 am 11:00 am – 12:30 pm 1:30 – 4:30 pm Thursday: 8:30 – 9:30 am 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Dr. Shawna Collins By appointment DAT 154 SYLLABUS 2013
COURSE TITLE: Clinical Procedures I CONTACT/CREDIT HOURS: 2-6-4 SEQUENCE: Fall Semester LENGTH: 15 Weeks LECTURE/LAB TIMES: Lecture: Mon & Wed 8:30 – 8:25 Lab: Mon & Wed 9:30 – 12:30 CLASSROOM: Lecture: Bldg 1000, Room 1286 Lab: Bldg 1000, Clinic
PRE-REQUISITES: Admission to Expanded Duty Dental Assisting program
CO-REQUISITES: 3-3-2 DAT 113 Dental Materials 2-0-2 DAT 118 Dental Morphology 3-3-4 DAT 127 Clinical Procedures I 3-0-3 CPT 101 Introduction to Computers
REQUIRED TEXT: Phinney and Halstead; Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach; Current Edition; Delmar Boyd; Dental Instruments A Pocket Guide, Current Edition; Elsevier/Saunders Dofka; Dental Terminology; Current Edition; Delmar HGTC Expanded Duty Dental Assisting Program Procedures Manual
REFERENCE TEXT: All textbooks are available in the Library
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course includes preparation to assist a dentist efficiently in four-handed dentistry. Emphasis is on the names and functions of all dental instruments, the principles involved in their use, and the assistant’s role in dental instrumentation.
COURSE DESCRIPTION AND CONTENT: This course provides for the proficiency in the clinical setting of dental assisting with emphasis on the following: 1. Introduction to Dental Assisting 2. Infection Control, Disinfection and Sterilization 3. Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs
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4. Chairside Dental Assisting 5. Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs 6. Chairside Instruments & Tray Systems 7. Cavity Preparation 8. Amalgam restorations and tray set-ups 9. Composite resin restorations and tray set-ups 10. Charting 11. Chart Documentation & dental hygiene instruments 12. Fixed Prosthodontics Instrument Identification, Tray Set-Up & Procedure 13. Management of Hazardous Materials 14. Cosmetic Dentistry
COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon completion of DAT 154, the student will be competent to perform the following: 1. Discuss the organization and maintenance of the general dentistry office. 2. Identify major and adjunct dental equipment, describe required maintenance procedures for each, state their uses and demonstrate proper utilization during dental procedures. 3. Identify and manipulate dental hand instruments, handpieces and rotary instruments according to their uses in dental procedures. 4. Classify various conditions of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity and document the oral conditions on the patient’s permanent record. 5. Analyze the various causes of cross-contamination in a dental office and apply the proper sterilization procedures and infection control measures. 6. Evaluate the dental procedures to be performed and adequately prepare tray set-ups for the various procedures to include the instruments and materials and the adaptation to four- handed dentistry and demonstrate correct chairside procedures. 7. Demonstrate the proper techniques utilized on four-handed dentistry. 8. Prepare, dismiss and give the proper post-operative instructions to the patient following the completion of specific dental procedures. 9. Complete documentation of the dental work performed. 10. Adhere to the Infection Control Policy. 11. Demonstrate professionalism in dress, attitude and conduct.
TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, document projections, videos, CD/PowerPoint presentations (may include audio), reading assignments, demonstration, visual aids, observation, and lab and clinical experiences, case study reviews
LINKED CORE ABILITIES: 1. Reading-textbook assignments, handouts, research 2. Technology-Internet research, computer utilization 3. Communication skills-effectively communicates with peers, instructors, patients, etc. 4. Motor skills-Instrument recycling and manipulation, 5. Writing-answering essay questions for homework and test questions, record treatment 6. Problem solving/Critical thinking-case studies for homework, class participation and test questions, medical history evaluation
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INSTRUCTOR COMMUNICATION: Students are to check Wavenet at least weekly for messages via their e-mail accounts or other message boards that are available. Rather than the instructor making individual phone calls, students will be informed of necessary information via the Internet and their Wavenet accounts.
Take ownership and responsibility for one’s learning. Complete assignments Be prepared to participate in learning Put forth effort to learn Ask questions Take responsibility for one’s actions Maintain scholastic honesty
Students must have the understanding that all course material cannot be covered during lecture/laboratory time. Students MUST be responsible for self-directed learning of the material outside of class time Students MUST be responsible to read and understand course assignments. Students MUST be willing to enhance course material with additional student-initiated research as appropriate.
Show respect for others. Give complete attention and listen while others are talking Avoid arguing with instructor and classmates Avoid confrontations with others during classroom discussions Respect the opinions of others Keep conversations and questions focused on relevant course issues Avoid threatening behavior toward students and professors Use appropriate language TURN OFF ELECTRONIC DEVICES SUCH AS CELL PHONES AND PAGERS WHILE IN CLASS. Please see EDDA Program Manual for policy on all electronic devices.
Engage in classroom activities. Avoid sleeping Actively participate Avoid doing personal work or other class assignments Exhibit positive attitude and interest in the class Use personal computers for note-taking only
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Exhibit respect for college property. Use equipment with care Avoid eating and drinking in classrooms where prohibited Keep desk areas neat and clean Be in the classroom at the start of class and stay until class is over
Show respect for authority. Exhibit cooperation with the professor Avoid comments that show disrespect for the professor and their knowledge Select appropriate times to inquire about academic performance which may be outside the classroom Address professors as “Professor”, Mr., Mrs. or Ms. and not by their first or last name
Realize and understand the Student Code of Conduct Understand possible disciplinary actions with documentation. Please refer to the HGYC On-line Catalog (http://www.hgtc.edu/int_b.php? pageid=1266) for detailed descriptions of the Student Code of Conduct.
ATTENDANCE: ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. If a student is not present when attendance is taken, they will be counted absent even if they show up late.
A student will be withdrawn from the class if absences (total hours) exceed 10% of the total contact hours. That’s a total of 12 hours. The hours include lecture (1 hour each) and lab (3 hours each). In the event of a serious illness that exceeds the 10% allowable absences, a physician’s excuse must be presented which states the diagnosis and the length of time the student must be away from the class. There are no excused and unexcused absences. Any time out is an absence no matter the excuse. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with the number of any hours she/he has missed.
If you are to be out, you MUST call Mrs. Moyers at 839 - 1062 to report an absence. Dental, doctor and other personal appointments MUST be scheduled outside class hours.
For any absences or tardiness, the student is responsible for the material covered and submitting any homework or other material that was done prior to their arrival. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the handouts (if applicable) that were distributed during the class time that was missed. The instructor will have them for you in her office.
Homework will be due at the beginning of the class for which it is due. It is the student’s responsibility to pass the homework to the front of the class for the instructor to collect or place it in the instructor’s file box. Homework will be considered late if turned in after it has been collected by the instructor and will have grading deducted from the 92% level. For Case Study and Critical Thinking questions, answers must be in the student’s own word. Copying your answers from the textbook or a classmate’s homework is plagiarism and may result in being dismissed from the program. If the student is absent the day the homework was due, it will only be accepted the next class meeting after the day the homework was due.
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MAKE-UP TEST POLICY: Make-up tests will be given at the discretion of the instructor and only if absent on the day of the test. A doctor’s excuse or mechanic’s bill will need to be presented for verification. The grading will begin at the 92% grade and wrong answers will be deducted from that point. The student is to take the test the first day they return to school and is to be prepared to take the test that day. NO EXCUSES. If the student fails to take the test then, another time will not be available and a zero will be given for the grade on that test. It is the student’s responsibility to approach the instructor to take any missed tests THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UPS FOR MISSED QUIZZES! If the student wishes to take their written test at the testing center, an appointment must be made with the testing center. Appointments MUST be made 24 hours in advance. The testing center will not accept same day appointments. It is the student’s responsibility to make the appointment and inform the instructor of the appointment time. However, the test must still be taken on the first day the student returns to school. NO EXCUSES. This means the student must contact the Testing Center the day before they return to school so they can take the test within the required time frame as previously stated.
ASSESSMENT MEASURES: Course Requirements: 1. Successful completion of tests and examinations and demonstration of clinical procedure via clinical competency examination with a 77% grade or better.
Final Grade Determination: 1. The final grade is based on a combination of the grades you earned in both the lecture and lab portions of this course. You will be required to pass both portions of this course in order to be eligible to progress in the curriculum. 2. A passing grade in the lecture (didactic) portion of the course is 77%. 3. A passing grade in the lab portion of this course is 77%. 4. If you make a 95% in the clinical portion but make a 70% in the didactic portion, even though when averaged together, your score is 83%, you will not be allowed to progress in the curriculum. The non-passing grade of 70% prevents this from happening. 5. If this happens and you would like to continue your Expanded Duty Dental Assisting education, you may reapply for this course and the Expanded Duty Dental Assisting Program the next time the course is offered, which will be Fall semester, 2014.
Didactic Grading Scale: Evaluation: 93 - 100 A WRITTEN TESTS 35% 85 - 92 B PRACTICAL TESTS 35% 77 - 84 C HOMEWORK 10% 69 - 76 D PROFESSIONAL DEV. 5% 68 - Below F FINAL EXAM 15%
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Grades earned in courses impact academic progression and financial aid status. Before withdrawing from a course, be sure to talk with your instructor and financial aid counselor about the implications of that course of action. Ds, Fs, Ws, WFs and Is also negatively impact academic progression and financial aid status.
The Add/Drop Period is the first 5 days of the semester for full term classes. Add/Drop periods are shorter for accelerated format courses. The following week of the semester is Financial Aid Attendance Verification period. You must attend at least one meeting of all of your classes during that period. If you do not, you will be dropped from the course(s) and your Financial Aid will be reduced accordingly.
REMEDIATION/ENRICHMENT In order to keep the student on track for success in the course, the faculty will be tracking assignments and test grades. If any assignments/grades fall below a 77 (“C”), the student will be referred to the course instructor or the SSTC (Student Success and Technology Center) for guidance and assistance. There is a Dental Sciences faculty member available at the SSTC for tutoring. Faculty members are available for remediation throughout the semester. At times, the student will be asked to spend additional hours outside of class time to work on clinical skills, course content comprehension, etc. for improvement. It is recommended that the student seek help early in the semester so there will be enough time to improve the grade.
Order and sequence subject to change based on competency level
DATE TOPIC ASSIGNMENT (Subject to change) 8/21 LECTURE: After today’s lecture,
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Introduction To The Course And read Chapter 1 Dental Assisting LAB: Review of Program Manual if needed Handwashing Practice Unit Identification & Barriers Practice 8/26 LECTURE: Read, Study, Learn View the video titled “If Saliva were Red” (RSL) Delmar Pages LAB: 212 “Infection Competency Control in the Handwashing Dental Office” to Donning & Removing PPE 225 Stop with Unit Disinfection & Barriers “Disinfection” 8/28 LECTURE: Read, Study, Learn View Delmar’s video titled “Infection Control Techniques” (RSL) Pg 273 LAB: Procedure 13-3 Disinfection, Sterilization Technique and Equipment Pg 275-276 Taking BP, pulse & respiration Procedure 13-4 9/2 LECTURE & LAB: Labor Day No Classes 9/4 LECTURE: Read, Study, Learn Disinfection and Sterilization (RSL) Delmar Pages LAB: 225 -242 Practice: Pg 243 answer Case Sterilization & Equipment Study ?’s, all BP, pulse & respiration Multiple Choice & Critical Thinking #3 9/9 LECTURE: Written Test 1 1. Handwashing 2. Unit Identification 3. Video, “Infection Control Techniques” 4. Sterilization Technique and Equipment 5. Taking BP, pulse & respiration 6. Disinfection and Sterilization LAB: Competency Sterilization & Equipment Practice: BP, pulse & respiration
9/11 LECTURE: Read, Study, Learn View video Delmar’s “Introduction to Dental Assisting” (RSL) Delmar Pages Seating the dental patient 358 (Concepts of LAB: Dental Assisting)- Patient Preparation, Operator Positioning, & 367 Assistant Positioning Page 367 Case Study Competency: BP, pulse & respiration
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9/16 LECTURE: Read, Study, Learn Work Zones, Operator & Assistant Positions (RSL) Delmar Pages CONCEPTS OF DENTAL ASSISTING 358 (Concepts of LAB: Dental Assisting)- Work Zones & Instrument Transfer 367 Competency: Page 368 Multiple 1. Patient preparation and positioning Choice Questions 2. Assistant positioning and Critical 3. Operator positioning Thinking Question #3 Pages 398 – 406 to “The Evacuation System” 9/18 LECTURE: Written Test 2 1. Video “Introduction to Dental Assisting” 2. Seating the Dental Patient 3. Patient Preparation 4. Operator Positioning 5. Assistant Positioning 6. Work Zones 7. Instrument Transfer 8. Operator & Assistant Positions 9. Concepts of Dental Assisting LAB: Practice Instrument Transfer 9/23 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages Maintaining the Operating Field 406-414 Case and Suction Tip Placement Study ?, all Multiple Basic Chairside Assisting Choice Questions, LAB: and Critical Basic Chairside Assisting Thinking # 1 & 3 Practice Suction Tip Placement Competency: Instrument Transfer 9/25 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages 10/21 Management of Pain & Anxiety 416-435 LAB: Answer Case Anesthesia Set-Up Study ?, Critical Practice Suction Tip Placement Thinking #’s 1, 2, 3 Competency: & 4 Instrument Transfer 9/30 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages 10/23 Rotary Instruments 383 – 392 LAB: Answer all Multiple 1. Identification of dental burs – Choice ?’s, 1 – 7, category & function Critical thinking #’s 2. Identification of dental handpieces 1 & 2, Web Activity and attachments #’s 1 3. Anesthesia Set-Up
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4. Assembly of anesthetic syringe for maxillary or mandibular arch 5. Application of topical anesthetic 6. Transfer of anesthetic syringe to operator 7. Practice Suction Tip Placement 10/2 LECTURE: 10/28 Written Test 3 1. Maintaining the Operating Field 2. Suction Tip Placement 3. Basic Chairside Assisting 4. Management of Pain & Anxiety 5. Rotary Instruments LAB: Competency: 1. Assembly of anesthetic syringe for maxillary or mandibular arch 2. Application of topical anesthetic 3. Transfer of anesthetic syringe to operator 4. Suction Tip Placement 10/7 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages 10/30 819 “Bonding 11/4 Composite Resin Instrument Identification & Agents” – 821 and Tray-Set-Up, Disc & Bur Identification 840-845 Dr. Christianson’s “Efficient Dental Assisting Answer Critical for Composite Resin Restorations” Thinking ?’s 1, & 2 LAB: 1. Identify burs used in a composite resin restoration 2. Identify instruments used in a composite resin restoration 3. Prepare tray set-up for composite resin restoration procedure
10/9 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages 11/4 Dental Instruments 370-383 and 387- 11/6 Amalgam Restorations 389 Dr. Christianson’s “Efficient Dental Assisting Critical Thinking # 3 for Amalgam Restorations” Chairside Instruments & Tray Systems RSL Delmar Pages Amalgam Instrument Identification & Tray Set-Up, 833-840 (Procedure Bur Identification & Matrix Band Set-Up 34-2) LAB: 1. Instrument identification of RSL Delmar Pages instruments used for amalgam 860 “Matrix & restoration procedure Wedge” – 871 2. Identify burs used in an amalgam restoration Page 870 Answer 3. Identify instruments used in an Case Study
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amalgam restoration Questions 4. Prepare tray set-up for amalgam restoration procedure Competency: 1. Assembly of anesthetic syringe for maxillary or mandibular arch 2. Application of topical anesthetic 3. Transfer of anesthetic syringe to operator 4. Suction Tip Placement 10/14 LECTURE: 11/11 Written Test 4 1. Rotary Instruments 2. Dental Instruments 3. Amalgam Restorations 4. Composite Resin Restorations LAB: Competency Instrument, Handpiece and Bur Identification 1. Burs 2. Handpieces 3. Amalgam Restorative Procedure 4. Composite Resin Restorative Procedure 10/16 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages 11/13 BRING BLUE/RED PENCILS 279-293 Charting LAB: Charting 10/21 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages 11/18 BRING BLUE/RED PENCILS 279 - 293 Charting Answer Critical LAB: Thinking #’s 1, 2 & 3 Computerized Charting 10/23 LECTURE and LAB: Canceled – ADA CODA Site Visit 10/28 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages 11/20 Overview of the Dental Office 343 – 358 stop at LAB: “Concepts of Dental Practice Charting Assisting” and RSL Page 359 Procedure 17-2
10/30 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages Cavity Preparation 822 (Restorative LAB: Dentistry) - 831 Continue Answer Case Cavity Preparation Study ?’s & Page 831 Critical Thinking ? #3
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11/4 LECTURE: Written Test 5 BRING BLUE/RED PENCILS 1. Charting 2. Record Documentation 3. Overview of the Dental Office 4. Cavity Preparation LAB: Begin Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs 11/6 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs 261 - 277 LAB: Practice Taking and recording Vital Signs 11/11 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs 261 - 277 LAB: Answer Case Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs Study ?”s, Multiple Choice ?’s 11/13 LECTURE: Written Test 6 1. Medical Histories 2. Physicians Drug Reference 3. Vital Signs LAB: Competency 1. Charting 2. Record documentation 11/18 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages Governing Agencies 205 – 212 to OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard “Infection Control in OSHA Training the Dental Office” LAB: TBA 11/20 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages Management of Hazardous Materials 245 – 257 LAB: Reference Manufacturer Operation Instructions 11/25 LECTURE: Management of Hazardous Materials LAB: Reference Manufacturer Operation Instructions
12/2 LECTURE: RSL Delmar Pages Written Test 7 245 – 257 1. Governing Agencies Page 258 Answer 2. OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Multiple Choice ?’s Standard 3. OSHA Training 4. Management of Hazardous Materials
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LAB: TBA 11/27 LECTURE & LAB No Classes 12/4 LECTURE: View Christensen’s “Essentials of Effective Dental Assisting” LAB: TBA TBA Comprehensive Written and Competency final Exams Bring blue/red pencils
LECTURE OBJECTIVES At the completion of the lecture and assigned readings, the student will be able to:
LECTURE DATE: 8/21/13 Introduction to the Course and Dental Assisting
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LAB DATE: 8/21/13 Handout Unit Identification – Practice Handwashing 1. Demonstrate and discuss the theory of a super scrub hand washing technique 2. Demonstrate the proper technique of donning and removing protective clinical gloves 3. Demonstrate the correct technique for disinfecting a dental unit in preparation for patient treatment 4. Demonstrate the proper placement of barriers in a dental unit 5. Discuss and demonstrate the appropriate hairstyle to wear during patient treatment 6. Discuss the requirements for personal protective clothing, masks, eyewear and gloves
LECTURE DATE: 8/26/13 View the video “If Saliva were Red”
LAB DATE: 8/26/13 Pages 212-225 Competency 1. Unit Identification 2. Unit Disinfection, Barriers 3. Barriers & Hand Washing
LECTURE DATE: 8/28/13 View Delmar’s video “Infection Control Techniques”
LAB DATE: 8/28/13 Disinfection and Sterilization Handout, Pages 273, 275-276 1. Demonstrate principles of infection control, including medical history, handwashing, personal protective equipment, barriers, chemical disinfectants, ultrasonic cleaners, sterilizers, and instrument storage 1. Demonstrate the protocol used for handling contaminated 2. instruments in preparation for sterilization 3. Demonstrate and explain correct method of cleaning and disinfecting the dental treatment room 4. Describe and demonstrate the steps involved in preparing instruments for sterilization after patient treatment 5. Describe and demonstrate the procedure involved with handling sterilized instruments 6. Demonstrate the usage of several types of sterilization monitors 7. Identify & demonstrate the correct protocol for disinfecting, cleaning, & sterilizing prior to seating the patient, as well as at the end of the dental treatment, in the dental radiography area & in the dental laboratory
LECTURE DATE: 9/2/13 Labor Day-No Classes
LAB DATE: 9/2/13 Labor Day-No Classes
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Disinfection and Sterilization Pages 225-242 1. Identify rationale, regulations, recommendations & training that govern infection control in dental office 2. Describe how pathogens travel from person to person in dental office 3. List 3 primary routes of microbial transmission & associated dental procedures that affect a dental assistant 4. List various disinfectants & their applications as used in dentistry 5. Identify and demonstrate the usage of different types of sterilizers 6. Discuss information learned from computer software by SPS Medical Supply and answer correctly the 10 questions at the end with 80% accuracy or better
LAB DATE: 9/4/13 Practice Sterilization and Disinfection Techniques Practice Taking & recording of vital signs
LECTURE DATE: 9/9/13 Written Test 1 1. Handwashing 2. Unit Identification 3. Video, “Infection Control Techniques” 4. Sterilization Technique and Equipment 5. Taking BP, pulse & respiration 6. Disinfection and Sterilization
LAB DATE: 9/9/13 Competency 1. Sterilization & Sterilizing Equipment Practice: 1. BP, pulse & respiration
LECTURE DATE: 9/11/13 View video Delmar’s “Introduction to Dental Assisting” Seating the Dental Patient Pages 358-367 1. Demonstrate to competency level correct protocol in seating the dental patient safely
LAB DATE: 9/11/13 Patient Preparation, Operator Positioning and Assistant Positioning 1. Demonstrate the proper techniques of seating and dismissing the dental patient 2. Demonstrate the proper technique of preparing the patient for dental treatment 3. Demonstrate the proper protocol of working on patients with special needs such as children, senior patient, hearing or vision impaired patients, and patients with mobility aids 4. Work Zones, Operator & Assistant Positions 5. Discuss and demonstrate the work zone utilized during patient treatment. 6. Discuss and demonstrate the positioning of the operator and the assistant when working in various sections of the mouth
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1. BP, pulse & respiration
LECTURE DATE: 9/16/13 Work Zones, Operator & Assistant Positions 1. Discuss the work zone utilized during patient treatment. 2. Discuss the positioning of the operator and the assistant when working in various sections of the mouth.
LAB DATE: 9/16/13 Work Zones, Operator & Assistant Positions Instrument Transfer Pages 358-367, 398-406 1. Demonstrate the work zone utilized during patient treatment. 2. Demonstrate the positioning of the operator and the assistant when working in various sections of the mouth. 3. Describe the procedures of one- and two-handed instrument exchange 4. Describe 5 instruments grasps 5. Describe and demonstrate the Classifications of Motion Competency 1. Patient preparation & positioning & Assistant & operator positioning
LECTURE DATE: 9/18/13 Test 2 1. Video “Introduction to Dental Assisting” 1. Seating the Dental Patient 2. Patient Preparation 3. Operator Positioning 4. Assistant Positioning 5. Work Zones 6. Instrument Transfer 7. Operator & Assistant Positions 8. Concepts of Dental Assisting
LAB DATE: 9/18/13 Practice Instrument Transfer 1. Describe the procedures of one- and two-handed instrument exchange 2. Describe 5 instruments grasps 3. Describe and demonstrate the Classifications of Motion
LECTURE DATE: 9/23/13 Maintaining the Operating Field Pages 406-414 Basic Chairside Assisting 1. Describe the correct placement of the tips for the saliva ejector, air/water syringe, and HVE 2. Discuss the steps of maintaining the operating field as performed by the dental assistant 3. Describe the procedures of one- and two-handed instrument exchange 4. Describe 5 instruments grasps 5. Describe and demonstrate the Classifications of Motion
LAB DATE: 9/23/13 Practice Rinsing & evacuation of the oral cavity
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1. Demonstrate the assembling and disassembling of the patient simulator in the patient clinic chair 2. Demonstrate one- and two-handed instrument transfer 3. Demonstrate 5 instruments grasps 4. Demonstrate the classifications of motion 5. Demonstrate correct placement of the tips for the saliva ejector, air/water syringe, and HVE Competency 1. Instrument Transfer
LECTURE DATE: 9/25/13 Management of Pain & Anxiety Pages 416-435 1. Describe methods used to manage the pain and anxiety related to dental procedures 2. Explain different types of topical anesthetics and their placement 3. Describe types of local anesthetics 4. List the steps for preparing for administration of local anesthetic 5. Identify the injection sites for the maxillary and mandibular arches 6. Describe the equipment and materials needed to administer local anesthetic 7. Identify supplemental techniques to administer anesthetics 8. Discuss the role of nitrous oxide in the care of the dental patient 9. View and discuss video on electronic anesthesia 10. Discuss different duties and techniques associated with being an effective dental assistant
LAB DATE: 9/25/13 Practice 1. Anesthesia Set-up a. Demonstrate assembly of anesthetic syringe for maxillary and mandibular arch. b. Demonstrate application of topical anesthetic c. Demonstrate transfer of anesthetic syringe to operator 2. Suction Tip Placement a. Demonstrate assembly of anesthetic syringe for maxillary and mandibular arch. b. Demonstrate application of topical anesthetic c. Demonstrate transfer of anesthetic syringe to operator d. Demonstrate on a patient simulator proper rinsing and water evacuation of the oral cavity e. Demonstrate on each other the proper rinsing and water evacuation of the oral cavity f. Demonstrate and describe efficient instrument transfer Competency 1. Instrument Transfer
LECTURE DATE: 9/30/13 Rotary Instruments Pages 383-392 Handout 1. Identify the categories and functions of dental burs 2. Identify various dental handpieces and attachments
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3. Explain uses of various burs, dental handpieces and attachments
LAB DATE: 9/30/13 1. Identification of dental burs – category & function 2. Identification of dental handpieces and attachments 3. Anesthesia Set-Up 4. Assembly of anesthetic syringe for maxillary or mandibular arch 5. Application of topical anesthetic 6. Transfer of anesthetic syringe to operator 7. Practice Suction Tip Placement
LECTURE DATE: 10/2/13 Test 3 1. Maintaining the Operating Field 2. Suction Tip Placement 3. Basic Chairside Assisting 4. Management of Pain & Anxiety 5. Rotary Instruments
LAB DATE: 10/2/13 Competency: 1. Assembly of anesthetic syringe for maxillary or mandibular arch 2. Application of topical anesthetic 3. Transfer of anesthetic syringe to operator 4. Suction Tip Placement
LECTURE DATE: 10/7/13 Chairside Instruments & Tray Systems Pages 370-383, 387-389 1. Identify the parts of an instrument 2. Describe how instruments are identified Composite Resin Instrument Identification, Tray-Set-Up, Disc & Bur Identification Pages 819-821, 840-845 1. View video on composite resin restorations 2. Label and describe function of hand instruments used for composite resin restorations 3. List steps involved in preparing and restoring a tooth with composite resin 4. List steps involved in preparing and restoring a tooth with a composite resin facing
LAB DATE: 10/7/13 Instrument identification of instruments used for composite resin restoration procedure 1. Identify burs used in a composite resin restoration 2. Identify instruments used in a composite resin restoration 3. Prepare tray set-up for composite resin restoration procedure Competency 1. Assembly of anesthetic syringe for maxillary or mandibular arch 2. Application of topical anesthetic 3. Transfer of anesthetic syringe to operator 4. Aspirator placement & rinsing
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LECTURE DATE: 10/9/13 View Christensen’s “Efficient Dental Assisting for Amalgam Restorations” Amalgam Instrument Identification & Tray Pages 833-840, 860-871 Set-Up, Bur Identification & Matrix Band Set-Up 1. Instrument identification of instruments used for amalgam restoration procedure 2. Identify burs used in an amalgam restoration 3. Identify instruments used in an amalgam restoration 4. Prepare tray set-up for amalgam restoration procedure 5. List steps involved in preparing and restoring a tooth with amalgam
LAB DATE: 10/9/13 1. Instrument identification of instruments used for amalgam restoration procedure 2. Identify burs used in an amalgam restoration 3. Identify instruments used in an amalgam restoration 4. Prepare tray set-up for amalgam restoration procedure
LECTURE DATE: 10/14/13 Test 4 1. Dental Instruments 2. Amalgam Restorations 3. Composite Resin Restorations
LAB DATE: 10/14/13 Competency 1. Instrument, Handpiece and Bur Identification a. Burs b. Handpieces c. Amalgam Restorative Procedure d. Composite Resin Restorative Procedure
LECTURE DATE: 10/16/13 Charting Pages 279-293 BRING BLUE/RED PENCILS 1. Explain why charting is used in most dental practices 1. Identify charts that use symbols to represent conditions present in the oral cavity 2. List and explain the systems used for charting the permanent and deciduous dentitions 3. List common abbreviations used to identify simple, compound, and complex cavities 4. Describe basic terminology used in dental charting 5. Explain color indicators and identify charting symbols 6. Discuss the importance of accurate charting of a patient’s oral cavity 8. List and describe the techniques of charting existing restorations, decay, disease, and other conditions that need to be addressed by the dentist
LAB DATE: 10/16/13 Charting Lab from Documentation, intra-oral examination, & radiographs
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1. Apply clinically charting techniques that are commonly used in the dental office using various sources depicting existing conditions.
LECTURE DATE: 10/21/13 Charting Pages 279-293 BRING BLUE/RED PENCILS 1. Explain why charting is used in most dental practices 2. Identify charts that use symbols to represent conditions present in the oral cavity 3. List and explain the systems used for charting the permanent and deciduous dentitions 4. List common abbreviations used to identify simple, compound, and complex cavities 5. Describe basic terminology used in dental charting 6. Explain color indicators and identify charting symbols 7. Discuss the importance of accurate charting of a patient’s oral cavity 8. List and describe the techniques of charting existing restorations, decay, disease, and other conditions that need to be addressed by the dentist
LAB DATE: 10/21/13 Computerized Charting Lab from Documentation, intra-oral examination, & radiographs 1. Apply clinically charting techniques that are commonly used in the dental office using various sources depicting existing conditions.
LECTURE DATE: 10/23/13 Overview of the dental office Pages 343-359 1. Discuss the job description of a dental assistant 2. Identify the different areas of the dental office and explain the function of each 3. Identify, label and explain the functions of the pieces of equipment found in the typical dental treatment room 4. Identify the three types of delivery units 5. Identify and explain functions on major and minor adjunct equipment found in the dental treatment area
LAB DATE: 10/23/13 Practice Charting
LECTURE DATE: 10/28/13 Cavity Preparation Pages 822-831 1. Identify the different elements of a cavity 2. Describe the steps of a cavity preparation 3. List forms of and considerations for cavity preparation 4. Discuss and identify cavity preps using Black’s cavity preparation classification 5. Discuss various methods of detecting dental decay 6. Discuss various methods of cleaning and disinfecting cavities
LAB DATE: 10/28/13 Cavity Preparation Continued
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LECTURE DATE: 10/30/13 Test 5 BRING BLUE/RED PENCILS 1. Charting 2. Record Documentation 3. Overview of the Dental Office 4. Cavity Preparation
LAB DATE: 10/30/13
LAB DATE: 11/4/13 Begin Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs
LECTURE DATE: 11/6/13 Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs Pages 261-277 1. Help the patient complete the medical and dental histories 2. Discuss the importance of medical histories, dental histories, referencing v medication a patient is prescribed & taking & accurately recording patient vital sign
LAB DATE: 11/6/13 Practice Taking and recording Vital Signs Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs 1. Help the patient complete the medical and dental histories 2. Discuss the importance of medical histories, dental histories, referencing medication a patient is prescribed & taking & accurately recording patient vital sign 3. Review & evaluation of medical and dental histories. Alert the dentist to any areas of concern 4. Referencing of patient medication using reference books and computer programs
LECTURE DATE: 11/11/13 Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs 1. Help the patient complete the medical and dental histories 2. Discuss the importance of medical histories, dental histories, referencing v medication a patient is prescribed & taking & accurately recording patient vital sign 3. Review & evaluation of medical and dental histories. Alert the dentist to any areas of concern 4. Referencing of patient medication using reference books and computer programs
LAB DATE: 11/11/13 Medical Histories, Physicians Drug Reference & Vital Signs 1. Help the patient complete the medical and dental histories
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2. Discuss the importance of medical histories, dental histories, referencing v medication a patient is prescribed & taking & accurately recording patient vital sign
LECTURE DATE: 11/13/13 Test 6 BRING BLUE/RED PENCILS 1. Medical Histories 2. Physicians Drug Reference 3. Vital Signs 4. Charting 5. Record documentation
LAB DATE: 11/13/13 Competency 1. Charting
LECTURE DATE: 11/18/13 Governing Agencies and Pages 205-212 Bloodborne pathogens Handout 1. Identify and discuss the governing agencies involved with dentistry in regard to infection control 2. Identify the rationale, regulations, recommendations, and training that govern infection control in the dental office 3. Describe how pathogens travel from person to person 4. Discuss the principles of infection control, including medical history, barriers, chemical sterilants, ultrasonic cleaners, sterilizers, and instrument storage 5. Identify the different levels of disinfection 6. Discuss the use of several types of different types of sterilization monitors, such as biological and process indicators 7. Identify the proper uses of pre-procedure mouth rinses, HVE, dental dams, and disposable items 8. Discuss the correct protocol for disinfecting, cleaning and sterilizing treatment areas, radiographic area and the laboratory before and after patient treatment 9. Define and list examples of non-critical, semi-critical and critical items that are used it dentistry and how they are dealt with for sterilization or disinfection
LAB DATE: 11/18/13 TBA
LECTURE DATE: 11/20/13 Management of Hazardous Materials Pages 245-257 1. Identify the scope of the OSHA Bloodborne/Hazardous Materials Standard 2. Identify physical equipment and mechanical devices provided to safeguard employees 3. Demonstrate safe disposal of sharps 4. Describe MSDS Manuals 5. Demonstrate the use of the colors and numbers used for hazardous chemical identification
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6. Describe employee training required to meet the OSHA standard for hazardous chemicals
LAB DATE: 11/20/13 Reference Manufacturer Instruction 1. Discuss recommended manufacturer instructions for the operation of various equipment and materials found in the dental office
LECTURE DATE: 11/25/13 Management of Hazardous Materials Pages 245-257 1. Identify the scope of the OSHA Bloodborne/Hazardous Materials Standard 2. Identify physical equipment and mechanical devices provided to safeguard employees 3. Demonstrate safe disposal of sharps 4. Describe MSDS Manuals 5. Demonstrate the use of the colors and numbers used for hazardous chemical identification 6. Describe employee training required to meet the OSHA standard for hazardous chemicals
LAB DATE: 11/25/13 Reference Manufacturer Instruction 1. Discuss recommended manufacturer instructions for the operation of various equipment and materials found in the dental office LECTURE DATE:11/27/13 No Classes
LAB DATE: 11/27/13 No Classes
LECTURE DATE: 12/2/13 Test 7 1. Governing Agencies 2. OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard 3. OSHA Training 4. Management of Hazardous Materials
LAB DATE: 12/2/13 TBA
LECTURE DATE: 12/4/13 View Christensen’s “Essentials of Effective Dental Assisting”
LAB DATE: 12/4/13 TBA
TBA Comprehensive Written Final Exam
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I, ______, have received the course syllabus for DAT 154 Clinical Procedures I from Ms. Pam Moyers. The syllabus has been explained to me, and I have had all of my questions answered by the instructor. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep the syllabus in my possession for future
Dev by PLM 08/99 24 Rev by PLM 08/13 DAT 154 SYLLABUS 2013 reference. I will take the initiative and maintain the necessary degree of persistence to obtain any future questions to be answered by the instructor.
I also understand that additional assistance may be obtained from the instructor during posted office hours or by scheduling a personal appointment; however, it is my responsibility to seek such assistance. I further understand that my instructor may recommend that I schedule an appointment with her or seek assistance from the SSTC (Student Success and Technology Center).
I fully understand the potential for both passing and failing this course, and that I must obtain a cumulative grade of at least a grade of “C” or higher. This means I must achieve a 77% or higher for the lecture portion of the course to obtain the grade of “C” to successfully complete the course.
I have been given ample time to review this information and are therefore signing my name that I fully agree to the guidelines specified in this syllabus.
This document is to be signed and returned to the course instructor by the end of the first lecture period.
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