Hutton Cevc Primary School

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Hutton Cevc Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future.

Teaching and Learning Policy

Rationale Our Curriculum Statement describes what we teach at Hutton CE Primary School. This policy describes how we teach the curriculum, and what indicates high quality teaching and learning.

Aim We aim to: provide the highest possible quality of teaching and learning throughout the school.  ensure consistency across the school from class to class  provide high quality planning, teaching, assessment, marking, display and learning environment for all pupils  provide a wide range of opportunities for all pupils to learn through providing a range of stimuli (e.g. visits, practical activities, etc)

Guidelines The quality of teaching at Hutton CE Primary School is high when teachers: • Show good subject knowledge and understanding in the way they present and discuss their subject; • Are technically competent in teaching literacy and numeracy basic skills both in isolation and through other subjects as appropriate; • Plan effectively, setting clear learning objectives and success criteria that pupils understand; • Challenge, inspire and expect the most of pupils, so as to deepen their knowledge and understanding; • Use methods which enable all pupils to learn effectively, through embracing Assessment for Learning techniques and offering a variety of teaching and learning styles (Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic -VAK) • Manage pupils well and insist on high standards of behaviour, applying Social Emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) techniques in every lesson; • Use time, support staff and other resources, especially information and communications technology appropriately • Assess pupils’ work thoroughly and use assessments to help and encourage pupils to overcome difficulties; • Use homework effectively to reinforce and/or extend what is learned in school; • Are calm, firm, fair and retain a sense of humour.

The quality of learning at Hutton CE Primary School is high when the pupils through their use of Assessment for learning (AFL) and the social and emotional aspects of learning

1 Teaching and Learning Policy – September 2014 Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future. (SEAL):

• Acquire new knowledge or skills, develop ideas and increase their understanding; • Apply intellectual, physical or creative effort in their work; • Are productive and work at a good pace; • Show interest in their work, are able to sustain concentration and think and learn for themselves; • Understand what they are doing, how well they have done and how they can improve; • Are able to work independently and collaboratively; • Are aware that home and school are working together.

Factors that promote effective learning are:

• A safe and supportive ethos through SEAL; • A wide range of teaching approaches through VAK; • A range of groupings • Inspiring, motivating, exciting, fun and relevant work through curriculum redesign; • Pupils are acquiring and applying knowledge, understanding, skills and creativity through key skills; • Time is used profitably; • Relationships are good; • A ‘learning classroom’, learning how I learn, learning how to learn and use of AfL; • A high self-image; • Effective support mechanisms; • A rich and varied curriculum; • A progressive and cyclical curriculum.

Conclusion We are all constantly striving to improve the quality of teaching and learning at Hutton CE Primary School. As a staff, we strive to keep abreast of new initiatives which could further enhance the quality of education for our children.

Further Information

Appendix A: Examples of good practice within the twelve factors that promote effective learning.

Appendix B: Quality indicators

This policy needs to be read in conjunction with the Curriculum Statement, which describes what we teach at Hutton CE Primary School.

2 Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future. Policy reviewed: September 2014

Ratified by Curriculum and Standards Committee (C&SC) on behalf of the Governors:

Mary Potter 1/10/14 (signed: Chair of C&SC).

3 Teaching and Learning Policy – September 2014 Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future.


Factors that promote Implications for teaching: effective learning. Teachers should: A safe and supportive Generate a classroom ethos of good behaviour, mutual respect, and firm, fair discipline. ethos, Encourage discussion and experimentation and implement the SEAL strategies throughout. A wide range of teaching Use teaching styles and methodologies, varied to suit the objectives, subject matter, and approaches. range of learning preferences amongst pupils, e.g. investigations, extended writing, musical composition, extended art projects, design and make assignments, creative dance A range of groupings. Organise the learning environment effectively, use their knowledge of pupils (who can work with whom), use assessment, subject knowledge and understanding to decide the appropriate opportunities and suitable tasks. Inspiring, motivating, Be a reflective and thoughtful practitioner. See themselves as learners engaged in continuous exciting, relevant and improvement of their own skills. Develop high levels of knowledge and understanding fun work. coupled with a creative and thoughtful way to plan, present and facilitate work. Pupils are acquiring and Ensure that lesson objectives drive the teaching methodology and, through assessment, take applying knowledge, account of pupils’ existing attainment and capabilities. Use subject knowledge to inform understanding, skills clarity of planning and to match tasks to pupils and to the demands of the curriculum. and creativity. Time is used profitably. Use assessment to inform planning of lesson content. Ensure lesson has clear and appropriate timings. Include a pattern of individual, group and class work and plenaries. Plan the effective deployment of adult help and resources. Relationships are good. Act ‘in loco parentis’, as carer, as creator of classroom ethos. Give time and value to PSHME, circle-time, and discussion of social, emotional and behavioural issues as regular features. A ‘learning classroom’, Create a stimulating classroom environment. Teach skills in relevant contexts and• require learning how I learn, pupils to use them. Teach the knowledge and concepts in the National Curriculum and learning how to learn. Foundations Stage. Clarify the relationships between concepts and skills across subjects, discussing with/modelling for children the thinking processes. Used open, closed and leading questions effectively. A high self-image. Listen carefully and respond sensitively to children’s answers and ideas. Assess accurately and use assessment to set targets. Whatever the learning needs, gender, ethnicity, age or ‘disability’, help each child to feel good about themselves. Plan opportunities to promote pupils’ self-image e.g. celebrate the country of origin or religious group, celebrate the achievement of a target or an achievement outside school. Make praise and reward accessible to all. Be aware of, and work to extinguish any stereotyping, or bullying. Effective support Ensure good communication with parents and with external agencies.-. mechanisms. Provide appropriate and adequate resources. Communicate plans effectively. Be aware of home-school agreements. Keep and communicate key assessment information with parents, colleagues and with external agencies. Set and mark work with care to provide a good match to the child and provide a clear feedback to the child on their strengths and weaknesses. Ensure that homework is relevant and appropriate. A rich and varied Ensure a balance between the subjects, aspects and teaching and learning styles in the curriculum, planning of the week and the term. Work as a team member with other colleagues, schools and with external agencies. A progressive and cyclical Liaise effectively as assessor, planner and staff team member with other subject leaders and curriculum, teacher team colleagues.

4 Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future. Appendix B: Quality Indicators

Area Key feature of quality Evidence in school Professional Attributes  Commitment to school vision  Behaviour policy and ethos.  National teacher standards  Respectful, trusting, supportive  Pupil/parent/stakeholder surveys and constructive relationships  Performance Management with children.  Quality Assurance systems  High standards of professional  School Self Evaluation behaviour with parents and  School Improvement Plan colleagues.  Commitment to collaboration and co-operative working.  Positive contribution to school development.  Contribution to school evaluation processes.  Commitment to personal professional development. Professional Knowledge  Up to date  Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document knowledge/understanding of  School Policy File professional duties.  National Curriculum Document  Implementation/evaluation of  National Literacy Strategy school policy and practice.  National Numeracy Strategy  Up to date knowledge/understanding of teaching, learning, behaviour management strategies.  Secure knowledge/understanding of Primary curriculum taught and related pedagogy.  Up to date knowledge/understanding of statutory and non-statutory frameworks.

Teaching and Learning Policy – September 2014 - 5 - Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future.  Knowledge/understanding of colleagues’ roles and responsibilities. Curriculum  Broad and balanced.  Curriculum planning cycle  Relevant.  Schemes of work  Compliant with legal  Teachers’ timetables requirements.  Reflective of school policy.  Cross curricular links exploited.  Extra curricular activity.  Curriculum enrichment activity. Planning  Clarity/continuity/consistency.  Planning files  Informed by  Quality assurance checklist: -planning assessment/evaluation.  Curriculum, teaching and learning policy  Progression demonstrated.  Teachers’ classroom performance  Differentiation demonstrated.  Teachers’ assessment/record keeping  Corporate.  Teacher’s evaluations/self assessments  Clearly defined and relevant  Team Leader/SLT monitoring learning outcomes.  Scrutiny of work: matches intended outcome  Detailed two weeks in advance.  Adherence to National Curriculum, NLS, NNS, school policy etc.  Outlined a half term in advance. Teaching  Prompt start to lessons.  Lesson observations  Learning objectives  Curriculum, teaching and learning policy communicated to children  Teacher documentation (WALT).  Children’s work  Success criteria/personalized  Learning environment/display targets clear to children  Curriculum policy documents (OSCA).  Behaviour policy  High expectations (see  Behaviour monitoring separate section).  Teacher security with the content of the lesson.  Teaching style/methods fit the demands of the intended learning outcome.  Visual, auditory, kinesthetic learning catered for/promoted.

Teaching and Learning Policy – September 2014 - 6 - Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future.  Differentiated, varied and targeted questioning.  Personalised learning.  Appropriate pace of learning.  Positive classroom relationships.  Well-managed routines.  Effective discipline/behaviour management.  Reflective of school policy.

Learning  Children on task.  Lesson observations  Time well used.  Display  High level of motivation,  Pupil’s profiles participation and response.  Children’s current work  Work reflects the intended  Assemblies: - class presentations/good work learning outcome.  Well-maintained learning environment.  Quality of work commensurate  Whole school assessment/pupil tracking with ability.  Curriculum, teaching and learning policy  Children take pride in their  Assessment policy efforts.  Confidence in communicating learning to others.  Whole class, group, paired and independent working.  Achievement in line with school expectation. Standards of achievement  Above or well above  KS1/2 SAT results expectation in terms of  QCA optional test results benchmarking.  Autumn Package  In line with or above national  School Data Profile expectation by KS2.  FFT Data  In line with or above the  Teacher assessments average for Darlington LEA.  Cohort Tracking

Teaching and Learning Policy – September 2014 - 7 - Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future.  Good progress demonstrated (average point score progression of 3 points plus).  CVA in excess of 100.

Standards of achievement: Presentation of work  All work titled and dated.  Scrutiny of work  Title underlined using a ruler.  Marking policy  Clear demarcation between  Quality assurance checklist: - marking different pieces of work.  Display  Different styles of book (squared, lined, plain etc) used appropriately for task/activity.  Different styles of book (margined/no. of leaves etc.) used appropriately for age/maturity.  Handwriting meeting national expectation for age/ability.  Book covers clean, tidy and clearly labeled. Standards of achievement: Response to work  Consistent implementation of  Scrutiny of work school marking policy.  Marking policy  Effective responses to  Quality assurance checklist: - marking children’s work (frequent  Display marking, related to learning outcomes).  Targets for achievement set and communicated to children.  Children’s work respected.  Children's mistakes selectively highlighted.  Broadly positive, constructively critical comments.  School colour coding system R, Y, G.

Teaching and Learning Policy – September 2014 - 8 - Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future.

Standards of achievement: Behaviour  Children contribute and listen  School behaviour policy during lessons.  Lunchtime policy  Speak at appropriate volume.  School behaviour records/isolations  Children stay on task.  SEN registrations / IEPs  Independent and cooperative  Lesson observations learning.  Lunchtime and break-time observations  Task completion.  Playground /detention book  Safe and purposeful movement.  Behaviour profiling  Politeness and good manners.  Behaviour monitoring, incident/frequency recording etc.  Express concerns to others.  Reward systems/smilies  Non-violent responses to  Class of the week difficulties.  Pastoral support programmes  Accept responsibility for own actions.  Respect the school environment.

Learning Environment  Efficient use of space.  Public areas  Attractive/clean/tidy.  Lesson /classroom observations  Safe.  Display policy  Accessible resources.  Learning environment monitoring/checklist  Resources clearly labelled.  Health and safety monitoring  Relevant and varied display work (see below).  Teacher resource management acts as an exemplar to children.  Resources limited to those used on a frequent basis.  Each child has clearly labelled personal space (KS2).

Teaching and Learning Policy – September 2014 - 9 - Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future.  Presents a positive image of the school to parents and visitors.

Learning environment: (display)  Well presented and attractive.  Classroom display  Consistently mounted (double  Public area displays for A3 or less).  Display policy  Clearly labelled/annotated.  Learning environment monitoring/checklist  Interactive.  Team leader monitoring  Recent (half-termly cycle).  Reflects a range of work.  Reflects efforts of the whole class.  Mixture of 2D and 3D.

Assessment  Consistent and valid judgments  Team leader monitoring regarding achievements.  Cohort assessment files  Continual assessment of Basic  Reading File Skills i.e. key words, phonics,  Writing File reading, writing, numeracy.  Teacher’s planning files  Half termly progress checks in  Children’s work (annotations and targets) writing, maths, science, ICT.  Assessment policy  Termly progress checks for  Reports to parents foundation subjects.  Annual assessment of achievement and progress against school expectations.  School assessment codes consistently applied.  Assessment used to inform future planning and teaching.  Information communicated to parents and children in a relevant form.

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