Wicked Problems and Clumsy Solutions

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Wicked Problems and Clumsy Solutions

10 – 11 December 2015

Wicked Problems and Clumsy Solutions

Beardmore Hotel and Conference Centre Clydebank, Glasgow G81 4SA

Delivering the Future 1 Guest Speakers

Professor Keith Grint, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick

Clare Holt, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick

Programme Manager

Hazel Mackenzie - 07884 005492

Programe Administrator

Jennifer Sheen – 0131 656 3247

Programme coaches

Marilyn Aitkenhead

Robin Burgess

Lesley Gallagher

Malcolm Young

Delivering the Future 2 Cohort 10 Programme participants Consultant Child and Adolescent Aileen Blower NHS Ayrshire and Arran Psychiatrist and Clinical Director for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Alice Wilson NHS Dumfries and Galloway Deputy Nurse Director Locum Consultant in Palliative Care Annabel Howell NHS Borders and Lead Clinician for Cancer Services, The Margaret Care Unit Claire Beeston NHS Health Scotland Principle Public Health Advisor Consultant Neurosurgeon and David Mowle NHS Tayside Clinical Leader NHS Greater Glasgow and Lead Consultant, ENT, Surgery and David Crampsey Clyde Anaesthetics Service Manager Emergency and Deirdre Anderson NHS Forth Valley Urgent Services Gordon Black NHS Lothian General Practitioner Hany Eteiba National Waiting Times Centre Associate Medical Director NHS Greater Glasgow and Head of Nursing, RAD, Acute Elaine Burt Clyde Services Director of Medical Education, Emma Watson NHS Highland Clinical Lead Microbiology Laboratory Associate Nurse Director- Long Frances Dodd NHS Lanarkshire Term Conditions, Primary Care Division Gavin Main NHS Tayside Associate Medical Director Hannah Monaghan NHS Lothian Consultant Histopathologist Healthcare Improvement Jennifer Long Senior Programme Manager Scotland Lynn Manson National Services Scotland Consultant Haemotologist Monica Merson NHS Education for Scotland Leadership Consultant Morwenna Wood NHS Fife Consultant Nephrologist Consultant Neurologist/ Director of Richard Coleman NHS Grampian Medical Education Consultant Urological Surgeon/ Satchi Swami NHS Grampian Divisional Clinical Director Sian Tucker NHS Lothian Clinical Director LUCS Stephan Smit NHS Western Isles Patient Services Manager Stuart Keys NHS Tayside Clinical Services Manager Vicky Irons NHS Fife CHP General Manager

Delivering the Future 3 BIOGRAPHIES:

Keith Grint

Keith Grint is Professor of Public Leadership & Management at Warwick University Business School. Previously he was Professor of Defence Leadership at Cranfield University and before that he was Professor of Leadership Studies and Director of the Lancaster Leadership Centre at Lancaster University Management School. Before that he was Director of Research at the Saïd Business School and Fellow in Organizational Behaviour, Templeton College, University of Oxford. Keith spent 10 years in industry before switching to an academic career.

He is a founding co-editor of the journal Leadership published by Sage (HREF="http://www.sagepub.co.uk/resources/leadership.htm" MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor www.sagepub.co.uk/resources/leadership.htm), and founding co- organizer of the International Conference in Leadership Research. He remains a Visiting Research Professor at Lancaster, an Associate Fellow of the Saïd Business School and Templeton College, Oxford, a Fellow of the Sunningdale Institute, a research arm of the UK’s National School of Government, a Fellow of the Windsor Leadership Trust and a Visiting Scholar at Sydney University.

His books include The Sociology of Work 3rd edition (2005); Management: A Sociological Introduction (1995); Leadership (ed.) (1997); Fuzzy Management (1997); The Machine at Work: Technology, Work and Society, (with Steve Woolgar) (1997); The Arts of Leadership (2000); Organizational Leadership (with John Bratton and Debra Nelson); Leadership: Limits and Possibilities (2005); Leadership, Management and Command: Rethinking D-Day (2008); The Public Leadership Challenge (ed. With Stephen Brookes) (2010); Leadership: A Very Short Introduction (2010); Sage Handbook of Leadership (ed. with Alan Bryman, David Collinson, Brad Jackson and Mary Uhl-Bien London: Sage (forthcoming). Sage Major Works of Leadership (ed. With David Collinson & Brad Jackson) (forthcoming).

Delivering the Future 4 Clare Holt

Clare Holt conducted her doctoral studies at Warwick Business School, funded by the Vice Chancellor’s Special Award. She conducted her research in Leadership and the importance of relationships and engagement through the power of narratives and common purpose. Part of her studies and research involved being the principal researcher for the Warwick Commission on Directly Elected Mayors and City Leadership in English Local Government.

Clare also has degrees from Bournemouth and Aston Universities and has worked extensively in Customer/Client Service roles within the hotel, automotive and finance industries before working in Air Traffic Services with NATS Ltd (formerly National Air Traffic Services) for 7 years, where she spent most of her career at Farnborough Airport in Hampshire. As well as air traffic controlling, Clare managed and completed several projects including Unit Investigation Procedures, Hazard and Risk Analysis, and Open Reporting.

Before commencing her Doctoral studies at Warwick, Clare worked as a Research Assistant looking at Total Place and Big Society in Local Government, as well as organisational change within Dorset Police. She was extensively involved in the construction of the Continuous Professional Development programme for the College of Policing’s (formerly National Policing Improvement Agency) High Potential Development Scheme and she was the principal researcher in the evaluation research for the scheme.

During her Doctoral studies and since completing her thesis, Clare has undertaken extensive facilitating and teaching aspects of her studies and findings. Areas covered include Human Error, Blame Culture, Just Culture and Team (Crew) Resource Management, incorporating the importance of constructive dissent and an adaptation of Marshall Ganz’s Public Narrative, as well as aspects of Keith Grint’s work on wicked problems and clumsy solutions. She has been involved in programmes with the College of Policing, Civil Service Learning (Roffey Park), NHS Scotland, NHS England, Emirates, Northamptonshire Police, Royal College of Nursing, various Social Services and Children’s Services departments, Cambridge University Executive Education, Said Business School (Paris), Oxford University Executive Education, Oxford University Press, University of Warwick Executive Education and other public and private organizations.

Clare has co-authored several papers and a couple of book chapters predominantly around the subject of Total Place, Leadership and Followership, and Police Leadership Development and Culture. Most recently she has been asked for comment around the recent conversations around the devolution of powers to England’s cities and the role of Directly Elected Mayors (http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/newsandevents/features/power-devolution).


Delivering the Future 5 Day One – Thursday 10 th December 2015

10:00 Tea and Coffee on arrival

10:30 Participants will join their action learning sets

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Continue in action learning sets

15:00 Tea / coffee

17:00 CLOSE

18:30 Pre dinner drinks in the bar

19:00 Dinner

Delivering the Future 6 Day Two – Friday 11th December 2015

Wicked Problems and Clumsy Solutions - Objectives

 Understand the difference between & relevance of Tame, Wicked and Critical problems & their associated decision styles

 Understand the value of and limits to cultural theory and its Elegant Appearance

 Understand the possibilities of change embodied in Clumsy Solutions

9.00 – 10.00 Cohort Plenary session with Coaches prior to Masterclass

10.00 – 10.15 Coffee break

10.15 – 11.30 Presentation: Tame, Wicked and Critical problems

11.30 – 12.30 Group work and plenary

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 15.00 Cultural Theory, Elegant & Clumsy Solutions

15.00 – 15.15 Tea

15.15 – 15.30 Group work

15.30 – 16.00 Plenary

16.00 Close

Delivering the Future 7

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