Rancho Alamitos High School

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Rancho Alamitos High School

RANCHO ALAMITOS HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 SPANISH II Señora Reyes Periods 1, 2 & 5 [email protected] Room 601 (714) 663-6415

Course description: This course begins by reviewing the basic vocabulary, grammar, and culture you studied in Spanish I. It then continues by improving and expanding your skills in each of the major areas of communication: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The skills acquired in level two will further prepare you for advanced study in Spanish III.

Course Objectives:  Etapa Preliminar: Greetings & introductions, likes/dislikes, people & places, information, school life, & school goals.  Unidad 1: Learning to talk about where you went and what you did, discuss leisure activities, comment on airplane travel, comment on food, talk about the past, express activity preferences, discuss fine art, discuss ways to communicate, react to news, ask and give information, talk about things and people you know.  Unidad 2: Describing childhood experiences, expressing personal reactions, discussing family relationships and celebrations, narrating in the past, talking about activities in progress, ordering in a restaurant, asking for and paying a restaurant bill, talking about things to do in the city.  Unidad 3: Discussing ways to stay fit and healthy, making suggestions, talking about daily routine and personal care, discussing beach activities, telling someone what to do, talking about chores, saying if something has already been done, describing time periods, talking about health and illness, giving advice.  Unidad 4: Talking about travel plans, describing rooms, furniture, and appliances

Materials: In order to be successful in this course, students are required to have and bring to class every day:  En Español 2, textbook, level two (issued by RAHS bookroom)  En Español 2, workbook, level two (issued by RAHS bookroom) It is highly recommended that students also have  3 ring binder or folder for their work(preferably just for Spanish, but not required)  Binder paper  Two pens (Blue or Black)  Dry erase marker, or a pen and paper to use for the same activities

Grading: Grading will be done on a 100% weighted scale as follows: Independent practice 10% 94-100 = A 90-93 = A- Formative assessments 30% 87-89 = B+ 84-86 = B 80-83 = B- Summative assessments 60% 77-79 = C+ 74-76 = C 70-73 = C- 67-69 = D+ 64-66 = D 60-63 = D- 59 & below = F

Independent practice: Consists of work that is done independently, in class or at home. The activity reinforces the objective covered in class. NO LATE WORK will be accepted unless the student was absent on the day it was assigned or collected.

Formative Assessments: This covers a variety of assignments, including, but not limited to: *group/individual projects: given throughout the chapter (etapa) or unit, not as a culminating project. *presentations: short presentations given throughout the year that reinforce the objectives learned. *quizzes: given at least once a week. They reinforce one or two objectives from the current etapa. *speaking: students will be expected to use Spanish at all times in class, points will be deducted when students use vocabulary or phrases in English that they already have learned in Spanish.

Summative Assessments: This covers a variety of assignments, not limited to, but including: *projects: given at the end of the chapter (etapa). Projects demonstrate mastery of the content learned throughout the entire etapa or unit. *tests: given at the end of the etapa. Tests cover all the objectives and test the various skills learned in a language class (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) *midterm and final: Students will take a comprehensive exam that covers the entire first semester in January. In June, students will take a comprehensive exam that covers the entire second semester. These dates will be announced in advance. Both comprehensive exams consist of a written and an oral exam developed by Garden Grove Unified School District. *oral assessments: Will be given at least twice a quarter. The rubric for oral assessments will be distributed and explained before the first oral assessment. Classroom Expectations:

Be on time:  Arrive to class on time.  Each time you are late to class; you will lose your participation points that are earned each day in class and receive a detention.  The bell does not dictate the end of class. Students are dismissed when the teacher has dismissed the students. Students are then to gather their materials, straighten their desks, and pick up any trash around their desk.

Be prepared:  Always use the Spanish language to communicate in class.  Even if you know only a few words of an entire phrase you are trying to use, use it . . . the more you use Spanish, the better you will feel and the more comfortable it will become.  If we already went over it, you are responsible for remembering it and knowing it; it can appear anywhere, be asked anytime, and will be used in communicating from now on.  Always complete your homework and be prepared to write it on the board and answer questions.  Always bring your book, notebook, dry erase marker, and two pens.  Your book must always be brought to class and should be covered.  Complete all assignments and have an updated/complete notebook.  Use black ink or blue ink for your name on ALL assignments– No Exceptions.  If you are absent, leave early, or arrive late, it is your responsibility to be prepared for the following day. When you are absent, any assignment given prior to your absence is due the day you return. Ask a fellow classmate or ask me, but know that all work must be completed and tests or quizzes must be made up the day you return unless otherwise discussed.

Be respectful:  When I am talking, I have the floor. (No side conversations!)  When I ask a question, raise your hand, wait to be called on, then answer.  When you answer a question, you have the floor. Therefore, no other person should be talking.  No person should talk badly of another student or faculty or staff member in my classroom. Everyone is to be respected for who they are and the special talents they have.  Have all electronics put away. (ipod, phone)  NO FOOD OR GUM allowed in class. The ONLY drink that is permitted is water!  Absolutely no work other than Spanish may be done during Spanish class.  Respect is to be given at all times, in all forms. That means, in communicating, in actions and behaviors, and in regards to materials and objects in the room.

Academic Dishonesty:

Academic dishonesty (cheating) will not be tolerated. Cheating is considered any overt or covert action of copying another student’s work and claiming it as one’s own. Academic dishonesty also includes plagiarism: taking someone else’s work and claiming it as your own. The use of on-line translators and translating programs to translate entire sentences also constitutes academic dishonesty. Depending on the severity of the infraction, consequences range from a parent/teacher conference with an administrator to failing and being dropped from the class. Students who commit academic dishonesty will not receive credit for the assignment, will not be allowed to make-up the assignment, and will earn an Unsatisfactory in Citizenship and Work Habits.

Tutoring & Retakes:

Tutoring is available to all students twice a week during lunch (10 minutes after lunch begins) and afterschool (until 3:45). These days will be announced at the beginning of the school year. Tutoring is to help review and reinforce the concepts learned during class as well as information from a test that needs to be retaken. Retakes must be taken before the next etapa (or chapter) test. This gives students a 3 week window to do the retake. This timeframe is given so that students reinforce and learn this information while the material is fairly new. Students are allowed to retake one test per quarter. The retake score is averaged with the original score. Retakes are only available for students who received a 69% or lower. I am here to ensure your success in acquiring Spanish. Please feel free to ask for any and all help. I will be more than happy to do everything that I can to help you succeed. The expectations, procedures, and policies are designed to make your experience the best that it can be.

I have read and understood the syllabus.

______Student Name – Printed Period

X______Student Signature Date

X______Parent/Guardian Signature Date

I am here to ensure your success in acquiring Spanish. Please feel free to ask for any and all help. I will be more than happy to do everything that I can to help you succeed. The expectations, procedures, and policies are designed to make your experience the best that it can be.

I have read and understood the syllabus.

______Student Name – Printed Period

X______Student Signature Date

X______Parent/Guardian Signature Date

I am here to ensure your success in acquiring Spanish. Please feel free to ask for any and all help. I will be more than happy to do everything that I can to help you succeed. The expectations, procedures, and policies are designed to make your experience the best that it can be.

I have read and understood the syllabus.

______Student Name – Printed Period

X______Student Signature Date

X______Parent/Guardian Signature Date

I am here to ensure your success in acquiring Spanish. Please feel free to ask for any and all help. I will be more than happy to do everything that I can to help you succeed. The expectations, procedures, and policies are designed to make your experience the best that it can be.

I have read and understood the syllabus.

______Student Name – Printed Period

X______Student Signature Date

X______Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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