The Odyssey Reading Guide

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The Odyssey Reading Guide

The Odyssey Reading Guide “The Cattle of the Sun God” Answer each different section on a separate piece of paper. You 6. How do lines 841-842 show the ancient Greeks believed their do not have to write the question. gods had human-like emotions? 7. What does Eurylochus mean by his comment in line 864-867? 8. How does Eurylochus’ speech in lines 868-878 display that his Section 1 – read pages 953-968 values are different from those of Odysseus? “Sailing from Troy” 9. What details in lines 920-932 clarify the flashback presented 1. To whom is Odysseus telling his tale? here? 2. Explain the foreshadowing of lines 63-64. 10. Which of Odysseus’ heroic qualities does he demonstrate in lines 956-962? “The Lotus Eaters” 11. In what ways do lines 994-997 remind you that Odysseus is 3. What does this episode suggest about the main problem that telling his story to an audience? Odysseus has with his men?

“The Cyclops” Section 4 – read pages 994-1008 4. What character flaw does Odysseus reveal by refusing to leave “Twenty Years Gone, and I am Back Again” the cave in lines 171-173? 1. What epithet is used to characterize Odysseus in line 1030? 5. How do lines 244-250 show Odysseus’ ability to think ahead? 2. What does Odysseus’ statement in lines 1109-1111 suggest 6. To what effect is personification used in 252? about ancient Greek beliefs about gods’ interests in human 7. What two things are being brought together for comparison in affairs? lines 252-260? What effect does this juxtaposition (look it up!) have on the reader? “Argus” or “The Beggar and the Faithful Dog” 8. Why would Homer use the simile in lines 332-338 (or the one in 1. What does the old dog symbolize? lines 343-353)? 2. What is the irony of Eumaeus’ speech in lines 1190-1193? 9. Explain the irony in lines 353-363. What type of irony is this? 10. How would you characterize Odysseus in lines 371-375? 11. How is personification used in line 388? “The Suitors” 12. What is ironic about the statement by the Cyclops in line 409? 3. What conflicting values does the exchange in lines 1219-1235 13. When Odysseus reveals his true name to the Cyclops, how does between Antinous and Odysseus reveal? he describe himself? 4. How does Penelope regard Antinous? 14. Why would Homer include such gory details describing the 5. Penelope sends Eumaeus to bring the beggar to her. What does Cyclops’ cannibalism? she want to ask him? Explain the irony found in this action. 15. Describe the ways in which Homer creates suspense in this section. “Penelope” 6. What is compared in the epic simile in lines 1290-1297? What does the comparison reveal to us about Odysseus’ feelings Section 2 - read pages 969-978 toward his wife? “The Land of the Dead” 1. Odysseus uses molu to get Circe to free his men. His men do “The Challenge” not immediately want to leave for home. How does his men’s 7. What epithet is used for Odysseus in line 1370? behavior in this episode parallel the episode with the Lotus 8. What is compared in the epic simile in lines 1370-1376? Which Eaters in Book 9? of Odysseus’ qualities is highlighted in this epic simile? 2. Elpenor asks Odysseus to do something in Aeaea; what ancient 9. List the auditory images found in lines 1377-1381. (*Note: Greek values and beliefs are suggested by this request? There are five.) 3. What ancient Greek value is reflected in the “narrow straight” that Tiresias describes in lines 637-638? (Consider the saying: “to stay on the straight and narrow.”) Section 6 – read pages 1009-1017 “Odysseus’ Revenge” (climax of story) “The Sirens” 1. What makes the description of Antinous’ death in lines 1412- 4. How is personification used in line 672? 1425 especially powerful? 5. What does Odysseus reveal about his character by sharing 2. What does Eurymachus’ speech in lines 1449-1460 reveal about information with his men in lines 686-690? his character? 6. What details of the Sirens’ song are designed to flatter the epic 3. What cultural values are reflected in Telemachus’ behavior hero (lines 736-744)? toward his father? (Lines 1506-1522) 4. Which aspects of the slain suitors’ appearance does the epic simile in lines 1535-1539 emphasize? Section 3 – read pages 978-987 “Scylla and Charybdis” “Penelope’s Test” 1. What parts of Odysseus’ speech in lines 766-781 demonstrate 5. Which details in the epic simile in lines 1547-1551 compare his strength as a leader? Odysseus’ hair to a work of art? 2. Why does Odysseus not tell his men about Scylla (lns. 783- 6. What is being compared in the epic simile in lines 1613-1623? 786)? 7. In what way does this epic simile recall the dangers Odysseus 3. What is Charybdis compared to in the epic simile found in lines faced on his journey home? 798-804? 4. What are the effects of the Homeric simile found in lines 815- 820? 5. Scylla and Charybdis are often referred to as a metaphor for any difficult choice; why?

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