In Late 1996, I Came Down with a Very Heavy Virus Infection

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In Late 1996, I Came Down with a Very Heavy Virus Infection

Quest 55 Snow Wood Drive For Quest For Health Health Eatons Hill Qld 4037 Energy Medicine Update Tel: 0500 818 555 Fax: 0500 869 555 April 2001 [email protected] Email: By Michael W Rath Web: ND DipCAc DipCHM MANTA MAACMA

MitochondrialIn late Energy 1996, Medicine I came down – Part 2 Emergency Department’s

The Mighty Mitochondria, More Energy, Acetyl-L-Carnitine & Friends

Understanding the inner with a very heavy virus workings of the body’s infection. powerhouses, the mighty Mitochondria, at the most Being very busy with basic level helps us to find lecturing and traveling, I where a patient’s energy stopped taking a number of production and body functions supplements as it was just are going wrong and what we ‘too much trouble’. Sound need to do to fix those familiar? problems. In this way the cardiac section. person is returned to vibrant Having finished my second health in the shortest possible last lecture for the seminar It turned out my ‘panic attack’ time. series in Perth, I went to bed. was in fact Atrial Fibrillation I awoke around 2:30 am with (AF). The small chambers on There are many nutrients that feelings of unease, top of the heart were fluttering are required for healthy and palpitations and dismissed at 360 beats a minute and the fully functioning mitochondria this as merely a panic attack. large chambers were beating capable of pumping out erratically at 160 beats a energy on demand. One of the However, by 4 am I was minute. After treatment, my most important of these is feeling a bit desperate. I took heart finally dropped back into Acetyl-L-Carnitine. a number of supplements that normal sinus rhythm after 24 included herbs, vitamins and hours. What an experience!! In fact, my own fateful a high dose magnesium drink, experience during an intensive but none of these had any After this episode I started three-week seminar series effect. taking Vitamin E, CoEnzyme shows just what can be Q10, Magnesium etc to help achieved with the use of Apart from all this, I had to prevent the AF from returning. fly out to Adelaide that morning at 6:30 am to present However, I still had occasional the final lecture of the tour. bouts of tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) and my energy Arriving at the airport with levels were a bit low. my symptoms still persisting, I registered for the flight and A second episode of AF checked in my baggage when occurred in June 2000 and I I finally realised that what I was taken to the Prince Charles was experiencing was not a hospital in Brisbane. I was panic attack but was given an IV drug and my heart something more serious. reverted to normal sinus Acetyl-L-Carnitine. I caught a taxi to the Royal rhythm in just 3 hours. Perth Hospital, and was immediately admitted to the 1 After tests, I was assured that producing more energy in a my heart was fine and my toxin-free environment. Any problems with a damaged problems lay elsewhere. Three - And most or leaky gut must be fixed. We need to improve Gut Barrier Over the next couple of Cardiolipin is a vital part of the inner membrane function, Digestion and months I experienced a few of the Mitochondria Metabolism. more bouts of tachycardia and decided to look to do some Digestion must be working research into my problem. One properly so that you are getting nutrient that was enough amino acids (from recommended time and again protein), simple sugars and was… Acetyl-L-Carnitine. fatty acids from your diet to fuel the energy cycle. The I then added 2 Dr Vera’s importantly it helps to protect amino acids are also needed to Acetyl-L Carnitine capsules and restore the function of the regulate the Krebs cycle. three times daily to my Cardiolipin surface of the nutrient program and the inner membrane of the Energy production tachycardia problems have mitochondria. The health and Stage 2. disappeared. And as a bonus, I function of this surface is am feeling stronger, more vital to cellular energy The Krebs cycle is basically an energetic. production. The healthier the electrical dynamo. The cardiolipin surface the more electrons and positive ions So, why did Acetyl-L- energy your mitochondria generated by the cycle provide Carnitine make such a produce. the power that is needed to difference? create the body’s energy The production of energy molecule ATP. ATP Research has shown us that in has 3 main stages. (adenosine tri-phosphate) is respect to mitochondrial like the air-petrol mixture in function (and this is especially Energy Production your car. And just like in your important for the heart) Stage 1. car, all it needs is a spark to Acetyl-L-Carnitine performs have it release its energy to three vitally important roles. When we eat food, the power the body’s operations. carbohydrates are converted That spark is provided by the One – It helps shuttle fatty into simple sugars, the fats nerves and various chemical acids into the mitochondria for into fatty acids and the triggers. fuelling the Energy or Krebs protein into amino acids. Any cycle. This is VITAL for the of these can be and are used The many steps involved in the heart as the main source of by the body as a source of Krebs cycle can be disrupted energy for the heart to energy. resulting in lower power function is fatty acids. generation that in turn causes a This is especially important These substances are reduction in the amount of for CFS patients as in the converted into Acetyl Co A ATP created. more severe cases inside the mitochondria to palpitations and arrythmias provide a fuel for the Krebs It is now possible, using blood are common and those CFS or Citric acid Cycle. and urine tests, to measure patients who die from their what part of the Krebs cycle is condition usually die of It is vital to reduce toxin not working properly. Once we congestive heart failure (due loading from poor digestion, know what parts are not to a lack of heart energy). overgrowths of harmful working properly, we can use yeasts, bacteria and viruses as the new nutrients that are now Two – It helps in the removal well as pesticides and available to bypass any of toxic fatty acid byproducts chemicals. These toxins can blockages. from the mitochondria, which poison the Mitochondria, then work more efficiently, reducing energy output. 2 Bypassing these blockages (DHA/EPA) from cold-water weakness and extreme fatigue allows us to power up the fish improves the production after exercise in patients with cells, providing the and protection of cardiolipin. CFS and Fibromyalgia. mitochondria with the energy they need for healing and Now there is a problem in Activated B3 repair. generating more electrons for Energy produced by the Krebs the ETC – Mitochondria get Results from a double blind cycle is used to provide power more leaky with age. When study showed that Activated for the Electron Transport we are very young and B3 (NAD) can be beneficial in Chain. healthy up to 1% escape. As the treatment of CFS. NAD is we get older that figure goes said to help restore the depleted Energy Production up to 5%. stores of cellular ATP to Stage 3. improve fatigue and brain This means that more function. The Electron Transport Chain electrons escape the confines system (ETC) is where the of the mitochondria and are Co Enzyme Q10 production of the energy then able as free radicals to molecule ATP takes place. cause damage in the Supports mitochondrial energy surrounding area. production through the electron Each mitochondrion contains transport chain. It works within approximately 17,000 Electron By giving Acetyl-L-Carnitine the Cardiolipin layer as an Transport chains (ETC). The we cause the ETC to work electron carrier in the ETC require vitamins B2, B3, harder creating more mitochondrial electron transfer C, K, Magnesium and Iron as electrons and produce a lot process, directly increasing cofactors in order to work more free radicals as a result. energy production. properly (Mitochondrial This problem can be easily Support). solved by giving powerful It also protects the antioxidants - Vitamins C & mitochondrial membranes and Cardiolipin is a special fatty E, Lipoic Acid, Co Enzyme Cardiolipin layer from structure (phospholipid) that is Q10 and Glutathione. oxidative (free-radical) unique to the inner damage. mitochondrial membrane that In this way we get the provides the structural support benefits of greater energy Lipoic Acid and Fatigue for the Electron Transport production without the Alpha Lipoic acid helps break Chain. associated problems. down sugars so that energy can be produced Cardiolipin levels decrease Medical studies give us an from them. Lipoic acid with age, as does idea of just how important also plays a central role mitochondrial efficiency and some of these nutrients are in in antioxidant defence. energy production. restoring energy and health. This improved antioxidant Acetyl L Carnitine is Acetyl-L-Carnitine defence protects the necessary for manufacture mitochondria, improves of Cardiolipin and has been Tests on blood taken from the process of reported to restore falling Chronic Fatigue (CFS) neutralising free radicals cardiolipin levels in the patients frequently shows a and therefore helps to mitochondria of older animals deficiency of Acetyl-L- maintain high levels of to that of healthy young Carnitine. energy production. animals. Healthier, younger This deficiency is likely to be cardiolipin means a healthier one of the key factors that lies younger you!! behind problems within muscle cell mitochondria, As well as Acetyl-L-Carnitine, resulting in general fatigue, Omega 3 fatty acids muscle pain, muscle 3 Key to Success Krebs cycle and also helps in reactions if you give too much with Stage 1: the removal of ammonia, a too soon. toxic byproduct of You may need to start them on Improve Gut Barrier metabolism). a very low dose and one thing function, digestion, * BioEnhanced Magnesium at a time, gradually building up absorption and metabolism. 2/3 teas, 3 times daily after the dosage every 3-5 days until meals. (Source of readily they are on all the required * Gut Repair available, hi-dose Magnesium supplements at the full dose. 2 rounded tsp morning and & Malic Acid) – night in 300water (shaken or Rice Congee The number of nutrients you blended) – ½ hr. before meals. 2-3 times daily as a meal. use will depend on the * Lactobac 8 (Provides the 12 vital Amino willingness of the patient and 2 caps with Gut Repair. Acids and carbohydrates) the severity of the condition. (Contains 8 different good bugs to kill off the bad bugs) Note: Hydrozyme Key to Success * = Essential nutrients 2 tablets, ¾ to 1 hr after meals. with Stage 3: (Hydrochloric acid for the AF, Palpitations, stomach, take if hydrochloric Provide the nutrients that Arrhythmias , Tachycardia levels in the stomach are low). Electron Transport Chain DEF needs for energy production Although an acute AF attack is 2 tablets, 3 times daily, start of and anti-oxidant protection meals. (digestive enzyme very frightening it is rarely life threatening. Several recent complex) * Acetyl-L-Carnitine studies have concluded that the LM1 1 to 2 caps, 3 times daily, mortality rate among people 2 tablets, 3 times daily. start meals. who have intermittent AF (Powerful liver tonic to Lipoic Acid attacks, but no underlying heart improve detoxification and 1-2 caps, 3 times daily, start disease, is no greater than that metabolism) - of meals. of the general population. Rice Congee Co-Enzyme Q10 2 to 3 times daily as a meal. 1 cap 1-2 times daily, after Avoidance of alcohol, caffeine See Congee recipe. meals. and anti-arrhythmic drugs such Vitamin C as digoxin is extremely 1000mg, 2-3 times daily. important. Key to Success Vitamin E with Stage 2: 500iu daily Foods that may cause an * Mitochondrial Support allergic reaction should be Supply all the nutrients that 1 capsule, 2 – 3 times daily. avoided, as should excessive the Krebs cycle needs for physical and emotional stress. proper functioning. Start Your Treatment Program Adenosine * B Vital –1 teas, 3 times start Slowly – suck under tongue of meals. (B complex And Simply – 1-2, 3 times daily vitamins, minerals & (regulates heart pacemaker) antioxidants) Start with Stage 1 for 2-3 Acetyl-L-Carnitine Activated B3 weeks, followed by a – 1-2, 3 times daily 1 cap, 3 times start of meals. combination of Stages 2 & 3. CoEnzyme Q10 90 mg – 1 (Source of NAD for Krebs Stage 1 nutrients may need to daily with meal containing fat cycle) be continued for 8-12 weeks. Bioenhanced Magnesium *Athletic Performance – 1 teasp, 2 times daily 1 to 2 caps, 3 times daily start In some patients who have B Vital – 1 teasp, 2 times daily of meals. (Alpha-ketoglutarate been unwell for some time is a very important part of and you can cause unpleasant 4

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