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Proposal Form for New or Revised Modules (MA1- version 3)
For consideration by the Undergraduate Studies Committee/Sub-Faculty or Graduate Studies Committee only.
NB: 1. If it is unclear whether or not a change to an existing module should be proposed on this form, the Chair or Secretary of the Undergraduate Studies Committee/Sub-Faculty or Graduate Studies Committee should be consulted.
2. In order to reduce printing costs please delete the text provided as guidance in the body of the form before submission to the Faculty Secretariat. However, all sections must be completed to the satisfaction of the Faculty Undergraduate/Graduate Studies Committee.
1. Title of Module: CH3C8 Industrial Training Placement Project
2. New or Revised Module: New module? [ ] Revised module? [X]
Level: D (Doctorate) [ ] M (Masters) [ ] H (Honours) [X] I (Intermediate) [ ] C (Certificate) [ ]
If this new module replaces an existing approved module specify the code and title of the module to be discontinued and date on which change will occur:
If this is a proposal for a revised module, specify which sections have been amended, and give an outline rationale for the changes: Section 13: knock-on effect of revision of year 3 course structure and the need to involve the industrial supervisor to a greater extent.
3. Date of Introduction of new module or revised version of existing module: October 2010
4. Department Responsible for Teaching: Chemistry
If the module is taught by more than one department please indicate this (for matrix purposes):
Department % Department %
1 Module proposal Name of Module Leader: Dr A. P. Dove
If the module leader is not a member of Warwick staff and has not previously been appointed as a module leader/tutor, please include a C.V with this form.
5. Availability/Location of module within courses:
List the degree courses on which this module is available, indicating the year of study, whether the module is core or an option and the credit weighting in each case. Include any part-time or 2+2 degrees on which this module is available.
Degree Title Year of Core Optional Option credits* list Code study core? A,B or C F108 Chemistry MChem with Industrial 3 Core 82.5 Training F128 Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry 3 Core 82.5 MChem with Industrial Training
*Credit should be in one of the following tariffs:
6, 12, 18, 24, 48 credits; or 7.5, 15, 30, 45, 60 credits; or (for postgraduate courses only) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,60 credits
6. Consultation with other Departments:
It is important that any departments affected by the introduction of this module are consulted before the module is considered by the relevant Faculty committee.
Which other departments will be affected by the introduction/revision of this module (i.e. other departments offering the module as an option in their degree courses, including joint degree courses involving the department proposing the module)? Please give details of any consultations undertaken and indicate whether the other departments have approved the proposal.
Not Applicable
7. Context: Describe the relationship to any other modules with which the new module has a close connection and any prerequisite relationships. A 9-12 month industrial placement will be arranged by students in consultation with and guided by academics who will provide as much assistance as possible. Students will be responsible for the financial arrangements made with the company.
8. Module Aims: These should identify the module’s broad educational purposes. Indicate how the module will contribute to the achievement of the aims of the degree courses on which it is available.
Development of interactive skills to gain professional experience in an industrial environment.
2 Module proposal
9. Learning Outcomes: Successful completion of the module leads to the learning outcomes. The learning outcomes identify the knowledge, skills and attributes developed by the module. Learning Outcomes should be presented in the following format using the table below: By the end of the module students should be able to...
Learning Outcomes should include reference to subject knowledge and understanding, key skills, cognitive skills and subject-specific practical and professional skills and be clearly relevant to fulfilling the educational aims. Learning Outcomes should be measurable by the assessment methods for the module. Indicate how the module will contribute to the achievement of degree course learning objectives.
(a) Subject knowledge and understanding The knowledge and understanding that a student will be expected to have upon completion, such as : ‘a theoretical knowledge of the principles and methods of archaeology’ or ‘a knowledge of the major types of chemical reaction and the main characteristics associated with them.’
(b) Key Skills Communication (written, verbal, graphical...) Numeracy Use of information technology (e.g. WP, www, databases, spreadsheets, specialist packages) Ability to learn Others (e.g. teamwork)
(c) Cognitive Skills For example: ability in critical analysis; the ability to formulate and test concepts and hypotheses.
(d) Subject-Specific/Professional Skills For example: laboratory skills; scientific support writing; research skills and methods.
3 Module proposal
LEARNING OUTCOMES Which teaching and learning methods enable Which assessment methods will measure the (By the end of the module the student should students to achieve this learning outcome? achievement of this learning outcome? be able to....)
Have a profound understanding of original Industrial placement (original research Oral presentation (30%) and viva (20%) research as carried out in industry. project)
Demonstrate understanding of the Industrial placement, scientific literature and Written Report (max 5000 words) (30%) fundamental scientific principles that underlie written Report (max 5000 words) the project work Communicate orally the results of original Oral presentation. Oral presentation (30%) and viva (20%) research.
Have a professional attitude to research work. Industrial placement. Assessment by industrial supervisor (20%)
4 Exams Office 10. Syllabus: Give an outline of the syllabus for the module.
The aims and objectives of the placement will be defined by the industrial and academic supervisors well before the October start and agreed with the student. These will be designed to be of maximum benefit to the company whilst ensuring that the professional development of the student will encompass as wide a variety of experience as possible in the context of the placement.
11. Illustrative Bibliography: List the core texts only. The illustrative bibliography should provide an indication of the focus and level of the reading required by this module, rather than the full range (this should not be more than half a page):
12. Teaching: Give the number of each type of teaching event per week and the length of each session in hours.
Other No formal teaching
13. Assessment Methods:
Type of assessment Length % weighting Industrial supervisor 20% assessment Written report max 5000 30% words Oral presentation 30% Viva 20%
14. Resources: Are any resources required for this module which are not already available from the Department’s own baseline resources (e.g. staff costs, accommodation, equipment, minor works, library costs, audio visual and computing facilities, vacation study requirements)? Is the module likely to require high usage of centrally timetabled teaching rooms or specific slots (e.g. for a module on a part time postgraduate course)?
Any additional requirements should be discussed with the appropriate Officer (see list below) before submitting the proposal.
List any additional requirements and indicate the outcome of any discussions.
8 Exams Office Signature of Module Leader:
Signature of Chair of Department: