International Islamic University Malaysia s1

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International Islamic University Malaysia s1

INTERNATIONAL Senate endorsement ref.: ISLAMIC Senate endorsement date: UNIVERSITY Version no: MALAYSIA Version effective date:


1. Course Title: Physics I

2. Course Code: PHY0215

3. Credit Value: 5

4. MQF Level: 4

5. Affected Batch: Intake 2017/2018 onwards

6. Centre of Studies: Centre for Foundation Studies

7. Department/Unit: Physics

8. Course Synopsis: This course covers the foundations of physics which includes topics on physical quantities; vector operation; kinematics; force and Newton’s Laws; work and energy; momentum and collision; angular motion; equilibrium and non-equilibrium; deformation of solids; periodic motion; wave motion.

9. Course Classification within the Curriculum: core

10. Prerequisite(s) (if any): NIL 11. Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

Bloom’s Programme No Soft skills Outcomes Taxonomy Outcomes . (KI) C A P (PO) 1 describe an understanding of the 4 3 1 CS1, CS2, PO1, PO5, physics definition, concepts, laws CTPS2, PO6, PO7 and phenomena TS1, LL1, LS2

2 apply correctly the physics 3 5 5 CS1, CS2, PO1, PO6, terminology and principles of CTPS1, PO7 physics TS1, LL1

3 relate scientific information 4 4 4 CS4, PO1, PO6, presented in various forms and CTPS1, PO7 situations CTPS2

4 show proper attitudes and ethics 3 5 2 CS5, TS3, PO1, PO3, in line with Islamic values in the EM3, LS3 PO4, PO5, study and practice of physics PO6, PO7

12. LO - Instruction Method - Assessment Alignment: Outcomes Teaching-Learning Methods Assessment Methods LO1 Lecture, Presentation, Student-Group Report, Examination, Report and Classroom Assessment Activities Presentation, Classroom Assessment

LO2 Lecture, Presentation, Student-Group Report, Examination, Report and Classroom Assessment Activities Presentation, Classroom Assessment

LO3 Lecture, Presentation, Student-Group Report, Examination, Report and Classroom Assessment Activities Presentation, Classroom Assessment

LO4 Lecture, Presentation, Student-Group Report, Report and Presentation, Classroom Assessment Activities Classroom Assessment 13. Assessment Methods Weightage: Methods Percentage Project 20 Presentation 10 Online Assignment 10 Class Assignment 20 End-of-semester Examination 40 TOTAL 100

14. Student Learning Time:

1. Instruction Component Total Allocated Hours 1.1. Teacher-oriented methods Lectures (14 weeks x 3 hours/week) 42 1.2. Student-oriented methods

Project and presentation (1 hours/week x 14 weeks) 14

Class Assignment (2 hours/assignment x 4 assignment) 8+6 Video Assignment (2 hour x 3) 70 Total Estimated 2. Independent Learning Component Hours 2.1. Reading and revision Pre and Post preparation (1 hour/lecture x 42 hours) 42 (Lecture is 3 hours/week x 14 weeks = 42 hours) 2.2. Estimated hours for preparation toward assessments Preparation for Project and Presentation (2.5 hour/week x 12 31 weeks) + 1 Preparation for Assessments (2.5 hours/assessment x 10) 25 Preparation for End-of-Semester Examination (6 hours/hour x 12 2 hours-exam) Online Assignment (2 hours x 10 chapters) 20 3. Assessment Outside Instruction Hours Total Allocated Hours End-of-Semester Exam 2 TOTAL SLT 200 15. Course Contents and Related SLT: Face to Face Self-Learning Week Topics Hours Hours 1.Physical Quantities and Vectors Basic quantities and SI units 1 Dimensions of physical quantities 5 5 Scalars and vectors

Vector Operations 2.Kinematics: Motion in One and Two Dimensions

2 Linear Motion 5 7.5 Displacement, Speed, Velocity and Acceleration Motion with Uniform Acceleration Class Assignment

Free-fall Motion 3 Non-linear Motion- Projectile 5 7.5 Class Assignment

3.Forces and Newton’s laws

4 Forces 5 7.5 Newton’s Laws of Motion Two conditions of Total Equilibrium Class Assignment Non-equilibrium Applications of Newton’s Laws of Motion

4.Work and Energy 5 5 Work 7.5 Kinetic Energy and Work – energy theorem Gravitational Potential Energy Class Assignment

Conservation of Mechanical Energy Work done by varying force Power 5.Impulse and momentum 6 4 7.5 Impulse-momentum theorem Conservation of momentum Collisions- Elastic and Inelastic Class Assignment

6.Circular and Gravitation Angular quantities 7 Centripetal acceleration 5 9.5 Centripetal Force Class Assignment / Project

Newton’s Law of Gravitation Gravitational Force and Potential Energy The Motion of Satellites in Circular orbits 8 Kepler’s Law and the Motion of Planets 5 7.5

Class Assignment

7.Deformation of Solids Deformation of Solid 9 Stress-strain 5 7.5 Stress-strain graph Class Assignment 8.Vibration Characteristics of Simple Harmonic 10 Motion 5 9.5 Kinematics of Simple Harmonic Motion Class Assignment / Project

System in Simple Harmonic Motion Energy in SHM 11 5 7.5 Damped oscillation Class Assignment


Properties of waves 12 Principle of Superposition 5 9.5 Standing Waves Class Assignment / Project

Propagation of Sound Waves Sources of Sound 13 5 9.5 Class Assignment / Project

10.Wave optics-Interference and Diffraction Interference and Coherent Sources 14 Young’s Double-Slit Interference 5 5 Interference in Thin Films Diffraction in Single-slit and Diffraction

TOTAL 70 108

16. References: 16.1. Required

Ahmad, Z. et al, (2017), Physics For Foundation Studies, Volume 1, An Islamic Integrated Version, IIUM Press.

16.2. Recommended

Serway, R.A, & Vuille, C. (2009). Serway’s College Physics, 9TH ed, Thomson Brooks/Cole Giambatista, Richardson & Richardson, (2016), Physics, 3rd.Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education Giancoli, D. C. (2006). Physics, Principles with Applications, 6th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall. John D. Cutnell, J. D., & Johnson, K. W. (2004). Physics, 6th Edition, Wiley International Edition. Wilson, J. D., & Buffa, A. J. (2001). College Physics, 5th. Edition, Prentice-Hall I nternational (UK) Limited, London.

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Signature: Signature: Signature:

Name: Name: Name: Department/Unit: Head, Dean/Director, Date: Date: Date: ANNEX

I. Course Instructor Details

Semester: 1 Academic Year: 2017/2018

No Name Email Department 1 NAIMAH @ SABARINA BINTI MOHD SHAFIE [email protected] 2 SHARIFAH FADZLON BT. SYED HUSSAIN [email protected] 3 NOR LIZA BT. MOHD. ZAWI [email protected] 4 SHAHRUL BIN AMIR [email protected] [email protected] FARIDAH AWADH BASAHAI BASAHAI 5 y 6 MAZNI BINTI MOHD. NOOR [email protected] 7 ADIBAH BINTI MOHD. NOOR [email protected] 8 NAEMAH BINTI BAHARUDDIN [email protected] 9 MOHD NOR BIN HUSAIN [email protected] 10 HABIBAH BINTI USOP @ YUSOFF [email protected] 11 MUZAMIR BIN AZMI [email protected] 12 NORHAYATI BINTI MOHD. NASIR [email protected] 13 MOHD. ZAHID RIDZUAN BIN MOHD. ZULKIFLY [email protected] 14 ISDAYANTI BINTI ISMAIL [email protected] 15 IZDIHAR BIN ISHAK [email protected] 16 TAIFUNISYAM BIN TAIB [email protected] 17 OMAR SHARIF BIN ARIFFIN [email protected] 18 HARLINA BINTI DAMIRI [email protected] 19 MIMI SYAHIDA BINTI ABD. WAHID [email protected] 20 HAFIZ BIN HUSIN [email protected] 21 ABDUL RASHID BIN RAJ MOHAMED [email protected] 22 MOHD NAZIR BIN MAT NAWI [email protected] 23 NUR FARIHAH BT. AZLAN [email protected] 24 MUHAMMAD ASHRAF BIN FAURI @ FAUZI [email protected] 25 SITI MUNIRAH BINTI MUHAMMAD ALI [email protected] 26 KHAIRULANWAR BIN AMIRUDIN [email protected] 27 NOOR AZIZUN BINTI MOHAMMED ARIFF [email protected]

No Name Email Department . 1 2 3 II. Programme Learning Outcomes

At the end of the programme, students are expected to be able to:

No Outcomes Outcome Domain . 1 Demonstrate the use of concepts of sciences, mathematics, and Knowledge computer technology so as to be well-prepared and competent to pursue studies in undergraduate programmes. 2 Apply and demonstrate laboratory knowledge and skills to carry Practical Skills out scientific experiments and research. 3 Demonstrate positive attitudes of mind and interpret scientific Ethics / Islamisation knowledge and advancement according to Islamic values. 4 Demonstrate communicative skills to be able to express ideas and Communication arguments critically. 5 Function effectively and productively as an individual and in Leadership and group with the capacity to be a leader as well as a team member. Team Skills 6 Identify, formulate and solve problems critically and creatively in Problem Solving and sciences and mathematics. Scientific Skills 7 Use the necessary learning skills for personal, academic and Information social developments in acknowledgement of the need for life- Management and long learning. Lifelong Learning Skills 8 Apply basic managerial and entrepreneurial skills in relevant Managerial and fields and capacities. Entrepreneurial Skills

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