Minutes of Regular Meeting s4
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Minutes of Regular Meeting Held February 9, 2012 TOWNSHIP OF RICHMOND ______, Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Bill Luetzow, and the following board members responded to the roll: Teresa Luetzow, Clerk, Treasurer George Miljour and Trustees Bob Ayotte and Pat Korpi.
In a motion by Robert Ayotte, seconded by Pat Korpi the board approved the agenda With the addition of 10h - Mqt. Board of Light and Power Franchise Agreement and 10i - Co. Road MP estimate.
In motion by Robert Ayotte, seconded by George Miljour, the board approved the minutes of the January 12, 2011 regular meeting.
First Public Comment:
Clark Gravedoni asked about his water and bill for fence repair.
Reports were read and ordered filed.
In a motion by Robert Ayotte, seconded by Pat Korpi, the board approved to send Gary Kangas to the annual Michigan Rural Water Association Conference at a cost of $235 plus expenses.
Communications were ordered filed.
Old Business:
New Business:
In a motion by Pat Korpi, seconded by George Miljour, the board set the annual meeting date of March 29,2012 at 7 pm.
In a motion by Teresa Luetzow, seconded by George Miljour, the board adopted the salary agreement. Roll call - all ayes.
In a motion by Pat Korpi, seconded by Robert Ayotte, the board set the budget work session for March 1, 2012 at 7 pm. In a motion by Robert Ayotte, seconded by George Miljour the board agreed to retain Kevin Koch as the township attorney.
In a motion by Teresa Luetzow, seconded by Robert Ayotte, the board agreed to retain Mark Maki as Township Assessor.
In a motion by Robert Ayotte, seconded by Pat Korpi, the board agreed to set the meeting dates for the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm.
In a motion by Teresa Luetzow, seconded by George Miljour, the board approved the Range Bank as the township depository.
In a motion by Robert Ayotte, seconded by Pat Korpi, the board accepted the agreement with Damian Treiber to install the radon system at a cost of $4674.69.
In a motion by Teresa Luetzow, seconded by Pat Korpi, the board renewed the franchise with Mqt. Board of Light and Power for 30 years.
In a motion by George Miljour, seconded by Pat Korpi, the board agreed to table the estimate on Co. Road MPA until Bill meets with the road commission.
Public Comment:
Daniel Novak commented on issues with the township. George Miljour asked about better cell phone reception in the township.
In a motion by Robert Ayotte , seconded by Pat Korpi, the board agreed to pay the bills in the general fund of $35,394.15 Sewer fund of 3149.64, fire fund $1335.71 and the water fund of $157.58. The board reviewed the monthly financial statements.
In a motion by George Miljour, seconded by Pat Korpi, the board adjourned at 7:55 PM.